It had been several months since the whole ordeal with Krei Tech, and almost everything was back to normal. Hiro Hamada was in his cluttered lab, pushing several books and papers into his backpack, about to head home.

"Alright, read to get going?" Hiro asked as he spun around, his pack sliding up onto his shoulder. But when he looked, he was alone, which was strange, considering Baymax had been behind him just a moment ago.

"Baymax?" he called as he exited the lab, searching for his puffy robot. He stuck his head out the door, glancing to the right. As he did so, he just managed to catch a glimpse of something round and white disappearing around the corner.

"Baymax!" he called again, but if the robot heard him, he didn't seem to care.

Hiro chased after him at a moderate sprint in an attempt to stop Baymax before he got outside again, or something. However, when he caught up to him, Baymax had entered someone else's lab, and was helping a young girl around Hiro's age to her feet.

The room was- needless to say- much more orginized than Hiro's. Everything wa neat and orderly, the only exeptions being a desk, which had an exceptional amount of papers scattered about it, and a heap of spare parts near the side, which just so happened to be were the girl was.

She had chestnut-brown hair that was pulled back in a ponytail, a few wispies hanging by her chin. Her light gray eyes marveled at Baymax's out-stretched hand, which her own pale, slender fingers grasped gratefully. Together, tehy managed to heave the girl to her feet, and Hiro noted that she was close to his height, though maybe a few inches taller. She had a lanky build and her skin was light, especially in contrast to her hair. It seemed as though she didn't see the light of day very often. He could respect that.

"Thanks," the girl mumbled to the robot, fidgeting with her clothes. She picked up her dark red-rimmed glasses, which were lying close to where she fell. Hiro noticed her dark purple tank top, which was mostly hidden under a black hoodie. Her dark bue jeans were coated with a fine layer of doodles and dried acrylic paint, and the pant legs ended where you could see the entirety of her black-and-white converse, which also show-cased colorful scribbles, as well as fun, pink laces.

"I will scan you now for injuries," Baymax said, looking her up and down.

"That's quite alright, I'm fine, " the girl insisted.

"Scan complete!" Baymax declared, despite the girl's objections. "You appear to have sustained no major injuries. However, the muscles in you right leg seem lightly swollen and irritated. Diagnosis: a mild sprain. On a scale from one-to-ten, how would you rate your pain?"

"Thanks, Baymax," Hiro interrupted, patting the mechanism's fluffy arm, "but that's enough. She's fine."

Baymax blinked, angling his head to the side. "But she is my patient," he objected. "For the time being, her physical well-being is my only concern. Symptoms of a sprain include-" he then began reciting stuff like "light bruising", "pain", and "swelling", but neither of the two were paying attention.

After a quick double take from Hiro to Baymax, the girl turned again to the boy beside her. "I'd take it this is your robot?" she asked with a light smile to show she was amused.

"Yeah," he said. "But I didn't start the project. I'm just... keeping him up and running, I guess."

"Oh, cool," the girl said. She then held out a soft, warm hand with blue-painted fingernails. "I'm Erabelle, by the way. Just call me Era." Hiro shook her hand, while introducing himself.

"So, do you go here?" Era asked after the brief introduction.

"Uh, yeah," Hiro answered. "My lab's just down the hall." He gestured down the way he came. "You?"

"Me?" Era asked, appalled, before letting out a snort of laughter. "Um, no. I don't. My sister does, actually. She's in the bathroom, changing. I'm just here because we're going out to dinner."

As if on cue, a girl around 5'6, probably about nineteen entered the room. She had hair that was much darker than Era's, and was cut short. Her blue eyes studied her phone as she walked in on wedged shoes. She wore a bright green sundress over black leggings that stopped right under her knee.

"Okay, ready?" the newest girl asked, clicking her phone off. As she did, she seemed to notice Hiro for the first time. "Oh. Hi, there. But, um... not to sound rude, or anything, but... who are you?"

"Lanie, this is Hiro," said Era, resting her delicate hand on his forearm. "I sort of fell over, and he and his robot came when they heard the crash, I guess."

"Robot?" Lanie's eyes traveled upwards to Baymax, though how she missed him at first was a mystery. "Oh, wow. So, this is your's? You made this?"

Hiro nodded awkwardly. "Uh, yeah, I did. Sort of."

"You go here?"

Again, the fourteen-year-old nodded tensely.

"I suppose you must be that kid everyone's talking about, then, huh? Gradutated high school at thirteen? Invented those cool microbots? That's you?"

"Yeah, I'm... that kid." Hiro uncomfortably shifted his weight from foot to foot.

He noticed Era roll her eyes at her sister. "He is a person, Lanie. Not just a GPA or a couple cool inventions. I bet he's tired of hearing that, anyway." A sideways glance allowed her gray eyes to lock with Hiro's brown ones. He gave her a small smile of gratitude.

"Yeah, okay," Lanie mumbled. "Anyway, we need to leave if we're going to catch dinner. It was nice to meet you, Hiro." She turned to her sister. "Ready?" After nod from Era, Lanie glanced back at Hiro and motioned for him to follow.

"Oh, right." Hiro quickly turned around to address his inflatable friend. "Come on, Baymax. Aunt Cass'll be worried if we don't get home soon." About a minute later, they were all out in the hallway. He would've walked with then to the front door, but h had to deativate Baymax so he could get him home inconspicuously.

Actually, he had recently modified the robot's charging station, allowing the signficantly smaller container able to fit easily in his backpack.

"So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" asked Hiro after the final good-byes.

Era frowned. "I don't go here, remember? I go to California Performing Arts across town."

Hiro mentally slapped himself. How did he not remember? "Oh, right. Well, then, see you when I see you, I guess." With one last wave, they parted their seperate ways.

So? What do you guys think? Please leave a review, good or bad, just please don't hate. Tell me what I need to change, if anything at all, and, if possible, I'll do that! Thanks for reading!