Hello, my lovelies! I am finally back with an update and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter :) Ya'll ready for the consummation of their wedding? Well, go on ahead, dears

Caroline sat in front of the mirror and brushed out her long blonde tresses. The maid that had been helping her was gone and the blonde was left with her thoughts.

She looked into the mirror and looked into the eyes of a woman she did not recognize. The woman staring back at her was meek and fragile… At that moment, Caroline realized that she didn't want to become this person. One devoid of any emotion and one so overcome by sadness that she couldn't even recognize herself.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't hear the sound of the adjoining bedchamber door opening.

The Duke- her husband now- was moving towards her and he wore a gray banyan that was open at the neck.

He approached her on stealthy feet and she swiveled around when she finally noticed him.

"You- your grace," Caroline said as she stood up and crossed her arms over her chest. The nightgown she wore was transparent and her dusky nipples peeked through it.

Uncomfortable, she moved from one foot to the other and watched him with wide eyes, awaiting his next move.

He closed the gap between them and took ahold of her hands before he moved them to her sides.

His stormy blue-gray eyes immediately went to her breasts and he watched her as though she was a delectable meal.

"You're even more beautiful now than you were before, love." He told her, his voice low.

Caroline said nothing and simply stood there. His gaze moved to her face and he could see the fear in her eyes.

"Relax," he whispered. "I won't hurt you." He reassured as he led her to the four poster bed that stood in the center dauntingly.

He picked her up and deposited her in the middle of the mattress. Her hair lay in a pool around her and she watched him through curious eyes. She was no virgin, but she felt as though it was her first time because in this moment she was looking at him and really seeing his face. The candles around them made sure of that and this felt completely different from that fateful night five years ago. Five years ago she was afraid that her parents would force her into an unwanted marriage which is why she had turned to such desperate measures. Now, she was afraid, but not because of her parents. She was afraid because she felt as though in the end her heart would be in peril…

"Magnificent," Klaus said as his hand went to her thigh. He started moving her nightgown further up and she shut her eyes tightly.

"Caroline, do not be afraid." He said. "Everything is going to be fine."

"I- I cannot help it." She said, hating how small her voice sounded.

With a sigh, Klaus removed his hand from her person and got up off of the bed.

"I won't force you." He said. "No matter what I said before."

"You're not forcing me. This is what is expected of me. These are your rights." Caroline responded, her voice beginning to waver.

"Perhaps, but I've never forced myself upon a woman and I won't start now. We will consummate this marriage eventually, but only when you are ready." He said before he turned on his heel and moved towards the door that would take him to his own bedchamber.

She heard the door knob click into place and sat up as she felt her face go crimson. She sat like that for a couple of minutes heard her husband rummaging around in his bedchamber.

"I can do this." She told herself as she stood up.

The one time that they did it before, she felt such pleasure and she wanted to feel that again. Yes, he was now her husband which explained her nerves, and yes he wasn't very fond of her, but she was certain that the pleasure she would receive from him would equal the pleasure he would receive from her.

With that thought in mind, she stood up and walked towards the adjoining door.

She looked down at her nightgown and quickly removed it before placing it on the dresser.

Then she inhaled another deep breath and turned the doorknob.

His gaze immediately went to her and his eyes raked over her nude body.

"Wha-?" He started, but Caroline held up a finger.

"I want this, your grace. I do." She reassured him as she approached him, her hips swaying to and fro.

Klaus left his wife in her bedchamber and quickly made his way into his own bedchamber. He then moved to the bar table and poured himself two fingers of whiskey.

He drank the contents in one gulp and then poured himself another.

Just as he was bringing the glass to his lips, he heard the doorknob turn and looked in that direction.

Then he spotted his wife entering the bedchamber naked as the day she was born and he was absolutely mesmerized.

Her body was one that the goddesses would have been jealous of. She had curves in all of the right places and he couldn't help but look at the apex of her thighs.

Springy blonde curls covered her womanhood and he felt his loins beginning to fire up once again.

"Wha-?" He started, but she interrupted him.

"I want this, your grace. I do." She said.

He set the glass down on the table and approached her slowly. He outstretched his hand for her to take and she did just that. Then, he led her towards his own bed and picked her up before placing her in the middle.

She looked stunning laid out the way she was…

"You are stunning, love. Absolutely stunning."

"Thank you, your grace." She said, clearing her throat.

"Call me Klaus, Caroline. I think we are way past the formalities, don't you?"

"Yes," she said as a blush appeared on her cheeks.

He chuckled and began to undo his banyan. Caroline watched his body with wide eyes and soon he was as naked as she was. His manhood stuck out, hard and proud and she couldn't take her eyes away from that part of his anatomy.

He crawled over to her and lay down on her side. His placed his fingers on her thigh and slowly made his way up, making her shiver. He bypassed her womanhood and moved his finger up her belly before he began circling her left breast.

Klaus came over her and lowered his face to her right breast. As he began circling her left breast, he placed his mouth over her right nipple and began to suck on it.

Caroline began to moan and her head moved from one side to the other. He then squeezed her left nipple and bit her right one at the same time.

Caroline arched her back and moaned loudly at his lovely ministrations.

"You like that?" He asked, a smile on his lips.

"Mm," she replied because that was the only sound she could form at the moment.

"Good, because I have a lot more planned." He said as he looked into her face.

Her bright blue eyes stared into his stormy blue-gray eyes and she pulled him down for a kiss.

Their lips collided and his arms came around her as he switched their positions.

She lay atop him and began moving her hands over his chest and down to his manhood.

Her hands grasped him and he groaned aloud as he began moving against her. She pulled at him and he moaned as her wet center came into contact with his manhood.

"Ohhhh," he cried out, wanting to penetrate her, but holding back.

He switched their positions once more and moved his mouth down to her center. He blew on her curls and her toes curled at the sensitive feeling it evoked.

Then he began sucking at her center and she cried out and began moving more frantically.

The blonde felt her climax building inside of her and was unable to control it. When she came, she felt as light as a feather and as free as a bird.

"Now," she said. "Klaus, now."

The Duke didn't have to be told twice and before they knew it, they were joined.

He moved his rod into her tight center and began thrusting inwards and outwards. She matched his rhythm and he began moving inside of her faster and harder. Her fingers moved up and down his back and she grasped his buttocks.

He held onto his release and when he finally felt her second orgasm, he came inside of her himself.

Then he lay down on his side and pulled her atop him, still inside of her.

Their breaths mingled with one another and then they smiled at each other.

"That was amazing." Klaus said as he held her closer. "At least there is something that we can enjoy from one another."

Caroline's eyes began to close and then she heard his words… So, this was the only thing that they would enjoy? There would be no laughs and late nights sitting in his study reading an array of different novels ranging from Shakespeare to agricultural pieces? The only thing that they would enjoy was this- a purely physical relationship…

With that realization, Caroline felt her eyes fill with tears and moved away from him.

She stood up and didn't meet his eyes.

Klaus looked at her back with confusion in his eyes.

"What happened? Why are you leaving, love?" He asked, unsure of what he had said that would make her turn on her heel and leave him alone.

"The marriage is consummated, your grace. I shall retire to my bed and if you have need of me, feel free to come by." She said, her voice devoid of any emotion. "Good night."

"But wait. Caroline, what is the matter? Everything was going marvelously."

"It was, but now it's over. Good night." She said again before she turned the doorknob and moved into her own bedchamber.

She moved towards the dresser and opened it up and took out a flannel nightgown that she adored.

She then moved to a basin of water and cleaned herself up before she pulled on her nightgown and buttoned it up all the way.

Then, Caroline got under the covers and shut her eyes tightly. She felt the lump in her throat growing and tried swallowing it, but it was to no avail.

That was when tears began to fall and that was when she took a pillow and hugged it close…

The next morning, Caroline dressed in a simple day dress and immediately made her way over to Layla's bedchamber.

She entered her daughter's room and spotted the Duke- her husband- sitting there with Layla on his lap. He was brushing out her long blonde tresses and she leaned into him comfortably.

"Good morning, Caroline." Klaus said when he spotted her.

Layla immediately jumped out of her father's lap and ran over to her mother.

"Mama!" The little girl cried out as she wrapped her arms around her mother's waist.

"Hello, my love." Caroline said as she sat down on her knees and gave Layla a kiss on the forehead. "How did you sleep?"

"Good, mama. How did you sleep?" Layla asked, the curiosity evident in her voice as she looked up at her with something akin hero worship.

"I slept well, my dear." Caroline answered even though she hadn't slept a wink the night before.

Klaus cleared his throat and joined the duo with an air of superiority.

"Let's go down for breakfast, ladies. Shall we?"

With a nod, Layla took ahold of her mother's hand and then her father's hand.

They walked to the dining room that way and then they sat down in their seats.

The Duke sat at the head of the table while his wife sat on his right side and his daughter sat on the left side.

When their plates were piled high, Caroline realized that she didn't regret her decision to marry the Duke. There was certainly no love between them, but perhaps with time they would be able to form a friendship of some sort. At the moment all Caroline really cared about was her daughter.

There you have it my lovely people. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and please let me know what you would like to see in the coming chapters.

Please Leave Feedback!

~Hana :p