Authors note: Hey guys I know it has been a long time since I have updated this story about years and honestly I have no excuse. I have tried multiple times to write this chapter but the words would not come to me. I truly apologize for the wait on this and hopefully I will have time to update both of my stories and continue to update them.

When Callie woke up the next morning she was confused when she opened her eyes and she was not in hers and Mariana's room. When she fully woke up the events of the night before came crashing back to her mind. The talk with Stef and Lena the confession of what Liam had done to her. Last night she had felt like she needed to tell them and at the moment it had felt right and good to actually talk to them, even though it was nerve wracking to actually come out and say he had raped her. Now though she felt ashamed and concerned. She didn't want them to think less of her. They now knew how broken she was. They knew of the abuse but this was worse. What if they decided this was it? That she wasn't worth keeping around anymore? Why would they want a broken kid? What if they thought is was just too much for them to handle? Logically Callie knew that the two women would never feel that but with her walls down from the talk last night she had not protection in her mind from these types of thoughts. She knew the two older women had said they would be there no matter what and that what Liam had done was not her fault. But Callie couldn't help but feel this way so many other foster parents had given up on her for less. There would always be that fear in the teens mind that they would just let her go. Callie was so lost in her thoughts she hadn't heard the floor board creaking or the soft knock on the door. What broke her from her thoughts was the soft voice calling her name.

"Hey Callie are you alright bug?" Callie's head snapped over to Lena standing in the door way. The only response the older woman got was a nod of the teenagers head. When the look of concern crossed Lena's face Callie panicked a little and she knew she had to say something so the older woman wouldn't be worried.

"Yeah. Uh yeah I'm alright." She could see the disbelief written all over Lena's face. So Callie knew she had to come up with some excuse as to why she hadn't noticed her in the first place. "Just waking up you know I was trying to clear the sleep haze away. Sorry I didn't hear you at first." Callie had been proud of her self for coming up with a believable excuse to quickly. Of course Lena hadn't believed her but she knew talking about her feelings was hard for Callie. Lena crossed the room and sat next to the teenager on the bed. She placed her hand on the teenagers knee. Callie froze for a moment but didn't protest. It actually felt kind of nice Lena just radiated comfort.

"You know you can talk to me right? I know last night was hard for you but I'm here Callie. I'll always be here for you to talk to no matter what." Callie could see the truth to Lena's words. It was one thing she loved about the older woman. Lena always showed her feelings. She wore her heart on her sleeve and was an open book. She sometimes wished she could be more like that. But that was also a weakness she could not afford in her life. If people know your true feelings and secrets it was a weakness they could use against you to hurt you.

"Yeah I know. I guess I am still just tired. Honestly." That seemed to placate the woman for now at least.

"Well if you are still tired you can go back to sleep. The others are just waking up right now and breakfast wont be done for about forty five minutes. Moms making her special pancakes." Lena said with a soft smile. She knew how little sleep the young girl had been getting lately and she could use the sleep. Honestly last night was the longest the girl had slept in quite some time. She was surprised the girl hadn't crashed from exhaustion yet. They would need to talk to her doctor about her sleep habits. Being a teacher she knew how important it was for teenagers to get the right amount of sleep every night. She was concerned for her daughter she understood why she didn't sleep but one day the exhaustion would win and most of the time it was not at an opportune moment.

"No I am up now. I think I am gonna take a shower before I have to fight any of the others for the bathroom." Both of them smiled at that. It was always a fight between the five teenagers for their shared bathroom every morning. Sometimes it felt more like a war zone than a daily routine. Callie was only sort of lying at this. She was mostly using the shower to get out of this conversation but it also sounded nice at this point. The warm water would help her relax and wash all of the tension away for at least a little while.

"That may be a good idea. Don't want to have to fight Mariana for the bathroom." They both knew Callie was just using the shower as an excuse to get her thoughts together but neither commented on it. Callie was thankful for that. She often wondered how the moms knew when to push and when to give her space. It was like they had a super power on telling what exactly any of them needed. They would sometimes push her to talk but usually it ended up for the best. If they hadn't pushed her in the beginning she would not have trusted them at this point.

With that Callie stood up from the bed allowing the warmth of the blankets to be replaced by the cool air of the room. "Don't take too long though you know how Jesus gets I swear that boy is a bottomless pit I can't promise you that your breakfast will be safe." Callie let out a soft laugh at that as she left the room and headed to her room to grab a change of cloths.

When she walked into the room Mariana was still laying in bed playing on her phone. The other girl looked over at her as she entered the room. "You alright? I woke up last night and you weren't in here."

"Yeah I couldn't really sleep so I didn't want to wake you up so I just got up." Mariana nodded slowly at that. She wasn't sure if she should believe her sister or not but after yesterday she was concerned for the other girl. It had not been easy to see Callie going through that. The girl she saw yesterday was nothing like her strong independent sister she had grown to love. It had really freaked her out.

"I was just worried after yesterday at the mall.." Callie cut her off at that point she didn't want to talk about that. Not again. She just wanted to have a day where she didn't have to talk about feelings or anything. Just one easy care free day was what she wanted. Any other day would be fine, but today she felt raw and she just couldn't deal with it.

"Really Mariana I am fine. Don't worry. I'm gonna go take a shower. Stef is making breakfast for everyone. It should be ready soon." She saw the hurt flash through the younger girls eyes. She didn't mean to be so short with her but unlike Stef and Lena Mariana didn't know when not to push. She knew the other girl just wanted to help but at this point she didn't want that. She wanted some alone time. "I'll try not to take too long so you can have your turn." With that she grabbed some cloths out of the closet and headed to the bathroom. Once the door shut she sighed and locked both doors to the bathroom. She didn't want anyone walking in. Hopefully today would not be everyone trying to talk to her about the past two days. She was not sure if she could handle that. She didn't even know if the boys knew what happened. Though it wouldn't surprise her with this many people in this small of a house everyone tended to know every thing going on. Callie reached in the shower and turned on the water to let it warm up. She hoped that the warm shower would help calm her down some and clear her mind.

Stef was sanding in the kitchen stirring the pancake batter when Lena walked back into the room. The other woman had left about fifteen minutes ago to go check on Callie and wake the others up so they didn't sleep the day away. Oh how she missed being able to sleep in. Most of their kids would sleep until two in the afternoon if they let them.

"How is Callie?" She asked when she felt Lena slide up next to her.

"She seemed to be lost in her thoughts when I walked into the room she didn't hear me knock on the door or enter. But I guess after the last few days that is normal. She made up some excuse about still being tired. But she is in the shower now. Hopefully if there is something truly bothering her she will come to us again." Stef nodded at that. Honestly she felt for the teen. Both her and Callie tended to keep their emotions bottled up. And with everything out in the air she knew Callie would be hesitant to open up again. It was a step in the right direction but she was not sure how Callie would react today. With everything so fresh in her mind Stef was worried how the teen would handle today.

"She will we just have to go at her pace and not push her. She came to us last night so she will come to us again if she really needs to. We will test the water when she comes down for breakfast. Are all the other kids up as well?"

"Yeah of course the boys were harder to wake up but they woke up more when I told them you were making your pancakes." Lena said with a smirk. They all loved when Stef cooked because Stef wasn't as concerned and her about the healthy side of it. Especially with her pancakes. She added so much chocolate chips to them that Lena was sure they should just be chocolate pancakes at this point, when they were done they ended up being the same color all around. There were no spots on it where you could not see the chocolate in them.

"Not my fault that I know how to bribe our kids on getting out of bed." She said with a smirk of her own. "I give the people what they want." Lena rolled her eyes at that. he loved mornings like this were they would banter back and fourth and tease each other. Honestly she didn't mind when Stef cooked it wasn't often that she would make these and they were a delicious treat.

"Yeah not hard to bribe them with pure chocolate for breakfast. Could you have put any more in them?" It was Stef's turn to laugh now.

"Well I mean I could have but then it just would have been candy at that point and I knew you wouldn't approve. But I mean if you don't approve I could make you something else?" She knew Lena loved them just as much as the kids did. So it was an empty threat. She got an eyebrow raise at that from the other woman but Lena chose not to respond. Stef smiled and leaned over giving Lena a kiss.

"Eww gross get a room." The two women pulled away from each other and looked over to see Mariana standing in the kitchen.

"I mean technically the kitchen is a room in the house so I guess we already did." Stef responded to their youngest daughter with a small smile. All she got was a roll of the eyes from her daughter but there was a smile on the girls lips. "Morning love how did you sleep." She said after giving the girl a kiss on the side of her head.

"Good woke up once. But other than that it was good. Though Callie is probably tired she said she couldn't sleep so she got up." Both omen looked at each other. They weren't going to tell any of the kids about what happened with Callie just et it was Callie's story and they figured she would not appreciate them telling the other kids about what they talked about last night. If they broke that trust with the young girl they knew they would be back to step one.

"Yeah we know she told us. We actually sent her to go get ready for the day. But thank you for telling us love."

"Is she going to be okay?" They knew their youngest was worried. After seeing Callie have a panic attack they knew she would be worried about her older sister it was still not easy for them seeing Callie going through one.

"Yeah love she's just working through some things. Give it time she will be alright. But don't push her into talking. We got her." Mariana nodded at that she trusted her moms to take care of Callie. It had just freaked her out seeing the other girl like that and then not seeing her in the middle of the night had freaked her out.

"Okay." She would do anything to help her sister get better. If that meant backing off she would.

It was not long until the rest of the kids piled around the table. Callie was down last her hair still damp from the shower. She took a seat next to Brandon. It didn't go un-noticed by the mom's that she had chosen the seat farthest from them. They chose not to comment on it and tried not to feel any hurt. She was going to be stand offish and they understood why. They just had to be patient with the girl.

Everyone started piling food on there plates. Jesus taking more than everyone else but no one commented on it, that was normal he usually ate like he was eating for two. When his arm brushed against Callie the moms noticed how she flinched away from him it was subtle but they had seen it.

"You alright Callie?" He asked he had noticed it too. She had never done that before weird. Everyone's eyes shifted to the teen and she looked around and then at him. She had not meant to flinch. It had scared her when she had felt him touch her. She knew she had to say something though so everyone would stop looking at her.

"Oh uh yeah I think you just shocked me though. It startled me." He just shrugged and nodded. He hadn't felt it but if she said that's what happened he would believe her. Stef and Lena though were now even more concerned. She had never flinched away from anyone. She didn't do that when they touched her. Maybe she just wasn't expecting it and it startled her. But they could feel that it was probably more than that. Lena decided to break the silence of the room at this point though she could see that the girl was becoming increasingly uncomfortable.

"So what does everyone have planned for the day?" Lena asked She listened to the kids rattle off about their plans for the last day of their weekend. Jesus said something about handing out with some friends from school. Jude was going to go over Connors house. Mariana was going to hang out with Lexi and Brandon was gong to practice with the band. Callie just sat their quietly pushing her food around on her plate. She as taking bites here and there but was mostly just pushing it around on her plate.

"Oh don't forget Cal you have a therapy appointment today. It is at noon mom's gonna take you. So If you want to do anything before that you are free to just make sure to be home in time for us to get there" The younger girl looked up at her but then just nodded and muttered and okay. She had forgotten she had her appointment today. So much for not talking about anymore feelings today.