Title: Friction
Category: TV Shows » Once Upon A Time
Author: Alwaysbringback-up
Language: English, Rating: Rated: T (for language)
Genre: Angst/General


Pairing: SwanQueen

Disclaimer: I don't own any part of the OUAT universe. All characters belong to the show's creators. I promise that my writing is done purely for recreational purposes only. No ill harm is intended.

A/N: This is my take on the Ice Queen's curse of shattered sight. What would have happened if Emma went to check on her parents, and wound up finding Regina fighting her Mother instead?

Emma's heavy breaths came hot and fast in her lungs as she tore through Storybrooke as fast as she could manage in her boots. She can feel her lungs burn furiously from lack of oxygen, as she tears down the street. She let out a breathless groan at the almost painful stretch of her ribcage as her lungs seemingly dug deep, and tried to pull in as much oxygen as possible from the air around her. It couldn't seem to get enough of the precious resource as they furiously raked it in. The coolness of the surrounding air tingled the air passageways of Emma's nose and throat unpleasantly during the exchange. The movement of the air going in and out was so fast that the air didn't have enough time to warm itself. Air expelled from her lungs quickly misted and clouded in the cold night, but eventually dispersed and disintegrated into the surroundings. Emma felt a pain lance through her side as her muscles suddenly cramped up in the cold air, and a gloved hand reflexively darted up to the muscles there. She applied pressure to the spot and kneaded the flesh gently as she tried to coax the pain out of them. Still, the blonde couldn't afford to stop, or even slow down. She continued sprinting towards the Sheriff's station, while the sound of her boots thudded against the pavement with each hastened step. It was nearly enough to drown out her heavy breaths. Emma's neck snapped to the left as she heard a sudden scream erupt suddenly from the darkness. Her heart lurched in her chest, as she thought of the safety of the person it belonged to. She prayed to God that they were okay.

As Emma's eyes flit anxiously over a quickly darkening Storybrooke, Emma seemingly notices the utter and complete chaos all around her for the first time. Emma feels suddenly sick to her stomach as she takes it all in. Part of her feels responsible for it. Sure, Ingrid had been the primary cause. But if Emma had been better at protecting those that she cared about, then none of this would be happening. The citizens of Storybrook were tearing the town apart. But that's not exactly her worst concern. People are practically tearing each other limb from limb, and Emma has to resist the urge to stop and help. She knows how easily they will all turn on her if she allows herself to get distracted, and she can't afford to risk it. She knows that even with magic, that she can't fight them all off at once.

For now, all Emma can think about is getting to her family. She lowered her eyes back to the pavement and continued on. Emma leapt over some boxes of electrical equipment littering the street outside Storybrooke's only electronic store, and let out a sharp hiss as a body slams into her from the side, tackling her to the ground. Emma doesn't have a chance to brace herself before she is hitting the pavement hard. Emma struggled to focus on the task at hand, as she is suddenly wrestling with a faceless attacker, there amongst the broken glass and destroyed electronics. She let out a loud cry, as she feels a blade slice deep into her side. With another pain-filled sound, Emma finds herself wrenching out the knife and tossing it away. With a hoarse scream, Emma shakes them off and gets scrambles back to her feet. She turned on her heels and quickly started sprinting the rest of the way to the Sheriff's station.

Her heart was beating incredibly fast, as she shouldered her way inside of the Sheriff's station just a couple of minutes later. One inside, she paused in order to slam the door shut and lock it behind her. After her encounter that faceless figure outside of the Electronics store, Emma couldn't help but feel a little afraid. Still, it was about more than that. She realized that everyone had the potential to be extremely dangerous. She wanted to prevent anyone from entering and endangering her family inside. Emma leant back against the door for a few moments, as she struggled to calm her racing heart, and her erratic breathing. She knew that the danger wasn't over, not by a long-shot, but she could take a couple of minutes to steel her nerves and catch her breath. She needed to face Regina and her family with a clear head.

Once she was satified she'd gathered her wits, Emma proceeded down the main hallway, moving quickly to the sound of screams and clashing swords. Somehow, Emma knew exactly what she'd find, when she'd set out all those minutes ago. Still, she felt slightly incredulous. Ingrid had created a real mess for them all. And Emma was very worried about how it would all end.

Emma sped up her pace, pressing her hand against her side in an effort to staunch the blood that was leaking from her side.

Just outside the bull pen, Emma took a deep, steadying breath and rushes inside. She found Regina and Mary Margaret's facing off, their eyes fixated on eachother. Emma felt her stomach drop, as she watched them circle one another, each of them preparing to lash out and strike at the other.

"I'm going to gut you, Snow," Regina threatened with a sneer.

"Yeah? Well, I'd like to see you try," Mary Margaret shot back. Emma glanced across the room to where her father watched aptly from his cell.

Regina surged forwards, preparing to strike, and Emma felt her chest constrict in terror. Snow lifted her sword to accept the blow, and Emma heard the sound of metal on metal ring out throughout the room. She isn't sure if she has a sort of death wish, but before she can stop herself, Emma finds herself revealing her presence. She has to protect her mother at all costs. After all, she was really the only one that stood a chance against the Evil Queen, because Regina had magic and her mother did not. Plus, Emma figured that it is her fault that Regina was here. Regina had escaped her vault, because Emma had needed to destroy the ribbon around her wrist. Regina had likely come to the Sheriff's station looking for Emma. It was Emma's fault that her parents and little brother were in danger. Emma had to fix this somehow.

"Hey!" Emma shouted loudly, her voice booming as she stepped closer to the two women- both women that she loved.

"Looking for me?" Emma found herself speaking in a near whisper, as she took another daring step forwards. Emma was amazed at the speed with which Regina's head snapped towards her, the brunette's eyes blazing with a newfound anger and hatred. Regina hadn't looked at her like that in a long time. It almost hurt to see Regina look at her like that.

"Swan," Regina let out a low threatening growl, as she turned away from Emma's mother, and rounded on Emma instead.

"Hey, Regina," Emma says with an attempt at a smile. "I would appreciate it if you'd leave my mother alone. Look, I don't want to have to fight you, but I will if I have to."

"Emma," Mary Margaret's eyes lock onto Emma's, the older woman's eyes widening in sudden concern. "What- What are you doing here? You need to get out of here!"

"No! There's no way that I'm leaving you and Dad here to fend for yourselves!" Emma refused. "It's too dangerous. This is all of my fault." Emma hastily yanked her keys from her belt, and tossed them at her mother. "Here! Take these! Unlock Dad's cell, and get him out of here!"

"I'm not going anywhere with her," David protested, his eyes glaring at Snow with a newfound hostility.

"Emma," Mary Margaret found herself hesitating. She wasn't sure if she wanted to help David.

"Just do it!" Emma ordered, her voice ringing with a newfound authority. After what seems like an eternity, Mary Margaret discarded her sword on a desk, and rushed over towards the cellblock. Emma watched as her mother fumbled with the keys, trying to discern which one would open the cell. Quickly, Mary Margaret started thrusting the keys, one after the other into the lock, trying desperately to free her husband.

Emma tried to distract the Evil Queen. Regina felt magic crackle through her hands, as she felt a surge of anger towards the blonde.

"Regina," Emma spoke, as Regina advanced towards her in three large steps.

"I'm going to rip you limb from limb, Swan," Regina's voice rumbled warningly.

Emma raised her hands in a sort of placating gesture. "Whoa... Okay, how about we just slow down for a minute and talk about this? I'm sure that we could find some sort of solution, if we really tried."

"There's nothing to talk about," Regina growled. Emma flinched as she realized that Regina actually growled at her. "You're the bane of my entire existence. You've done absolutely nothing but cause me pain and heartache from the moment you stepped into my life, and I'm starting to think I was onto something to begin with. Everything in my life would be so much better without you around to destroy it. I want you gone."

"Please," Emma begged, "Regina, you know that I never meant to hurt you. I would never do that. I-".

"Don't feed me lies," Regina roared, interrupting what Emma had been about to say. "We're past that. You all but admitted that it was your goal to make me miserable. Have you forgotten, already? Less than an hour ago, you told me that you wanted me to see you with Hook. You said that you wanted it to hurt me."

"I lied," Emma spoke desperately, hoping that Regina could hear the honesty and sincerity in her tone. "Please, Regina. I want you to understand that I needed you to be angry with me. I didn't mean any of what I said, but I needed to make you despise me. It... killed me to have to do that."

"Well, congratulations. It looks like you got what you wanted, because I am furious," Regina hissed. "And I hate you now more than ever!" Regina watched in glee, as a fireball sprung to life in her hands. The woman's deep brown eyes locked on terra firma shaded orbs. She released it, and Emma had to leap out of the way in order to avoid being incinerated. She dove behind a desk, just in the nick of time. Emma felt heat blaze to life on her back as the fireball exploded around her. "I can't wait to be rid of you once and for all."

"Regina, please," Emma breathed loudly, "This isn't you anymore. Please don't do this!"

"As if you know anything about me!" Regina fumed, as she surges forwards, picking up the sword as she encroached on Emma's space quickly once more. Regina's muscles strain as she swung the sword at Emma. Emma rolled to the side, ducking behind another desk just as the blade swiped down through the air. Emma flinched as she saw sparks fly through the air. It was the result of metal colliding with metal. Emma let out a sharp breath and scurried frantically on her hands and knees, desperately trying to put any sort of distance between herself and the brunette. Using the edge of the desk, Emma slowly pulled herself to her feet. Emma was starting to feel weak from her earlier blood loss, and stumbled slightly. She could tell that she's lost a lot of blood, because her shirt had become saturated with red over the last several minutes.

Emma let out a shriek as Regina released another fireball, and Emma had to dive away again in order to avoid being incinerated. Emma found herself hitting the floor hard, and groans, as she feels the wind knocked out of her. She's slow to get back up, as pain reverberates through her whole body. Regina encroached on her space all too quickly and Emma, stepped backwards.

"Why aren't you fighting back?" Regina hissed in anger, "Don't tell me that you refuse to lift a hand against me! Because we both know that's a lie! You've done it before, or don't you remember?"

"Please, Regina! We were both very different people, then," Emma siad desperately, "I- I can't hurt you. You're my friend."

"Friend?" Regina scoffed. "As if! We're not friends, Emma! We never will be." Emma tried to ignore how much those words hurt her.

"I refuse- I refuse to fight you," Emma told her, her hands clenching into fists.

"Then this should be all the more fun for me," Regina laughed maniacally. "Fight or face your imminent death. It's your choice, Swan."

"Jesus! You have a freaking sword," Emma voice roared in frustration and exasperation, "Do you honestly think that's a fair fight?"

Emma found herself letting out a sigh of relief, as she heard Regina toss the blade away.

"Alright, then, savior," Regina taunted, "Come and get it!"

"Damn it, Regina, I'm not going to fight you!" Emma said angrily, silently wondering how many times that she has to tell Regina that fact, before the brunette finally believes her.

"Then you're a coward," Regina snarled.

"Please! Think of Henry, if you think of nothing else," Emma implored her. "Think about what it will do to him, if something happens to one of us! You don't want to do this, Regina."

"How dare you!" Regina practically spat in Emma's face. Emma stood her ground as Regina closes the distance between them. "How dare you speak his name?"

"Regina, I-," the rest of Emma's words were cut off harshly by the squeezing of Regina's hand around her throat. "He's... our... son! You may hate me, but- I know- I know you love him. Please, he wouldn't want you to do this." Regina merely squeezed harder. Emma couldn't help but reach up to Regina's forearm, clawing desperately, as she struggled to loosen the brunette's hold. Her attempts became a little more desperate as her field of vision narrowed and black started encroaching on the periphery of her vision. Emma felt panic. She was going to lose consciousness.

Regina felt a surge of joy as Emma slackened in her clutches as she briefly lost consciousness, and even more when she let go and Emma slumped to the floor. She watched in fascination, as Emma lay still for several moments, before the blonde started to stir once more. Emma quickly regained consciousness, but found herself disoriented. And before the blonde even had the chance to get up, Regina was pouncing on her, throwing punches and aiming them at Emma's face and body. Emma felt blood fill her nose and mouth as her traitorous teeth tore into her tongue and cheek with each of Regina's strikes. Emma defended herself, blocking some of Regina's blows, but she refused to be the aggressor.

This only made Regina angrier. Things progressed rapidly. Soon, Regina was pulling Emma's gun out of her holster. Emma managed to deflect the shot just in time. A slug embedded itself in the wall, and the two continued what was a brutal struggle over control of the weapon.

Regina was surprised when Emma came up with the service weapon, with the weapon leveled at Regina's chest. Both of their chests violently heaved up and down as emotions ran high. Emma coughed as she struggled to replace the air in her airways that she'd lost. She found herself spitting out blood at the brunette's feet. Her finger tightened on the trigger. The blonde knew that she would never be able to pull the trigger in a million years, but she's banking her own safety on the fact that Regina didn't know that.

So much for gaining the upper hand. Regina seemed to see through her right away.

"You going to kill me, Sheriff Swan? " Regina mocked, with a hint of glee in her eyes. "Because we both know that you can't do it. Not in a million years."

"Why?" Emma asked, her expression so heartbreakingly transparent in that moment, that it tugged at something within Regina. "Because I'm good? Come on, Regina, we both know that's all a farce. All I ever do is screw things up and break them beyond repair."

"That's for damn sure," Regina agreed. "Come on, Miss Swan, Do the one thing you've set out to do since you came here. Destroy me."

"You- You think I wanna destroy you?" Emma was taken completely aback, as she realized the brunette had no earthly idea how the blond felt about her. "God! Are- Are you really that dense?" Emma breathed, finally.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Regina questioned. "It's obvious you..."

"I love you," it came out strangled, but it's sincere especially given the level of exasperation. "I fell in love with you. You have given me everything, Regina, and all I ever wanted was for you to get your happy ending, but instead I ruined it. And I'm so so sorry for that. I know that you might not believe me, but it's true. And I hope that someday- someday you'll be able to forgive me, and that you'll understand. You have such a good heart, Regina, and you deserve to be happy."

I think it's time that I told you
I'm a fan of your universe
And every shade that you offer
It's different but I know it works
I'm addicted to the magic
And the glow of the city lights
I felt it in my veins just didn't know how to say it right

"You're lying. All that ever spews out of your mouth are lies," Regina hissed defensively, as she suddenly realized how much she wanted for Emma's words to be true. It scared her, how much she found herself reciprocating the blonde's feelings.

"You think that now," Emma breathed calmly. "But when this curse breaks, and you're able to think more clearly, I think you'll realize that I am telling the truth. Because I know that deep down you believe what I'm saying. You're good, Regina- ss good as I am, or Snow, or any other person in this town. I love you, and that isn't going to change. No matter what happens."

"Shut. Up." Regina's eyes flashed in anger. "Stop talking now, or so help me-" The previously determined expression on Emma's face suddenly gave way to that of defeat.

Emma turned the gun on herself, and extended it out towards Regina. "You still think I'm lying," Emma spoke sadly. "Fine. Go on. Take it."

She said do you see me in black and white?
Do you need me every day and night?
I said I don't wanna dance with another
We could feel this darkness with each other

"Emma!" Snow cried out. "Emma, no! You don't know whom it is you're dealing with! She's not the Regina you know. She's the evil-" Mary Margaret was cut off with a wave of Regina's…err…the Evil Queen's hand. In a flash of movement, Regina has taken the gun and pressed it to Emma's neck, just below her jaw.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this," Regina spoke with an evil glint evident in her dark eyes.

"Then do it," Emma said softly, but intensely; It's almost quiet enough that Regina doesn't hear it. Regina just stood there, weighing her options. "Well?" Emma persisted, "Will you just-".

Emma was effectively cut off as Regina was suddenly kissing her with bruising force. Emma staggered backwards as Regina tightened her hold on blonde. Emma found herself fighting the brunette, as Regina's tongue roughly forced itself into Emma's mouth. Emma gasped in shock. She hadn't expected this. Not in a million years.

Of everything that has happened so far, this is the one thing Emma fights. But it's not because she doesn't want it. In fact, she's wanted it so desperately for a very long time. But rather it's because it's not how she wanted it to happen. She doesn't want Regina to kiss her out of spite and anger, but rather out of love and adoration. It's especially difficult to accept it, when she can't even see any evidence of the Regina she's come to love. Suddenly, Regina pulled back, and Emma can't breathe.

Everyone's got their own light
Some shine and they fade away
Everyone's got a story
Those change every single day

Regina's hand has got her by the jaw.

"Look at me!" Regina hissed. And before Emma could brace herself, she's looking into brown orbs she's come to love so much over the last year. But there wasn't a trace of the woman she knows behind them. It's then that Emma realized she's made a terrible mistake.

"I knew you were lying," Regina snarled, and Emma is thrown backwards by the brunette's magic. Emma braced herself just before she slammed ruthlessly against the wall. Emma tried to protect herself with her own magic. After all, it's the only thing that has a chance of saving her. But she was still so inexperienced when it comes to protection spells. The force Emma hits the wall with is so extreme; it sends cracks spidering through the brick and mortar behind her. Emma couldn't even make a noise as her head cracked ruthlessly against the wall and she crumpled to the floor in a motionless heap.

"Emma!" David screamed as he wrenched at the bars of his prison, hoping that somehow he will suddenly develop superhero strength. He wished that he could be like those guys from the comic books that Henry likes so much, and be able to free himself. "Snow, get me out of here!"

"I'm trying!" Snow spoke as she kept trying to find the correct key. None of them seem to be working.

"Let me try," Charming ordered. He felt like he was watching his family crumble in front of him and he's powerless.

Across the small room, Regina tilted her head as she silently regarded Emma's crumpled and motionless form. She had taken far too much pleasure in beating on Emma in every way possible. After all, there was something so rewarding and appealing about demonstrating her superior magical powers on the so-called savior. She felt power surge through her veins, and it felt like such a high. Regina had missed feeling this way, completely unstoppable.

Still, Emma's words continue to resonate in Regina's head, mocking her. Sure, they'd sounded sincere enough, but Regina could not believe them. Especially not after what Emma had said to her in her mausoleum only minutes ago.

Regina hated Emma more now than ever. Regina hated the blonde and that little ice witch that she refuses to think about. For some reason, Regina's blood boiled whenever Elsa appeared in her thoughts. Regina was sure that it had nothing to do with the way Elsa looked at Emma, or the small, almost intimate touches that the two frequently exchange when they are near each other, as if there is a sort of deep bond between them. No. It has nothing to do with that.

Regina snarled inwardly as her eyes fixated on Emma. How dare she? Regina wanted to scream in fury. How dare Emma claim the things she had? After all, it was the blonde who had ruined her happy home with Henry. It was the blonde that had ruined her happy ending with Robin, her true soul mate. That's what Emma did. She ruined things. Especially, when it came to Regina's life.

"I should have incinerated her years ago when she first set foot in this town," Regina spoke aloud as she eyed Emma's motionless form. A thin trail of blood was visible on Emma's temple where it had struck the wall. With a deep fascination, Regina watched blood drip from the nasty looking contusion and gather into a small puddle on the floor. "Well," Regina continued her thought, "I suppose that it's time to finish what I started."

"No!" Regina heard in a strangled cry, from where Mary Margaret was picking up her sword from the floor. "Please don't do this! Emma was right. You're not this person anymore. If you do this, you'll never forgive yourself."

"Puh-lease," Regina huffed. "Do you hear yourself?" Regina taunted. "You're pathetic! You're all so pathetic it makes me sick. I should be happy to kill all of you. And I will, starting with her."

"No!" Snow screamed, "Leave Emma alone." Mary Margaret lifted her sword to attack, but was thrown backwards, as Regina uses a powerful spell against her. Mary Margaret let out a shriek as she was thrown backwards and tumbles over one of the desks. She and the sword clattered to the floor with a loud clatter.

"SNOW!" David shouted, as he saw the force with which she hits the ground. Her body instantly recoiled on impact, curling in on itself as a feeble means of protection.

Mary Margaret, tried to get back to her feet, as David watched helplessly from behind the bars. She eventually made it to her feet, but only a second later her legs give out again, sending her back to her hands and knees.

Charming had despised her only a few minutes ago when the curse finally settled. After all, he'd been forced to feel things that he'd stowed away years ago, things he desperately tried to forget. Namely, the jealousy he felt at finding out that Snow had slept with Dr. Whale. Soon enough, however, those feelings had been traded for amusement and amazement as he watched Snow duke it out with the Evil Queen. He couldn't deny it. He had just been so completely entertained by their words and their clashing swords. It was like a special bit of theatre, all put on for him.

Yet, as things started to get more intense, and more violent, fear had crept into his heart and mind. And now? Now he felt desperately powerless. He feels like he is about to lose the one thing that means the world to him.

Snow groaned, still moving about clumsily. She's clearly hurt, but unwilling to give up. No. Snow will not give up. She will die before she lets anything happen to her son, or her daughter.

Regina watched Snow's attempts with amusement. Magic surged through her veins and crackled to life in her hands in the form of a large fireball. Suddenly, David and Mary Margaret's eyes were on the blonde, splayed out on the floor a few feet across the room.

'No' David thought desperately. 'Not like this.'

"Say goodbye to your precious daughter, Snow" Regina taunted.

"No! Wait," Mary Margaret cried out. And then even more desperately, "Kill me instead!"

"Snow, no!" David shouted. He understood her reasons for doing so. After all, he would easily give his life for Emma's. But he didn't want to lose Snow either. It would kill him if he lost her.

Emma started to slowly stir back to life, from her position on the floor. Emma slowly pushed herself to her hands and knees, her eyes fixated on Snow. Emma was grateful to her mother for drawing Regina's attention long enough in order for Emma to get to her feet.

"Come on, Regina," Snow breathed, as Emma finally made it to her feet. "We both know that I'm the one you really want.

"Very well," Regina smirked, her eyes glimmering with mischief. "I'll start with you then." There's suddenly a warmth in Regina's body as her whole body alights with magic. Regina lifted her hands and released.

Every time I look at you lately
I see colors, they're changing
Every time I look at you lately
I see colors
I see you in black and white
I see you in the brightest light

"No!" Emma screamed as she shoved Mary Margaret out of the way just as Regina's hands release the fireball. A surge of magic springs from Emma's hands, and light magic collides with dark in a sort of mini nuclear explosion. The explosion is catastrophic. Even Regina has never seen anything like it before in all her years of casting magical spells. As the light and dark magic seems to clash and feed on each other, the force of the blast spreads outwards in a blinding flash of light. All three people in the room are thrown across it; their bodies becoming like rag dolls due to the sheer force of the blast.

The ceiling starts to give way moments later, everything crumbling from the massive force created by the clashing of light and dark. Emma could hardly believe what was happening as everything seemingly started to implode. The whole building was shuddering, as if it was under siege from a massive earthquake. Emma felt a sinking feeling grow in her stomach as she realizes she was powerless to stop it. Her eyes fell onto the stroller located across the room, and then onto her mother and Regina's lifeless bodies.

Her last act is to shield everyone else with her last bit of magic.

Emma hears a ruthless crack as the beam over her head gives out. Only a split second later she feels it connect with her body, slamming her against the floor and pinning her there. Emma let out a gasp and a groan as she instantly felt the pain of the collision. Before she had even a moment to dwell on the pain, she's engulfed as debris rains down from the ceiling like rain.

With one last blink, she let the darkness take over.

A/N: I plan on posting the next chapter right after this one, so you won't have to wait long! Hope I grabbed your interest! Please review and let me know what you think!