Part Two

Chapter 3: Setting Sail

Wednesday—10 September, 2014

So, Law might have been a just little late for lunch. The gore from small game dissections never bothered him much, but it does others. A lot. Not only did Law have to wait for a time in the lab room to be empty, he had to deal with a little more cleanup than normal because of a fresh, non-preservative covered toad he caught himself—without Lamie's help.

He figures the cafeteria might be closed for lunch by now which is a little disappointing because he knew the food would have been great today. It honestly has been every day since the Kamabakka took over the kitchen at the end of last month. However, today was Wednesday—one of Blackleg Sanji's trial days to become a permanent sous chef. In the end, Chopper kept his word. Sanji is actually a pretty good cook when he has access to the kitchen—especially with European styled dishes. Although Law finds it weird that a twelve-year-old has the chance to be in charge of anything, he is obviously both well-traveled and trained. Sanji tends to have some over violent quirks, but on the other hand, the other chefs have a tendency to be a bit overbearing to say the least. They all mean well. It's just Law prefers Sanji to be around since the 'Okama' chefs are a bit too loud and rowdy for his liking.

Nevertheless, Law made it to down to the cafeteria only to be greeted by a hot, but not scalding, creamy bowl of stew slamming into his chest only to be followed by loud, obnoxious laughter. The howling came from a girl who Law never talked to before—let alone knew her name. She had pink haired girl similar to Perona, but she wore a green furażerka. Apparently, Law's uniform being ruined was fucking hilarious. Goddamn it. It's even soaking into his pants.

He watched as two heads slowly turned around from their table to stare horrified at the soaking wet student. One was obviously Chopper and the other was a rather chubby, long-nosed kid with curly black hair. They were sitting across from the pink haired girl.

"Trafalgar!" A small voice squeaked from the pink hatted student.

"Ehh, Trafalgar? You mean that one kid who…" the long-nose kid visibly panicked, stuffing his face with the rest of his meal. He looked like he was preparing to leave. "Ahh! My 'I-have-to-be-anywhere-but-here' disease is acting up. I'll go excuse myself to the infirmary..."

"Hey!" The blond, swirly eyebrowed chef swore under his breath as he walked out of the kitchen, hands filled with plates of various side dishes. He put the dishes down, most of them in front of the pink haired girl, before shoving his foot into the long nosed kid's gut, knocking him back down into his seat. "Don't waste food, you dipshit-"

Sanji was interrupted by more roaring laughter from the pink haired girl. Considering whom the laughter was from, he didn't seem to be upset in the slightest.

"I never seen anything like that," she said, picking up a slice of flatbread from one of the newly presented plates. "That bowl of stew... oh man. It flew! The bowl of soup catapulted off that fork… and then it hit him." She snorted, trying to hold back her laughter to eat and chat. "It actually fucking hit that kid!"

The long nose kid clutched his probably soon-to-be bruised stomach, "If you didn't try stealing my chowder, none of this would-"

"Usopp! Your aim is so amazing!" Chopper beamed. "How do you do it?"

The long nose kid perked up with pride. "Well of course! I am the great sniper, Usopp! No foe can sneak up on us with me around. My aim can't be anything less than perfect because one day I'll become the greatest," he paused, slouching down. "…fisherman of the seas."

"Hey, this is a battle between the two of us. Don't go off getting all depressed," the girl barked, finishing off the second dish of smoked sausages. "I'll start picking off of your side of the table again if you keep on moping."

"Law, wait there," Sanji said tossing him a few napkins from his apron after getting his attention. "Your meal is wrapped up in the fridge. I'll reheat it for you."

As the chef walked away grumbling about wasted food, Law reluctantly removed his soaked jacket and sat next to Chopper.

"C-Chopper..." the long nose kid said, gesturing at the new comer with a link of sausage, "W-why is…?"

"Oh, Trafalgar? He's nice!" Chopper grinned causing both the long nose kid and the girl to visibly twitch in disbelief. "We have been friends for years~"

"Years? Seriously, how?" the girl said slightly bewildered, stacking the empty plates. Law honestly wondered the same, but didn't say anything. He figured they were acquaintances at best. "Doesn't seem like the type that would leave his house long enough for any conversation."

"We are both going to be doctors," Chopper stated. "Ah, Trafalgar, this is Usopp." He nudged the long nose kid in the shoulder. "He's in sixth grade like me. And the girl is-"

"Jewelry Bonney, seventh grade," she said with a smirk. "Then again, I only assumed that from his preference of winter clothing in the summer." Bonney leaned in forward, closer to Law. "Why though? Insecurities? You look normal to me. If anything, you are on the small side, but that's nothing a little food can't handle."

Law rolled his eyes and then looked down at his arms. He wants to believe he is starting to look more normal. "It's cold."

"No shit, it's cold," Sanji said, snapping Law out of his thoughts. He placed a bowl of some sort of stew with prawns over rice in front of Law. "He wasted an entire bowl of my seafood etouffee on your uniform," he said, glaring at Usopp. "I don't cook for you, shithead, just for you to waste ingredients."

"Thanks, Blackleg-ya," Law said before taking a bite. "It's good."

"Of course it is. I made it. Just don't leave any food behind this time, or I'll beat it into you," Sanji said with a smirk.

"Cook! Is there any food left? Bring it all out!" Bonney grinned, leaning into the palm of her hand.

"Certainly, Miss Bonney!" He swirled around, taking the stack of empty plates back to the kitchen.

"I refuse to lose to you!" She declared loudly to Usopp. "Chopper, who is in the lead now?"

"I supposed to keep track?" the pink hatted student whined. "I thought you guys were just eating like normal."

"This is normal, Tony-ya?" Law reluctantly asked.

"Well, sort of?" Chopper answered with a sigh, looking over to Usopp.

"He is apparently eating for two people," Bonney stated.

"For two?" Law raised an eyebrow. Both of them are eating enough for at least twenty each. He soon thought of the ghost kid and his own requests for Law to 'eat for him'. "When did that become a thing?"

"If I don't, then who will?" Usopp began chowing down at a faster pace, beginning to clean off the last of the plates on his side. "I should have been there that night, but I was too scared—too weak," he said, pulling in another dish. "I refuse to be a coward like that again."

"What about fishing? You loved fishing!" Chopper cried. "The junior tournament is coming up soon, and-"

"What's the point?" The long nose kid slammed his fist against the table. "What's the point of aiming for my dream, if we all aren't there together?"

"Usopp…" Before Chopper had a chance to confront the boy further, Sanji came back with two large bowls of stew.

"Back, Miss Bonney~" Sanji swirled around the pink hair girl, "I was able to prepare a Bouillabaisse with the left over ingredients. I hope it is to your liking."

"Do what you want," Usopp murmured under his breath, clenching his fist tightly around his spoon before digging into the newly presented dish. "…but I'm not leaving Luffy behind again."


"Torao!" The straw hat boy hopped off the upper see-saw.

Law acknowledged the greeting with a simple nod before going ahead to drop his bundled up jacket and backpack near the base of the tree. Law turned back to the ghost kid and sighed. Two more days until the boy's memories are once again set back—which Law dubs as a 'reset'. Well, Law is predicting another reset at least. It would be nice if it doesn't happen.

It really was a nice day; not a cloud in the sky. It won't be long until the main rainy season, but at least it's never cold enough for snow. The park was pretty quiet today as well, which is starting to become part of the norm. Law didn't care—the less people the better. And, the weather cooling down soon is a bonus.

"You look different," the boy said squinting his eyes. Law was surprised he even noticed.

"Some idiots ruined my jacket with a bowl of stew." Law said with a shrug, and then looked down at the soon to be crusty jacket. God, how did those two—Bonney and Usopp—manage to eat so much? And then there is Sanji who can somehow keep up with those two for almost an entire hour. It's not natural. At least Chopper seems reasonable for the most part. Naïve, but then again he is only eight-years-old. "I wouldn't be surprised if you actually enjoyed their company. They seem like your type of people."

"Sounds fun!" The boy giggled only to slouch over a moment later. "I wish I could go to school too..."

"You would actually die of boredom," Law commented bluntly.


"A second time." Law said, chuckling. "God, I would feel so sorry for whatever teacher got stuck with you."

"Hey! What was that?" the boy barked, slamming both feet to the ground. "I could so learn if I wanted to."

"Yeah, yeah." he said, gesturing lazily with his hand. "Get over here, I brought the ending to that Peter Pan series."

Law opened the book on his lap and began flipping through the pages, reading each and every word out loud to the boy. Colorful illustrations and narratives described the ending battle between Peter Pan and Captain Hook.

"Why are pirates never the good guys in these books?" Luffy questioned with a disappointed tone, and then pointed at Captain Hook. "I hate that guy. He is a bad captain. He threw one of his crew into the sea! What an asshole."

"They are pirates—criminals," Law stated. "Do you expect them to be heroic or something?"

"Nah, heroes are cool and all, but then they have to listen to others." The boy looked up to Law. "Pirates are free!" he said with a big grin. "They can help people and then take all the meat without a care in the world."

"Uh-huh." Law rolled his eyes. "But anyway, what do you want to read next? I took some photos of some different titles."

"Photos? I never seen you bring a camera."

"Never heard of a phone camera? Practically everyone has one of those," he said. Law took out his phone with the ghost watching every stroke to the photo gallery. Oh yeah, he took pictures of today's toad dissection. He slowly glanced down expecting to see a grossed out kid.

"Whoa! Torao, I didn't know you were a chef as well!"

"A chef. Wait you really mean this…?" Law dragged his hand down his face. "What would possess you to eat a fucking toad?"

"It's better than just living on insects and snakes," the boy fussed. "Snakes barely have any meat on them!"

Law just stared at him slightly perplexed and then laughed. "It's almost as if you are talking from experience." But then it hit him. Maybe this is why this kid is stuck here. Perhaps, he died from food poisoning. "Wait, Straw Hat-ya," he said remembering that there is practically an entire jungle behind this park. "Did you actually live in that forest?"

"I don't know," the boy replied. Well, that's better than a straight up no.

Putting the book down, Law got up to walk to the edge of the forest.

"Ooo, are we going on an adventure?"


Well, the 'adventure' didn't last long. The greenery is too damn thick, and Law refuses to walk out near those poison ivy trees without at least a jacket. It didn't help that the straw hat boy was getting dizzy from being slightly out-of-bounds.

The boy lazily lean against the tree while Law worked his way through some flashcards.

"Are you going to train again soon?"

"After this set," he said flipping through the cards. "Want to join?"

"I would join even if you didn't ask," the boy grinned.

After finishing the set of flashcards, Law took out his phone for the bookmarked exercise page.

"That phone you have is cool. It's like a robot. It can do anything," the boy said, rolling over to his back. "But the camera is the coolest. I want to take pictures for you to see, too"

Law sighed. "I see this park enough as it is."

"But wouldn't it be awesome?"


"Traveling around the world," he said, looking up to the sky through the branches. "…I would want to bring at least ten people with me—one would have to be a musician for entertainment of course—and then we would always be having fun, free to eat whatever and whenever and…"

Law snorted. "Of course you think of food."

"But, no really! I would take pictures of everything," he said spreading his arms extra wide for emphasis, "…and then I would be the one telling stories to you!"

Law's eyes widened at that declaration. He pulled his hat down just enough to cover his face.

"So," Law said, turning his phone around to camera lens on the back. "You are saying you want to become a photographer?"



"Back!" It had to be after 7:30pm by now. He may have spent a little too much time running around taking pictures with his phone. He was just excited to see that actual progress was even possible after almost 3 weeks with the ghost kid. A photographer… it suits him. Well, would have suited him at least.

His home is one of many simple townhouses in a cookie cutter neighborhood. Two story, three bedroom. Pretty standard. Goat Town was practically known for pop up neighborhoods like these. Or, Law assumes. There is always some sort of large scale construction going on, and new roads being paved. This area is going to have a massive population bump when it all finishes.

"Law!" He heard footsteps from above running to the balcony of the mezzanine. Lamie leaned over the ledge with a large smile plastered across her face. "Welcome home!"

Law strolled past the living room to the laundry room in the far back. He looked down at his bundled up jacket and stew splattered pants and just smiled. Despite the earlier chaos, today ended up being a good day. Those people at the cafeteria—and even the ghost kid… Maybe making friends wouldn't be so bad after all. He changed into some pajama pants and a yellow sweatshirt, throwing his uniform into the washing machine. God, he hopes it is machine washable.

"What happened to your uniform?" a voice said from behind. Law turned around, knowing it was Lamie. "Oh Jeeze, what even is on that? Are you okay?"

"I think I was the accidental victim of a food fight." Law shrugged and turned back attend to the laundry.

"Oh, that's it?" Lamie laughed, leaning over to grab the box of laundry detergent for Law. "You know, you are late again. Where do you even go after school?"

"The park-"

"Law," she frowned, shoving the detergent into his arms. "You always say that! Even I don't go to the park that much."

"I'm not lying," he said, scooping out a small amount of detergent powder and sprinkling it over the clothes. After setting the load to wash, Law grabbed his phone of the top of the washing machine and quickly went to his photo gallery. "See? I have proof," he said with smirk.

She burst out in fit of laughter, clutching her sides and all.

"What is that? I can't even…!" Lamie commented, wiping actual tears from her eyes. "You are terrible at taking pictures."

They sat down against the buzzing machine side by side, swiping through the various, blurry photos of the playground and plants around the edge of the forest. The ghost kid was the focus target in the majority of these, but of course, he didn't show up in any of the photos. Not if anything really showed up too well in the photos either. At least, he is not the one with the ambition to be a photographer. Law would never make a single buck off of this crap.

"Wait, scroll back," she said. "I was right! Right there above the finger glob! I see a Giant Stag Beetle on that tree. It's huge! I didn't know those lived around here." Law raised an eyebrow. When did she ever care about insects? "Ah, in Animal Crossing! I just caught one of those in my town."

Law watched Lamie scroll through his gallery, trying to find another angle of that bug. "Do you want to come with me to the park after school tomorrow?" He knows this is probably a bad idea—spending time with Lamie right in front of the ghost kid. He'll understand though. Even if he doesn't and gets upset, there is always next week—after the reset. But, Law doesn't consider that for a second. Instead, maybe he will even tell Lamie everything—what he's been up to lately, ghosts, all of that. For real this time. She might tease Law at first, but she is Lamie. His sister. She'll understand.

"Mm, I do want to," she said biting her thumb. "But, I'm busy. Can I come on Saturday instead? I'll ask around for a net!" She stood up, getting ready to head back upstairs.

"Hey, Lamie," he said, fidgeting with the case of his phone. "Apparently there are fireflies at night."

"But curfew…"

"See?" Law pointed the phone at her. "I told you curfew is annoying."

And honestly, curfew never bothered Law besides that one time when Lamie's phone died. However, he is curious what triggers the ghost kid's 'reset'. Maybe Law would find a way to prevent another one from happening if he could just stay there for a couple of hours longer. It's not like his parents ever get home before 8 or 9pm either thanks to the hospital being super understaffed like normal. Thanks, World Government.

"Well," she said leaning against the frame of the door. "I didn't want to tell you this before because I know you won't believe me…"

"Just say it," he said with a sigh.

"Okay, okay." She clutched her arms together. "Apparently there is something…supernatural-"


"See, Law?" Lamie put her hands on her hips. "I told you won't believe me!"

"Sorry, continue."

"It's just rumors, but apparently kids are being," she said, looking down to the floor. "…'spirited away.'"

"Of course they are," Law commented flatly, shaking his head. He would be rich if he got a nickel for every 'haunted' examination room rumor he heard at the hospital.

"I'm serious, Law! Kids are actually disappearing!"

"So why aren't the marines looking for them rather than set up some stupid 8'o clock curfew."

"No you don't understand." She sat next to Law's side again. "There is no 'looking' for them."

"So, they are dead?" Law frowned.

They both sat there in silence. Lamie brought her knees to her chest; Law simply waited for her to talk again.

When do you think people die?

Law sighed, nudging his sister lightly with his elbow.

"They might be dead. But, I don't know. No one knows."

"That doesn't even make sense."

"Right? People barely remember who they were." She said, looking over to Law's phone. "The only proof they even existed are from old photos and belongings."

"Lamie, like you said, they are just rumors."

"Well, yeah. It's still scary. Like what if I'm losing friends I didn't even know I had?"

"Hmmm… it sounds like one of those horror stories to make sure 'kids don't get into trouble' like your former marine teacher said once before."

"Yeah, I thought so too. I guess that is why curfew is only for kids 15 and under."

Law perked up. "Is that so?"

"Wait…" she turned to grab and shake Law back and forth. "Don't even think about it! What if it's real? I don't want some ghost to take you away!"

Law just laughs. "Relax, I wouldn't do anything to make you worry. Besides it's not even October-"

She let go and sighed, but didn't say another word. Law watched Lamie head over to the living room and flop over on the couch.



Saturday—13 September, 2014

"Whoa." Lamie took off and ended up just standing in place on the sidewalk in front of the park in awe. Law eventually caught up and embraced for what is to come. Today only small children with their caretakers were around, which is normal for weekends. It's not like every day they will be at the park alone. "This place looks much better in person!"

Yeah, it does. It's a nice place. Law's camera skills will never do it justice. Nevertheless, Law was better prepared for today than Wednesday for sure. He wore an old, fully zipped black hoodie with normal jeans and then of course, his white spotted hat. Because of Law's warnings of poison ivy, his sister reluctantly wore something similar.

Law patted her on the head before walking ahead to the large oak tree. He has a memo pad prepared on his phone to briefly show the ghost kid as a heads up for today's plans. And yes, another reset did happen, but this time around, Law was able to remind the kid what was important to him without fail. It honestly felt like the first time they weren't strangers right off the bat. He made progress. Law is actually making progress.

"Torao!" Law smiled in quick acknowledgment before taking out his phone.

"Law!" He heard called out from not too far behind. Crap, he doesn't even have his phone out yet. "Where are you going?"

"Who's that?" the boy said obviously curious.

Law quickly turned away from the ghost kid, almost awkwardly, and said, "I was just going to google where to find that, uh, beetle normally…"

"Oh, the Giant Stag Beetle?" she laughed. "It'll be in the forest of course. Why else would I wear this old sweatshirt when it's this hot outside?"

"Giant Stag Beetle!?" There were sparkles in the ghost kid's eyes. Actual bright yellow stars.

"But you should go on and play," Fuck, Law just needs a minute to explain, so that the ghost kid doesn't follow them into the forest. He'll just get dizzy, and maybe it actually hurts him or…? Law doesn't know what happens for sure, but what he does know is that he doesn't want to push the ghost's limits. Not until he can leave on his own. "I'll get you when-"

"Law, I know what we have to look for and it's that way." She pointed towards the forest in the opposite direction of the park. He needs to get out of this and soon.

"Torao," the ghost kid said, maybe even noticing how uncomfortable Law seems at the very moment, "Who is she?"


"Hmm?" she responded normally.

Law cringed now realizing he replied to the boy—the ghost Lamie obviously can't see. "Lamie, do you-" he awkwardly said, struggling to think of a question on the spot "…have your trap prepared?"

"Trap? Why?" the boy asked. "Oh, you guys are going to catch something?" He kept on blabbing, filling Law's ears with a variety of questions. He needs to shut up. "Wait, you guys are going to catch that Giant Stag Beetle?"

"Law?" Lamie asked again. Law barely heard her.

"Can I come? It's an adventure, right? I have to go. I'm going with you guys. Okay? Torao!"

"No. You can't come," Law snapped. "You nearly passed out last time from leaving the park. And Christ, shut the fuck up already!"

"Law?" She said, stepping forward instead of back. Even though she looks taken aback, Lamie is standing her ground. "What do you mean I can't come? Isn't this why you brought me here?"

"No…God, no. Not you…" He slowly shook his head, looking pretty horrified at this point. Shit, Law didn't mean that. He would never yell at her of all people. This was a mistake. Coming here was a mistake "Lamie, sorry. I didn't mean you. Sorry."

"Law?" She said again, grabbing both of Law's hands. "What's going on? Why are you using those nasty words? You never swear!"

"It's… uh—"

'I don't want some ghost to take you away!'

"—nothing," Law glanced down at the boy then back at Lamie. Law can't say anything. She'll worry. But it'll be worse if he doesn't at this point. She is already upset. He can feel it in her grip.

"There is someone here I would like to introduce to you."

She looked around perplexed, letting go of Law's hands. "Oh! Is this like that time when you told me about Bepo?"

Bepo… his stuffed polar bear? No, that's right. It can be exactly like that. That time at the hospital. The time when Law regularly started staying overnight—for the second time. Lamie was too young to remember the first. But the second time, she was scared—terrified. Her eyes always red when she visited. Even though by then, Law was used to being alone. However, that didn't change that she was worried sick, so he made up an imaginary friend—for her peace of mind. It worked.

"Yeah, it's like that. Meet my… friend, Straw Hat-ya," he said, gesturing awkwardly in the ghost kid's direction and sighed. It may or may not have been his go to response for any ghost meetings that occurred during his stay at the hospital as well.

"Torao called me his friend!" The boy beamed.

Lamie stood there with a blank expression for a moment. "What kind of name is that?" she burst out laughing. "And why the '-ya'? He's your imaginary friend right? Have more faith in him."

"Friennndddd~" The boy continued to smile.

"Straw Hat-ya, this is Lamie—my little sister," he said, purposely not adding 'Trafalgar' in the front. There is no need for two Toraos.

"Nice to meet you… Straw Hat," she said, gesturing a victory sign with her hand and winked. "So Law, what does your imaginary friend look like? Describe him!"

"Uh… He wears a straw hat. Has a red T-shirt on…jean shorts. There's a small scar under his right eye…" Law stopped when he figured he covered the basics.

"You stink at this," Lamie stated bluntly.

"You asked."

"Your imagination is terrible."

"I know."

"Guys, guys! Check this out!" The boy shouted from the opposite side of the tree. Law didn't even realize he left. "There is a HERCULES Beetle over here!"

"Hey, Lamie?" He asked in a nonchalant tone. "What is a Hercules Beetle?"

Lamie's eyes lit up and then she took a deep breath. "According to my Animal Crossing museum, 'Horned Herculeses' are the largest beetles in the world, reaching over 17 cm in exceptional cases. Their two long horns look pretty, but—'"

"Okay, okay. Well, apparently there is one over there. On this tree."

"You're kidding, those only live in rainforests-" she began. But no, there was a giant-ass fucking beetle just slightly revealed from the back of the tree. "No way! I see it. It really is huge! What do I do? Law, what do I do? These shouldn't even live in this region. Maybe in Jaya, but not here. I'm scared. We have to do something," she said in an excited frenzy. "It's going to fly away!"

"No, it's not," Law said pulling the net from his sister's backpack. Lamie glanced up to him with sparkly eyes, and nodded in silent approval, not to scare it away. She clung on the hem of Law's hoodie as they slowly moved around the large trunk of the tree.

Law could feel the nervous sweat drip down his forehead as they crept around the tree. Luckily there was mostly dirt patches from the shade of the tree, so they can avoid the shuffling of the grass. However, the trade-off involved stepping over the exposed roots as they appeared. The ghost kid was still gawking over the beetle. Luckily, he can't scare it even if he tries. Law and Lamie were so close now. If they fail, would it get pissed off and attack? If they succeed, can it break through the net and attack? Its horn is huge—like massive. It isn't called the largest beetle for nothing. He looked down at Lamie. She is just as tense, but she was smiling. Yeah, Law couldn't back down now. Just a little closer now.


Lamie tripped over a root, pushing straight into Law. As they fell to the ground, Law swung the net against the tree. It wall all or nothing. Law flinched waiting for an angry attack of a murderous insect, but nothing. He eyed the net and it was there. He did it— no. They did it! He laughed in relief, head slightly spinning from the adrenaline taking over. He glanced over to Lamie who was more interested in looking up.

"Hey…" she said. "Is that a treehouse?"


The ghost kid wailed loudly. Too loudly.

"Sorry what was that Lamie?" he said rubbing his ears, "Missed what you said."


"Law, there is a treehouse," she said again, but Law still can't hear well over the boy's cries. "I'm going to check it out."


"Goddamn it Straw Hat-Ya! I can't hear a word she is saying!" Law Barked, but then stopped when he looked up. "Lamie, what are you doing?"

"Law! It's okay. I'm nearly there."


"Get down," he said sternly. Law still can't climb up there yet. What if she gets stuck? "It's dangerous!"

But, she made it up just fine. Kid strength is amazing. "What does 'ASL' stand for?" she called from above.


Law at first raised an eyebrow but eventually called out loud enough for her to hear, "Age, sex, location… Why?"

"No silly, not that," she said making her way back down. "It's on a flag up there. A black flag."

Law noticed the boy finally shut up. Though, Tears and snot were still dripping down his face. "T-there is… a black-k flag up there," the boy said in between sobs, "…it's like a p-pirate ship!"

Law chuckled, shaking his head in response. Now he knows why pirates come up every week. He wonders if there is anything else up there, but doesn't ask. He'll have the boy give him a tour when the day comes.

"Oh no," Lamie knelt down near the net. "What happened to Mr. Hercules Beetle?"

"Oh," Law said, remembering all the loud fussing from the boy, but hasn't inspected the damage until now. Appears that the edge of the net smashed the shell, fracturing the exposed wings underneath, and mostly ending its life. It was still twitching slightly, but it won't last long. "Looks like I killed it. Sorry."

She sighed. "You know in Animal Crossing, I always wondered if the bugs would have been accidentally killed if I were to swing the net too soon or at a wrong angle. Now I know what really happens," she said in an oddly indifferent tone despite all the earlier hype. Then again, something similar happened a few months back when a mouse got trapped in the garage. "So… are you going to dissect it?"

Law looked over to the sobbing ghost kid and shook his head. "No, let's bury it. It's a Hercules Beetle after all. It deserves some sort of send-off."

Together they dug a hole in the ground right under where they found it on the tree and carefully placed the now fully dead body into it. Lamie did the honors and refilled and patted down the hole. This beetle probably has one of the best graves a bug can hope for. Not only did Lamie boarder it with black and white pebbles, she topped the grave off with some wildflowers. And of course, the ghost kid cried during the entire process.

Lamie decided to stop with the bug hunting for the day before they cause any more accidental deaths. It's a park so they had more to do than hang around the greenery anyway. Law, Lamie, and eventually the ghost kid played on the park's equipment. He came around when Lamie took out the lunch boxes from her bag. At some point, Lamie asked the 'imaginary friend' if he wanted to sit on her lap. Of course, he agreed. For the remainder of the time, the boy 'sat' on Lamie's lap for the swings and seesaw. He may have tried sitting on Law a few times before Lamie first offered, but Law wasn't having any of it. He wasn't exactly comfortable with a ghost going through his body.

"Why does Lamie call me an imaginary friend?" the boy asked as Law was leaving. Lamie already crossed the street.

"Maybe you are," Law replied looking at the now orange sky. "Maybe it's okay if you are just that."

"Torao, you're mean."


Tuesday—16 September, 2014

After almost a month since transferring, Law finally feels ready for gym class. Though, he may have accidentally missed the seventh grade class by an hour, so Law is stuck with the sixth or eighth graders if he were to go today. He chose the sixth graders. Besides, it'll be better this way. He already knows Chopper in that class. They might never really interact outside of academics, but it'll be better than having to run extra laps with the eighth graders.

After changing into some generic sweatpants and the gym uniform t-shirt, Law eventually found the class on a blacktop in front of the track field. It doesn't seem like the coach has arrived yet considering most kids were just sitting around, chatting like normal. Soon, Chopper called out to Law from the distance. He is pretty recognizable with his white hat after all. Law wondered why Chopper was alone on the sidelines. After further investigation, it turns out the small student sprained his ankle on the stairs earlier, so he is sitting out. Chopper soon voiced his concerns about Usopp not having a partner for the day. They have a buddy system in this class for stretches and laps around the track field, and not many people want to be 'slowed down' by Usopp. Chopper swears he wasn't like this a year ago. But, the way that long nose kid eats, Law is not surprised.

Class soon began and people started pairing up like Chopper said. Law noticed fairly early on that there was an odd number of people, so he waited for people to choose their normal friends and groups. He now knows he really doesn't know anyone in the class besides Chopper, who's sitting out, and Usopp, whom he barely knew at all. He only talked to him once at the cafeteria about a week ago.

Eventually most paired up, leaving Law out. Which is fine, he can do this whole gym thing another day. Before leaving, he noticed that Usopp looked extremely uncomfortable being paired up with this small, green haired girl. Sure, Law thought that Usopp was uncomfortable around himself, but no, he was wrong after watching this little interaction. Usopp was standing at least four feet away from her, and Law could practically see the nervous sweat on the boy from across the two basketball fields painted on the asphalt below. But, she didn't seem to care in the slightest.

Remembering Chopper's concerns, Law reluctantly approached the awkward pair, "Nose-ya, are you okay? You look a little pale."

"Aaaah! D-don't sneak up on me like that," he yelped, jumping back a bit. "Hey! And my name is Usopp!—"

Law moved his attention from Usopp to the green haired girl. She was a little smaller than the average student, but nothing too unusual besides her hair color. Law was trying to see why Usopp appeared to be bothered by her. But really, she seemed like a normal, healthy girl. Law honestly didn't find anything unusual until he looked her directly in the eyes. It was like staring into a mirror—one from the past. He soon realized her smile was anything but real. Though it was strange, someone normal like Usopp shouldn't be able to recognize that.

"—since when were you in this class?" Law almost forgot the long nose kid was still talking, but he managed to catch the last question.

"Since now."

The girl soon noticed Law watching her, and stared back. He watched her blue eyes move from up to down and then back up to his face, making eye contact one more. She frowned.

"You should reconsider your choice in company," she commented, neither of them breaking eye contact.

"Hey, what was that?" Usopp took a shaky defensive stance in front of Law. "That's no way to talk to one of my friends."

The girl sighed and started walking towards the two boys.

"You smell like death," she whispered briefly to Law as she strolled past the two of them. His eyes narrowed at her words.

"Ehh, you smell fine to me." Startled, Law turned around to see Chopper right next to him. Sometimes he forgets how strong that boy's sense of hearing can be—and smell for that matter. "Mostly like hand sanitizer."

"Thanks, Tony-ya?" he said raising an eyebrow. Law looked around for the said girl, but she was no longer in sight. Should he be relieved?

"Her name is Sugar by the way," Chopper said limping towards the bleachers close by.

Usopp gestured Law to follow him and the small boy over to the edge of the field. If it's just stretching, then they can do that wherever as long as it's on the blacktop.

"Don't you agree that she seems, well… off?" Usopp said to Law as he attempted to reach his toes. "She just showed up randomly this year."

"I did as well," Law stated flatly.

"Yeah, you did. I honestly thought might have been part of their group with all those rumors," he said with slight hesitation, "…but you turned out to be a friend of Chopper's, which means you are a friend of mine." He smirked, holding up a thumbs up. In response, Law pushed the long nose kid's back forward, forcing him to stretch far out of his comfort range.

"That was the first time I heard her talk," Chopper commented.

"Nami heard her speak once before, but indirectly." Law noticed the long nose kid's frown as they traded places.

"To whom?" Chopper asked with curiosity.

"I don't know." He sighed, pushing down on Law probably a little too hard. He was reaching his toes just fine without Usopp's help. "But even she got the heebie-jeebies from Sugar afterwards."

"Heebie-jeebies?" Chopper said in a panic. "Is that some sort of disease? We need to bring her to the hospital!"

"She's fine, Tony-ya." Law sighed, pushing Usopp away. He had to explain the idiom fully before Chopper finally understood that it was just a figure of speech.

"So Nami is ditching again?" Chopper brought his knees to his chest.

"Seems like it," Usopp said. He rolled his arms in small circles, continuing the warm ups.

Chopper sighed. "I'm worried about her…"

"Yeah, but she knows who to avoid," Usopp stated reassuringly. "It's not like she'll try pick pocketing from someone like Eustass Kid." He chuckled and directed his attention back to his partner. "Oh, Law if you see an assertive redhead, be careful. You look like the type she would target."

"Usopp!" Chopper cried.

"It's true! Just look at him!" Usopp said abruptly. "He seems pretty weak. That plus his custom schedule must mean he is a rich kid." He soon stopped, most likely because Law looked more than a little irritated at this point. "Ah, no offense."

"What was that, Nose-ya?" Law snapped back, gritting his teeth. He might not be that strong, but he figures he can at least take on the boy in front of him. "Are you trying to start something?"

"Guys..?" Chopper whined, trying to get their attention.

"I am the great Usopp," The long nose kid declared, striking a proud pose. "Warrior of the seas, I don't lose to anyone!"

"Guys! You should be starting laps now," Chopper shouted, getting up to pat both boys on the back. "Good luck!"

"Thanks," Law cackled at Chopper before heading off past the fence to the track field. "He'll need it."

The class has to run eight laps—or two miles—around the track within 30 minutes. Law may have sped past Usopp to begin with, but the long nose kid shortly caught up since Law momentarily forgot about the whole pacing thing. He was already burnt out by the second lap. Usopp just continued to grin, which fueled Law with enough motivation to at least finish within the assigned time frame. They were the last two to complete the run, but still, Usopp beat Law by a couple of seconds.

Law decided he'll edit his routine to add in some more cardio over just pure strength building. He'll win against Usopp next time for sure.


Lately, Law found himself searching for more photography books over children's stories—especially the ones purely about nature. That ghost kid definitely has seen a lot of the outdoors. Nevertheless, the more he thinks about it, isn't it weird the boy hasn't left yet? He knows his dream, and obviously can't achieve it in his current state. So, what is binding him to that park? His stubbornness? Anyway, Law does feel slightly reassured that he is too loud to simply be a figment of imagination.

"Not studying today either?"

Law didn't bother turning his head around knowing it was the assistant teacher. "I already finished, Nico-ya."

"Is that so?" She moved to Law's side to browse the books in front of them. "Photography books, hmmm..." she said more to herself. "Wait there, I have just the one for you."

Robin left to go to the front of the room behind the librarian's counter. Law just sighs. He enjoys her company and all. It's calm and comforting for the most part, but her tastes are a little… dark? The ghost kid said he had nightmares from her last selection. Robin soon came back with a hard covered book. "It might just be his hobby now," she began saying. On the front was a massive, pillar-like mountain with a giant cloud of pink smoke. It looked exactly like a cherry blossom tree. "…but Shanks was a great photographer before he lost his hat, and well, arm."

The student began to raise an eyebrow but decided to simply nod instead. Though one thing for sure, the man's name stands out to him. Law has heard that name somewhere, but no matter how hard he searches in his mind, nothing is ringing any bells.

"The cover looks familiar." At least he recognizes the location. Lamie has been printing out pictures of that place nonstop. Even his parents booked a hotel already. "That is Drum Kingdom, right?"

"It's called Sakura Kingdom now," Robin chuckled, correcting the boy. She turning to another page of that pink cloud. "To honor Dr. Hiluluk, the place was renamed. He was the first to bring 'Cherry Blossoms' to that region."

Law closed his eyes and smiled. "Yeah, that sounds like something he would do."

Robin almost looked surprised, but she only hummed in response. After a moment of silence, she began to speak once more, "So, you must have met them at the hospital—Dr. Hiluluk and Chopper."

"Yeah," Law answered.

"I see." She closed the book and handed it to the white hatted boy. "If this book is of any use, tell me."


After placing the book down on a table with the rest of his stuff. Law soon brought his full attention to the back wall. Instead of the normal piano, a violin was in its place. The melody was actually recognizable today. It was Chopin's Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2, but Law couldn't remember the name outside the nostalgic tune. His mom has played it on the piano a few times before. Surely enough, Law's dazed expression didn't go unnoticed. "Do you hear that piano again?" Robin asked.

"No, a violin," Law commented.

"From that wall…" Robin's eyes narrowed in response. "Do you recognize the song?"

"Some classical song," a girl called out from behind. Before Law even fully turned around, she was pulling him away by his arm.

It was Perona.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Law hissed.

"Shut up and come with me," the girl barked back. Her frown soon softened to a small smile. "But I'm glad my intuition was correct."

Law sighed. Sure, he was surprised to say the least that she could at least recognize the instrument being played unlike Chopper or Robin, but his notes, that book, and everything else on him besides his clothes on his back are still on the table. He is sure Robin will keep them safe, and maybe he is just a little curious about the mystery piano—well, violin today. The further they went, the quieter the music became. Isn't that counterproductive? Before he realized it, they already ran past several classrooms, lockers, and the currently empty music room before reaching the back exit of the building.

"You can hear them, too!" she turned around and grinned, before pushing open the glass doors.

"The instruments?" Law questioned, confused. Why are they outside?

"Well that," Perona said "but more importantly— ghosts!" She let go of Law's sleeve to outline a chubby ghost silhouette with her fingers. The boy just stood there in visible shock. She's got to be kidding, but then again, he had a feeling that something was off when Chopper of all people couldn't hear the music. That boy's hearing isn't natural.

"Stop gawking, and come on!" She took hold of Law's sleeve once more since he was still standing there with his head in the clouds. "I have a friend for you to meet."

Now the music was louder than ever. They were standing in front of what looks like to be a storage closet of some sort against the side of the main school building. Law has never been on this side considering it's the staff's parking lot. Most of the wall near the door was just plaster and bricks. There was one single dark window covered in cobwebs from the inside. Looks abandoned for sure.

"Mr. Ghost! I found someone who can hear your music!" Perona shouted as she slammed the door open. The melody in the room stopped. "This time for sure."

After a small coughing fit from the onslaught of dust, Law darted his eyes around the room. There were racks of old moth-eaten costumes, scene boards, a wall of formal group shots of previous plays, and of course, a single black piano with wheels. He soon moved his gaze back to Perona, but her eyes weren't even focused on anything in particular. One thing is for sure, there is no one in here let alone a ghost. Law sighed in disappointment. He must be following one of those 'horror' stories he sometimes hears in passing—and more recently, Lamie.

"Yohohoho!" A silhouette of a skeleton came out from behind a rack of medieval costumes. The skeleton had a large poofy afro and was dressed up in an old fashioned suit complete with a top hat. The skeleton was massive in height, almost the same height as the ceiling with that hair—maybe wig? "Is that so?"

Law jumped.

"Shit! That anatomy model just moved!"

"Anatomy model? Are you talking about a prop?" Perona said, squinting her eyes. "Where?"

"That skeleton right fucking there!" Law barked, pointing straight forward and up. "How can you miss it? It's taller than most ceilings!"

"Are you an idiot? There is nothing like that here." She shook her head.

"Aaah!" The towering skeleton moved its ultra-thin arms close together for a… shiver? "Did he say a skeleton? Where?"

Recognizing where voice is coming from this time, Law pinched the bridge of his nose. "You are the ghost?"

"I guess I can't see the skeleton because I don't have-" the skeleton began to say. "Oh wait, he is talking about me, Miss Perona. Yohohoho!"

"Skeleton?" The girl questioned, pouting. "That isn't cute at all!"

"How peculiar that you can see me," The skeleton said, placing a boney finger against his cheekbone. "Oh, then you can see me do this!" It stepped back to lean face first into the wall. "45 degrees!"

Law snorted only to cover his face in embarrassment. This the strangest ghost he has seen yet.

"What? That's not fair. I want to see ghosts, too!" Perona complained. "Have you seen other ghosts? If you were surprised by Mr. Ghost, then do the others look, well-" She said, taking out a plushie of a patched-up bear with a weird blue and white hat from her frilly backpack. "…like this?"

"No, they look like normal people." He tried stating with a simple shrug, but ended up chuckling at the skeleton still in that odd pose instead.

"You smiled!" the skeleton said happily.

"Ehh," she said, lowering her plushie in disappointment. "That's so boring!"

"Well, I wasn't always a skeleton." It zigzagged past the racks of clothes and props to the adjacent side of the wall. The skeleton pointed to one of the older black and white group shots on the wall. Yeah, that tall, thin man with the afro and top hat was definitely the ghost currently in sight. Perona was able to guess which one the ghost was as well, considering the scrunched up face she is now wearing.

"Oh how rude of me, I haven't even introduced myself yet," the skeleton said turning to Law. "My name is Brook, and as you can see, I once was the music teacher of this school." He stuck out his hand to the boy

"Trafalgar Law," he said. Law tried accepting the handshake out of habit only to go right through the boney hand and sighed.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Trafalgar." The skeleton known as Brook bowed slightly. "You are officially the third person who knows of my current state, however you are the first to actually see me. This is so exciting that it makes my heart leap for joy," he swayed around excitedly and then stopped. "Although as a skeleton, I don't have a heart, Yohohoho!"

"Third?" Law asked.

"I was the second," Perona declared proudly.

"The first was this kind boy, much younger than the two of you," he said with a voice of reminiscence. "I haven't seen that boy around recently. I hope he is alright."

"So Bone-ya, I take it you've been here for a while?" Law looks around the dusty, almost abandoned room.

"It's been just about 50 years now since that boy first spotted me." Law narrowed his eyes. He has never heard of a ghost hanging around for that long. "I was so surprised! I almost gave up that anyone would ever hear my group's songs again, but there he was."

"How did you die?" Perona asked bluntly.

"I once followed my dreams and joined a group of traveling musicians," Brook said leaning his skull into the palm of his boney hand. "However during our travels, we caught Jungle fever. Anyway, we all died one by one before ever making it back to civilization."

"No offense, but why are you still here? Why not cross over?" Law questioned with a slight scowl on his face.

"I'm getting to that, Mr. Trafalgar!" Brook whined. "Well, our last song was never recorded, so I stayed behind to make sure that it would be heard. It was our leader's favorite song after all." He plopped on the piano bench. "By the time, I found my body again, it was already over 30 years. I was nothing left but what you see now—a skeleton! Yohohoho. "

"How did something like that take 30 years?" Perona laughed. "Are you an idiot or something?"

"What about your limits?" Law questioned again. He has never heard a ghost with a story like his.

"Limits?" Brook tilted his head slightly to the side.

"Every ghost I've met can't leave the building, or well-" He paused thinking of the ghost kid. "…perimeters of a location without feeling sick or passing out."

"Oh, I recall feeling like that in the very beginning. After a while that wears off." The skeleton shrugged, and then picked up the violin. "I was even able to play music again shortly after!"

"Why didn't you give up?" Law asked once more, clenching his fists tightly. "What can you even hope to accomplish as a ghost?"

"How rude!" Brook dramatically put both hands on his cheekbones. "But, I may have tried at one point, but…" he muttered quietly under his breath, but then spoke up in his usual cheerful tone, "You guys are here right? That is more than enough evidence that my final goal can be reached, Yohohoho!"

"Your song…" The boy said after a sigh. "What is it like?"

"I'm going to guess something old."

"Not at all! Let me play it for you two. Our song's name is Bink's Sake." Brook made the violin disappear with a poof of smoke before turning over to the direction of the piano instead of towards the kids.

As Brook started to somehow make sound from the piano with his ghostly fingers, the two kids made themselves comfortable on a makeshift bench from an old chest of props. They listened to Brook sing and play the piano merrily. At first they both watched quietly, but Perona soon joined in the singing half way through. However, Law continued to just sit there, but now with a smile. Sure, normally he would question this ghost's apparent 'abilities', but his mind was on something else. The ghost kid is real.


So, I was only able to complete just this one chapter during break (and this week). The rest of the part is outlined at least, but the next few updates may be slow until around mid-May.

Thanks for reading so far!