Chapter 3:

Jude's POV:

Hopeless. I felt hopeless.

Sitting on the hospital floor, not allowed to see him. Hopeless. I was so close. But the door separated us. So Hopeless.

Mama walked down, not surprised at all at my attempt. Not surprised I was sitting there. Not surprised I lied

Because maybe Connor and I aren't cousins. But we are enough that I should be able to see him. I need to see him. I must see him.

My mind was drifting, avoiding the upcoming conversation. Mr. Stevens departed, but not before saying "I'm going to grab a cup of coffee. And when I come back, he needs to be gone. Otherwise, I'm going to call security."

It's like Romeo and Juliet.

Lena sat besides me. "I know how hard this must be for you, honey, I do. Losing a friend is one of the most painful things to go through. Mr. Stevens made it very clear-" She started but I interrupted.

Friend. The word tasted like cough medicine in my mouth. That's not the right word. The right one has to be something more than that.

"He's not my friend." I stated. She turned to face me. Surprise was evident on her face, which shocked. I had figured she already knew.

"Connor's not your friend?" I shake my head slightly.

I needed to talk, let it all out. I would have talked to Connor, but that is why we are having this conversation in the first place "There were no girls." I stated, she was confused so I continued "In the tent." I stopped again. "On the camping trip. It was just us."

"We kissed, and now we're like-" I cried into her shoulder. Many thoughts ran through my mind. One was evident. I hate Connor's dad so much.

"More than friends?" She paused for minute, trying to say it right. I started to cry.

"Connor, he told his dad." She put her arm around me and I cried into her shoulder. Why did it have to be like this?

A Couple Minutes Later

Connor's POV:

A little while ago I heard someone crying. I hope it wasn't Jude. If it was, you don't want to know what I'd do. If it was, it was because of my dad.

As I was thinking about the devil, he walked in. I was about to yell at him to get out of the room. But he was holding it open. Interesting. Probably for a doctor or something.

But instead, Jude appeared in front of me. Confusion filled me but was quickly replaced by pure elation. I could finally see Jude! My dad left, closing the door. I was curious of him for only a second. Why would he do this?

We were no longer separated, we were finally together. Even if it's for a couple seconds, I'm grateful. Jude approached the bed. Instantly, I grabbed his hand lightly. Fingering through his hand I noticed the blue nail polish. I smile widened, even though it hardly seemed possible.

"What's this?" I asked him.

He smiled and said "War paint." I scooted over so he could sit next to me. My grasp on his hand was gentle but I never let go. I will never let go of Jude Adams Foster.

Five Minutes Later

"So, how's it going?" I asked. Man how awkward can I be?!

"Good I guess...I'm happy that I can see you!" He replied. He is so sweet. But why did my dad let him in. He hated Jude.

"Do you know why my dad let you in?" I asked suspiciously. Maybe now wasn't the time but I needed to know. He would never do this without a reason. I hope it's because he finally accepted us. But I gave up on wanting that a long time ago.

He looked at me in confusion. "I don't know. I mean, he was talking with my mom for a little bit before he let me in. But other than that...He just let me in, without saying a word. Why?"

"It's not like him to just do that. You even know that! It just seems..." I pondered

"Odd" We said together. We both started laughing, falling back against the bed.

Jude's POV:

We both stayed silent for a little while. Then I said "Remember the time we were fighting over Maddie? You really liked her, and I told you that she asked me out so I should go out with her."

He laughed "Yeah, I remember that. She wasn't worth losing you over." We both smiled, he squeezed my hand gently. "What about it?"

"I was so jealous of her taking you away from me. I pretended it was because I liked her but I didn't. I realized I liked you."

Connor's POV:

I decided to continue the conversation. "Remember when I came to your adoption."

"Yeah" he says. His cheeks were slightly pink. I felt like mine were on fire.

"That's when I realized that Maddie wasn't worth losing you over, because I didn't have any remote feelings for her. I liked you."

"I was so excited that time we almost kissed at the party. I would have given me an excuse to kiss you and not be afraid of anyone telling my dad."

He started laughing. It was infectious. It was soft and sweet. I loved his laugh. "But Callie and your dad have perfect timing, don't they?" I started laughing too.

We laughed a little more but then stopped. He spoke again, but very quietly. I listened carefully "I had really wanted to kiss you too."

I need to do this. I need to.

Now, his face is focused on the tv. But then realizing my discomfort/nervousness, he faced me with concern.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I didn't say anything for minute then I worked up my courage.

"Jude, can I ask you something?" I asked sheepishly. It must have seemed silly, but Jude looked at me with the most concern and seriousness in the world.

"You can ask me anything." He said then repeated his previous statement "What's wrong, Connor?"

I chickened out. "Never mind." I said quickly, dismissing the subject. I was too nervous, I couldn't do it.

He grew even more concerned. I almost wanted to laugh, both in awkwardness and the fact that Jude was making it look like I was going to tell him that I had three weeks to live.

"Please, Connor." He pleaded. "Please tell me."

I shifted uncomfortably. Here goes nothing. I looked straight at him. "Jude, will you go out with me?"

Jude's POV:

Did he just ask me out? I think he just asked me out. Oh my god, he just asked my me out!

Before I did anything I said "Yes!" And before I knew it, he kissed me. We stayed there, almost forever, in our paradise.