"Wow, it looks like summertime again!" Marina exclaimed as the family stepped off the airplane.

"It's always summer here," her father told her. "It never gets cold or snows. You don't have to wear coats or hats or scarves."

Vanessa took her brother's hand and began to run happily along the sand as he struggled to keep up with her.

"You'll be safe here," Dimitri told Rose. "Nobody even knows we're here. Everything's going to be fine from now on, darling."

Rose clung to his hand as she took in the puffy white clouds floating in the azure sky, the clear water, the wet sand. "This is heaven," she sighed.

"A good place for you to recuperate from your ordeal." Dimitri's voice was tender.

"A good place for us to be together as a family again," Rose replied. "Oh, Dimitri, being away from you was just awful! Please tell me we can always be together like this from now on!"

"Of course we can." He took her into his arms and began to kiss her passionately, and she returned his fervor, her fingers running through his hair, desire springing to life inside her. She felt him grow hard through their clothing and knew he felt just like she did.

"Later," he whispered.

They played on the beach with the kids, building sand castles and collecting seashells, and later, they enjoyed a dinner of hot dogs cooked over the grill. Much later, after the kids were in bed, they cuddled together upon the crisp, cool sheets, basking in the fulfillment of their love.

"It's just so good to have you here," Dimitri mumbled as his fingers massaged her back.

A memory flashed through her mind: tears had been streaming down their cheeks as his lips had grazed her face. Good-by, my little actress.

"I love you, Dimitri." She stretched and gave a luxurious yawn. The pain of the past, all the hurt and sorrow, now seemed light years away, and all she was aware of was the nearness of her beloved, the warmth of his breath on her skin, the softness of his touch.

"I love you too, Roza." As he kissed her moist forehead, the world seemed to slip away, and it was just the two of them.

Many thanks to everyone who read and/or reviewed this story!