Hello everyone. I'm here with a new story. It seems like I can't help myself, doesn't it?

I had this idea around the same time I thought about 9 months but I was afraid to go throught with it.

I really, really hope you'll like this story.

I leave you with the prologue.

A/N: When they were all sent back to Storybrooke, they didn't forget about the 'missing' year. Naturally, Hook never went to find Emma. For now, I think that he is somewhere on his boat sailing around until I decide whether or not to include him in the story.


Nothing had been done since they had been back in Storybrooke.

It had been two weeks now. They were still living under the threat of the Wicked Witch and no one seemed to feel concerned about that. It was as if they'd rather just sit down and wait for some sort of miracle to occur. It was simply aggravating.

Spending an entire year in the Enchanted Forest without any news from her son, without even knowing if he was well, had already been harrowing but being back in Storybrooke, in their house -walking past his empty bedroom everyday…It was tearing her heart apart. Adding to that, her supposed-to-be sister ambling around, waiting for who knows what to finally carry out her threats -it soon became too much for Regina and the Queen could simply not keep on doing nothing. It had already been clear that her powers were an idle threat to the green witch and after several days of reflection and reading, it finally hit her.

She seemed to be powerless against Zelena simply because she possessed dark magic and thus, the only person who deemed fit to defeat the Wicked Witch was, naturally, the Savior herself, the product of true love. That was at least the conclusion to which Regina had come to and for that reason she had decided to cross the town line, so she could bring Emma back to Storybrooke and also -her son. After all this time, she would finally see her little prince again and that alone made her feel like anything was possible, that it was time to, maybe, have a little bit of hope.

The brunette couldn't repress the small grin that appeared on her face as she looked up at the Charmings, before her. What an irony!

As soon as she had come up with this plan, she had decided to let them know. Out of goodness?! Perhaps. Emma was their daughter after all and she knew all too well how they were feeling after being separated from their child -for the second time.

"You really think this is the answer?" Snow's voice rose, breaking the silence and slipping her hand into David's.

"I don't think so. I know." Regina replied, firmly.

"But how do you plan on leaving Storybrooke without losing your memories?" It was the Prince's turn to speak with a furrow of his brows, obviously not quite trusting her plan.

The Queen had to suppress a roll of her eyes before answering as calmly as she could master.

"When I found out that Gold had managed to cross the line, I decided to make some research until I could concoct a potion of my own -albeit more efficient."

"We don't even know where she is." David continued.

"New York," Regina cut him, "this is where I sent them."

"What makes you believe they'll still be there?" He argued.

"David." Snow scolded him, gently. "This is a shot." She told him, raising her hand to stroke his cheek and the Prince sighed. "We have to have hope. Us Charmings –we always find each other." She finished with a smile.

Regina was watching them in silence and she was surprised to see David with what looked like a sarcastic gaze on his face. It was subtle but not to her simply because she mastered in it. She was accustomed of making such face whenever Snow was giving her one of her hope speeches -an infuriatingly annoying hope speech.

She was cut in her thoughts by David's voice.

"I'll come with you then."

"Excuse me?!" Regina let out before shaking her head and chuckling humorlessly.

She looked back at him and realized that he was more than serious.

"No!" The brunette uttered firmly, standing up. "There is no way I will have you as a pet companion."

"I'm not asking Regina." David countered in a calm tone that made her bit her lower lip furiously. "She's our daughter," the Prince continued, "and Henry is our grandson."

The two former enemies held each other's gaze waiting to see who would retaliate first. Unfortunately, the two had more in common than one would think and stubbornness and pride, were on top of that list. Snow decided to jump in and try and diffuse some of the tension.

"Maybe it isn't such a bad idea Regina…"

"Don't patronize me." The mayor cut sharply, turning her gaze towards her former stepdaughter. "I'm not your child."

She sighed before looking back at David.

"You want to come; fine." She gave in, too tired to keep arguing with 'an idiot' -as she liked to call him. "Meet me at the town line tomorrow just after sunset." She instructed grabbing her jacket and heading towards the front door of the loft. "Oh and please," She stopped to turn back to look at them, "Be discreet. Or at least try to be. I don't want my dear sister to find out about my whereabouts and try to stop me."


Regina arrived around seven at the town line. She parked her car on the shoulder of the road hoping that Snow White and her charming Prince wouldn't be too late. The brunette unbuckled her seat belt and leaned against her seat. She had been nervous all day, worrying about Henry and what his reaction to her would be when she told him the truth. She sighed, closing her eyes and she let her mind drift to happier days, to the souvenir of a brown-haired toddler running around the ground floor only wearing his underpants, his joyful laugh echoing in mayoral mansion.

A solitary tear ran down the Queen's face but she smiled, her heart warming itself up. She was forced out of her thoughts at the sound of a car coming her way. She quickly wiped the tear away as she recognized David's truck. She took a deep breath and got out of her vehicle waiting for them to park.

Once the truck had been park, the royal couple got out of it and joined her, David holding a duffle bag over his shoulder. She still couldn't believe she had accepted him to come along. The woman closed her eyes briefly before greeting them the best way she could.

"You're late." She spoke up, eyeing them suggestively.

"Hello to you too." David answered simply with a smirk.

The Queen rolled her eyes and the Prince's smile only deepened. He opened the door of Regina's Mercedes and dropped his bag on the back seat.

"Well," Snow started, tears already starting to prick her eyes.

Regina had to suppress another roll of her eyes before deciding it would be best to just turn around and give them some privacy. She had no interest in witnessing her stepdaughter making out with Charming. She walked towards the front of the car and leaned against the hood, waiting patiently enough for them to finish their goodbyes.

The air was chilly but not too much as winter had given way to spring. However, she regretted her outfit's choice, realizing that pants would have been warmer than the black pencil skirt that she was wearing. She had thought about wearing something more casual all together. It was a road trip after all not a monthly town council meeting. However, she had thought it wise to stick up to her normal, everyday attire not to stir up inquisitiveness, leaving more fitting clothes into her travel bag.

"Regina." Snow called her name and Regina turned to meet the pixie-haired woman's crying eyes.

She immediately felt uneasy, not really knowing what she should do so she just stood still and waited.

"Good luck." Her stepdaughter found her voice, trying to smile. "I hope you'll find them."

"It's either that, either we're all screwed." Regina responded coolly.

Snow gave her one of those smiles that seemed to have a knack for irritating Regina.

"You're going to find Henry. I know it."

The older brunette ignored her assertion and cleared her throat. She turned to look at David.

"You're ready to go."

"Yes." The Prince answered.

Regina nodded. She spun on her heels and opened the car to grab her purse. She pulled out two phials out of it and handed one to David. The blonde man hesitated for a second and the Queen couldn't help but smirk.

"Worried I might try to kill you Charming?" She asked teasingly.

The Prince looked up at her but he didn't answer. Instead he held her gaze defiantly and opened the phial before drinking the liquid straight. Regina chuckled, shaking her head. She drank hers as well before giving the two empty containers to Snow. She watched the couple hugging each other one last time before settling herself in the car. A few seconds later, David joined her. She looked at him and they nodded at each other. Time had come. The brunette turned on the engine and got ready to drive over the town line. She took a deep breath. "This potion better world," she mumbled under her breath. She inhaled one more time before crossing the line between their magical town and the Land Without Magic

Immediately, the two passengers were hit by a violent -albeit brief- wave of magic. Regina slowed down the car and glanced over at her companion.

"My name is David Nolan. I'm married to Snow White and I have one daughter -Emma, the Savior." He looked at her with a relieved grin.

It had worked.

He turned his gaze towards the rearview to look at Snow. A crease appeared instantly in between his brows.

"You can't see her but she can." Regina told him.

David nodded. He lowered the window and slid his hand outside. He waved it slowly, hoping that his wife would see it so she would know that they were alright.

"Ready?" Regina asked.

"Yes." The Prince whispered with a nod of his head.

The brunette nodded in turn before accelerating. Now it was it -they were off to New York…Off to find her boy.

So? Let me know what you think. I love it when you guys review, it gives me life.

Thank you for reading and I'll see you soon.