Huzzah for reviews. I know some of you don't like the disclaimer... but I have to have it. Sorry!

Be advised, I claim no right to ideas/characters/ ect contained herein. I do not claim responsibility for Hetalia, or any affiliated licensed ideas.

I own nothing. Rated M. Thank you for reviewing.

Please note, this is only a STORY, and should not be intended to cause offense in anyway.


Amelia watched as 'Ivan' flittered about the alleyways, like a dark specter of impending doom. Her blue eyes often flickered out the window, hoping for some sign buried amongst the monotony of the cold winter days. Some hint or inkling that Toris was still out there. Yet, since approaching 'Ivan' for help, he had failed to reappear.

With the added scrutiny, and knowing that 'Ivan' knew where she lived, Amelia was nearly on a level of paranoia. It could be a trap. Anything, at this point held the potential. She needed info, and unfortunately, that was at a compromised drop site. Another CIA agent had, per protocol, already destroyed whatever she and Toris were to receive. Better to sacrifice their Intel than allow it to fall into enemy hands.

'Scorched Earth' was still a viable tactic, and was employed often in their world.

She kept her head down, proverbially, as she pushed through the days. 'Audra' smiled gently, in a subdued fashion. No worried wife would go about grinning like a loon. Yet, she still served the customers with an air of friendliness. Some women mentioned in passing, that they hoped her husband would be better soon.

'Ivan' had said nothing of her small social lie. It was better for everyone to assume her husband was ill than to have left her. The gossip would start, and then 'Audra' would be under further scrutiny. Some pity, perhaps, but it would run the risk of alienating her from the natives of the city. That would be another nail in her coffin, if she were not careful.

With a patience and grit born of being American, Amelia went through the motions. She could feel 'Ivan's eyes on her. Somehow, they felt heavier now. Just how much had he pieced together? If anything at all? If she made a move too soon, she could give herself away for nothing. However, by the same token, if she did nothing; she might die by her choice as well.

For three weeks... three long and miserable weeks spent checking subtly over her shoulder, Amelia waited. Her every choice was weighed and measure. She thought over every action twice before doing it. Her mind worked overtime trying to keep the pieces together as she relied heavily on being 'Audra'.

Poor, sweet, and vulnerable 'Audra'.

The same woman that 'Ivan' insisted on dropping off groceries for. Or pressing a some rubles into her hands. 'Audra' flushed, trying to hand him back the money. Though she held back for a moment, some reluctance but determination in her face.

'Ivan' would not accept it back.

"Get something to eat," he commanded of her. Amelia had made certain to skip few meals to keep up her appearance of the grief-and-worry stricken wife.

"But...," 'Audra' interrupted, "What about you? Your family?"

Something flickered in his eyes a warmth and a infinite sadness at the same time. it lasted only a heartbeat, before it was gone. The barest hints of a smile twitched at the corners of his mouth.

"Eat," he said again, before leaving her in the snow.


Nikolai had told Ivan everything.

When he had asked if Nikolai knew anything about the missing Lithuanian man they had followed just a few days ago, the younger man had silently nodded.

Violet eyes gazed upon his comrade with some question buried in the depths. It was not 'Ivan's place to judge another red-blooded communist. Only those bastards that dared to threaten the sanctity of Russia.

There were whispers of corruption. Ivan was no fool. He had witnessed some of them, but had never actively taken part in any of it. He was a veteran to his nation, a soldier still in the battle against the capitalist scum. Wright or wrong, he could hardly tell nor did he care outside of his orders.

Questioning orders, and loose lips got men killed. He grit his teeth, forcing himself not to remember the death and desecration of human life that was the War.

"He is dead," Nikolai stated simply, his blue eyes watched Ivan closely.

The moral side of Ivan was none too happy with what the man had decided to do. Not that Ivan quite knew what the man had done. Or if Nikolai actually had anything to do with the matter. Yet, the hardened gaze, so much like his own, searched Ivan's face for approval.

He did not approve. However, he would be called a liar to state he was entirely displeased with the turn of events.

"What happened?" He asked gruffly, wanting to know just what sort of trouble he would have to help his comrade out of. Or possibly cover up.

"I had suspicions that he was working with the Amerikantsy."

Ivan paused, reaching into his jacket for a cigarette, pulling at it. His lips closed around it, as he frowned slightly.


Nikolai shrugged, but nodded. The shorter man looked perfectly at ease and Ivan did not doubt his words any longer.

"What happened?" Ivan asked, his words muffled as she went to light his cigarette, pulling in a deep puff of the tobacco. White smoke was exhaled in the space between them.

Hard blue eyes, softened, as they met Ivan's gaze.

"I went to speak with him, but I must have startled the man," Nikolai said with a faint but cruel smile on his lips. "He... had an accident."

That caused a pale brow to rise nearly to his hair line in question.

"Accident?" Ivan repeated, with a little bit of censure creeping into his question.

Nikolai gazed to the side, his smile widening slightly -the creatures that cruelty bred-, before schooling his features.

"He fell into the river."

It was vaguely cryptic. Ivan did not doubt there was more to it than that. Since he had not been briefed on a rat within his midst. However, and this was the niggling doubt in the back of his mind... that they did not live near the Moskva river. It was a bit of a journey away from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rolinitis.

He said nothing, choosing instead to smoke his cigarette and contemplate what was now sitting in his lap. After a moment, however, he had only one question.

"What evidence did you have?" Ivan questioned in a bland tone.

Nikolai's blue eyes lit up, with a gleam that spoke volumes to Ivan.

"He was awfully far away from his wife, in the dead of the night." the Belarusian commented blithely. "It was suspicious."

A thought flickered across Ivan's mind. It made him frown, as he dropped hte cigarette to the ground. He ground it under the ball of his foot.

"Yes, that would be." He muttered in distraction.


It became obvious that her hoping was for naught. 'Ivan' had been 'searching' for him. Or so he claimed. She took that for the lie it was. However, something about the way his eyes softened, actually had her believing for a moment that he had nothing to do with it.

There was nothing else she could accomplish at the moment. She couldn't storm a compound that she did not know the location of. She couldn't risk compromising other fellow agents because her partner was missing.

Presumed dead...

That is what she was reduced to. With a heavy heart, she placed a small cardboard sign in the window. In 'poorly' written Russian, advertising the day-old loaves were a mere pittance compared to their true price. It had generated customers, which was fine, but its primary purpose was to signal to other CIA operatives that she was to be considered compromised. The left bottom corner was folded, and the top right was torn.

Do not approach. Agent captured or killed. Assume the worst.

Granted, Toris still might be out there. Alive. Somewhere.

But, that was highly unlikely. Still, she had a debt to pay to whoever had killed Toris. Keeping that in mind, she formulated the next stage of her plan. She amassed all the data they had and in a bold move, made it to a previously unused drop site. A small stumble and her possessions went flying. Scattering over the snow. Some kind souls, paused long enough to help her gather them up. As they did so, she used the distraction to slip a small nondescript envelope into a crack between the buildings.

No one was any the wiser.

She brushed off her clothing and with a few more than polite offers to walk her home, 'Audra' declined with a false flush of embarrassment on her cheeks. Her azure orbs found the hardened and violent gaze of the blonde from before not more than three blocks later.

It was not only 'Ivan' following her. She knew that.


The stirring in his chest only grew stronger as he followed the Lithuanian widow around.

Though she did not know that her husband was dead. Ivan had discreetly checked around. She was encountering financial trouble with her husband's disappearance. He watched her with hooded eyes as she sold her jewelry, nothing that raised a warning in his thoughts.

She had pitifully little to sell anyway.

He trailed after her, knowing that if Nikolai's hunch was correct and Mr. Rolinitis was in fact working for the enemy, there was a chance the wife knew.

That would be... displeasing.

Because, even though he had started to lie awake and night -aching for the woman that he watched from afar, he would not hesitate to kill her if she turned out to be a spy. However, Mrs. Rolinitis was constantly at the Bakery, or at home. She went nowhere and spoke to almost no one. Though, in this stressful time it was understandable.

He noticed that her blonde hair was not a carefully styled as it had been. She settled for similar styles that allowed her to get to the Bakery earlier. To do the work of two, when she was only one. Ivan noticed that she had to stop and rub her hands or her back from time to time.

Yet, when she took a few moments of rest. His gaze lingered on the elegant curve of her neck and the fragile look of strength that she kept on her face. He marveled at how kind she was, despite the tragedy looming over her. Ivan knew that Tolys was dead. However, he was forced to leave her with the bittersweet poison of hope that her husband might return.

Her sweet nature was only magnified in his eyes, as she accepted his gesture to walk her home. Every night. She often did not say much, but once or twice he would have sworn the red staining her cheeks was not due to the cold.

But concern was written all over her pretty face, and even though he told her nothing, she thanked him for his efforts. Every time. It made his chest tighten with appreciation for the woman before him.

He wanted her. Ivan knew that. Now she did not belong to another man, and he wanted to grasp his opportunity, but his duties came first. He scoured over reports of her, had other comrades follow her, and even delved further into her finances. He had reports on her comings and goings. Even at night.

Nothing suspicious at all.

So, when the night fell and darkness blanketed his beloved homeland, his heart and body ached to hold her. To have what the plain man had once possessed. As he buried himself in more paperwork and the stale smell of old smoke. In his lonely, but rewarding existence.

Violet eyes stared balefully around his home, it was modest. However, it was built on by strong Russian hands, by his people, and it suited his needs to perfection. Yet, the thought crept in as the early morning sun filtered through the windows...

That, perhaps, it could use a woman's touch.


Amelia was leaving herself out as bait. The America posing as a Lithuanian immigrant, was allowing the time to pass. Each night she was escorted home by 'Ivan', dutifully she portrayed the appearance of a deeply concerned and loving wife. She asked gently each week if 'Ivan' had found anything at all yet.

Surprisingly, for a enemy operative, he was capable of compassion. For though his mask never slipped, his words were warm and almost regretful every time he told her that no sign of 'Tolys' had been found yet.

It was as if he had vanished into the winds. Grimly, Amelia was aware of what that meant. Yet 'Audra' would only nod and thank 'Ivan' quietly. With a gentle smile on her lips and a soft touch to his arm.

Violet eyes warmed whenever she did so, and Amelia hoped that she was pulling him further in.

Weeks became a months, with agonizing slowness. She made the payments that were due for 'Tolys and Audra'. The stack of money the possessed had dwindled to a much smaller amount. Amelia still had access to the reserve funds hidden away in a separate location. That would keep her afloat for four years if she was careful.

Yet, that was not her goal.

She was setting the trap. Baiting it carefully as she allowed 'Audra' to grow more and more destitute. With careful staging and planning, she began to sell 'heirlooms' of her family. Small baubles not worth a great amount, but would show her desperation. With a masterful act of reserved shame, she grabbed the money and politely thanked the jeweler.

Amelia started putting small holes into her dresses, that she would then mend. The mending was meant to be subtle, hardly noticeable, but to eyes that watched her like a hawk... it gave her an excuse to sit by the window in her cramped apartment and sew.

The sewing allowed her to observe just how long 'Ivan' waited outside. He obviously had other tasks, for he only waited an hour after dropping her off, before leaving. Yet, she always could tell that he was watching her.

Some mornings, he escorted her to the Bakery as well. Each time she pulled on 'Audra' to appear optimistic and bubbling with misguided hope at the sight of 'Ivan'. However, he always reported the same thing to her.

No sign of her husband.

Two months turned into three. And, 'Audra' began to wane under the stress. The women that frequented her store, rounded on her asking not so subtle questions as to the whereabouts of her husband. Flushed cheeks and quick stammering, told a world of information she did not have to make up. Let alone give.

They clucked their tongues, 'tsking' her misfortune on a husband that had clearly run off with a mistress. 'Audra' did not attempt to deny it. She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and bowed her head. Stiffly, for her persona, she asked what else she could bring for them. Her ears pricked as she listened to them prattle in whispers.

What a shameful occurrence! How scandalous! How could the Lithuanian woman not have said something sooner? Perhaps he beat her? Perhaps she poisoned him? Did he run off with his mistress?

Amelia could not have cared less, except that it would now create a problem for her. She should have faked Toris's death to help with this part, but 'Ivan' would know. What sort of demure little housewife would do such a thing?

However, she was still 'Audra' when the women paid their bills and left.

The faint air of superiority that emanated from the women was enough for Amelia to understand that vicious gossip that would be circulating by no later than that afternoon. There was steep decline in her clientele by the very next morning.

'Ivan' was waiting for her that night, his violet eyes watching her carefully as 'Audra' sniffled pitifully while poorly trying to hide it.

They continued on this way for another week or so. Her now, nearly empty, bakery was not even turning a profit. Though the breads were just as delicious as before. However, no one wanted to be tainted by the scandal that 'Audra' was muddled up in.

Amelia found it just as agitating as everything else while she kept to the holding pattern. She had to stick with the plan. It wasn't just about her or Toris. She needed the information on the nuclear testing. There was no question about it. If she had to stay in 'deep cover' for years, she would do so.

She was an American.

Yet, as she rose this morning, something felt different. Four months since Toris had disappeared and Audra was nearly penniless, having sold anything of value and kept expenses to a minimum. It was the same as any other day. 'Ivan' waited for her, while smoking a cigarette casually. His dark coat looked clean and neat.

It was as it had been...

But, there was a variance to their new 'routine'. One that unnerved her, but also gave her hope that she had not misread his interest. For he had not done anything reprehensible to her at all. It had Amelia rather beside herself with worry that he had only been genuinely concerned for her welfare.

The Russian agent, likely KGB -she thought with some bit of contempt as well as respect-, waited until the very last customer, one of only three for today, had gone before coming into the bakery. The first time he'd ever done so without 'Tolys' about.

Her head snapped up, and the customary bright smile widened on her face out of reflex. Amelia took great pains to keep it from falling when she noticed it was 'Ivan'. His violet eyes looked about, noticing that some items were missing, for 'Audra' had sold them. It looked very much like it had when she and 'Tolys' had first opened.

"Mister Ivan!" She said happily, tilting her head slightly and keeping a gentle voice. "How are you?"

His lips pressed into a thin line, but his eyes were bright and focused solely on her. He looked every inch as imposing as he had the first time she saw him, questioning Toris that day.

"Mrs. Rolinitis," he said with a tilt of his head in acknowledgement.

She stilled, worried instantly by the tone of voice he used. Her training kicked into gear, and Amelia moved forward. She covered the action using 'Audra's sweet face and curiosity.

"What is it?" She asked gently. "Are you alright? Is it my Tolys?"

"His body was found this afternoon," he confirmed with a nearly pitying gaze trained upon her. "It appears he fell into the river, just before it froze over."

She pressed a trembling hand to her mouth to stifle the sobs, that she only had to partially work up. There was grieving for her partner, earnest and heartfelt pain at his loss. She closed her eyes against the tears that fell. 'Audra' broke down, knees falling to the cold floor, with a hard 'thud'.

It took all of her will power, not to still when she heard him come closer, his footfalls echoed through the bakery. Slowly, as she peaked at him from underneath her lashes, she noticed that he knelt next to her.

Soon, she was wrapped in his arms, as he let 'Audra' weep. No apologies were given, but she did not expect them. Then, as she clutched to him desperately, she whispered a broken gratitude to 'Ivan' for finding her husband.


On some level, he was aware that she must have known. Her husband was not going to return.

Today was the day he would break the poor woman's heart. Because he had turned up nothing, and no one even suspected of having ties to the Capitalist Scum had ever even entered her Bakery. Therefore, Ivan could wait no longer.

Audra was close to destitution, and he had heard the vicious gossip of the other wives. Even the other immigrant wives. He found it deplorable.

As deplorable as he felt lying through his teeth to the blue-eyed angel. He said that they only had just located her husband's cold and bloated corpse. That was not the truth. Mr. Rolinitis had been rotting in the ground for four months. Nikolai had seen fit to bury the man the same night he perished.

Ivan did not question his logic. He didn't truly want to. On this, he turned a blind eye, because it got him closer to something he longed for. The woman with the bright smile, even in tragedy. The one that had haunted his blood and dreams. Those dreams that helped chased the nightmares from the depths of his soul.

The beautiful Lithuanian woman, who sobbed in his arms as he held her.

He gave no apologies, they would be but lies from his lips.