Brr, it's kinda' chilly in here.

There Yumichika sat across from him, chewing gum and filing his nails like he hadn't a care in the world, that bastard. Ikkaku just scowled at him when Yumichika caught him staring and raised an eyebrow. A bratty little bastard, that's what he was.

Working with the guy drove him absolutely nuts because he was so fucking annoying, but at the same time, Ikkaku hated it even more because he couldn't hate him. He was just so damn good-looking that all those cons still had a hard time deterring Ikkaku's feelings. If only the snob could just shut his mouth for a while, maybe then Ikkaku could like him more.

He'd tried to ask Yumichika out before, of course. He'd tried, and failed, not realizing that he had a reputation for turning people down. Ever since then, Yumichika had seemed to make it his duty to get on his nerves, to make the rejection sting even more. He hadn't an ounce of kindness or mercy in his body, at least not where Ikkaku was concerned. He was just so mean and preyed upon every weakness, like a vulture.

"You know you're doing that out loud, right?" Yumichika suddenly asked, having finished his pinkie nail and stood up. His lunch break was over. Ikkaku looked up in surprise, realizing he'd been breathing through his mouth.

"Geez, sorry," he said heatedly, not sounding the least bit sorry, because well, he wasn't. If he was so unbearable to be around then he might as well make things more difficult for that jerk.

"Wow. Mouth-breathing. It would take quite a good deal to prove to me that you're even remotely intelligent," Yumichika grumbled, rolling his eyes and tossing his hair. Little bitch. It made Ikkaku want to grab him – half to kiss him, half to choke the fuck out of him.

"It's a good thing we don't work outside together, or my beautiful eyes would go blind from the sun reflecting off your head." He hadn't said the b-word, but it still got Ikkaku beyond pissed. No, pissed was a speck in the distance. Ikkaku was murderous.

"Get the fuck out of here, then!" Ikkaku shouted, throwing the newspaper he'd been reading at him. Yumichika left, slamming the door unnecessarily and stomping away. Little brat. Ikkaku's face turned red with rage, and he buried his head in his arms on top of the employee lounge table. Ugh. Why couldn't Yumichika just like him?

Sure, Ikkaku could try to be nice, but it was so hard when Yumichika picked at him all the time. No, being nice wasn't an option, sadly enough. It had been when they'd first met. Ikkaku had fallen head over heels for that pretty face and he'd been sweetly stupid, chatting with Yumichika and hanging around him, finally getting the guts to ask him out, only to have it thrown back in his face. Damnit.

After that cold rejection and the kick in the balls Yumichika had given to his feelings, was it any wonder that Ikkaku had gotten bitter? He could've accepted Yumichika turning him down, but Yumichika had ground salt and lemon juice into the wound, and on top of that, he repeatedly tore off the scab. Fucking bastard. He really was enjoying Ikkaku's pain, wasn't he?

They couldn't work together, because even in front of their clients, they couldn't stop arguing. God, Ikkaku could only imagine what would happen if they had to be at the front cash registers all day together. He'd be pulling Yumichika's hair and Yumichika would have his head under a staplegun...

Why did Yumichika hate him now? They'd been, ya' know, sort of friends when Ikkaku had been floating around him all dreamy-eyed, but now, now Yumichika had made it his duty to wedge his self-esteem in a fruit compress.

If he had to see that smug grin one more time, oh, he would murder him! Ikkaku was never nice to anyone and he'd been trying so hard when they'd first met. Didn't Yumichika appreciate that? How could he just feel nothing? Was he really that cold-hearted?

Ikkaku had just been unlucky enough to fall for a complete asshole, and now he was paying for it. Repeatedly. Without fail. Every hour of every day. God, Yumichika's tongue was sharp.

Sometimes Ikkaku felt like punching him, but that would get him nowhere. He'd get fired, Yumichika might get a restraining order on him, and then he wouldn't even get to see him anymore.

No, it was best that they just kept arguing like this. He didn't see any other solution, at least.

Ikkaku gave a belabored sigh, scratching at a dirt speck on the table. He should probably get to work unloading those trucks…

"Ugh," Ichigo grumbled, going to the fridge. "God, it's hot outside." Having no air conditioning, Renji had been passed out on top of his bed for the past few hours, shirtless and covered in damp towels. Meanwhile, Ichigo was left to bear the heat wave himself, sweating uncomfortably in a t-shirt and jeans.

He had come home from his college campus only a little while ago. They had air conditioning, thank god, but even ten minutes after leaving, the heat was already taking a toll on him. Part of him was glad that Renji was closed in his room while he was half-undressed, because he didn't have to get even more hot and bothered staring at his sweaty gleaming torso.

Oh, why did his roommate have to be hot? Attractive-hot?

It was too bad that Ichigo wasn't gay. No way, he wasn't. Ichigo nodded firmly. He wasn't some pansy-ass fucker, or a pansy ass-fucker, or… never mind. He just... enjoyed looking at Renji, sometimes. That didn't make him gay.

That was why he'd turned Renji down when he'd asked him on a date. I mean, they were already roommates, right? And Ichigo didn't want to take that up to living together right away. Just because they'd known each other for so long didn't mean that they should take a huge step like that, right? He'd done the right thing. He wasn't gay. Just because he looked at Renji sometimes didn't mean that he wanted to change his whole life around and 'come out' or something. Besides, Renji just wanted him for one thing, probably. It was best that they just stay friends.

Renji hadn't seemed crushed at all when Ichigo had turned him down, and that had told Ichigo that he'd made the right decision. He wanted to be boyfriends, not friends with benefits.

"Ohhh saaaay, can you seeee?" Ichigo growled lowly as Renji's stereo turned on. Freaking again? They definitely should've gotten out of the house today. Renji got weird when he was bored. He was already lazy, and a hot, lazy, bored Renji would certainly be unreasonable and hard to deal with. "Everyone is d-"

"Shut the fuck up!" he shouted, slamming the fridge as he got out his sandwich ingredients.

"I'm never ever wrooonnng, and that's all you'll ever-"

"Turn that shit off!" Ichigo shouted again. He swore if Renji played that dumb song one more time, he was gonna' kill that dumbass and then let him listen to it in hell. Ichigo growled to himself when Renji turned the volume down so he could make his sandwich in peace.

Peanut butter, banana, and… toast!

'Take that, Renji! You can't ruin my day!' Ichigo just pouted for a while. It was so hot today. What kind of an idiot didn't want to go to the beach or the pool or the park, for God's sake? They could go for a drive and bug Ikkaku at his job or something, but no. Renji didn't even want to move. The lazy-ass. It was so hot, why didn't Renji wanna' hang out?

Ichigo shrugged. "Guess I have ta' beat the heat myself." Opening the freezer door, he stuck his hand in the ice-tray and pulled out an icecube. Immediately he gave a relieved sigh as the intense cold ran over the skin of his palm. He ran it over his cheek and down the front of his chest, and then the back of his neck.

"Shit!" he cursed as the ice cube started melting and slipped out of his hand, going down the back of his shirt. Flailing wildly and trying to reach it, he only succeeded in getting it stuck down his gym-shorts, inside his underwear, no less. What a stupid thing to do. "AAAH!" It was so fucking cold, he couldn't even stand it. His skin was too feverish to take this, and not thinking about anything but getting the ice out, he frantically pulled his shorts down, sticking his hands in his boxer-breifs.

"Hey man, are there any popsic-" Renji stopped dead. "Oh," he said blandly, eyes open wide as he watched Ichigo flip out and try to get his pants back on, still trying to get the ice out of his drawers.

Finally the ice just melted all the way, leaving his legs and back wet, his underwear sticking to his skin. Now that the sharp cold was gone, the air felt nice on the wet patches of his skin, but what wasn't so comfortable was the blinding heat rising in his face.

He expected Renji to start laughing at him, the big jerk, so he just crossed his arms tightly, his shirt sticking to his wet chest in a mix of cold water and sweat. "I got ice in my clothes. It was just an accident. Stop laugh-" he trailed off when he saw that Renji wasn't laughing at all, but still staring at him wide-eyed, sweaty and shirtless, wearing loose shorts.

Ichigo just about had a heart attack when he saw he'd pitched a tent. "Oh, gross, dude, what the fuck?!" Renji frowned, jeering at him and pushing him aside to get to the freezer.

Ichigo had been approached by Renji before, but he had said 'no'. However, just the thought of them being together had wormed its way through Ichigo's mind, and the idea had grown on him. He hadn't known that he'd let it get this out of control, but damn, he wanted Renji. He, he didn't know why, or what he wanted to do, but he just felt like he needed to touch him, you know? He just didn't want to wake up the next morning and have it mean nothing.

Worst of all, he'd thought that Renji had moved on, that he didn't find him attractive anymore, but this just went to show that Renji still wanted him. Ichigo didn't know how to react to that. Renji was turned on by him? Did that mean he liked him? What should he say? Maybe they should kiss or something. Or go on a milkshake date, in secret, of course.

"Dumb ass," Renji growled, giving Ichigo a nice view of the rivers of moisture beading between his bare shoulder blades, turning his tattoos even darker than normal against his tan skin. Ichigo swallowed hard as Renji grabbed a grape popsicle and stuck it farther in his mouth than necessary.

As Renji turned back around, there was a steely resolve in his eyes, and Ichigo saw that he had an icecube in his hand, which he slapped into a dishtowel. Ichigo watched him warily as Renji took a step closer to him. "What are you doing?" he asked lowly, his face still pink and sweaty from embarrassment and heat stroke. Worse than that was that his eyes wouldn't stop flicking down to Renji's bulging chest. His stomach was gleaming from sweat, making each individual muscle even more pronounced. Ichigo gulped.

"Heh', my eyes are up here."

Ichigo got flustered, not knowing how to reply. Shoot, Renji had seen him? He'd seen him blatantly and obviously staring? What could he say to that?

"Let's mess around," Renji said bluntly after taking the popsicle out of his mouth and trying to lean in to kiss him, cornering him against the counter. Ichigo reflexively pushed him back, retreating to the living room. All he'd wanted was a damn sandwich and some peace and quiet! Would Renji just put some fucking clothes on already?

"Aw, c'mon, where ya' goin'?" Renji called lecherously, making Ichigo cringe and think about locking himself in his room. He had to get away from these weird feelings so that he didn't have to think about them or acknowledge that they were there. Things had progressed too fast. He didn't really know if he wanted what Renji was asking. His body was saying yes, but his heart was pounding so fast and telling him to think things over first. His brain, oh geez, it was just screaming 'quick, jump out the window!'

Maybe he should-

"Eep!" Renji had snagged him by the back of his damp shirt and pulled him against his hard moist chest, erection grinding into his ass shamelessly. Ichigo's eyes were wide open, stricken, but he didn't try to escape, standing stock still as if this might last longer if he didn't move even a single micron.

"Mmm," Renji groaned, wrapping a muscled arm around Ichigo's middle to keep him from escaping, molding his muscled torso to Ichigo's back, his hips pressing into him hard. Ichigo just stood there, scandalized and excited, turned on by the uncertainty of what was progressing like one of his nighttime fantasies. How could Renji just be so bold like that? Didn't he ever get nervous?

Renji gave a low laugh, hooking a finger into the front of Ichigo's shorts and pulling them open an inch, peeking down over his shoulder. Ichigo gasped and elbowed him in the gut, whipping around and letting one foot slide back, ready to retreat. "What the fuck are you doing?!" he snapped.

Renji snickered, doing it again, grabbing the front of Ichigo's pants and underwear, pulling them open wide enough that he could take a look inside. "Stop it! Don't look," Ichigo growled, shoving him back, but Renji didn't let go, the elastic of Ichigo's pants forcing him forward into Renji's arms.

"C'mon, it's a lazy day. Let's have a little fun," Renji purred in his ear, licking a salty stripe from his neck to his ear, causing Ichigo to shudder and lose the steam of his resistance. Immediately the air felt nice against that cool wet line, and he found his hands were against Renji's hard chest, which excited him to no end.

"No," he still said with a shake of his head, not really moving to leave or get away. Renji just held him, pursing his lips in thought, their faces close as he took an obscene lick of that popsicle, looking in Ichigo's eyes. Ichigo turned red, "Uhk, gross, man," he complained, knowing fully well what Renji was suggesting.

"No?" Renji asked with a patronizing frown, puckering out his lower lip like a child. "Whatsa' matter? Looks like ya' like it. You don't know how long I've been waiting for this," he whispered in Ichigo's ear, causing him to get tingles all the way down his spine.

Ichigo stood there, considering it for a moment, Renji's breath in his ear, his hot sweaty body against him. "Hmmm," he mused, looking down at Renji's hard-on and then his own, blushing a little when Renji's grin turned wolfish. "Nope," he said quickly. "I don't want to." He crossed his arms, sticking his chin in the air as if he had the willpower of a block of steel. He took a step away and Renji turned him to face him. Ichigo retreated backwards another step.

"What if I just make you feel good," Renji suggested, popping the ice in his mouth and using his newly freed hand to grab Ichigo's erection, using his grip to tow him forward back into his embrace. Ichigo let out a gasp, unsure as he looked to Renji's face. "We don't have to do it," Renji promised, grinning. "It's not serious. Just some fun. It'll be fine, man."

It was beyond Ichigo's fantasies, all his sweetest dreams, but it just didn't sound right in his ears when Renji said it out loud like that. Renji didn't like him. Renji didn't think about him when he was at work and he didn't think of jokes to tell him. Renji just wanted to play; he didn't care. It was disappointing, but Ichigo couldn't deny that he wanted this. He wanted those rough arms that he wrestled against to hold him down as they rolled around in bed together. He wanted to melt Renji's chisled visage into one of pleasure and sweetness. Maybe not only that. Maybe he just wanted Renji to care about him more than anyone else.

This might be all he was going to get though, so with pink cheeks and uncertainty, Ichigo shyly looked at his toes as Renji groped him. "... Okay." Renji gave a low laugh of satisfaction, towing him back into the kitchen and hoisting him up on the counter, chucking the rest of his popsicle in the sink to melt away.

Ichigo smiled a little bit when Renji grinned roguishly and pressed his body against his, getting inbetween his legs and wrapping arms around him, touching him everywhere and pulling at his t-shirt as they kissed. Ichigo made a small noise, slowly linking his legs around Renji's back, running his fingers over Renji's hair and down his neck.

Renji groaned lowly as he took two handfuls of Ichigo's ass, pulling him forward against his erection, grinding hard. It made Ichigo nervous, but he kept his eyes closed as Renji's thick wet tongue swiped over his lips, urging his mouth to open wider. "Hn," he whined as his mouth was invaded, "ah." God, Renji was biting his lower lip and tugging on it, and sucking on his tongue. Holy shit, he couldn't keep up.

"Hn-hn," Renji laughed as he pulled back, causing Ichigo to smile nervously. Part of Ichigo had always dreamt of Renji seducing him and luring him in, but he'd expected it to be more romantic, requiring more persuasion. Lacking that now, it was just a competition and Renji was holding this over his head. He had to make Renji feel good too or this jerk would be beating him!

He grabbed Renji's hair roughly by the base of his ponytail, yanking his head back in and surging his slimmer chest against Renji's. Renji gave a surprised groan, eagerly returning it and picking him up, hitching him on the side of his hip effortlessly, like a kid. Ichigo frowned darkly as Renji opened the freezer again, popping some ice in his mouth and bringing a few more pieces with him in the handtowel.

Something primal inside of Ichigo just basked in pleasure as Renji kicked open his bedroom door and threw him down on the bed. Renji laughed lowly, pouncing on him and running his big hands up his chest. Not wanting Renji to be on top, Ichigo grabbed Renji's shoulders and locked his legs over his back, bucking upwards and flipping them over. Renji grinned widely as Ichigo's hands pinned down his large arms, and to Ichigo's surprise, Renji didn't fight it.

Finding that he was straddling the older man, he suddenly didn't know what to do now, losing confidence now that Renji was at his mercy. They were in Renji's room, and Ichigo just wanted to bury his face in the bed and smell it, but he felt too far out of his comfort zone. He hadn't thought this plan out far enough, and Renji could see his uncertainty, smirking at him.

Even after only a moment of faltering, Renji noticed and picked at him, smirking widely. Ichigo couldn't stand that fucking smirk. "Nervous?" Ugh, that made Ichigo so mad.

"Tch, you wish!" he shouted, punching Renji in the chest, only causing him to laugh at him more. "Shut your mouth!" he snapped, leaning down and kissing him hard but with little skill. He bit Renji's lip like he'd done to him earlier, and that seemed to get Renji really riled up, because Ichigo could feel his erection swelling up between them.

Renji panted against his mouth then, arms surging upwards and grabbing Ichigo's wrists, pinning him beneath him again. Not liking having the tables turned on him, Ichigo just lay there in nervous surprise as Renji groaned hungrily. Gritting his teeth as Renji's hands held him down, he felt the hot air between them cause even more sweat to bead on his skin. Renji licked his chest through his shirt, tongue teasing his nipple and biting, causing Ichigo to flip out a little.

"No! Ah," he whined, pausing in his attempts at resisting as Renji sucked hard, then coming back up to his lips before Ichigo could catch his breath.

"Kiss me," Renji said with a grin, laying his heavy half-naked body down on top of Ichigo, rocking their hips together. Ichigo gasped, cheeks turning red as Renji's tongue entered his mouth again, swirling around his own more slowly than before. Renji let out a low masculine noise that just made Ichigo's mind go 'yes', and his back arched. His body started seizing up as his deepest urges fought with each other. This was wrong. This was too much for him, but he was so curious. He wanted to keep touching, but he didn't want to deal with the aftermath.

Before he knew what was happening, Renji had backed up a little and grabbed the sides of his shorts, yanking them down his legs with a quick shuck. Things had progressed from the front gate to the doorstep quicker than Ichigo could've blinked. Not having time to react, he just watched, mortified as Renji took his hair down and leaned down slowly, breathing over the bulge in Ichigo's underwear. Oh, Ichigo just shuddered seeing his mouth so close.

Licking a long slow stripe over the front of the material, Ichigo let out a little moan, starting to relax and smile. Oh, that felt good. Renji laughed lowly, the vibrations running through his big chest and giving a pleasant buzz against Ichigo's arousal. "Ya' like that?" he asked, his deep voice causing Ichigo's gut to clench up. At that moment, Ichigo wanted to surrender everything and let Renji have his way with him, no matter how many years he'd have to live with the humiliation afterwards.

The thick muscles in Renji's neck and shoulders tensed slightly as he leaned back down and mouthed at the front of his boxer-breifs, nipping and sucking teasingly, leaving Ichigo a shuddering mess. He grinned dazedly, eyes bleary as he watched Renji's mouth move over him. Renji wasn't shy of making eye contact, it seemed.

When Renji ran an icecube over the front of his crotch, Ichigo came back to reality. "Hey!" he shouted, half-sitting up, because that had been a real shock. The hair all over his body was standing on end, and he was surprised to see goose-bumps rising on his arms. It was stiflingly hot and humid in this room, but he had just gotten chills over his whole body.

Renji just gave him a devious look and pulled up the front of his underwear, pulling Ichigo's erection out. At the direct touch to his privates, Ichigo gasped, body locking up. "Don't look!" he shouted, mortified, but Renji just made a sultry noise, licking his lips and then up the back of his dick, never breaking eye contact.

"Ah, don't-" Ichigo choked out as Renji took the head into his mouth, sucking and swirling his tongue, completely melting him into a shaking puddle. "Ahhh," he sighed, laying back down with a dazed smile, eyes closing as Renji gave a low laugh, vibrating his shaft just right.

"Hm? You like that?" Renji asked teasingly as he sucked up the side of his dick and placed a teasing kiss on the tip, snaking his tongue along the slit. Ichigo just nodded, humming in bliss as Renji ran his hands over his body. Now that he was distracted, he hardly noticed when Renji pulled his underwear halfway down his thighs, bobbing his head as he wormed his hands inbetween his legs.

"Hey, get outta' there," he jolted, squirming madly until Renji's fingers retreated. Renji shrugged, sucking and twisting his head, playing with Ichigo's balls with his big fingers. "Yeah," he hissed, the base of his dick tightening up. He'd never felt something so good.

Renji pulled back for a moment and Ichigo gave out a pleased sigh, smiling lazily as he felt his hot breath puff against his wet crotch. Taken by surprise when something searingly cold was in Renji's mouth the next time he returned, Ichigo sat bolt-upright, trying to drag Renji's head back, overtaken by the combination of the ice burning against his skin and the warm tongue soothing it.

"S- St- Ah," Ichigo stuttered, moaning and twitching as he watched Renji work his magic. Seeing that it was too much for his younger counterpart, Renji retreated, crunching the ice between his teeth.

"Heh'," Renji laughed as he pulled back, laying down on his back with an arm tucked behind his head. "Get ta' work, squirt," he teased, pointing at his own crotch. Ichigo let out a surprised and sickened noise, sitting up.

"Eh? No way!"

"What, did you think that was for free?" Renji inquired with a mean grin, grabbing Ichigo's hair and pulling his head down as he tried to get away. "Get goin'," he said, pulling his dick out and putting Ichigo's hand on it.

Ichigo didn't know what to say, eyes bugging out as Renji just exposed himself so nonchalantly. Seeing the dark tattoos beneath his fingers was so erotic that he just about fainted. Everything in his being was telling him to let go and get the fuck out of here, but he couldn't shake the feeling that this opportunity might not come easily again. Renji was so… He was all sweaty, his tattoos gleaming, his muscular chest and stomach bare for him to enjoy, and he had basically invited him to touch him.

It wasn't quite the same as in Ichigo's fantasies. Renji was giving him an annoying smirk and would be watching his every move, which was quite uncomfortable indeed. On the other hand, if he backed down, Renji would never let him forget it.

So with burning cheeks and a thousand watt scowl, Ichigo scootched closer and touched Renji's chest awkwardly, feeling his tattoos and rubbing his stomach a little. Apparently, it wasn't doing anything for Renji, who just gave him an indifferent look from beneath those half-lidded eyes. Ichigo scowled deeper when Renji jeered and gave him a smirk. "Che'. Don't tell me ya' don't know what ta' do," Renji said with a snicker that got Ichigo so fucking mad. "Need me ta' tell ya' what ta' do next?"

"No way!" Ichigo shouted, infuriated and so embarrassed that he could drop dead. He would wipe that smirk right off Renji's face. "I'll make you cum!" he said, coughing when it came out louder than he'd meant. He didn't take it back, just glaring as Renji gave him a shit-eating grin that said 'no, you won't.' How dare Renji doubt his skills!

He gripped Renji's erection hard and spat into his other hand when the sweaty skin grated against his palm. Renji's breathing pattern barely hitched, but Ichigo still noticed, speeding up and trying to twist his wrist. Damn, it was a lot harder to jerk off someone else.

"You're gonna' have to do better than that," Renji said, sounding pleased with himself. Ichigo growled when he saw that Renji had better control of his body than he did. He was getting nowhere. Cheeks aflame, he leaned down hesitantly, opening his mouth and letting saliva hang off his tongue down onto the head of Renji's cock. "Mmm, yeah, suck my dick," Renji hummed in encouragement, putting a hand on the back of Ichigo's head to pull him down, but Ichigo slapped him away.

"Don't help me," he snapped, glaring at Renji, who just shrugged and gave a 'che', putting his hands behind his head like the jerk he was. He was gonna' just lounge there and look bored while Ichigo suffered; what a bastard. Ichigo took a few breaths to steel his resolve before leaning down, hand still doing its best to bring Renji to his knees.

Just as he was considering actually doing it, he got the horrible feeling that he was being watched. Looking up, his gut clenched up in aggravation when Renji just gave him a smug grin. That bastard was fully enjoying his embarrassment. Ichigo exhaled sharply and stuck out his tongue, licking the head of his cock testingly. He'd show that jerk. He could do well and then Renji wouldn't want to be with anyone else.

Renji laughed lowly as Ichigo relaxed his mouth to fit him inside. Still, Renji wasn't moaning or begging like he had, he wasn't panting hard or hissing in pleasure. Ichigo tried harder, sucking down as far as he could, which was only a few inches. "Yeah, that's it, keep trying," Renji mumbled with a yawn, his hand coming to the back of Ichigo's head again, resting there and rubbing through his hair.

Ichigo kept his eyes to himself, not able to bear seeing Renji's smug face as he appreciated the view. Out of the corner of his vision, up the landing strip of red hair beneath Renji's bellybutton, he could see Renji licking his lips.

Trying his best, Ichigo kept one hand at the base of Renji's erection, attempting to go deeper and deeper with each bob of his head, marking his progress when the tattoos on Renji's dick got darker with his saliva. He'd make this idiot want him. He could do it. He'd make Renji ask him to be his again.

"You're pretty bad at this, man," Renji finally said awkwardly, patting Ichigo's head. "It's okay, you tried. You can stop," he offered. Ichigo backed off and shouted in his face.

"Shut up! I can do it!" Renji gave a sigh and lay there, erection pulsating in Ichigo's grip, pleasure not progressing much as Ichigo took him back in his mouth. He hoped Renji was just trying to hide that it felt good instead of actually just suffering through a bad blowjob, because Ichigo really was trying his best.

"You've gotta' use pressure, you can't just move your mouth. Suck on it," Renji explained, being less mean to Ichigo, because he'd been pretty brave to try doing this with him. He could see how nervous and embarrassed the poor kid was. It had been a nice thing to do, but it just wasn't working out. Ichigo was pretty bad at this, which was saying something, because Renji liked blowjobs almost more than sex. Mostly because of-

"Ah," he grunted when Ichigo tried to suck on him, his teeth scraping against him a little too hard. Ichigo pulled back apologetically.

"Whoops, did I bite? Sorry, man," he mumbled miserably, trying again, licking in a circle and emulating what Renji had done to him. Renji's face flushed red alarmingly quickly as the little scrape faded from his sensory memory. Already, Ichigo's tongue felt a lot better against him, sending tingles down his back. When Ichigo tried sucking harder, his comparatively smaller mouth was completely full of Renji's dick, which made it impossible for Renji to avoid being pressed up tightly against his teeth and raked with the points.

"Ahhh," he groaned deeply, arms moving from where they were resting arrogantly behind his own head. Renji's big hands locked behind Ichigo's neck, holding him down on his dick, which twitched as it slid down Ichigo's throat. Ichigo's teeth clamped down even tighter when he choked, and Renji's gut clenched up, almost lifting him off the bed as he set his jaw to keep in any more noise.

Ichigo pulled back with a gasp, coughing hard and clutching his throat, and Renji just lay there, growling and trembling slightly, a whisper of a moan leaving his mouth. Ichigo wiped his eyes of the moisture there, pissed at Renji for doing that, but immediately he saw Renji's erection hardening to its full glory, practically standing up on its own, which was impressive given its girth.

"Huh?" Ichigo mumbled lowly, seeing the sweat on Renji's brow and the flush to his cheeks. Renji looked embarrassed and pissed, like he knew he'd been caught, but at what…?

"Oh wow! Hah, I did it!" Ichigo shouted with a laugh, grinning widely. Renji crossed his arms and scowled. Ichigo cheered to himself and meanly laughed in Renji's face, causing the red-head to grab him and tow him back to his crotch.

"Yeah, yeah, just keep going," Renji said, voice strained and scratchy, and Ichigo could hear now that he was getting seriously turned on. When Ichigo didn't start immediately, Renji desperately directed his cock to Ichigo's mouth, trying to push him down to make him get going. Ichigo was still reeling that he'd finally gotten to Renji, able to give him some pleasure too. He tried even harder, holding the base of Renji's fat pulsating erection with both of his sweaty hands, sucking rhythmically even though his neck was beyond tired.

Renji let out a low breath, still trying to contain it to prove that Ichigo's skills were far too meager for him, and Ichigo knew that they were. He was okay with that, if only Renji wouldn't tease him about it. It was just so thrilling to have the larger man beneath him, even letting out a slight catch of his breath to indicate that whatever Ichigo was doing felt good. Ichigo's skills hadn't improved, but Renji's pleasure had.

Renji was trying so hard to keep quiet because he was so sensitive now that every movement of Ichigo's tongue felt great. He couldn't let this little jerk know that he was enjoying this. If he came, Ichigo would tease him so bad. No, there was no way Ichigo could get him to come anyway, there was nothing to worry about.

"Hhooo," Renji exhaled sharply, licking his teeth with a hungry groan, his hand knotting in the hair at the nape of Ichigo's neck.

Ichigo pulled back and swallowed with the tip of Renji's penis still in his mouth, having gathered too much saliva. He licked along the sensitive back of the head of his cock, running his tongue inside the slit roughly, seeing Renji's back lift off the bed as he held his breath tightly. Ichigo laughed smugly, sucking him back inside, jerking Renji off up into his mouth as his other hand made a fist at the base much too tightly, enough that it should really hurt. Renji tensed up, wincing, but the red flush to his cheeks couldn't deny a thing; Ichigo knew his game now.

"Ah, that's enough," Renji said, voice raspy and thick with pleasure. Ichigo didn't stop, digging his nails into Renji's gut, raking his flesh. Renji actually moaned then, although it was strangled because his teeth were gritted so tightly in an attempt to keep it in. "That's enough, I said," he insisted.

Ichigo braced himself, trying to relax his throat as he took him in as far as he could, biting down. "B-Baka!" Renji shouted, jolting almost into a sitting position as he held Ichigo's head there and came. Ichigo felt almost like he was throwing up, because of the spasming of his throat and the inability to draw breath, feeling liquid pouring past his tongue before he could taste it.

When Renji finally released him after his thick erection tensed in his mouth several times, Ichigo was gasping and gulping in air like a fish, coughing like a smoker and clutching his poor throat. He lay there on the bed, eyes wet and burning for about a minute and a half before he regained the power of speech.

"What the fuck were you thinking? Are you trying to kill me?" he cried, voice cracking several times as he swallowed and tried to get his breathing to return to normal. Then as he looked to Renji's crotch, and then to his face and his limp sweaty body, he realized Renji had cum down his throat. Of course, he had known, but it finally registered that he'd actually beaten Renji at this.

"Hah, awesome! I got you!" he shouted, fist-pumping the air and pointing in Renji's face, which was both satisfied and irritated. Sweat rolled down Renji's brow, and Ichigo could see bite-marks on his softening dick, which wasn't relaxing all the way back to normal. Renji's glare was dark and murderous as he sat up and knocked Ichigo onto the floor.

"Oh yeah?" he asked darkly, body still heavy and uncoordinated from the aftermath of the pleasure. Ichigo's erection jutted against the elastic of his underwear as Renji's big arms held him down.

"Yeah. I showed you," Ichigo said smugly, tipping his head up to stick his tongue out brattily. "Ha-ha," he teased. Renji just gave an infuriated growl, sputtering indignantly as he tried to come up with a comeback.

Before Ichigo knew what was happening, he was on his stomach, any bare area of his sweaty skin sticking to the stray hairs Renji had on the carpet. To his dismay, Renji's dormant crotch was grinding against his ass, and Ichigo could feel that he was serious this time.

"I'll teach you ta' laugh at me," Renji growled darkly, yanking his shorts and underwear down his kicking legs, and Ichigo yelped as he felt Renji's feet holding his ankles down, his strong hands still pinning him on his front.

"Yeah right. You're just mad because I beat you!" he antagonized further, unable to let it go, which just made Renji even angrier.

"You didn't beat nothin'!"

"What about that noise you made, huh?"

Renji shoved Ichigo's face into the carpet roughly, locking one of his arms behind his back. "You little bastard," he grit out, trying to shut up Ichigo's smug arrogant tone and wipe the grin off his face, which wasn't really working. He didn't need any crap from someone younger than him. It had just been a lucky shot, that's all. Ichigo couldn't take him down.

Getting groped by Renji's hard hot body was pleasant for about a minute, because Ichigo was still reeling that they were really fooling around like he'd been dreaming of doing. The moment Renji's saliva-wet finger ran up between his legs to a place that he'd forgotten was involved in gay sex, Ichigo swore and reflexively kicked back.

Lucky for Renji, his foot didn't land in his sore vulnerable crotch, but hit empty air, and Renji just laughed lowly, holding Ichigo's legs down with his own as he stripped Ichigo's white t-shirt off his struggling torso.

"Hm, always knew you'd be wild in bed," Renji said huskily in his ear, his confidence seeming to depend on Ichigo's nervousness.

Renji's slippery thumb pressed against his entrance, and Ichigo just lay there, stunned and in flat-out panic-mode. He heard Renji spit, feeling saliva run down his ass as Renji's fingers continued to rub over him in circles. "Stop it! Don't- Don't look there!" Ichigo shouted, yelping when he felt an ice cube running over his asshole without warning. Renji bit into the firm cheek muscle, groaning lowly as he moved the ice inbetween Ichigo's legs, sliding it down his perineum and balls, laughing as Ichigo twitched and writhed.

"Stop, it's cold! Stop," Ichigo gasped as Renji tried to push the ice inside of him. "Get off!" He arched his back and wrenched his way free, kicking Renji in the gut. Yanking his pants back on, he stood up, looking for a way out. Renji just coughed and stood up, rubbing his stomach, his eyes still hazy and dark with desire.

"I'm gonna' fuck you senseless," Renji said lowly, sending shivers down Ichigo's back. He could see that Renji meant it, and he started to get pretty scared, the hair on his neck prickling with excitement. Sadly, all Ichigo could see on Renji's face was lust, so those words held little charm to him.

"Like hell you are!" Ichigo shouted back, protectively holding the band of his shorts and backing away. Renji's face twisted into a grin as if Ichigo's attempts at resisting were cute or something.

"C'mon, what are you, a prude?" Ichigo scowled.

"No," he said vehemently, crossing his arms. Renji made a noise of mock-thought.

"Oh," he said, as if he'd figured everything out. "Poor guy," he said, as if Ichigo was absolutely pitiable. "I see. You're scared. That's okay, I get it." Ichigo sputtered furiously, not knowing what to say to that, realizing exactly what Renji was trying to do. It was fucking annoying, because the manipulation was working.

"No, I'm not!"

"Why don't you prove it then?"

"I'm not stupid enough to fall for that!" Renji just nodded, agreeing with a patronizing look on his face as he waltzed closer to Ichigo and leaned into his face smugly.

"Of course you aren't. What was I thinking." Ichigo growled in irritation, fisting his hands at his sides as Renji laughed lowly, curling a finger under his chin. "C'mon. Why don't you kiss me, then?"

"No way," Ichigo spat, turning away hotly in the humid air. He needed to take a long shower. "I'd never kiss you."

"Aw, did I hurt your feelings?" Renji asked jokingly, and something inside Ichigo just snapped, because yes, Renji had hurt his feelings, and Ichigo could see now that this big jerk only wanted one thing.

If he gave in and had sex with him, all Renji was ever going to do was tease him and hold that over his head for the rest of their lives. He imagined the jerk bragging that he'd 'gotten into Ichigo's frigid little panties', and the idea made him seethe with rage.

"Fuck you!" Ichigo shouted in his face, storming off and trying to deny that Renji had broken his heart. What a disappointment he'd turned out to be.

What's this, you're shaking?