Here you guys go, THE FINAL CHAPTER! Don't grab the pitchforks and torches just yet because I will definitely be writing more Olicity fics in the near future. It would probably be around a week though because I am getting my wisdom teeth out next week. But I really want to thank everyone so much for all the positive feedback on this story! It really means a lot to me and I hope the ending isn't disappointing or anything. I love everyone and please feel free to review or leave suggestions for other fics in the future. 3 Geekyfangirl17

All right to CW's Arrow

The drug lord kept creeping closer and closer to Felicity, and she knew she had nowhere to escape or hide. Her side was still throbbing from when he had pushed her down the steps when she tried to escape the first time. He had blocked her other exit and she had backed into the desk. He was on her in seconds.

"I think that I will enjoy this," He said as a horrendous smirk spread across his face. One of his hands clutched around her throat while the other ran down her back. Felicity was terrified and didn't know what to do. "Let's make lover boy mad," he said as he smashed his lips onto hers. His hand still clasped around her neck made it hard to breathe.

He kept getting more and more aggressive, running hands where they shouldn't go. Still clutching her by the throat he slammed her down on the table causing her to hit her head and making the computer fall to the ground with a crack. Felicity saw black spots for a second before seeing him pull out a knife.

"Lover boy is about to be here, but sadly he will be too late," said the drug lord clutching Felicity's neck even tighter. Just then she saw him lift the knife and then she felt a lot of pain.

Felicity shot up in the bed with a scream escaping her throat. It took her a second to see that she was still in Oliver's apartment and that it was all just a bad dream. She heard a noise and saw the door fly open.

"Felicity are you all right?" Oliver asked concerned. He had a terrified look on his face. He was already by her bedside looking her up and down.

"Sorry Oliver I had a bad dream. I'm fine, don't worry about me," she said reassuring him. He looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Tell that to the tears on your face," he said not sounding convinced. He took one of his hands and found hers, "Do you want to talk about it?" His thumb gently brushed over her fingers sending shivers down her spine.

"Not really, it was just about the incident," she said focusing almost all her attention on her hand. He had stopped rubbing her fingers and had squeezed her hand.

"Okay. You're not the only one who had a bad dream though. Mine was that I was too late and that piece of crap had …" He said trailing off. He felt his hand squeeze tighter. "That really could have happened. I could have really lost you today." He whispered.

Felicity sighed and said, "My dream was pretty much the same as yours. He was kissing me and I couldn't stop him. The he somehow found out you were almost there and stabbed me." She felt tears well up in her eyes. "I couldn't stop him Oliver. I just feel dirty because he kissed me."

"I'm so sorry Felicity. I wish I could stop putting you in dangers way," He said avoiding eye contact.

"Hey, this isn't your fault and I don't blame you. Oliver, look at me," Felicity ordered. Oliver looked up into her eyes. "None of this is your fault. You told me that you should have never pushed me away in The Foundry. Why are you going back on what you said earlier? Why are you trying to push me away again?"

"I want you to be mine and only mine Felicity but I can't see a future without you getting hurt, and it scares me," Oliver said.

"Oliver I could be walking on the sidewalk and a car could swerve and hit me and I could die. Either way I could get hurt, but I want to be with someone who can protect me from the danger from time to time. I want to be with you Oliver," Felicity said squeezing his hand.

"Felicity I want…" He was cut off by Felicity's lips. Her arms wrapped around his neck. He began to kiss her back and leaned into her. They fell back onto the bed with Felicity underneath him. They kept kissing each other, neither one wanting to come up for air.

After a couple minutes Oliver stopped and rolled off of her, lying by her side. He motioned for Felicity to come closer to him. She rested her head on his chest as he played wither hair. "Okay," he whispered.

"Okay what Oliver?" She asked glancing up at him.

"I want to be with you too, so okay let's give it a try. And this time, I won't give it up if something bad happens," he said holding her tighter. She smiled keeping her gaze with his eyes. She reached up and pecked him on the lips.

"Thank you, now let's see if we can both get a good night's sleep," she said as she yawned. She was almost asleep when she swore she heard an I love you, but she couldn't muster the strength to reopen her eyes, so she fell asleep.