Hey there guys! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING. I've decided to continue this story and then write a AU version of it with a female Ash. I'm really shocked by the number of follows and favorites the story has gotten while I've been trying to rework it. Please enjoy this update everyone.


thor94: Lucario and the other unknown Pokemon weren't 'revealed' to others for a reason that will be put in the story sooner or later.

lumigo akvo9504: Thank you SOOOO much for reviewing on every single chapter. It made really happy to see them. Did you enjoy any of the suggestions I gave?

Guest: That is a wonderful idea. I may use it ;)

People who have doubts about Ash's strength: DON'T WORRY. ALL WILL BE REVEALED IN TIME.

Everybody else that reviewed: Thank you for taking the time to review this!


Chapter 4: Elite Battle and a Few Questions


Ash gave them all the death glare, but decided to change the subject and said," So why did you guys come to see me in the first place?"

Ash's question snapped everyone out of their laughter.

Alder answered for everyone."Well Ashton," Ash and Trip sweat-dropped at the name," we came to catch up and have battles, But Cynthia and Scott wanted to ask you something."Ash turned to Scott and Cynthia with a questioning look. Cynthia looked at Scott, who nodded saying she could go first.

"I wanted to ask if you could take Bertha's place as head of the Elite Four." Everyone gawked at her. Except for Cynthia and her Elite Four.

Ash pointed at himself. Cynthia nodded. "Well, I guess I could do that, but only if I can beat Bertha in a rematch,"Ash responded with a smile. Bertha smirked and agreed with him. Ash recalled his Pokemon, except Pikachu, promising to let them out with the rest of his Pokemon later on. Pikachu jumped onto Ash's shoulder with his cheeks sparking.

Ash could only sweat-drop at his starter's eagerness to battle."Pikachu it's a rematch, so I'm using Torterra." Bertha's eyes filled with excitement when Ash said that. She couldn't wait to see how much Torterra had grown. Pikachu fell of Ash's shoulder and started grumbling, much to the amusement of everyone else." Fine. It'll be two-on-two buddy. Just for you." That brought the smile back on his face.

"Pika, Pikapi!" Pikachu cheered. Ash smiled and led everyone to Professor Oak's battlefield.

While Ash and his friends were heading towards the battle field, Team Rocket had just found Ash, and were hiding in the trees and bushes.

Meowth was thinking of a plan to steal Pikachu while Jessie was hitting James for some reason. Probably being an idiot, Meowth thought.

"Would youz two stop your fightin'! We got a Pikachu ta steal from the twoips."

"Do you even have a plan? The twerp is surrounded by champions and elite level trainers," Jessie told him.

James nodded." Yeah Meowth. Do you?"

"Yes! Now youz two attach the cage, vacuum, and metal handz to the balloon. We're going to take Pikachu when it gets tired from its battle," Meowth responded with a sinister smile.

Scott took the role of referee. "This is the unofficial battle between Bertha of the Sinnoh Elite Four and Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town. Both sides will have the use of two Pokemon each. You will switch after one side loses a Pokemon. Furthermore, neither sides are allowed to substitute Pokemon. Are both sides ready?" Bertha and Ash nodded. "Release your Pokemon." True to his word, Ash released his Torterra. Bertha released her Hippowdon and both Pokemon stared the other down. "Begin!"

Since Hippowdon's ability was Sand Stream, a sandstorm immediately brewed up.

Ash took the initiative and went first."Sunny Day, Grass Knot and swallow an Energy Ball." Several eyebrows rose in question at the last part of the order.

Torterra, following through the orders, cleared the sandstorm by firing a beam that intensified the sun's rays. Then his eyes glowed green and long grass grew and knotted together, keeping Hippowdon in place and tripping it. Afterwards, Torterra created a ball of grass energy and swallowed it, cause him to glow green with a stat increase.

Bertha was impressed with Ash's strategy. "Fire Fang the grass and then use Dig and Yawn.!"

Ash smirked," Use Safeguard, Grassy Terrain, Rock Polish then wait." Ash looked around the field while Torterra put up Safeguard, turned the ground to a grassy field, and glowed, raising his speed stat. When Ash saw the ground move slightly, he dished out an order. " Move to your left and fire Solar Beam on your right Torterra!"

Hippowdon came up where Torterra was not a second ago, and was about to send a Yawn Torterra's way, when it was hit with Solar Beam. With the stat increase from earlier, Grassy Terrain, and type effectiveness, it was enough to knock it out. Torterra let out roar of triumph. Pikachu cheered from its spot next to Ash in the Trainer's Box. The bystanders were quite shocked. Paul took note of the battle for his own Torterra.

Scott snapped out of it and gave the final call," Hippowdon is unable to battle. The round goes to Torterra and Ash. Trainers, select your next Pokemon."

Ash and Bertha returned their Pokemon after giving compliments for a job well done. " It would seem you took my advice of being more observant in battle Ash."

"Of course. Advice is good for everyone," Ash responded with a wink, wagging his finger.

Bertha laughed, replying," Yes it is. Now, Rhyperior I choose you!"


Ash blinked," That's your strongest Pokemon right?" Bertha nodded, smirking. A glint appeared in Ash's eyes. " A challenge. How fun. Pikachu, lets show them how its done."

Pikachu jumped onto the field sparking his cheeks, sliding into an offensive stance,"Pika!"

The onlookers were commenting on the battle.

"Ash seems to have improved a lot these past years," Brandon stated, looking rather impressed. His fellow frontier brains nodded.

"Of course! My baby has grown so much!" Delia said with a few happy tears and a smile. All anyone could do was sweat-drop.

Anabel had a questioning look on her face soon after though. "But what was swallowing an Energy Ball for?"

Cynthia smirked. " The Swallow Technique. It raises the stats for a short amount of time." Her answer was met with stunned faces.

"How do you even know about it?" Lance asked.

"He told me about it when I asked him after watching him battle."

"How did he even figure it out?"

"He told me it happened by accident when he was battling Palmer's Rhyperior."

"Ash challenged the Sinnoh Frontier?!" Greta asked amazed. The other frontiers wondered too.

"Time out! Sinnoh has a Battle Frontier?!" Paul asked(more like shouted) not having known that fact before.

"No, Ash didn't challenge the Sinnoh Frontier, and yes, Sinnoh has a Frontier Paul." Cynthia answered and it caused Paul to almost sulk.

Because he totally didn't sulk and pout.

" Hey look! The battle's going to start!" Bonnie shouted, and everyone turned back to the field.

No one noticed four figures standing next to them, looking at Ash with amazement and pride.

"Rhyperior vs. Pikachu. Begin!" Scott announced.

Ash knew that Rhyperior could have either one of two abilities- Lightning Rod or Solid Rock. He needed to find out which ability it had if he wanted to beat it the right way. And considering Pikachu's disadvantage...

"Pikachu, be careful. Use Iron Tail." Pikachu dashed forward with his tail taking a metallic sheen. Ash discreetly watched Bertha's face to see if it would give anything away for his plan. He saw Bertha's eyes gain an almost invisible glint and decided to switch up his order. " Pikachu, stop then use Rain Dance and Thunderbolt. Aim for the horn." Pikachu stopped before his eyes glowed blue briefly. Dark clouds came into view and made it rain hard. Then Pikachu launched a bolt of lightning at Rhyperior's horn.

The tiny gleam in Bertha's eyes disappeared and she dished out an order. " Rhyperior, use Earthquake."

"Take it." Audible gasps were heard and Ash could only smirk.

Rhyperior stamped the ground hard cause the ground to shake. Pikachu stood there and took the attack. Pikachu's attack however, landed where aimed. Like nothing happened. Rhyperior roared out in pain. Anyone watching was staring with eyes as big as dinner plates.

Bertha asked the million dollar question. " How did Pikachu take that attack without taking any damage?"

"Well, I have trained Pikachu against his weakness to Ground-types so it won't damage him as much. Plus, Grassy Terrain is still in effect."

"Grassy Terrain?" Bertha asked the other million dollar question.

" Grassy Terrain. A move originating from the Kalos region. It creates a terrain that covers the field and background environment and any other terrain that is already in effect. When in effect, the damage from Earthquake, Bulldoze, and Magnitude is halved. At the end of each turn, the HP of a Pokemon will be healed by 1/16 of its maximum HP, if the Pokemon is on the ground. It also increases the power of Grass-type moves if the user of the Grass-type move is on the ground. Which is part of the reason Hippowdon was knocked out in one move." Ash replied with his index finger extended upwards. Pikachu and Ash chuckled at everyone's faces.

"Wow." That one word summed everything and anything going through everyone's heads at that exact moment. Pikachu and Rhyperior glowed a little, before the light disappeared. "What was that?" Bertha asked, slightly worried.

"That shows that the Pokemon were healed by the terrain." Ash responded, making Bertha relax."On another note, your Rhyperior's ability is Solid Rock, isn't it?"

Bertha nodded, impressed. "How'd you know?"

Ash's smirk got bigger by the second."When I ordered Iron tail, you had glint in your eye that went away when I switched my orders for Pikachu."

"Your observing skill has improved a lot Ash."

Ash smiled." Yes it has. But right now is battle time."

And so the battle went on.

Thirty minutes later, and the battle was still going on. Team Rocket were waiting for the perfect chance to steal Pikachu.

Jessie and James had just finished assembling their balloon with machinery and went to watch the battle. They saw that both sides were getting tired and saw their chance.

Jessie climbed into the balloon. "Get in here you idiots! We've got ourselves a Pikachu to catch!" Meowth and James were quick to follow her.

"Oh man, oh man, oh man! This is so cool! Ash never battled like this in Kalos!" Bonnie was watching with sparkling eyes.

"That's a friggin' PIKACHU?! What the hell? This is absolutely ridiculous!" Bruno nearly shrieked.

Agatha smacked the back of his head with her cane. "Don't cuss. There is a child here!" Bruno nearly pouted. Nearly. He would if it wasn't for his pride. He had a reputation to keep in place as a fighting-type specialist after all.

Paul was about to speak up when he was interrupted by smoke suddenly erupted on the field and surrounding area. When it began to clear, everyone saw Team Rocket in their balloon.

"Listen, is that a voice I hear?"

"It's speaking to me loud and clear."

Everyone heard Ash groaning. "Why are you idiots here? Didn't you guys get arrested?"

"How DARE you interrupt the Team Rocket motto? You of all people should respect it!" Jessie shouted with a comically large head. "Now, where were we? Oh, yes. On the wind!"

"Past the stars!"

"In your ear!"

"Bringing chaos at a breakneck pace."

"Dashing hope, putting fear in its place."

"A rose by another name is just as sweet."

"When everything's worse, out work is complete."


"And it's James!"

"And Meowth, now dat's a name!"

"Putting the do-gooders in their place..."

"... we're Team Rocket..."

"...in your face!"


"Now give us Pikachu, or else-" Jessie looked down and saw Ash sleeping. " Why the hell are you sleeping during our motto?!" Everyone turned and saw that Ash was indeed sleeping. "First you interrupt, now this?! Why I ought a teach you a less-!"

Ash woke up and yawned, covering his mouth with a hand. " Are you done singing your lullaby?" He looked up at her with one eye.

"Lu-lu-LULLABY?" Jessie's face turned red in complete and absolute anger. " Meowth! What are you waiting for? FIRE THE MISSILES!" Meowth did as told and fired ten of them.

Ash seeing what would happen, ran to the center of the field. When he stopped, he put up a wall of aura that blocked every single missile.

Ash pulled out a Pokeball. "Sceptile, come out and cut their balloon with Leaf Blade!" Sceptile materialized and did just that. He jumped into the trees surrounding the area, and jumped from the high branches to cut the balloon and returned to Ash's side. The basket that Team Rocket were standing in began falling fast.

"AAAAAHHH!" Team Rocket screamed, hugging each other. Tight.

As much as Ash wanted them to hit the floor and break something for how much of an annoyance they were, he decided to be nice and show mercy and threw a Pokeball. "Charizard, catch them."

Charizard appeared, then flew very slowly. Team Rocket was still screaming. And falling. Very quickly.

" Alright, Charizard. As much as we absolutely hate them, you need to pick up the pace." Ash sighed exasperated, though anyone could tell he was thoroughly amused by his Pokemon's antics. And so was everybody else.

Charizard stopped all together, and turned to Ash with disbelief written all over his face.

" You can blast them off this time if you catch them." Ash offered. Charizard was off in a second as soon as he heard 'blast'. Charizard dumped them off in front of Ash and crossed his arms looking expectantly at him. Ash sweat-dropped. " Really, Charizard? Really?"

Everyone else watching looked amused.

Ash rolled his eyes. " Whatever." He turned his attention to the trio. " Weren't you idiots in prison?"

" It's none of your business!" Jessie shouted.

Ash glowered at them. " I'm the one who put you in jail, dumb ass. Who bailed you out? You guys are to stupid to figure out how to escape."

They all cowered back under Ash's harsh glare.

"The Boss did." James all but squealed out in fear.

"That guy I fought in Unova?"

They all nodded.

" Was he the gym leader of Viridian City? From when you guys were 'gym leaders'?

They nodded again.

The Kanto Elites went somewhat pale at that.

A new shocked voice spoke up. " Then that means that his name is Giovanni!"

Everyone turned and saw Professor Oak, Gary, a girl that few recognized, and young woman that looked to be in her mid twenties. No one knew her except for Ash and his mother. The voice belonged to Gary.

Ash attention was on one person- the young woman.

Ash ran and gave her a big hug. " Hey sis." She hugged him back. The visitors and Team Rocket looked on in shock. Sister?!

Sure didn't look like it.

The woman had straight blonde hair that went to her mid back with a left side bang. Her eyes were a gray-blue. She was an almost complete opposite of Ash.

It was true. The only thing they had in common was their soft features, calming aura, and skin tone.

Ash's sister broke the hug and looked up at him. " Hey little bro." She had a smirk on her face. Ash pouted. He could hear everyone laughing in the background.

" I am not little. I'm taller than you by at least five inches." And it was true. He stood at 5'11" and she stood at 5'4".

"Doesn't change the fact that your Sarah's baby brother." the other girl piped up, arms held together behind her back with an innocent smile on her face. Ash scowled and looked up to see Leaf. His scowl turned into a smile. "Hey Leaf."

"Yo!" Leaf responded in a gangster voice with a peace sign. They burst out laughing.

Ash turned to look at Gary, who looked dazed, jerked his thumb in Gary's face and said," Hey Leaf you know how to do this right?" Leaf smirked and nodded.

She walked to the still dazed Gary, pulled his ear, and shouted," Hey Gare-Bear! Snap out of it!"

Right in the poor guy's ear.

"OwOwOwOw!" Gary turned to Leaf." What was that for?! That hurt like hell..."

" Karma's a bitch sometimes, isn't it Gare-Bear?" Ash said with the biggest smirk on his face.

Gary huffed. Of course. Ash.

Ash rolled his eyes." You wanna help? I don't need Charizard getting a bigger ego." Charizard huffed. Sceptile smirked, pleased with what he heard about Charizard. "And it'll be like the old times."

" Sure. Venasaur needs a stretch anyways." Leaf responded.

" Of course you'd need help Ashy-boy. You always do." came Gary's arrogant reply.

" And I thought you changed Gary." Ash gave a sigh, stuffed his hands in his pants' pockets, and shook his head in mock disappointment. Leaf and Sarah giggled. Gary, Oak, and Delia laughed. Everyone else was lost.

Leaf and Gary got serious however, and called out their Pokemon. Venasaur and Blastoise.

"Charizard, use flamethrower. Sceptile, Energy Ball."

"Venasaur, use three sharpened Razor Leaves."

"Blastoise, use a pressurized Water Gun!"

Pikachu had somehow gotten popcorn with ketchup on top and was watching the drama like it was a tennis match.

The attacks met in the middle and combined. When they were about to hit the Rockets, Ash put up his arm like a gun with two fingers pointed at them and they started to pulse with aura.

As soon as the attacks hit home, he closed one eye and took aim at the soaring Rockets. He fired what looked like a bullet and lowered his arm.

" That should keep them away for awhile longer." Ash stated.

" What do you mean?" Sarah questioned.

" Usually we blast them off and they manage to recover from flying and free falling then find us in less then an hour. That blast should take them about a few days."

" You know, I never noticed this side to you."

" Well, what can I say. As annoying as they are, they are fun to mess around with,considering how stupid and idiotic they are." Ash concluded with an eye roll and smirk.

"Are you going to finish the battle Ash?" Bonnie asked.

That seemed to snap Ash out of it. He looked over to Bertha who just smiled at Ash.

" You've already proven yourself to be worthy of being head of the Elite Four in the battle. That and saving the world a few times helps too." Bertha finished with a wink.

Ash just stood there sheepishly scratching his red cheek, chuckling nervously.

" That reminds me... You still have to tell me about all of those adventures you mentioned that almost got you killed mister." Delia glared at him.

" I already promised I would mom." He sighed. His mom was very protective.

"You can tell us too and answer some more questions too." Lorelei said cheerfully.

" Sure." Ash and Bertha returned their Pokemon.

Later found everyone inside of Oak's lab.

"Where do you want me to start?" Ash questioned. How would he know? He'd been through a lot of things.

Everyone thought hard.

"Start with your favorite." Serena suggested.

" My favorite..."

Ash closed his eyes in contemplation.

" Either flying on Zekrom and Resheram, helping Zorua in Crown City, or helping Darkrai in Alamos Town. Take your pick." He opened his eyes to see everyone gaping.

Ash gave them the most deadpanned look he could. " What? By now, half these should be kind of expected when it comes to me."

"Helping Darkrai in Alamos." everyone declared, after sharing a few looks with each other.

"Alright. Well, when...

To Be Continued...

THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR READING. If you were waiting for this, I'm really sorry.

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