"Yo Kev, have you seen my grey T? The sleeveless one with the yellow lines on the side" Jason yelled from inside his room.

"Yeah!" Kevin answered back picking up the shirt. "You left it on the couch with the rest of your laundry"

"Boys hurry up or you won't get any breakfast!" a woman's voice yelled from upstairs. The smell of crispy bacon, freshly cooked eggs, toast and coffee wafted through the open door making Kevin's mouth water.

Jason threw open the sliding door to his room, His ginger hair, having grown a bit, was pulled over to one side the bangs resting on his cheek. He wore black skinny jeans and white tennis shoes with black soles and tongue. He grabbed the grey T-shirt from Kevin pulling it over his head as he rushed past Kevin and up the stairs. Kevin smiled and followed behind him hopping up the stairs two at a time. When he reached the dining room/kitchen Mr. Cristin already had his nose in a newspaper.

"Good morning Kevin" Mr. Cristin said looking up from the paper with a smile. His long dark brown hair was pulled away from his face into a small ponytail, a few rebellious strands formed a thin line of bangs. He really didn't look like a man in his late 40's thanks to years of construction work keeping his body toned but wrinkles still made way on his face.

"Good morning Mr. Cristin" Kevin said taking a seat next to Jake who already had his plate stuffed with eggs and toast in the process of making a sandwich. "Good morning Mrs. Cristin"

Mrs. Cristin was a good five years younger than her husband but she could've pulled off looking like his daughter. Jake's ginger hair came from her, it's softness and length which sat on Mrs. Cristin's shoulders. She was wearing a silk yellow button up pj shorts and black shorts that hugged her thighs. She wore a short white apron that was lined in frills. Mrs. Cristin turned from the stove to great Kevin then went back to cooking, avoiding the bubbles of grease that popped as the bacon cooked.

Kevin loaded up his plate and smothered it all in syrup. He was on his third piece of toast when Mr. Cristin said, "Don't you boys still have to go to school?" without looking up but there was a humorous gleam in his eyes.

"Thanks for the reminder dad" Jake said quickly mouth full of eggs. He and Kevin hopped up, put their plates in the sink – Mrs. Cristin kissing both on the cheek, grabbed their bags and rushed out the door. Jake started up the truck and made his way to the school.

Kevin stared out the window letting the warm April air hit his face. It had been six months since then and everything had changed with a blur. Kevin told his father and there had been a fight that resulted in Kevin with a busted lip, a fractured wrist, and too many bruises. He managed to grab a few of his things and left on his bike to Jake's house. Even after he told them, they had left him stay. Kevin could tell Jake's parents weren't comfortable with Kevin being homosexual but it didn't stop them from treating him like he was their son.

The school was a whole other situation. After Kevin formally told his friends, he saw who was truly for him. Other than Jake, two other guys still treated him the same. The rest either avoided him completely or picked on him which resulted in numerous detentions, ISS and a few close call suspensions. In a short time however, Kevin regained his dominance. There were less fights and those that did talk about him did it behind his back. Kevin now public showed his affection for Double D which to both of their surprise, didn't cause that much a stir. In fact, more people came out of their own closets. The girls fawned over Kevin – and Double D – more if that was possible. A few guys were curious and asked questions but they didn't press on anything that Kevin didn't want to talk about which was mostly sex questions.

Things with Double D were still hazy however. Double D was still pissed at him but Kevin was slowly building back his trust. Getting friendly with Double D's friends, Ed and Eddy was good start. But there was still a question that plagued his mind, "is there even an us"

Kevin was pulled from his thoughts as the sight of the school came into view. Kids were either pilling out of busses, their own cars or walking up the sidewalk. Someone was blasting rap music from a stereo and Kevin instantly recognized the song as Lexicon by Kyle. There was a fainter Girls/Girls/Boys by Panic! at the Disco from somewhere else in the parking lot. Jason parked closer to the Girls/Girls/Boys. Kevin put the window up and grabbed his bag hopping out the truck. He waited for Jason and then the two made their way into the school.

Inside kids rushed back and forth from their lockers to classes, up and down the stairs, others lingered in front lockers waiting for their teacher talking loudly. Kevin and Jake greeted people as they made their way to their lockers. Kevin was putting his book away when he felt something grab his waist and squeeze. He stiffened and quickly turned only to be met with dark hair and lips pressed to his.

Double D let go and stepped back laughing his hands behind his back. Kevin tried to play off his momentary surprise by leaning on his lock door and putting his free hand in his pocket. He blushed at seeing Double D. He was wearing a black off the shoulder T-shirt with fake claw marks on the front that showed off a red undershirt and greyish jeans. He still wore a cap, but instead of his usual black and white one, this cap was straight black and pushed off his hair a little letting his bangs cover his forehead. His black eyes sparkled mischievously.

"Good morning to you too" he laughed. He heard someone whisper something that made his blood boil but he ignored them as Double D began talking.

Double D smiled. "So, Scarlet I hear prom is coming up?" Kevin raised an eyebrow but didn't respond. "Have you decided what you're wearing?"

"I haven't even decided if I'm going yet." Kevin said with a sigh. Double D frowned at that. "But," Kevin began again with a smirk, "if I have someone special go with me I might change my mind."

Jake pulled something out of his locker and handed it to Kevin. Double D's face turned red as he watched Kevin take off his hat and get down on one knee opening the small satin black box reveling a sparkling sliver ring. Everything stopped in the hallway and everyone watched Kevin and Double D.

"I know I messed up bad and I know it will take forever for you to trust me but I'm willing to try. Just answer me this, will you go to prom with me?"

There was a second of silence that made Kevin's already quick beating heart beat even faster. Double D nodded his head and then ran up to Kevin almost knocking him over.


There were cheers and clapping from a few couples, girls and boys who stood around. Kevin put the ring on Double D's finger and kissed him happily. And as Double D pulled that question that burned Kevin's mind was damped with the smile on his Double D's face.

"There will always be an us"