Well I'm just gonna say this: I AM SO SORRY. I haven't updated this in how long? Four months? Bejeebus, I'm sorry! Well…. I'm not gonna make up an excuse...

Thanks for the reviews and please don't give up on me!

After his talk with Shiemi, Rin trudged his way home. 'God, it feels good to finally tell someone about this!' Rin thought. There was a sudden poof and Rin caught a whiff of some sort of foul smelling liquid. The scent was horrible! It was like a mixture of onions and a demon's inner fluids.

"Gah! What the hell was that?!" Rin yelled, coughing furiously. He opened one of his eyes and thought he saw a small dog (Yep you know who!). The scent refused to dissipate, causing Rin to trudge home with watery eyes as he pinched his nostrils shut. 'Just fuckin go away!' Rin thought as he swatted the air in front of him furiously.

Once he entered the dorm, he realized Yukio was home. 'Oh yeah! We had a Shura teaching us all day… How did I not notice?!' Rin thought as he walked in. Once he got to his and Yukio's room, Rin shoved his face down into his pillows.

"Ah! Nii-san! I didn't notice you returned from school!" A voice said behind him, Rin turned around to see Yukio standing in the doorway drying his hair…

with nothing on but a towel wrapped around his waist. Ugh, fate must hate him.

"Nii-san how was school?" A fully-dressed (Thankfully!) Yukio said at the table. Rin, meanwhile, was making dinner.

"Because you left to exorcise that weird corpse-dog-demon thing, we had Shura as our substitute for your subjects." Rin said, not bothering to repress his shudder.

"Ghouls, nii-san. And Shura couldn't have been that bad! Surely you're overreacting!" Yukio said. A part of him knew Rin probably wasn't overreacting but maybe this once Shura was able to-

"She summoned every demon that we had to learn about today and waited until the very last minute to exorcise them." Rin said, placing a plate in front of Yukio. 'Spoke too soon!' Yukio thought, sweat dropping. "I killed one with Kurikara and she whacked me!" Rin said, pouting slightly

"Well maybe you shou-"

"The demon was literally cornering me, Shima, and Izumo." Rin deadpanned.

"I retract my previous statement. Good work Rin." Yukio said, as he began to eat his dinner.

After dinner, the twins went up to their dorm room. Yukio, to study and Rin, to distract himself from studying.

"Nii-san, why don't you study? I'm sure you'll get more than just C's and B's in your classes." Yukio said, not taking his eyes away from his work. Rin looked up from his manga.

"No! What're you even studying for anyway? You're not even in school anymore!" Rin huffed, irritant.

"Well you can alwa-" Rin held his hand up.

"I don't even wanna hear it." Rin said as he continued reading his manga. Yukio pulled Rin's manga down and stuck his face inches away.

"Please, nii-san?" Yukio said. Rin turned a light pink and pushed Yukio's face away with his manga.

"Fine! I'll study! Just stop annoying me" Rin said looking away. Yukio smirked victoriously. That had worked ever since they were children! But oh how clueless he was that to Rin it meant so much more.

The duo had studied until midnight when Rin's yawning became too much for Yukio to bear and he told Rin to go to bed, following an hour later.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

'Wait… I'm late!' Rin thought the moment he heard the alarm blare at the edge of his bed. 'Wait… My chest feels heavy…' Rin reached up to touch whatever it was that was weighing him down. Probably Kuro. The cat sith had gotten into the habit of sleeping on Rin's chest when he slept.

What he found wasn't the demon cat at all. In fact it was softer, squishier, and he could feel it. Well, his hands.

"What the-" Rin mumbled. Okay, now he was fully awake! His voice was a bit too high pitched for comfort! Rin sat up and shook his head. He felt something brush at his shoulders. His hair. It had grown longer in his sleep!

"Okay, is this some sort of demon thing or-" Rin stopped himself again. His voice was still high and strangely… feminine.

Rin's mind drifted off to all the manga he read. 'Oh no! Nononononononono!' Rin chanted as he ran to the dorm bathrooms. And then he saw his reflection and let out an ear piercing scream.

At breakfast Yukio was smiling victoriously at his plate which creeped out Ukobach and Kuro immensely. What they didn't know was that Yukio had set Rin's alarm an hour and a half early. 'Let's see him try and be late now!' Yukio thought deviously, adding a scary glint to his eye. 'There is no doubt he is somehow related to Satan.' Ukobach and Kuro thought simultaneously.

Suddenly a loud and strangely feminine scream penetrated the air, snapping them all out of their thoughts.

"Onii-san!" Yukio yelled, his first instinct to protect his brother. Yukio rushed upstairs and ran towards the dorm bathrooms, where the sound seemed to be coming from.

"Onii-san!" Yukio shouted yet again as he opened the door. What he saw wasn't something he exactly… expected. "O-Onii-san?" Yukio said weakly.
