Epilogue: Ending (thanks for sticking around everyone. Love you. New stories soon!)

Morgan walked over to the dance floor and tapped Rossi on the shoulder.

"Ahem", Morgan said with a smile.

"Derek", Fran said. I was just dancing with, uh, Agent Rossi here", she stammered.

"Oh, the jig is up, Doll. I think they're on to us", Rossi said.

The team gathered around on the dance floor.

"You could have told me", Morgan said.

"We didn't want to blow out your candle, Son", Fran said. "Besides, this is still relatively new. We're just..."

"In love", Reid said, holding his fiance close to him. "It shows."

The couples took to the dance floor for one last song. Penelope and Morgan danced cheek to cheek and moved seamlessly around the dance floor. Hotch and Emily dance for a moment, then snuck off to a corner, holding each other. Will and JJ danced with Jack and Henry, giggling and laughing. Fran and Rossi stole kisses off to the side watching their family.

Reid looked up from dancing with Calli and kissed her cheek. "You said yes", he said, looking into her eyes.

"So did you", she countered.

"So you're stuck with me forever", Reid said, dipping her back.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Calli said. She looked questioningly at Reid. "Do you believe in long engagements?"

"Nope. Not at all. In fact, I was going to suggest that as soon as we can get my mother out her and get the marriage license..."

"That fast, huh?" Calli said giggling. "Okey dokey."

"You're OK with that?" Reid said, twirling her.

"Well, I would like a little time to plan, but no more that 6 months", Calli said.

"That sounds perfect" Reid said, as he led her to a table in the corner.

The evening of October 23rd was clear and bright and full of stars. Rossi's backyard was beautifully decorated and there was ever a Tardis photo booth in the back corner of the garden. The falling leaves of Autumn and the beautiful golden and maroon decorations were a fall paradise. The wedding runner was a glittering white accented with leaves and acorns. Everyone had arrived except for the best man.

"Penelope!" Morgan shouted for the third time.

"You don't have to raise your voice, I can hear you", Penelope said. "and since when do you call me Penelope?" "When you're being stubborn, that's when", Morgan said. He walked up to her and placed his hands gently on her shoulders. "You are not going."

"Sugar Plum, I can't miss this!" Penelope begged. "I'll be fine! The doctor said I'm not due for another two weeks! And I'm just not supposed to travel on a plane, or bus, or train..."

"Or car!" Morgan said, pinching the bridge of his nose. "do you know what 'bed rest' means?"

"Yes!" Penelope said, a little louder than she intended. "It means I can't leave. I can go to the bathroom, I can walk around the room, I can even stand for a minute, mind you a minute, next to the window and look down at my husband by the pool, or having fun with his friends. I can have visitors, but they never stay long because I need my rest! And I'm telling you, I know my body! And I can stand to ride for five minutes in a car to see my Boy Wonder and his lovely Calli get married!"

Penelope turned a bright shade of pink that had Morgan worried and needing to calm her down soon. "And", she continued, "as God, Buddha, Allah and any other deity know to man as my witness, if you leave me here I will walk to Rossi's and if I don't make it, your children will be born on the side of Greatbridge road!"

Morgan took a breath and looked at his nine month pregnant wife. She was going to get her way, so he might as well concede. "Fine", he said exhausted from arguing."But no dancing, no bouncing, no movement! You will sit still and be careful." He looked in her eyes and he gently kissed her face. "You and my babies are the most important thing to me in the whole wide world. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"I'll be careful. I promise." Penelope kissed him softly. "I promise."

Rossi looked over at Emily sipping her drink. "So when are you and Hotch booking Casa De Rossi for your wedding?"

Emily looked up and smiled. "It's been so crazy lately, I, we, don't want to overwhelm anybody."

"Emily..." Rossi said.

"What?" Emily answered nervously. "What?"

"Emily." Rossi said more firmly.

"Rossi, please. Don't make me..."

"Emily Anne Prentiss!" Rossi said.

"You did not just use my whole...how did you know my whole..." Emily sighed defeat. "Alright, I'll tell you, but he's going to kill me."

"Not if I kill him first", Rossi said. "Spill it."

"We got married a month ago." Rossi raised an eyebrow.

"Why...?" he said slowly. "Well, there's a lot going on. Pen's having triplets. You and Fran are item now, Reid and Calli are tying the knot, we..." Emily trailed off.

"Didn't want to add to the cyclone of madness?" Rossi laughed. "I get it. I'm a little miffed, but I get it."

"If it's any consolation, we were booking Casa De Rossi for the reception." Emily took a sip of her drink. "And what about you and Fran?"

"I'm asking her at midnight", Rossi said, pulling the ring from his jacket pocket. "Do you like it?"

Emily looked at the ring and smiled. "It's beautiful. She's gonna love it!"

Reid paced around the room so fast it looked like he was running. "Calm down, Pretty Boy! You got this!" Morgan said, coming into the room.

"There you are! I was afraid you weren't going to make it", he said hugging Morgan.

"He's been like this for an hour", Will said.

"He's freaking bundle of nerves", Hotch said. "You try to calm him down, Morgan. Maybe he'll listen to you. I'm going to go check on Emily."

"Reid. C'mon now. You're a doctor. You got this!" Morgan said.

"What if she doesn't show?" Reid said sitting down. "What if she decides I'm not 'The One'? What if..."

"She asked you too, remember?" Will said. "She'll be there."

"And speaking of being there, we better get going", Morgan said. "We don't want you to be late."

The processional started and Reid walked down with his mother on his arm. As he took his place, Morgan walked down the isle, with JJ and Hotch followed with Emily. The Wedding March started and Calli stood at the back with her uncle Vinnie, as her surrogate dad.

"You look beautiful, Bella", Vinnie said, trying not to cry.

"Thank you...Dad", Calli said, through tears. "Thank you for everything."

"I know you're in good hands, but should he ever..."

"He'll never hurt me, not on purpose anyways." Calli said. "He loves me too much." She looked at the alter. "Ready?" Calli said.

"As I'll ever be", Vinnie said.

The Wedding March played and Calli walked down the aisle in a beautiful strapless dress, covered in white flowers and accented diamonds. Her train was short and when she stood in front of Reid, she reached up and wiped a small tear from his eye.

"Beloved, we are gathered here tonight, in the sight of God, and family and friends to witness this man, Spencer Reid and this woman, Calla Lily Collins to be joined in holy matrimony." The minister said. "The bonds of marriage are not to be taken lightly and are to be entered in soberly and with full knowledge there of. Therefore, if any man or woman can show just cause why, this man", he pointed to Reid, "and this woman", he pointed to Calli, "should not be joined in holy matrimony, let them speak now, or forever hold your peace."

Calli and Reid turned to the audience at the exact same time and looked out with a serious look. As the laughter died down, the minster continued. He said the traditional vows of marriage and then looked tot he couple.

"The couple has something they would like to express to each other", the minster said. He looked at Reid.

"Calli", he started and then choked up. "I", he began to cry slightly, "I have never been as close to anyone as I have been to you. In a very short time, you went from capturing my attention to capturing my heart. I want you to know that I'll never let you go, ever."

Calli wiped the tears from his eyes and well as hers.

"Spencer. I, I thought I'd be alone forever. I thought no man would ever see beyond my outward appearance. You saw me, the real me. The crazy, cello playing me. The NPR loving me and you loved me, in the best possible way. I will hold you in my heart, always and never let you go."

The audience dabbed their eyes and Reid and Calli presented each other with rings.

Rossi took out his phone and took a picture. He scrolled through his contacts until he saw the one that said Shortstack. He texted the picture with the caption, 'She's so beautiful. Just like you." Five seconds a text came back. "Thank you. I can never thank you and Vinnie enough." He looked down at the text and smiled knowing that the next time he'd hear from her would be next year around this time.

"Now if there be no objections, I now pronounce you..." Suddenly a cry of pain rang out from the second row. Morgan left the alter and ran straight to Penelope.

"Baby Girl, what's wrong?" he said.

"Nothing", she said wincing. "I'm fine. I'm sorry." She said. "I'm sorry everybody!"

Reid left the alter after a nod to Calli. "Pen. Are you in labor?"

"No!" Penelope said, wincing again. "It's nothing. Go, finish saying 'I Do' Boy Wonder", she said. Penelope yelled in pain one more time and slumped in little in her seat. A small pool of fluid came around her feet and Reid sprung into action.

"Calli, call 911. She's in labor now!" Reid motioned Morgan to help him. "We got to get her lying down. Rossi!" Reid yelled.

"I'm here", Rossi answered.

"Do you have a cot, or a roll-a-way bed?"

"Yeah, in the shed. I'll get it." Rossi ran a few feet to the shed, and got out the roll-a-way bed. Together they got Penelope lying down. She looked up at Morgan.

"I'm so sorry, Chocolate Drop. I should have stayed at home, like you said."

"No. I'm glad you came. To think, if you would have been alone like this..." Morgan said. He leaned down and kissed her softly. "I love you."

"I love you too, Derek.";

"OK Penelope, I'm going to have to see where you are", Reid said.

"EMT's are on their way, Sweetie", Calli called.

"Thanks Babe!" Reid called back.

"OK, Pen, I'm going to have to see how far along you are."

"Whoa Genius, I don't know if that's such a good idea", Morgan said. "I mean you seeing Baby Girl's..." A contraction hit Penelope and she screamed and grabbed Morgan's collar.

"Let him freakin take a look at me!" She hissed.

Reid lifted up Penelope's skirts and helped remove her underwear. "She's crowning already."

Hotch and Emily kept the little ones back and Vinnie found a small tent in the shed to use as a barrier.

"Pen, you're going to have to push." Reid said, rolling up his sleeves.

"Shouldn't we wait for the EMT's?" Penelope said through labored breath.

"Do you know what crowning means? I see a top of a head, Penelope. This baby is coming, now push!" Reid said.

Penelope took a deep breath and pushed as hard as she could.

"We have baby number one!" Reid said, pinching the baby slightly to make it cry. "It's a girl!"

"We have a daughter, Derek!" Penelope said, through gritted teeth. "Spencer I want to push again!"

Reid got in place when the EMT's arrived. Rounding on Reid, they began to set up. "I'm Andrew, what do we have here?"

"She's having triplets", Reid said. I've delivered one, but she needs to deliver two more."

"Are you a doctor?" Andrew said. "Of sorts", he said stepping out of the way.

"Well you did great, Doc. Go scrub off; we got it from here." Reid ran inside and scrubbed clean and changed his shirt. He ran back outside just as Penelope was delivering baby number two. "It's a boy Mrs. Morgan", Andrew said, pinching the baby slightly to make him cry. Delivering baby number three, Andrew called out 'it's a girl', and pinched her to make her cry as well.

The secondary EMT's were called and the babies were cleaned and put on a separate gurney while they moved Penelope to a second gurney after cleaning her up. "Alright, let's get babies and mommy to Mercy Medical", Andrew said.

"Wait! Stop!', Penelope said.

"Baby Girl, what's wrong?" Morgan said.

"They never got pronounced!" Penelope said. "In all the commotion, Calli and Spencer not got pronounced."

"It's OK, Pen. We wanna make sure you're OK." Reid said.

"Yeah, it's fine, no worries", Calli said.

Penelope looked at the minister who was seated at a nearby table, wiping his brow. "Can you finish this?"

"Why sure, but..."

"No buts", Penelope said. She reached out and grabbed the EMT who was pushing her gurney. "I AM NOT MOVING UNTIL THEY ARE HUSBAND AND WIFE!" Penelope bellowed.

The EMT looked at Morgan.

"Just go with it; she gets her way", Morgan said smiling.

Penelope shooed Calli and Reid back to the alter and the minister began.

"I've seen a lot in my day, but this has to take the cake." He looked at Reid. "You are very lucky for two reasons tonight. You brought life into this world. Not many can say that. And secondly, because you have the love of this woman. Cherish her always."

"I will", Reid said, pulling Calli close to him.

"Now, by the powers vested in me, by the state of Virginia, I now pronounce you Man and Wife. What God has put together, let no man put asunder. You may now kiss your bride", the minister said.

Reid re-pulled up Calli's veil and whispered, "I love you Mrs. Reid".

"I love you too, Dr. Reid", Calli said, tearing up. The couple shared a tender kiss as the EMT's rolled Penelope, Morgan and the three little ones away on the gurneys.

Rossi stood over in the corner taping the scene. "You just can't make this stuff up", he said following the group out of the garden to the hospital.

Epilogue: 1 1/2 yrs later.

Spencer, hurry up or we'll be late!" Calli called as she struggled to get off the couch again, and fell back down. Spencer stood in the corner and smirked as he watched his beautiful wife, now 9 months pregnant struggle to get up.

"I don't think I'm the one we need to worry about", he said laughingly as he helped her get up.

"I love you, but I swear I'm never letting you touch me again" Calli said, rubbing her stomach.

"You said that last night, and I still got to touch you", he said nuzzling her neck."You know you can't resist me."

Calli laughed and playfully pushed him away. "I'm doomed to be barefoot and pregnant, married to you."

"Is that such a bad thing?" Reid said, kissing her passionately. Calli regained her balance from the kiss.

"I guess not", she said smiling.

Morgan raced after his son as he tried to get him to put back on his pants. "Jason! Stop running!" Jason playfully squealed as Morgan ran after him, a pair of dress pants in his hands. He stopped to catch his breath as he looked over at his girls sitting on the sofa with their mom.

"How? How in the world do you do this? On a daily basis? How come he won't get dressed!" Morgan said, exasperated.

Penelope got off the sofa and kissed her girls as they clapped and cooed. "Come here", she said, hugging Morgan. "Sit with the girls." Penelope got walked over and passed a mirror on the way. "I'm losing weight", she said to no one in particular. "I didn't even notice."

"I noticed, Mama", Morgan said winking at her. "And I'm going to do something about it later."

"Oh you!" Penelope said. She stood in the doorway of the kitchen. Hands on her hips, she called, "Jason Spencer Morgan!" A little toddling 18 month old Jason came around the corner smiling and holding out his chubby hands to momma. "Come here, you", she said, picking him up and tickling him. "Why are you giving daddy such a hard time? Let's get those pants on. We can't miss Nana's wedding!"

"Can you believe it?" Morgan said pulling out from the driveway after getting the babies buckled in the mini-van. "Mom's getting married and I get a step-dad."

"You couldn't have gotten a better one, Dew Drop", Penelope said.

JJ and Will were first at Rossi's house followed by Morgan and Penelope and the babies. JJ reached for Penelope.

"They're getting so big!" JJ said.

"So are you!" Penelope said. "How far along now?"

"Just five months. But I feel like Calli! I think I'm going to get checked to see if it's twins. No one kid can be this big!"

Reid and Calli showed up walking in with Emily and Hotch. Penelope ran and hugged Emily.

"I think we're the only one's here not pregnant", Penelope said jokingly.

Emily and Hotch looked at each other and smiled.

"No!" Penelope squealed. Rossi rounded the corner.

"What Kitten?"

"We wanted to wait to tell everyone together", Hotch said. The team gathered around for congrats and pats on the back.

"That's awesome!" Calli said, grabbing he nearest chair. " I need to sit."

"Are you OK?" Reid said.

"I'm fine, Honey", Calli said. "I'm just tired."

"Let's get this show on the road, Pops", Morgan said playfully.

With everyone seated, Fran and Rossi stood in front of everyone and recited their vows, promising to love forever and cherish always. Dancing at the reception, Rossi and Fran were in their own world.

"Doll, isn't it amazing how things can change so fast?"

"Yes it is, Dear. And it shows you how life is so beautiful."

Fran looked over at Calli sitting at the table, nursing a water and puffing lightly. "Babe, we need to get Calli to the hospital."

Rossi looked over at his niece who was smiling and trying to pretend she wasn't in labor.

"At least she waited until the reception", he said laughing and making his way over to Calli.

Rossi grabbed Reid and maneuvered him to the table where Calli was sitting. "Let's go", Rossi said.

"No. I'm OK, Uncle Dave."

"Sweetie", Fran started, "how far a part are they?"

Reid spit out his drink. "You're in labor?" he screamed.

The whole team stopped and ran to Calli's table.

"Here we go again", Morgan said, as he helped Reid stand Calli up.

"I didn't want this", Calli said, as she started to cry.

"Oh, Honey it's OK", Penelope said. "The one thing I learned is babies wait for no one."

Everyone piled in the cars, and met the hospital. Wheeling Calli in, the nurse took her straight to delivery and Reid followed. Siting in the waiting room, JJ and Will looked over at Henry and Jack playing quietly with the triplets.

About 30 minutes later, Reid came out, red faced from crying and slightly shocked.

"Well?" Rossi asked.

"I, I have a son." Reid said. "He came quick, but he's here. I have a son", he said again.

"How's Calli?" JJ said.

"Perfect. Such a wonderful woman. I'm so lucky. I got to go back. We can see him in a few minutes." Reid hugged everyone and sprinted off back down the hallway.

"Wow", Morgan. "Pretty Boy's a dad."

The team gathered in Calli's room just in time to interrupt them kissing.

"Isn't this how you guys got you son in the first place?" Hotch said, jokingly.

Penelope went an hugged Calli. "How are you feeling?"

"Tired", Calli said. "But totally happy, and weepy and exhausted. I'm a bundle of emotions!"

Penelope and JJ nodded. "We know", they said together.

The nurse knocked on the door quietly and entered. "I have another visitor", she said. She walked over and handed Calli her son.

"Everybody, we would like to introduce you to Jakob Derek Reid", Calli said.

Morgan turned and looked at Reid. "You didn't."

"One good turn, Godfather."

"I'm honored Man, really", Morgan said tearing up.

"You know", Reid said, "I think back to that day that we met Calli. I thought for sure she'd go for you. I never in a million years thought I'd be here. I thought I'd lose to you."

"Nah, Pretty Boy, you get the win on this one", Morgan said embracing him.

Reid looked at there family and his beautiful wife holding his son. "I think we all win, actually", he said joining his wife at her side and kissing her.

* I can not thank you all enough for hanging in there with me. I loved every minute of this story and I promise more stories to you all. And please R&R!*