I feel like im on cloud nine. I kept recalling the events that happened last night, thinking that maybe im still in a dream. It's surreal because I was at the peak of giving but she made an effort last night to make me stay. I wasn't talking about the dinner itself, I was talking about her feelings, the way she treated me like a princess, she was so gentle, caring, and so unjade like. She's still the Jade that I fell in love with, vicious, arrogant, dangerous, and breathtakingly beautiful. She's the girl that everyone fears. I am so lucky to have her, aren't I?

After our dinner she finally asked me out on a date, I know we still have a long way to go but I can tell that she's devoted to me. We have been chasing each other for the past few months and it's unhealthy for the two of us. I can't let her go, I wouldn't pass the chance.

The first thing that we both agreed to do (of course it involves a lot of arguing and plenty of kisses and cuddling) we decided to let everyone in Hollywood Arts know that we're dating, we're not a couple yet not that im complaining because we'll get there soon, one step at the time.

So here we are, hand in hand. I took a lungful of air as we stand side by side. A few minutes from now everyone will gasp and faint at the news that we're about to bring, when I asked Jade about this she was grinning like a five year old who received her favorite type of candy. If I am nervous and shaking as if my whole life depended on it, Jade found herself interested at the look of everyone's faces.

She even challenged me that half of the students that will hear us will probably faint right on the spot and she will gladly take a video while they're at it. Sometimes I question myself why im in love with her in the first place, maybe it's because she loves me unconditionally.

"I'm telling you Vega, if half of them don't faint then I'll make sure they will" she scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest with a frown on her face. I took a deep breath. I can handle this I just have to be the mature one.

"Baby…" I cooed, she instantly blushed at my endearment. I can't get over the fact that I can make her flush with my words, "We wouldn't want them to go to the clinic, don't we?" I asked. She pondered about it for a while then shrugged as if we didn't spoke about it.

"It's not really that bad. It's just it piss me off that there's a possibility that they might faint just because we're dating, is it really that hard to believe?"

It kind of is, I thought to myself. But there's no way im telling her that. We may be an item now but Jade is still Jade and the next thing you know I might end up in the middle of the road if I confess that. I went for the safe route instead, "We can't really blame them, I mean even our friends were surprised when they found out"

It's like this is just another part of my dream that I haven't find myself waking up yet, as if we're not really together as a couple, and the thought of that leaves tiny pieces of scars in my heart that will never be healed. She means a lot to me now, more than I'll ever admit to anyone or even to myself.

She tilted her head to the side allowing me to take her face fully now that she wasn't staring straight ahead of us. I'll never get tired of her beauty. She's a masterpiece, the kind of art that doesn't even know that she's art.

"I know and I don't really care what they think I just feel like they're exaggerating if they do faint" she rolled her eyes, ah typical Jade.

"Yeah I guess" I replied staring straight ahead with my index finger tracing along my jaw line, "But think of it this way, it's like telling them that Robbie and Beck are dating wouldn't it make you faint as well? Or cringe for a moment?" I smirked. It was clear as a day that I am only joking, just to lighten up her mood for a little. We can't come out in front of everyone if I have a grumpy Jade beside me, right? Better safe than sorry.

"Nah not really, I wouldn't mind Beck being gay at least I know he wouldn't take you out again. Plus he might even be able to persuade Robbie to get rid of that puppet of his. I can already picture Robbie as a normal teenage boy without an annoying toy dictating him in his life"

I faked a gasp. She's full of surprises isn't she? If I don't love this girl to pieces I would have ran away and never talk to her again but right now, I find myself in a fit of laughter as she smirk proudly at her concept. I don't find her opinions mean and vile anymore, it's just a part of her that I've grown accustomed with.

"Yeah but I don't think Cat would love that" I replied.


All I see around me is eyes. Lots and lots of people with different eye colors are staring at the two of us with their mouth hang open and their jaw dropping at the sight.

Remember when I told you guys that we were going to announce that we're an item now? Well none of that happened. In fact, no talking was involved. Not with the way Jade is kissing me right now, biting my lower lip as she seeks entrance in my mouth. I gave her my permission and she gladly slid her tongue inside, I felt her smirk in the kiss. She began to explore my insides, fighting dominance with my tongue and she won when she sucked it causing me to moan in arousal.

I tangled my hands in her hair, tugging it lightly while the other one was wrapped around her waist. I was instantly rewarded with a soft moan coming from that talented mouth of hers. I closed my eyes tighter, feeling her hands glide up until it reaches my neck. She pulled my head closer to hers and God her smell is so addicting. I love her hair, the first time I found out that I was developing feelings for her. I've always wonder what it feels like to actually hold her hair. It even became my biggest dream to caress and fondle with it, now look what im doing.

"Hello Jade, how was your—"

I heard the perky little redhead squealed in excitement. I'm beginning to drown in our heated making out session. I can't even hear what Cat was saying, all I can think about is Jade's tongue doing crazy things inside my mouth that made my heart flutter and beat rapidly. My knees are becoming weak, she held me tightly in her arm while raising her middle finger at the puppet that made a snide remark about us getting things into action.

Jade began to pull away. She sucked my lower lip before releasing it with a popping sound that made me shiver in response. Whoa… That's the only word I can say. I lazily opened my eyes, blinking rapidly to regain consciousness.

She faced our friends, Cat was giggling. Robbie was glaring at Rex, the puppet was wearing a neutral expression, Beck gave us a smile and Andre, he was wearing a smug look on his face. He winked at me and I already know what it meant, you owe me a story girl, which I do since I promised him.

"Alright go back to your business nothing to see here, besides Tori who's still blushing like crazy from our mind blowing kiss. Now run along, go choke a cat or something" Jade announced. I'm still in a daze so I don't really have the voice to protest, don't state the obvious.

"Can we take a picture of you guys? Please?" Cat pleaded, the little girl doesn't know what she's doing.

"NO" I grasped her arm, pulling her closer to my side as I offer the redhead an apologetic smile. "I'm pretty sure Jade won't mind if we take one" I gulped. Jade remained quiet so I took this as a good sign, I nod my head towards Cat and she pulled her pear phone out of her bag snapping a few photo of us.

"Girl you're so whipped" Andre and Beck exchanged laughs but it died down when Jade bumped their heads together. "Say one more word and that stupid piano of yours will be gone for good" she snarled.

"Vega we should probably do this some-"

"Oh no Jade we won't back out, we're doing it now. Don't worry the faster we tell them the faster we'll get rid of our problems"

"Tell us what?"

Jade jumped out of her seat standing abruptly in front of my dad. We were going to come out to them as well but Jade postponed it for a couple of days, she wants to postpone it today as well but I told her that we need to come out now. Sooner or later they will both find out about it from Trina and I don't want them to think that im keeping secrets from them.

"Hello Daddy" I stood up and kissed him on the cheek, he gave me a nod and smile at Jade. "Mr. Vega" she greeted, she formally took my father's hand and shook it lightly. My dad chuckled at the gesture.

"So what are you ladies doing here this early? Aren't you supposed to be hanging out this Friday night?" he asked, I shrugged at his question. "Well we're going to tell you that…" I glance at Jade, she wore a masked expression, the one where she tried to intimidate someone in front of her but I can see through it, she's nervous as hell.

"Oh you guys aren't planning on moving together after school year aren't you?" he sat down on the sofa, he looks curious but I think he's just mirroring my expression.

"What?" Jade spoke up. She was now standing beside me, "Mr. Vega we were going to tell you that Tori and I are dating"

"Yeah… I know? Is that all?"

I stared at him with wide eyes, "What do you mean you know? Did Trina tell you anything about this?" he shook his head then stood up in front of me and held my head in his hands.

"Baby I already know the first time I saw you look at her like she's the most beautiful girl you've ever laid your eyes on. So I saw both of you sitting together intimately I already knew you got together" he smiled, I tear up at his words hanging speechless at what he said so I hugged him as tight as I can while whispering thank you's and I love you's in his ears.

"Does mom know?" I pulled away and wiped my tears with my forearm, "I may have said something, but it's better if both of you tell her, she's a bit busy with her friends lately but I'm pretty sure she'll love you no less than we loved you before"

"Thank you for uhm… Accepting us Mr. Vega" Jade cleared her throat, she's adorable she doesn't want to admit that she's happy at my father's reaction, let me guess, she's going to tell me that she has a reputation to uphold. I'll ask her about it anyway.

"You can just call me David. Oh and Jade, if you ever think of hurting my daughter. Let me remind you that I'm a cop"

I get it guys, you hate me, yes I understand that, and I didn't tell you that I've put this story on hold? So I'm sorry. Anyways, the next chapter of the story is the last one then epilogue. I love you guys so much and thank you for reading my story through thick and thin.

I won't be posting the last chapter + epilogue until I've edited the past few chapters where I messed up their dialogues. I swear I feel like I was on drugs while I was writing those.

Also, This won't have a sequel but I was planning on making one although I don't have a plot yet, this is supposed to be a series tbh that's why it took them a long time to be together. I'll see what I can do in the future I hope you guys read it. That's it for now haha don't be a stranger.

PS: Can you guys give me some reviews? Tell me if you guys are still there? Thanks .x