I beat my hands against the white padded walls, screaming at the top of my lungs. But nobody would come; they were convinced I belonged here. I didn't belong here: I was normal, sane; they had to believe me. THEY had to!

I beat my hands harder, screaming louder. I wasn't the only one screaming, several others were yelling at the top of their lungs and beating their doors, but at least they had a partner in there to help them, I was secluded. They thought I was too unstable to be around other human beings.

Secluding a human from his or her own kind is insane. They're the ones who should be in here, not me.

But sadly enough everybody I loved and thought had loved me had abandoned me as son as I was take away. Even my twin sister.

My name is Dipper Pines and I have been put in a mental institution because I was "hallucinating" and very "mentally unstable". But everything I had been saying had been true. I wasn't lying, it might sound like I was, but I wasn't.

Imagine, a sane sixteen year old being in here with all of these truly insane people, and all because he tried to save people from a place called gravity falls, Oregon.

After a party at the Northwest's mansion, I slipped in and out of consciousness for three and a half years. I was fighting a triangular man that had taken over me. He hadn't possessed me, I was more like a puppet, I only had my own will when he dropped the strings, but the second I tried to go against something h wanted, he would yank me back into place.

Bill used me to bring forth the unholy terrors that he reigned down on the poor people of gravity falls. (I won't go into detail just in case any young children find this) after he was finished and most of the town was completely destroyed, I was taken away by the police to a juvenile detention center at the age of thirteen, where I spent a year.

When I tried explaining to them about bill and being controlled, they sent me to a mental institute for having "split personality disorder". Bill played a big part in their decision, even after he got his way he still wasn't done with me. he eventually got me put in this white puffy room. I had a therapist who tried to talk to me, but once I got in here, nobody tried to help me anymore. I was labeled helpless, most likely to spend the rest of my life here. And still, I'm bill's puppet.

A/N: Hello, this is my very first fanfiction, so bear with me. This is just an introductory chapter. I'm going to keep the fic short and sweet, or I might lose interest. This story is going off of a gravity falls theory that after episode 10 or season 2, Bill started to use Dipper as a puppet because him turning into wood was supposed to be his last form, but wasn't. I took it further and went into the future with it. Hope you enjoy! I'll be doing the best I can.