Bill looked a little shocked at my request. This reaction, for some reason, gave me a sense of satisfaction. But, his shocked face soon turned back to a nasty grin.

"Sure, Kid! I'll take you to my neck of the woods," he smiled.

"What do you want in return?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, nothing this time. I suppose I've caused you enough trouble as it is. I'll let you in for free."

I blinked, shocked, and a bit scared. I guess he liked seeing my shocked face as much as I liked seeing his, coz this threw him into a fit of laughter. He then stuck out his hand. "Deal, Pine Tree?" The straight jacket I was formerly encased in disappeared from off my body. I hesitated. But what did I have to lose at this point? There was no other way out of all of this. I took his hand firmly, looking him in the eye with confidence. "Deal."

Immediately, the already dark room became even darker, and Bill lifted us both into the air. His summoning wheel appeared around us and a wind began to pick up. A light flashed and began to spin around on the wheel. We were being dragged into the dreamscape. A pain suddenly hit me. Bill appeared to be fine but he liked pain. I cringed; arching my back in. I felt myself dematerializing. I let out a scream of agony as Bill laughed. My hands went up and I began to grab at the air. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as my body filled with so much pain and suffering.

My vision became blurred, Bill's figure and glow barely visible. Other than the pounding in my head Bill's cackle was the only thing that could be heard, echoing in the empty void of darkness I had just become trapped in. My head felt like it was on the brink of exploding, my insides were on fire, and my entity felt like it was tearing itself apart.

I begged and pleaded for death to come, but it never did. Then, almost instantly, the pain stopped.