Authors Note: I'm not entirely sure how well this story is going to be, but to start off, it's sort of an AU world. It won't be following the story line of the games. I'm basing the character's off Pole-Bear's fanart. Link's are in my profile of their human counterparts. I suggest checking them out so you have an idea of what they look like. I'm still working on their personalities, and there might be an OC, but I won't bring her in until later on. Still debating on that still. I'll see how well this does first off!

Disclaimer: I do not own or take any credit for the fanart of the characters nor do I own Five Nights at Freddy's. Artwork goes to Pole-Bear. Game and characters belong to Scott Cawthon.

The faint sound of guitar notes echoed through the emptying building of Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria, followed closely by the strings scratching, a quiet groan coming from the dining area.

A pair of purple rabbit ears flopped down upon the guitarists head, as he leaned back in his chair out of frustration. Unbeknownst to him, a shadow creeped up behind him, bright blue eyes staring down at the slacker.

"Bonnie." The warning voice piped up from behind the purple haired male, sending a chill down his spine as he quickly sat up. Bonnie knew that voice all too well, not realizing how late it had become nor how long he had been sitting as he strummed his guitar.

His head slowly turning, his red eyes landing on the figure that stood behind him, an irked grin tugging at the corners of his freckled cheeks.

"Freddy!" Bonnie greeted with a nervous laugh as he slowly lifted his guitar as he gently placed it on the table, slowly standing up as his gaze darted around the dining room. "I uh.." He struggled to come up with an excuse, scratching his head slightly as his ears stood straight up. "Probably have something to do." He stated, seeing a thin brown eyebrow raise as Freddy nodded once. "Over here." Bonnie finally finished before scurrying away, taking cover in the safety of the kitchen as he shut the door behind him.

Freddy let out a soft sigh as Bonnie stumbled over his words before escaping to the kitchen, letting his hands fall to his side again. "I swear." He muttered under his breath, glancing around the diner that had been their home for years.

Until that day..

"Ye shouldn' be so hard on 'im. He still be young tat one." Foxy's unmistakable voice stepped in, sliding out of his cove as he wandered over to where the bear was standing.

Freddy glanced over at Foxy, momentarily pondering on pointing out that he no longer needed to reside in Pirates Cove, but he then he supposed that that was where Foxy felt most comfortable.
"That's still no excuse. Ever since we became.." He paused, motioning to himself. "This. Bonnie's always been slacking off."

"Aye, but only on things tat don' include da children." Foxy chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest as he thought. "We be all getting used to dis still." He reminded Freddy.

Freddy listened to Foxy's words as he sighed a bit. "I suppose.." He shifted his weight. "Mr Fazbear was kind enough to allow us to remain, but we still have to work now to make a living. Now that we have to...well live." He glanced back at the stage where their replacements sat.

Ever since the day they had awoken as actual human beings and no longer animatronics, the entire Fazbear crew had been adjusting to learning to live as humans and blend in with society. Granted, that was a tad bit hard when each of them still had their own characteristics as they did when they were non human. Well, the boys did anyway.

Bonnie had purple hair that fell midway down his back, which he normally wore in a loose pony tail and his characteristic red eyes. Along with his features, sprouted a pair of purple bunny ears, which were, unfortunately, a big hit with the children; who liked to tug and pull on them on a daily basis.

Foxy, who all in all resembled the face of a pirate, had medium messy burgundy red hair that framed his face and honey golden eyes. Just like Bonnie, Foxy had his signature fox ears that poked out from amongst the mess of hair, along with the addition of the bushy fox tail that came attached to his rear. Another of the children's favorite tug toy, much to Foxy's dismay.

Freddy seemed to have it easier than the other boys, only sporting a small pair of bear ears that almost hid amongst his smooth caramel brown hair. He had bright blue eyes and faint freckles that lined his cheeks.

Chica amongst them all, fit in the most. Being the girl of the group, she was shorter than the rest. She had bright blonde hair that fell to her shoulders, which she kept in a half pony tail at the back of her head. She had large magenta eyes that were full of innocence and wonder. She tended to be a little more scatter brained than the rest, but still made the best pizza than any of their professional cooks.

It had only been a few months since their lives changed completely, and even now the Fazbear crew couldn't quite figure out what had happened to change them so drastically. Mr Fazbear was the only one that knew about their secret, and had to close down the pizzeria for a couple of weeks in order to have new animatronics made to replace the originals. To the rest of the staff at the pizzeria, he had merely told them that the four were new employee's that he hired to be somewhat of mascots for the animatronics since they didn't have free-roaming mode. Thankfully to their relief, the staff bought the story.

And since the replacements weren't nearly as...lively, the now human crew had to make up for it. People sometimes questioned their names and ears, and in Foxy's case, tail; but Freddy told them it was all to keep up the act for the children, which worked pretty much most of the time. No one had questioned their legibility thus far.

Meanwhile in the kitchen;

Bonnie let out a sigh as he shut the kitchen door behind him as he barely escaped the wrath of Freddy, putting a hand to his chest as he let out a breath of air. Too close.

The kitchen lights flickered, due to faulty bulbs most likely. As Bonnie pushed himself off the door, he noticed a short figure in front of him, and before he had a chance to react, the light glinted off the knife in the figure's hand.


He swore his heart almost stopped as everything happened so quickly, letting out a screech as he backed into the kitchen door in fear.

When the light flickered again, Bonnie found Chica standing in front of him, a smile stretching across her face, most likely in greeting, but when coupled with the butcher knife that she clutched in her hand, her entire appearance gave off a much different vibe.

"Chica!" Bonnie exclaimed, putting a hand on his chest as he felt the unfamiliar beating of his heart beneath his soft skin.

Chica blinked at Bonnie's startled reaction to her, staring at him curiously as she tilted her head to the side, wondering just what had startled him so badly. "Bonnie, are you alright?" She asked, concern laced in her soft voice.

Bonnie held up a hand in front of him, waving it back and forth as he tried to collect himself once again. "I'm fine. Just, next time when you wanna greet someone, don't come at them with a knife." He pointed to the blade in her hand, finally standing straight again as he let out a wheeze of air, his ears flopping on his head.

Chica looked to where he was pointing, finding the pizza knife in her hand as she made an 'o' with her mouth before giggling. "I forgot I had that!" She exclaimed, scratching her cheek lightly. "Sorry, Bon." She apologized, seeing him nod before heading over to the sink, letting the blade sink into the water. "Did Freddy scare you in here?" She asked curiously.

Bonnie walked over to her, pushing up his sleeves a bit more. "Where is he not?" He pointed out, looking at his hands, examining them with a scrutinizing gaze. "I just..can't seem to get my hands off my guitar. It's like I gotta relearn it all over again." He sighed, before diving his hands into the soapy suds.

Though he was pretty sure he didn't really know how to play it in the first place. It had probably just been programmed into his system at the time..

Chica watched him before she smiled softly, nudging him with her hip. "Hey, don't look so down. We're all learning here remember." She grinned, though after spending so many years watching humans interact, after only a few months the four of them had learnt a lot. "We're the Fazbear crew! We can do this!" She cheered.

Bonnie felt a little more uplifted at her enthusiasm, feeling his own grin tugging at his lips. "Yeah!" He agreed whole heartedly.

When the diner had fully closed and the employee's had gone home for the night, the Fazbear crew had returned to the audience area once they had finished their work. With no real home to return to, they made the diner their home.

And where they slept.

Foxy and Chica had been spending their nights in Pirates Cove as of the past few weeks, Bonnie having an inkling that the two were growing closer with their new found human feelings. He felt happy for them, glad to see Foxy was getting the attention he deserved after being abandoned for so many years behind those purple curtains.

Mr. Fazbear had even brought them extra bedding for them to sleep on, which they stored backstage during the day. Foxy and Chica nestled in their love cove, and Freddy had taken up residence in the security room, using the chair as his bed. With the four of them living there for the time being, Mr Fazbear hadn't seen any reason to hire a new nighttime security guard again. Bonnie on the other hand, would sleep wherever he felt comfortable at night. Some nights he'd set up a bed with the chairs, and on others he'd sleep on a table or up on the stage.

Leaning his chin into the palm of his hand, Bonnie leaned on the table quietly as he stared at the three animatronics that stood on the stage, completely still. His gaze lingered on the purple bunny, squinting his eyes slightly, as if he was almost daring it to move. When it didn't move after a few moments, Bonnie broke their one sided staring contest and leaned back in the chair, tucking his hands behind his head as he pondered.

His memories of being an animatronic were still fuzzy, at best. Same with the others. Considering the amount of years they spent dismantled and then re-repaired, none of them seemed to be able to remember much of their time spent as robots.

His red gaze shifted over to where Foxy and Chica were sitting, watching them quietly as a small smile played on his lips. On another note, considering they had all been created around the same time, each of them took on a different age look. Foxy looked the oldest of them all; And if Bonnie had to guess, he was probably in his late 20's. Chica looked about to be 23, Freddy about 25 and Bonnie figured he, himself was about 26.

Turning his gaze up at the ceiling, he propped his feet up on the chair across from him, letting his eyes fall closed as he yawned, feeling the still, unfamiliar tiredness seeping through his body. He quietly pondered when, and if they'd get their own place to live in; to have their own home to return to..

His ears twitched atop his head, reaching up as he trailed his hand down one. It was almost like a constant reminder of how they would always be a glitch in society.

"Bonnie?" He startled, not hearing the footsteps coming up to him, jumping back slightly as the chair legs gave out beneath him, sending him toppling backwards onto the floor with a crash.

Opening his red eyes, two heads loomed above him, staring down at him in concern.

"Ye alright there lad?" Foxy asked, extending his hand to him as he chuckled. "Ye were so deep in thought Chica 'ere thought ye had fallen asleep already." Foxy poked fun, teasing him as Bonnie merely grumbled a response as he took his hand and stood up once again.

Chica giggled softly, lifting a hand to her mouth before she dusted off Bonnie's vest. "Sorry Bon, didn't mean to scare you." She apologized, looking up at him.

Bonnie looked down at her, unable to help the smile that tugged at his lips before he ruffled her vibrant yellow hair, messing it up slight. "Don't worry about it." He told her, unable to even think about being mad at her. She was the baby of their family after all.

Chica's eyes sparkled as she hugged him tightly, hearing him wheeze from the force as she grinned. "Yay!"

For Chica, it was easy for her to tell when Bonnie or Freddy was worrying over things. And as much as they butted heads a lot, they were similar in that aspect. Their eyebrows would furrow together and they'd have a set frown on their face, something she didn't like seeing on her best friends. So she made it her duty to always be there whenever they started worrying over something, making sure to put a smile on their face.

Foxy felt the air lift around them, becoming thinner as he bent down, pulling the chair up with his hook as he set it right again, patting the bunny between his ears. "Ye shouldn' worry so much. Ye got all us here remember?" He told him in his gruff voice.

Bonnie looked over at Foxy, feeling his smile widen a bit more as a tingly warmth washed over his body, making him squirm a bit at the unfamiliar feeling. He then felt a flick on the back of his head, tilting it back slightly as he found Freddy standing behind him, amusement shimmering in his blue eyes.

Freddy couldn't help but chuckle at the look on Bonnie's face, reaching up as he tughed on his ear gently. "Stop worrying so much, its weird when you actually act your age." He teased lightly, seeing Bonnie's cheeks flush in embarrassment before he smiled. "We're all in this together remember. There's no point in worrying about the past, focus on the future." He told Bonnie, planting his hands on his hips.

Bonnie couldn't help but grin, Chica pulling them all into a group hug at that point. "We're the Fazbear crew!" She stated with a grin, looking at her best friends and family. "We gotta stick together no matter what!"

Freddy smiled softly, patting Chica's head lightly. They had gotten this far already, nothing was going to hold them back from conquering their future either.