Hello everyone! I am back again with another update to this story as well as my other one. I hope you all can forgive me for such a long wait, life got more than a little busy for me, yikes. Anyway, I hope you all like this chapter and thank you all for reading.

Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson and The Olympians

Hazel's breath hitched in her throat, she momentarily froze and had no way of responding.

"Hazel," Nico continued, moving closer to her, "I don't mean it in a bad way, your my sister and I'll always love you no matter what, but honestly, what is going on between the three of you? I thought...we told each other everything Hazel? I thought you could trust me?"

After the revelation that Frank, his sister and Leo were in a relationship once, it had sunk into Nico that Hazel never once told him about it. That had really hurt, because they always told each other everything. And if they didn't they would communicate silently with each other about anything or any problem they were facing.

"Nico..." Hazel finally found her voice, "of course I trust you with anything, but this..." she faltered, she didn't know how to explain the reason of why she kept this secret. Heck, she didn't even fully understand why she never told Nico about anything. Maybe it was because Leo and Frank both agreed to keep everything under wraps, this was highschool, they would probably get judged because they were in a poly relationship. Maybe it was because Hazel didn't think it would even get as serious as it did. Maybe it was because she was afraid her brother was going to look at her differently. Either way, she should have known her brother would have never turned his back on her.

She sighed quietly, "this...I didn't know how to tell you about this..."

"By just saying it, or not even, you didn't even have to explain yourself, you could have just come up to me to talk about what was going on with your life, maybe you got into a fight with your boyfriends or whatever but you could have trusted me to keep things a secret if that's what you wanted."

"I'm sorry, I know I should know better but I didn't know what to do," Hazel looked down at the floor, unsure of what to say next, unsure of what to do next, unsure of what was going to happen with everything.

For the past two years she and Frank kept a normalcy about their relationship, to the their peers and parents, while also including Leo. But as their relationship progressed, Leo felt that it was unfair for him to be kept hidden away, he wanted to go out with them and kiss them both in public, Hazel and Frank both wanted that too, but at the same time, they didn't want to go public. And Leo didn't want to be hidden.

"It's okay, I'm not mad at you," Nico relented, knowing that he shouldn't get so mad, it was just that he was hurt, "I just worry about you and I care about you," he told Hazel as he moved closer to her until he brought his sister into a hug.

They broke apart after a couple of minutes and laid down on Hazel's bed.

"So, do you wanna tell me about it?" Nico asked after a moment of silence.

"Leo, he..." Hazel started, shaking her head, "Two years ago, Frank and I began to date, officially and you know how both Frank and Leo had crushes on me?"

"Yes," Nico answered.

"Well it went both ways, I will admit that I had a crush on the both of them, I couldn't chose who I wanted to date, and when I talked to Frank about it, he admitted to liking Leo as well. But we didn't know how Leo was going to react, he rarely ever talked to Frank, so we decided to wait. I ended up choosing Frank and Leo was pretty heartbroken over it, but he still talked to me and Frank. They got to know each other and well, eventually we started dropping hints to Leo that we wanted him to be with the both of us."

"And how exactly did you both do that?" Nico asked.

"We kept saying how our relationship was missing something or how we wanted to try something different. Eventually we just ended up telling him that we wanted to be with him, the both of us, and at first he was shocked, he didn't actually say anything to us. But then, he confessed to wanting the same thing as us, he had fallen for Frank and he still had feelings for me. So we made it work."

"Wow," Nico tried to wrap his head around it, everyone thought that Leo still disliked Frank, "so what happened then? How did you break up? If that's what happened..."

"Leo said he got tired of Frank and me being the only ones who got to go out on dates and hold hands in public, be able to be affectionate with each other. He would get hurt when our friends would say we were a cute couple and he said he didn't want to keep hiding his feelings for us. We tried to persuade him to just wait until we got out of high school and it worked for awhile, until a few months ago, when he became distant with us. He hung out with us less, became less affectionate, talked with us less until he finally told us that he couldn't wait until high school was over anymore. He was tired of hiding, drained of energy from keeping us a secret, he couldn't do it anymore. And he broke up with us."

"Oh Hazel, I'm sorry," Nico reached for his sister's hand and squeezed it.

"It's okay I mean, me and Frank brought it on ourselves, we shouldn't have hidden Leo, we should have let people know, I mean, at least we should have told our friends if we weren't ready to be so public. At least around you guys, Leo would have had something," Hazel looked up at the ceiling, Nico could hear the sadness in her voice.

"So what's going on now?"

"Now, Frank and I are trying to get Leo to take us back...it's not going very good, he's holding on to his decision, I mean he's even trying to get Calypso to go out with him, he's probably getting over us, he probably doesn't even feel anything for us..."

Nico had no idea what to do next, or how to even help his sister out, but he knew he had to do something.

"Jason," Nico spoke to his friend on the phone, as he paced the floor of his room, after the talk, Hazel had said that she was going over to Frank's for awhile and when she left, Nico resolved to call up Jason and see if he could talk to Leo.

"What's up?" Jason asked.

"I know what happened between Leo, Frank and Hazel."

"Okay, what happened?"

"Don't say this to anyone, I'm not sure Hazel even wants people to know just yet but the only reason I'm telling you is because you're Leo's best friend and maybe you can help both him and Frank and my sister."

"Okay what's going on? Is this about what you heard in the library?"

"Yeah, and I think you should talk to Leo," Nico said before explaining just a portion of what happened between the three of them.

The next day at school, while opening his locker, Leo came by and stood quietly as Nico took out his books, still not noticing that Leo was there.

"Hey Nico," Leo finally spoke up.

Nico turned around and finally noticed him, "oh, hey Leo."

They stood in silence for awhile after that. Neither boy saying anything, the brown eyed boy could guess why Leo was there at his locker but wondered what the Latino boy had to say to him.

"So I know that you know about what happened between me, Hazel and Frank..."

"Yeah, Hazel told me what happened..." Nico responded, they both were silent after that and it was very unlike Leo to be silent, everyone knew him as the chatterbox that he was. "Leo," Nico started, "you know that they both still love you right?"

"That doesn't make up for the fact of me missing out on most of the aspects of a relationship," Leo countered, somewhat angrily, "I couldn't even tell my best friend..."

"I'm sorry about that, but you know that you can't just go out in public with your relationship, people will judge you guys."

"And who cares what they think?! I don't care."

"But Frank and Hazel do and-"

"Oh, so they're ashamed of me, right, or of our love, because they care what people think...they don't really love me," Leo scoffed.

"Maybe you guys should talk one last time, at our house," Nico suggested, "how does that sound?"

Leo thought about it for a minute, what was even the point of talking, nothing was going to change.

"If you promise to talk with my sister and Frank one last time, I'll tell my sister and Frank to promise never to bother you again after this, to leave you alone to heal. And as your friends and their friends, we'll accommodate the both of you, we could hang out separately from them and you. After this final talk, you wouldn't have to be around them until you're ready."

"Okay, I'll talk to them one more time," Leo agreed before walking off and Nico let out a heavy breath, now all he had to do was tell his sister and Frank.


"So," Nico began, looking at the three people in his living room, after school had finished, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Nico and Jason all made their way to Nico and Hazel's house, to talk. Nico and Jason would go upstairs to Nico's room and watch a movie while Hazel, Frank and Leo all talked with each other, "you all agree to what will happen from whatever you decide after the talk, right?"

"Yeah," the three of them answered.

"Okay, me and Jason are gonna go upstairs and we'll be there for you guys," Nico said as he and Jason made their way up the stairs, leaving the trio alone.

Silence ensued as the three of them sat there, not knowing how to start the conversation. For months, Hazel and Frank tried their best to talk with Leo, always changing what they were going to say to once they were given the chance but now that they did have it, they had no idea what to say to him.

"So, I guess this is the part where we all talk about our feelings and things like that," Leo began, trying to expel the awkwardness that had settled in the room.

Hazel and Frank smiled and laughed just a bit.

"Leo," Frank started, "we miss you, so much."

"We still love you, we still care about you," Hazel took over.

It was silent once more. If Leo were being honest with them and himself, he still cared about them too, he still loved them too, but it just wasn't in him to be hidden away anymore.

"Do you still feel the same about us?" Hazel asked, feeling hopeful.

"I do," Leo bit his lip, "but..."

"But?" Frank asked, grabbing Leo's hand, he couldn't help it anymore, he hadn't been able to touch Leo for the longest time, he hadn't be able to hold Leo and kiss him, "but what is it?"

"But I don't want to go back to the way things were, I love you both but I also want to show it."

"Leo we can't," Hazel said, "you know that, we can't be public about this or else people will talk, they wouldn't understand us, they would judge us."

"So you're ashamed of me. You're ashamed of our love, of what we have. You don't want people to know about me," Leo said angrily, snatching his hand back from Frank's grasp.

"Leo, that's not it, if we went out to the school about this, we would probably be separated, you and Hazel could get bullied because people would think we were weird or something, we would have to think about it first. Our high school is big but something like this could get out in seconds and people would judge us, they would judge you Leo and you could get hurt," Frank tried his best to explain his and Hazel's fears, "we don't want you to get hurt Leo."

"And your mom and our parents have to be okay with this too, if not okay with it, then at least to let them know that we all care for one another and you have to be ready to make that type of commitment Leo," Hazel tried to reason with him.

Leo thought about that, he hadn't really given much thought about things if they went public with their relationship, Leo was mostly thinking of himself, which he didn't feel too good about.

"Look Leo, how about a compromise?" Frank suggested, "how about we tell our parents about us and our mutual friends, whoever we trust about us as well, and around them, we can be as affectionate and loving as we want, how does that sound?"

Leo looked at the two of them, his heart pounding in his chest, that plan seemed a lot better than how it was before, Leo could wait until high school was over with that plan.

"You mean it?" Leo asked.

"Of course," Hazel reassured.

"Will you take us back?" Frank asked, "because we miss you so, so much."

Leo knew that deep down, he still wanted to be with the both of them, he knew that he still felt so much for them. "Of course I take you both back, just as long as you can forgive me about how I acted..."

Frank marched to where Leo was standing, grabbed Leo's head with both of his hands and smashed their lips together. Leo felt Frank's tongue work it's way into his mouth, swiping at his teeth before pulling on Leo's tongue. Frank finally pulled away from Leo but not before giving him a small peck, "of course we forgive you."

Hazel was behind Leo as Frank answered him and began rubbing her left hand up and down Leo's chest, her right hand rubbing circles on Leo's right arm while kissing his neck. She turned his face toward hers and kissed him on the lips as well, before letting up for air.

"So, when do you wanna tell our friends?" Frank asked, smiling when he saw how happy Leo got.

"As soon as possible."

"Sounds perfect," Hazel agreed.

When Jason and Nico came down to get food, they found all three of them on the couch sitting together, their phones out and watching tv while also laying on Frank. He was like a big pillow for Hazel and Leo. And for a long time, Jason saw Leo genuinely happy.

Okay, so that was the chapter, I know a bit short and I know that I promised a longer chapter and that I promised it a while ago but I got a really bad case of writer's block. That and life was keeping me busy.

So I know it's been a while and I am really sorry about not updating for the longest time ever but I'm getting into the groove of things. Slowly I'll start updating more often. Now about this story, it should soon wrap up, it was never intended to be such a long story anyway. It was supposed to be something short and lighthearted as I wrote my other two stories that were more longer. I believe just a couple of more chapters are on the way before it finishes.

I'd like to thank you all for reading and for waiting on this update and for sticking with me, now next chapter should be a bit longer, until next time!