I am really sorry for the delay. This isn't even the full chapter-I'll update this one when I finish it. This is 300+ words or so, sorry. Midterms kinda snuck up on me, and I haven't had a lot of chances to write. So enjoy this teaser for now, and I'll the full chapter ready ASAP.


"So, are you gonna untie me or what, Harrod?"

Harry frowned at him. "My name is Harry."

"Harrod is better. So get used to it, assmunch."

Harry sighed and walked over to the 'Troll'. It, he?, looked nothing like the troll he fought in first year. Then again, didn't he say he was from a different planet? How does that even happen? He walked to the back of the chair, and untied the ropes. The troll stood up. He was a few inches shorter than Harry, and his horns barely passed his unruly hair.

"So, Vantas, how long have you been here?" Sirius asked. It was only a matter of time until the animagus piped up. "Where have you been staying?"

The Veritaserum would still be in his system for the next half an hour or so, so Vantas had to answer truthfully. Really, Sirius was right to be asking questions - this creature seemed rather private, and it might be their only chance to get clear information.

"I've been here for half a perigee. I've been staying in some small private-block for guests, I think."

Harry and Sirius looked at each other. What was a perigee? Was a block a room? Looking for clarification, Harry asked, "In...Earth time, how long is that? Is a block a room?"

Sighing at the apparent stupidity of humans, Karkat Vantas pinched the bridge of his nose, and answered, "Gogdamnit, stupid humans and their stupid Earth time. Yes, a block is what you call a 'room', and a perigee is...what? About a...month? I think? So around two weeks. Why can't humans even use good timings? Stupid game, stupid universe. What's the point of being a God if the species you make is stupid as all-fuck?"

As Harry and Sirius listened, they became more and more confused, and then when the alien stopped, a silence hung in the air.

Sirius was vaguely gaping, and Harry just asked softly, "...a...God?"

In a show of Vantas stubbornness, the alien only said, "Yes."

It was going to be a long night.