Okay so this has been going through my head for about three weeks and it's driving me crazy so, I have to write about it.

Lupa runs through the forest with her strong paws pushing against the earth. She knew she had to get away before he could search for her and her pack. Her pack that she told to hide and run far away from Lycaon's pack to protect them. Her pack was to find the Hunters of Artemis to tell them about her situation of being pregnant with Lycaon's pup. She knew it was almost time so she ran in search of a cave far enough away from Lycaon. A cave was spotted in the distance, the she wolf increased her speed to make it to the cave in time. She made it to the cave just in time for he pup to come. As time went on her pup was born a beautiful little boy with fur the color of midnight, with red paws except for his back right leg. Lupa licks her pup clean as he protest with tiny whines escaping from his little muzzle. Lupa watches her son whom she named Perseus in wonder as he cuddles with her leg.

Time Lapse (three years) Lupa's POV

When Percy's eyes opened and they were bright yellow orbs with silver specks. Percy can never sit still even for a minute and I love every part of it. His wolf form will grow with is human form and will stop aging around eighteen. "All right Percy lets learn how to change to your human form." I slowly go through how to shift forms, he listens and holds on to every word I say. I held my breath as he transforms in a little three year old boy with raven back hair, tan skin, and the same color eyes as his wolf form.

"Momma what are these?" He holds up his hands then points to his feet.

I laugh "Those are your hands and feet Percy." I pick up some clothes I bought earlier and dress him in Jeans and a light blue shirt.

He looks confused "Oh..." A sound of paws hitting the ground that weren't from my pack.

"Percy shift and run! Run far away and don't stop for me I will find you when I can!"

He nods and shifts when I do "Mommy I am scared, I don't want to leave you."

"Go Percy that is an order! NOW!" He runs from the cave heading to the hunters camp. Gods I hope he can get there before Lycaon can find him. He looks back one last time before looking away and running as fast as his little paws can take him. I sigh in relief as his figure disappears in the tree line.

I run in the opposite direction to throw Lycaon's pack off Percy's sent. I keep running to make it to my pack so we can find Percy later, if Lycaon doesn't get to him first.

Percy's POV

I ran as fast as I could just like mommy told me to. My paws were aching from running for so long but, I have to keep going because I can still hear someone after me. I whimper as my speed decreases and the thundering paws are louder than before. My ears flicker back in forth as time slows down I am pushed to the floor. A grey wolf snarling down at me as I am pinned to the ground. "Stupid boy! You can't out run us."

My ears fall back and I whimper as he bites my front right leg. "P-please don't hurt me!"

"Lycaon wants you alive but he didn't say unharmed." He bit me a few more times before shifting to his human form.

He pulled out a knife with a wicked smile "Shift boy! I have to mark you as part of Lycaon's pack." I do as he says and regret it instantly as he drags a silver knife from my eye to my lip. I cry out in pain and he grabs my arm and twists it until he hears a *Snap*. "Shift back we are leaving." I shift back to my wolf form and the man did too. He snarls when I don't stand since he broke my arm or left front leg and bit my right. "Get up lets go before the hunters come!"

"I- I can't my legs are hurt." I hear shouts of girls and arrows fly into the grey werewolf. He howls in pain then collapses dead.

"Girls don't shoot the little one! I repeat don't shoot!" A girl with auburn hair and silver eyes comes walking out from the shadows. I lower my ears and give a warning growl. She stops and lowers down "It's okay I won't hurt you, let me help you." She slowly comes closer to me.

I growl once more but it comes out more as a whimper. Other girls run up behind the girl I growl at them and show them my sharp canines. The girl with grey eyes holds up her hand "Slow down your scaring him. shhh it's okay." She pets behind my ears and rubs circles lulling me to sleep. A whimper escapes me as pain radiates through my body from the bites. "Shh it's okay." Another girl walks behind me, I feel a little sharp pain in my back leg then darkness takes over. The last thing I felt was being lifted up.

Artemis's POV

I carry the little were-wolf to the camp. He couldn't be more than three or four years old and by his eyes I could tell he was a son of Lycaon. Although he was running from Lycaon's pack but why? Zoe Nightshade walks beside me "My lady why are we taking care of the ware-wolf more importantly, why was he being chased after Lycaon's pack?"

I sigh "I don't know Zoe. He is only three or four years old by his size and I can't let him die."

She nods as we enter the camp. I carry the wolf to the infirmary to get him healed. I lay him down and grab some hunters to help reset his broken bones before his healing begins. Zoe and Phoebe were the only ones willing to help the poor kid or wolf. I then start to realize the auburn fur on his paw, then it hits me. "Girls this is Lupa's son! Her pack told us about Lupa's situation and this is Perseus."

Zoe's eyes widen "Where is Lupa? Oh my gods Lycaon was searching for Perseus and he did. I hope Lupa is safe."

We all nod and look back to the little wolf sleeping soundly. We had to sedate him when we reset his bones back so he should be sleeping for a little bit. Zoe smiles at him and pets him before going to her tent, followed by Phoebe.

I smile and pet his soft fur wondering what his human form would look like. I know I have to take after him for Lupa and I will as if he is my own. Lycaon is an awful soul who uses torture to gain control over those who were rebellious. He curls up against my leg as I pet behind his ears knowing my wolves love it when I do it. I know I can take care of him until I don't need to anymore and I will help him learn how to use his human form more, since werewolf's don't learn how to change until they are three or four. I just hope he knows what each body part is or I will have no idea how to explain how to use hands without laughing. I watch as his ribs expand as he breaths in and out as he sleeps. I stand up and check to make sure his bandages are enchanted to change when he shifts to fit his human form, I walk out of the tent and smile. I know Kronos is rising but, I made up my mind that I will be like a second mother to Perseus.

Okay! How was it should I continue or not? I couldn't stop thinking about writing this story and it was driving me crazy! No worries I won't abandon my other stories a scouts honor. Oh and Percy isn't part of Kronos's army or the prophecy amd there is going to be an OC for the child of Poseidon. I just had to get this out of my head. Well please review I would love to hear your thoughts even if they are mean. And yes I have terrible grammar so please if it bothers you, I am sorry. Well see ya until next time have a great day(s).

Love, Purplelittleninja.