Pretty Boy for the Win

"Who is she?" Morgan thought. If he had to guess, he'd say about 5'9, at least a buck eighty. Goodness she was thick, in the all the right places. Mocha latte colored skin and curly natural hair swept back in a loose headband. Her modest clothes, dark blue slacks and a fitted white collar shirt showed off hidden curves and a very ample bosom. She was absolutely gorgeous. And about to be flirted with beyond compare.

Reid looked up from his desk and saw her. "Wow" he whispered underneath his breath. She was gorgeous. He looked over at Morgan. And now that Derek had seen her, he didn't stand a chance. Watching her walk over to them, Reid felt the need to put his newspaper over his lap.

Derek slid off the edge of his desk in a very sexy manner. "Can I help you?" he asked.

The woman came closer to him. "I hope so. I'm looking for Agent David Rossi?"

Derek wondered if she was a relative. "He's in his office, I'll show you."

"Thank you, very much", she said. As they walked to the stairs she shot a glance over her shoulder to the taller man sitting at his desk. He was adorable. She gave him a small wink and followed the agent up the stairs.

"I'm Agent Morgan, Gorgeous. And you are?"

"I'm Calli. Calli Collins."

"Well, Miss Collins, should you need any other assistance…"

"I think I know who to call," she finished, extending her hand to him and glancing again to the man at his desk, ferociously doing a crossword puzzle.

Derek's eyes followed her glance and a smile played upon his lips. He turned to go back to his desk. "And I'll make sure he's free," Derek replied.

Calli knocked on the door of Rossi's office. It had been a long time and as nervous as she was, she needed to see him.

"Calla Lily?" Rossi said pulling the young woman into a tight embrace.

"Uncle Dave!" she replied.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" he said, ushering her into his office.

"I was in town and I needed to see you. And…"

"You need a favor." Rossi answered. "OK, how much?"

"No, nothing like that. I'm OK. I…just need some information. About them."

Rossi looked at his niece with tender eyes. He knew this day would come eventually.

"OK kid. Have a seat. What would you like to know?

Penelope Garcia could smell drama from a mile away. Also, it helped that she had eyes and ears on the whole area and saw the cocoa goddess walk in and disappear into Rossi's office. Who was she? And Garcia needed to know. She walked out of her office, her heels serving as a warning for Morgan to get back to his desk or else feel her wrath for flirting with yet another woman. She was his only flirt toy. If only she could make him see she was much more.

"OK. Who is she?" Garcia asked.

"No idea, yet." Morgan said. "Cool your jets, Mama. You're the only Baby Girl I need."

Garcia blushed and wondered if there was more truth to that statement that he mentioned.

"Well," said Garcia. "She sure is beautiful."

Reid glanced up from his crossword puzzle and looked at Garcia quizzically. "I never understood that."

"Understood what?" Garcia answered.

"How women can compliment women like that. Guys can't do that."

"Yes you can," she said stifling a giggle.

"No we can't, Mama. Not unless we want to be slugged." Morgan chimed in.

"Or questioned." Reid said.

"Well, she is gorgeous. And I need to know who she is." Garcia grabbed a note pad and pencil and proceeded to scribble fiercely.

"I can practically hear the gears in her head." Morgan said. "I'm heading out for the night. Mama, you coming?"

Garcia looked up and smiled at him. "Anywhere to take me, Chocolate Drop." She headed towards her office. "Let me grab my jacket."

Reid got up and waited for Morgan to be out of earshot. "Garcia?" he said softly.

"What's up, Boy-Wonder?"

"Between you and me, what ever you find, will you share it with me?"

Garcia looked up at Reid with so much tenderness in her eyes. It had been so long for him. "Absolutely. Just between us."