Title : My Everything

Pairing - Alihaku, Hakuali, other pairings.

This is my rewrite of You And I to those who have read it. And to newcomer please enjoy.


Two little boys from an enemy kingdom always played together they were the best of friends. They were like the sun and moon but the sun disappeared one night without telling the moon. 9 years the moon still thinks of the sun and one night his sister mention a boy who looks like his friend and now the moon will try anything to find the sun and ask him why he left him.

Chapter 1

Nine Years Ago

Two little boys of seven years were in a special garden that only they knew. They were both princes of their own kingdoms but their family hated each other that they always had to been seen in secret. Alibaba and Hakuryuu were the best of friends and nothing could tear the two apart. The only one who knew about them being together was Hakuryuu's older sister. She understood the two well and kept their secret.

But the two boys wouldn't be able to see each other again because of a certain incident. Alibaba had come late for their meeting and they spend more time than usual that's when both child's parents went looking for them which then ended up in war. The two were never to seen each other again.

Alibaba didn't like the idea of not seeing his best friend. His father wouldn't allow him to go anywhere near the boy and it was same for Hakuryuu with his father.

One day Alibaba was in his town and was shopping with his older brothers when he saw something that caught his eyes.

"Do you want that?" Alibaba's older brother asked. Sahbmad Saluja is Alibaba's older brother and the second child to born in the household.

"If you want it hurry up so I can buy it." Ahbmad Saluja was another older brother of Alibaba's and the oldest and he can be mean but he does care for his little brother.

Alibaba handed the pendant to his older brother. Ahbmad looked at the pendent, he didn't understand the things that his little brother was interest but if it made him happy then he was fine. Ahbmad then paid the merchant and handed him the money.

"Is that all you want?" Sahbmad asked.

"Yes." Alibaba smiled.

The three then headed back to the castle where they lived. Alibaba pretended to go to bed early but that was a lie. He snuck out of the house and go meet with Hakuryuu.

"I didn't think you would come." Hakuryuu said.

"I got something for you." Alibaba said as he sat beside his friend on the grass with all the lovely flowers. Alibaba then took out a small bag and handed it to his friend. Hakuryuu took it and opened the bag slowly. Inside was a pendent in a shape of a half-moon with a red ruby on it.


"I saw it in town and I bought one for me too." Alibaba said. He shown his pendant that he was wearing around his neck. It was the same and Hakuryuu could see if they put the pendants together they would fit perfectly.

"Promise me that we'll always be together." Hakuryuu said.

"I promise." Alibaba said. But that time the blond didn't know that that promise wouldn't be kept and that night was their last night together.

The next day Hakuryuu waited for his best friend but he never came. He did that the following day and still his friend didn't show up. He didn't like it so he decided to go to the castle where his best friend lived but when he got there he saw that nobody was around, not the king or his best friend.

Hakuryuu fell down his knee with a shock on his face. The boy was upset that he couldn't find his best friend.

"You lied." He cried.

Nine years later

A young seventeen year old teenager looked out his window, his dark blue hair blowing in the wind. He stopped looking out and went back inside his room and he stared at himself in the mirror. His right eye was dark blue while his left was lighter blue because of the large scar on his face that he got into an accident when he was a child, and his mole was visible.

"Hakuryuu it's time to get u-p." His sister Hakuei had entered his room without knocking again. Hakuei looked just like Hakuryuu since they are siblings. Hakuei was there for her brother when he fell into depression since his best friend vanished without saying anything.

Hakuei can see that Hakuryuu still thinks about the boy since he always wears that pendant that Alibaba had given him around his neck at all times, never taking it off unless taking a bath or shower.

Hakuryuu took the pair of glass on his table and put it on. He looked at his wrist watch and saw he still had time before his school started. Hakuryuu headed toward the door but before he walked out he turned around when his sister called out.

"I'm sure you will meet that boy again."

"If I do how can I forgive him for leaving me alone." He mumbled and walked out his room. Hakuei followed behind her younger brother.

Hakuei had work this morning so she had time to drop Hakuryuu up at his high school.

Hakuryuu arrived at school and was being stared at by students, it was nothing new since he was the fourth prince of the Kou Empire. Some students are too scared to even approach him expect those who he calls his close friends.

Hakuryuu was smart and the head boy of his high school. People come to him if they need any help but whenever they ask he can sense nervousness in them which makes him upset, why they couldn't act normal and think of him like any other normal student.

"Hakuryuu!" Hakuryuu turned to the source of voice. It was Judal who he was really close with. He was one of his close friends who talked to him like normal. Hakuryuu has known Judal since he was seven years old. Judal also knew about his best friend who he always snuck out to play with.

"You're early today." He said.

"Hakuei had work so she dropped me off."

"That explains it." He said.

The two then headed inside their high school.

Across from the school a boy with blond hair with a short ahoge and golden eyes was riding his bicycle. He had a plastic bag hanging on the side of his bike. He stopped and arrived at a small blue house and ran inside. He then ran upstairs into one of the rooms.

There she was the boy's mother. She looked exactly like the teenager, she was sick but she still had a smile on her face. It sadden the boy to see his only mother like this.

"Alibaba is that you?" She called out.

"It's me." Alibaba walked toward the bed of his mother's bed. He then poured some hot water on a glass and gave his mother her medicine.

"I'm sorry that you have to do everything." She said. Alibaba didn't mind all the work he had to do. He knew his mother wished that he didn't have to do anything but he chose to do this for her so she could be happy and not suffer.

"Don't worry about me." Alibaba smiled. The blond looked at his pocket watch and saw it was time to go to work soon. I'll be back soon so don't wait up." Alibaba hurried and changed and left his lovely mother alone.

Alibaba arrived at the café called Wallflower that he currently works at. Once he arrived all eyes were on him.

"Good morning." He greeted to all the other employee including the manager and assistant manager. The boy has gotten to know everybody at the café. They were older then he but they still got along.

The café was always busy in the morning and Alibaba knew every customer that came by since they were regulars. Most of them were seniors, even students come before they started their classes. He doesn't see much high school students in the morning, they only comes in the afternoon or evening.

"How's your mother doing?" Sinbad the manager asked.

"She's the same as always."

"I made some soup for her so take it to her later." Sharrkan one of the cooks said. Everybody in the café knew about Alibaba's mother and they do everything they do to help.

"Alibaba can you help out in the front?" Yamraiha asked.

"Sure." Alibaba headed out and helped Yamraiha in the front.

Around noon Alibaba was on break that's when Alibaba's two good friends came to see him. They were sitting outside in one of the seats.

"Don't you have better things to do on your break then visit me?" Alibaba said.

"Nope." Both said in union. Aladdin and Morgiana has been friends with Alibaba since he moved in to the town. Unlike Alibaba they go to school. The blond wished he could go to school too but he didn't have the money to go right now. He had to take care of his mother and make sure she was happy before himself.

It was night time and Alibaba was carrying the soup that Sharrkan had made for his mother. He couldn't wait to see her. But he stopped in front of his house and dropped the bag and the soup fell over on the ground.

"This can't be happening." Alibaba rushed inside his home and called for his mother's name. Smoke was coming from the house and it was strong. Alibaba ran to his mother's room and saw her there but she wasn't moving and her eyes were closed.

"Mama." He called out. But no reply came. Tears ran down his face. He feared for the worst. Alibaba carried his mother on his back and rushed to the nearest hospital as fast as his legs could take him.

Jafar was at the café working overtime since the manager was being a lazy bum. Suddenly his cell phone rang and he saw it was from Alibaba.

"Why is he calling?"

"Alibaba what is it?" He asked.

"Jafar-san." Jafar could hear the cry from the other line. There was sadness in his voice when he said his name.

"What's wrong?" Everybody in the room got worried and watched as Jafar spoke to the blond on the other line.

"My mother is dead." The boy said. Jafar couldn't believe his ears.

"Where are you?"

"Namori hospital."

"Stay there!" Jafar hanged up and then saw everybody staring at him.

"What's wrong?" Pisti asked.

"Alibaba's mother passed away." Everybody had a shock look on their face. I'm going to go get him."

"Wait!" Sinbad grabbed Jafar before he ran off. I'm going with you." He then turned to the rest of his friends. You guys stay here and watch the shop." They nodded and agreed.

When they arrived at the hospital they saw the boy had been crying. Jafar didn't like that sad look on the blond's face.

"Jafar-san." Alibaba cried and hugged the older male. Jafar hugged Alibaba back and let him cry in his chest.

"It's going to be okay." He assured the boy. The boy stopped crying and Jafar realize that Alibaba had fallen asleep.

"You take him home and I'll let everybody know." Sinbad said.


Jafar carried the boy in his back and put him in the back seat. Sinbad sat in the passenger's seat. Jafar dropped Sinbad off at the café and Jafar drove off and took the blond to his home.

When they arrived he picked the boy up and lifted him in his arms and walked in his house and walked into his room and put him on his huge bed. Jafar put the blanket over him then wiped the boy's tears away.

"How did this happen?"

Sinbad had explained to everybody what had happened. They didn't understand how there was a smoke in the house.

"I talked the police and they said Anise did it herself."

"Why would she?" Sharrkan couldn't believe this. The person who was like a mother to them.

"I think I can understand she would do that." Masrur said. Masrur remember the time he talked to Anise and how she would always say how she feels sad that Alibaba is working so hard for her.

"We'll just have to make sure he never feels this pain again." Spartos said.

"I agree." Drakon said.

"Is Jafar with Alibaba?" Hinahoho asked.

"Yes." Sinbad answered.