It had been a couple weeks since John's number had come up. Joss and Fusco had 'investigated' John's death as they normally would, just in case, and the case conveniently went cold. They needed to make sure if the CIA decided to check just to be sure, that it looked right. But the machine stopped issuing John's numbers, the bounty on his head dissolved the same night they faked his death, and probably for the first time in a couple years John could breathe a little easier.

In those few weeks' time, she hadn't heard or seen much of the sexy single dad who intrigued and interested her, which saddened her. So instead she focused on work, discreetly asking Fusco here and there how John was. However, it didn't go unnoticed by Fusco who typically grumbled 'alright' or 'he's fine' to her.

Her misfit friends had called for assistance now and again, but nothing out of the realm of normality or as normal as her weird pals could get, and everything was dialing back a little thankfully. It gave her a chance to breathe. Fusco was out to lunch, eating with a new woman that he wouldn't breathe a word to her about nor let her meet. She had a feeling he didn't trust her to not run a background check on her, or go all army interrogator on her to make sure she was good enough for him, which was good, since that's exactly what she would do. As only the best for Fusco were allowed, in her modest opinion.

She felt more relaxed then she had in a long time as she began filling out a time slip. "Hello, detective," and like that her relaxed state went straight to hell as she pressed the pencil so hard into the paper that the graphite point broke. Joss lifted her head up in startled joy that she quickly masked, recognizing that sexy voice anywhere. John sauntered his way over towards her desk, looking like a walking sex god in tight jeans and a blue sweater peeking out from underneath his leather coat.

She pretended to be unaffected as his sexy and intoxicating scent surrounded her. "Hi, John, what are you doing here?" Okay, she sounded nonchalant about it, while internally her heart raced.

He smiled as if he could see through her façade and could tell the affect he had on her. "I came by to ask you to go out with me, tonight."

"I-I-I can't." she stuttered as she nearly said yes without thought.

"Why not?"

"Well you remember that guy I told you about, Cal. Well, I'm not over him and certainly not ready to date just yet."

John's blue eyes twinkled. "Could have fooled me, detective, you kiss like you're over him."

She ignored the way he said 'detective,' it sounded way too sexy if you asked her. But when he purred her name it made her uncomfortable between the legs. "To be fair, you kissed me, John," she countered as she sat back in her seat.

John's smile was definitely male and kind of smug, which annoyed her. "I did, but you kissed me back," he pointed out.

She had nothing to say back because it was true, she had kissed him back, and wanted him to deepen the kiss. So instead she changed the subject on him. "How did you get in here?" she asked suddenly, eyeing the bullpen.

He shrugged. "I was called in for questioning."


"One of my cadets was arrested and the detectives on the case wanted to speak with all his instructors at the academy to see if we knew anything. I could only tell them that Cadet Bettis had some anger problems because he blew up at a fellow cadet the day prior to his arrest."

"What happened?"

"The cadet is being charged with assault with intent to do great bodily harm, they were going to try for attempted murder, but didn't think they could prove it. I guess Bettis beat the hell out of some guy with a hammer," he responded. "But you're trying to distract me, Joss." And she closed her eyes as her name flowed out of that sexy mouth like a croon. Joss shifted in her seat as it worked its unwanted and embarrassing magic on her.

She reopened her eyes, denying his claim. "No I was just curious why you were here," she said, seeing that widening grin on his sexy face. He didn't believe her one bit. "I'm sorry, John, I just am not ready to date."

After a few moments he nodded his head. "Alright, thank you for being honest with me." he said sincerely.

She nodded. "How about friendship?" she asked suddenly. That way they could be in each other's orbit. She would have to fight her intense attraction to this man but she could handle it. She was an adult, as was he.

He looked at her. "I'm not sure I can handle being just your friend, Joss," he admitted softly.

She felt her face fall. "Oh," so this was it, she was never going to see this man again. That hurt immensely.

"But I'll try because I don't want to think that I'll never see you again," John finished and she looked up and smiled genuinely.

"Thank you, John," she admitted. Not many men would still want to be friends with a woman that turned them down. But she learned quickly that John wasn't like any man she had ever met before.

John smiled. "See you around, friend," he said before turning around. He would let her process the death of this man, Cal, and when she did and was ready to date again then he was going to pursue his sexy little detective.

AN: The End! Thank you for reading I appreciate it so much, and glad you guys were down for another AU with Careese. *skips merrily away* Okay kidding aside, because I fear for my health if I kid too long but this is the end of First Comes Friendship as they are friends now, but there is a second story as I made this into a mini little series because I enjoyed writing a slow burn between them. I had a certain timeframe in mind since both John and Joss are damaged by their pasts and not prone to rush into anything. So the second story will be called, Then Comes Love. I will probably start posting in a few weeks, maybe sooner not too sure when. But just because I love being a tease here is a little teaser from chapter one of Careese when Carter walks in on one of John's self-defense classes ;D

Joss smirked as she stepped over John, smiling sweetly down at him with her legs on either side of his hips. He rested those nice hands on her ankles. "I was just letting you get prepared to be on your back beneath me, John," she teased, hiding the fact that she had been too engrossed in the feeling of him pressing up against her that she had stupidly stood there.

Seriously though thank you for reading and next story deals with Peter/Jessica, more backstory is filled in with John, and Careese-well the title gives away what will happen with them it becomes a question of how much crap do they have to muck through to finally realize they are in love ;D So I hope you guys enjoy the sequel XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX