"Hey Johnny, you hear from Lin lately?" He hadn't seen her for a few days, he couldn't talk to her when he wanted since he didn't want to draw attention to her, but she usually called him when she was free. He had texted and called her a few times, but he got no reply.

Johnny was leaning against his desk, polishing his favourite shotgun. "Do I look like I got punched?" he muttered without looking up.


Johnny clicked the gun back into place, it's new polished coat shining brilliantly. "I haven't seen Lin since she drove your car into freckle Bitches, why?"

He felt his eye twitch at the memory. After making a hasty escape from the hotel as soon as he laid eyes on Lins car. Some of his memories had resurfaced, and he knew he had been the one driving with a delirious Lin in the pasenger seat. He had tried to concntrate entirely on the road but her wondering hands had made it difficult and...well lets just say the bullet holes were the least damage he had done to the car.

"She was on a streak with some information on the Rollerz, now nothing." he shrugged, not sure what to do with the lack of information. "Somethings not right."

Johnny put the gun on the desk as he walked around to take his seat. "She's probably taking her cover seriously and can't talk." opening a drawer, Johnny took out a bottle of beer that was sure to be lukewarm. "Want one?" He offered the bottle.

"No, I'm good." He hated warm beer. Not the taste, but for the memories it brought back. Even when he was living on the street, he would place the bottle in the stream to cool it. "Just let me know if you hear anything." He muttered before walking out of the room, not interested in watching Johnny drink a beer.

He would admit he was bored. Everyone else was off doing there own shit, Johnny and Dex hadn't any leads on the Carnales or the Vice Kings. Julius had given them all the day off as well meaning the church was more or less empty aside from a few other Saints with nothing to do.

He had hoped he could pull Lin away for a couple of hours, even if it was time spent arguing over her car.

"Hey Playa, you seen Troy around?" He turned around to see the Saints leader approach him, wearing his usual baggy clothing and bland expression.

He always felt at ease when Julius was around. He had a calm atmosphere around him.

He shook his head. "Not since last night when he and Johnny started betting on the that game Saturday." College football was all the hype in Stillwater at the moment with the Stillwater university making it the a final against some other team he never heard of. "Have you heard from Lin?"

Julius returned his gesture by shaking his own head. "She called me yesterday, told me some names and places the Rollerz can be found." Julius dug into his coat pocket and pulled out a sheet of scribbled names. "Gotta tell you, I know some of these folks. Never would have guessed them for working in a gang."

He didn't bother to look at the names, they wouldn't matter to him. He killed to kill, not to make friends and feel bad about using a gun.

"I've been trying to call her all morning. She told me she had some good Intel coming, but that was three days ago." He scratched his neck, the still tender skin of his Fleur-de-lys tattoo he had gotten with Johnny a day before was still itchy.

Julius nodded his head, frowning with a thoughtful expression. "She'll call when she's ready to move." Julius was gently smiling, looking like a proud father. "Lin's being telling me you've been doing helluva job, keep it up." He couldn't help his own smile.

Lin had told him she was happy wit his work one or twice, but he had guessed she didn't want him to get an ego.

His pocket was vibrating, a shrill tone echoing in the empty space. His smile turned sheepish as he pulled the phone from his pocket and checked the I.D.

It was Lin.

Julius had seen the screen too as he started to walk away. "You better not keep her waiting, see you later playa."

He rolled his eyes at the rhyme, but quickly answered the call.

"Hey Lin, where've you-"

She cut him off. "Meet me at the pool hall, the Rollerz are getting into something big." end of call.

He pulled the phone away from his ear and stared at it, even when the screen went black. Aside from sounding curt, Lin had sounded...off. He shrugged it off, she's probably surrounded by Rollerz and can't talk.

"Hey kid, Eesh's got some grub cooked up, said there's plenty to go round if you're interested." A hand rested on his shoulder before Johnny came into view, pulling him towards the doors of the church.

He sighed, knowing Eesh was a pretty good cook, but he couldn't exactly blow off Lin.

"Can't, Lin called. But tell Eesh to save me some." he grinned, knowing any chance of there being a crumb left over by the time Johnny was done was very slim.

Johnny chuckled, following his train of thought. "She's making lasagne, wouldn't stop by on an empty stomach if I were you." he removed his hand.

They were outside the church now, the chill autumn air greeted them as wind blew his open hoodie from his body. "And that's why she hides the ice cream from you." he smirked as he started walking towards a stolen attrazione he was using while his bootlegger was getting fixed up by Samson.

"Like you know where it is." he heard Johnny mutter.

Reaching his car door, he shouted to Johnny was had reached his own car. "Rocky road is my favourite."

He jumped into the car, started the engine and pulled out of his parking spot just as Johnny reached the front of the attrazione looking very red in the face. He turned the radio up to drown out the line of curses he had no doubt were spewing from Johnny's mouth before racing down the street and out of view before Johnny could get into his own car to chase him down.

His phone started ringing, but he knew it wasn't Lin. He chuckled to himself as he continued to race through the streets, narrowly missing some cars, but knew Johnny would question him later, a gun may or may not be involved.

He knew how much Johnny liked his ice cream, a fact Aisha was in doubt going to have to suffer through.


One final punch sent the last Roller standing to the ground with blood flowing from his broken nose and split lip.

He looked around, noticing for the first time that all of his attackers had been wearing baggy clothes over blue clothes. He didn't know how he didn't notice the people that were definitely Rollerz, but what puzzled him more was why they were waiting for him. They had attacked as soon as the door closed behind him.

The pool hall wasn't a popular place to hang out - in fact he was sure the place was a dollar away from being bankrupt – but it was perfect for him and Lin since the Rollerz didn't usually come close to the place and usually the people that did go into it were too drunk to notice a Saint was sitting next to a blue clad woman.

He counted the bodies, knowing he fought off more fuckers than during his canonization.


The fight had gone quick, but he had been brutal in his defence. His fists were covered in blood, his purple button down shirt was ripped to shit and splattered with blood, more blood was splattered on his white sneakers and jeans. He shrugged his shoulders, feeling slightly giddy from the fight. He didn't realise he had gotten so used to fighting with guns, the familiar pain from scrapped knuckles and the feeling of splattered blood was a sensation he might have revelled in for the sake of reminiscing some of his proudest moments, but Lin was still missing.

He had obviously been set up, but why had Lin set him into a trap?

Knock, knock, knock.

He spun around, the noise coming from a closet next to the bathrooms. He had no weapons and from a quick glance, the bodies had no guns or bats and he wasn't about to search their pockets for a weapon that may or may not be there.

Approaching slowly, he made sure not to let the wood beneath his feet to squeak as he got closer to the door. Standing in front of it, he quickly turned the knob and yanked the door open.

Before him sat Lin tied with thick rope with duct tape over her mouth and anger etched all over her expression. She was trying to tell him something, but it was muffled and he had entered the small room without thinking, his main aim was just to release her.


Lin screamed as his whole body slumped to the ground, his vision blurry but he was still conscious. He was momentarily in shock so it took another moment before the pain came.

His head hurt like a bitch!

He tried to move, his natural reaction was to hold his head in his hands, but his whole body felt sluggish.

"Such a big boy." He tried to train his vision to the source of the voice, but they looked like a blob until they got nearer to his face.

William fucking Sharp.

Lin was still screaming, although he was sure if she didn't have duct tape on her mouth, she would be shouting threats.

"Mr Sharp, what do you want to do with them?" he didn't recognise the voice, but his sight was getting slightly clearer.

Lin had some tears slipping down her face, her hair was dishevelled and her eye make-up smudged around her eyes. There was a total of three guards in the cramped space aside from Sharp, but they all had weapons.

Sharp was dressed in a blue pinstripe suit, looking smart as a successful Lawyer should. Sharp stared at him, whatever was bouncing around in his head obviously pleased him..

"Throw this one in your trunk." Sharp moved his stare to the guy he presumed had talked last. "Throw the girl in Saints territory and get out."

There was a collection of 'What?', but Sharp turned back to him, a sick smile on his lips.

"She's no use to us, she's probably already told the Saints everything she knows." Sharp stood back up and stepped over him like he was just some dust. "The boy on the other hand has dabbled in taking down Benjamin King and the Carnales brothers. He may have some information that can benefit us."

He snapped his eyes back to Lin to see the look of horror that crossed her face. Two of the guards approached her, probably to remove her from the chair, but Lin started screaming again, moving all of her limbs to break free.

Anger rose in him as he tried to gather some of his depleted strength to help her.

"G-get away from h-her." He stuttered as he dragged himself towards Lin, only to see feet step in front of him and before he knew it, the last guard swung his bat allowing him to fall into unconscious darkness.