Per request. 'Female America before her revolution with pirate male Spain. Spain gets passed England in one on their battles to see his treasure America. Finds her adorable and innocent so he must have her so he seduces her. They have that moment and Spain and America keep it a secret. They have many more sexy moments as the years go by. then at world meeting England finds out along with Canada because hungry asks America if she's a virgin and America blushes telling everyone she not but wonders who took it and Romano shouts out it was Spain. Chaos insures. End with Spain running for his life yelling to America he will see her later'

Challenge Accepted. However, for fun... we will start with the end, and then go back in time.

I own nothing. Rated M


If Hungary had to pick her favorite thing about America. It was that the female country was never boring.

Oh no.

In fact even tedious days were made bearable by the shenanigans that somehow seemed to permanently follow America. Not that Hungary was ever foolish enough to mention such musings out loud. She would hear an earful from every country around.

And, some would tell her more than once.

However, America seemed to glide through it all with an nearly ever present smile.

Such as when the exuberant nation declared they should play truth or dare during lunch. The meeting was not set to being for at least another thirty minutes, and even Germany looked ready to fall asleep. Yet again, the topics on global currency, global warming, and politics were wearing on the nations.

Yes, they were important. Everyone knew that, but no one could agree on how to tackle the issues. So they were, yet again, locked in a heated stale mate that would take at least two weeks of paper work to sort through.

"Come on Hungary," America pleaded with large blue eyes. "I'll even let you go first."

Truth be told, Hungary was a very spirited and fun loving nation. She did not see the harm in indulging in some childish behavior. Once and a while. After all, even mature nations such as herself benefited from relaxing ever now and again. As an added bonus, she could find out some of the more interesting aspects of her fellow nations.

"This is total bollocks," England muttered under his breath.

America rolled her eyes. "Oh calm down, you got to go first last time."

"That is not what I... you twit!" He sputtered, turning slightly red in the face.

The blonde nation with her iconic cow lick just grinned. "Ha ha ha. Dude, Iggy, I adore you when you change colors." She said as she poked him firmly in the cheek.

"I do not change colors!" He retorted with indignation as he slapped her hand away.

"Yeah, whatever." America teased.

Hungary, caught in a flash of inspiration, said the first thing that came to mind. "America, truth or dare?"

The star-spangled nation looked at her, before smiling smugly. Texas was proudly perched on the bridge of her nose.

"Truth," America said, pointedly glancing at England with a 'See?' expression.

"Are you a virgin?" Hungary asked without preamble. This was likely nothing someone hadn't asked before.

America blinked. The room fell eerily silent. All sets of eyes swung toward the blonde woman as she opened and closed her mouth. The normally boisterous nation flushed to the roots of her hair.

"Uh... well..."

"Of course," England snapped, as he crossed his arms.

America winced, her blue eyes landed somewhere else in the room before returning to England.

"Well, actually..." she trailed off with a nearly guilty looking expression.

Hungary nearly squealed in delight. Oh! This was going to be good.

England looked murderous. "What? When could that have happened? I have carefully looked after you for years to protect your virtue."

Someone smothered a guffaw in the background. England's green eyes darkened nearly instantly as his former charge fiddled with the collar of her shirt.

America bit her lip, and pushed the toe of her shoe more into the floor as she jiggled her leg. "Yeah... I know. And that is real sweet of you and all..."

"When?" The island nation demanded in a rough tone.


"Don't 'What' me you silly chit. Tell me when it happened? How recent was this? It must have been to-"

"Oh for crying out loud," Southern Italy interrupted in a snappish tone. "She lost it decades ago."

Said female nation froze, with a horrified look on her face.

"What!?" England demanded gruffly. "Who would dare-?"

"The tomato bastard," the shorter nation replied flippantly. "Who else?"

Green eyes widened and then swung back to the still frozen America.

"Spain?! You slept with Spain?!"

Hungary could only watch the scene unfold with an emotion close to sheer delight. She would never have guessed!

America scratched the back of her neck, turning a bright shade of red. The two high spots of color on her cheeks gave it all away.

"Yeah..." she said nodding slightly.

In a moment that took everyone by surprise, Canada stood abruptly. His violet eyes flashed murderously and everyone edge away from him with concerned looks.

"You seduced my sister?" The northern nation questioned in a low voice.

Spain looked up from the documents he was pretending to read.

"Oh no, my friend," He said with a handsome smile. "I only seduced her the first... three or four... dozen times. After that, I assure you, she came to me."

The look Canada leveled at him could have killed a lesser man.

"I'm a pretty nice nation, and because of that I am going to give you to the count of ten to start running. Eh?" The violet-eyed male said in a dangerously calm voice.

Spain laughed nervously as he noticed that England was standing now. The look on England's face and in his eyes definitely reminded Spain of their pirate days.

"One." Canada said, nearly cheerfully.

"Two," England commented in a clipped tone.

Spain stood, and grabbed his documents before giving a quick wink to America.

"I'll see you tonight, mi querido." He said with a touch of heat to his gaze.

America blushed, and nodded happily.

"Ten," Canada remarked as he watched the exchange.

"What happened to 3-9?" Spain asked with a charming smile as he backed up toward the door.

"You slept with my sister," Canada replied, as if it explained everything.

"Ah... si."

And then he bolted. England and Canada jumped seamlessly over the desk and gave chase.

Hungary blinked and turned toward America. Her mouth was slightly opened and she was shaking her head.

"Thanks Italy."

Southern Italy gave a slight nod, but was unable to hide his obvious grin of delight.

"So... you never told England?" Hungary said after a moment of silence.

"Oh it wasn't really England I was hiding it from," America said blithely, "It was Canada. I knew he'd kick Spain's ass if he found out."

"But..." Hungary said in a slightly disbelieving tone of voice. "Canada is..." So sweet. Though the rest of the sentence went unsaid.

The blonde grinned at her, as if she could read her thoughts. America gave a true belly laugh and shook her head again.

"A lot of people misjudge my brother. But seriously, Hungary?"

The brown haired nation looked at her again. "Yes?"

"Truth or dare?"

The brown haired nation shook her head. "Oh no. You did not answer the first question." She pointed out with a hint of eagerness to her words.

"What? I totally di-"

"No, I did," Southern Italy interrupted again.

America narrowed her eyes on him before sighing heavily. "Italy, do you just want to join the game?"

"Yay!" Northern Italy said happily as he clapped his hands together.

The star spangled nation blinked, and then rubbed her forehead. "Not what I... you know what? Yeah. Okay. You can join in. We just lost two players anyway."

Northern Italy dragged a chair over, though it was not necessary. While Southern Italy made a big show of not being interested.

"I refuse to play such a stupid game. I-"

"Fine." America said easily as she shrugged. "Then we will play without you."

The dark haired male nation blinked and frowned at her. He huffed as he crossed his arms, but then quietly moved to the seat that Canada had vacated. All the while muttering under his breath about 'women'.

America hid her smile.

Hungary slapped the table gently, drawing everyone's attention.

"Now," She said with a wide grin, "You chose truth. So... America... tell me. How is it that you and Spain got together."

America adjusted Texas and looked at the nations around her that were all but falling out of their seats to hear the tale.

"Well," she began in a relaxed manner as she leaned back in her chair. "I will have to start at the beginning."

Hungary glanced at the clock on the wall. "Look at that. I have plenty of time."

America's lips twitched into a small smile.

"Alright." She replied while she tilted her head in a thoughtful manner. "The year was 1687, and as you all know; I wasn't a nation yet..."