YoungMurderer here!

Sorry for the wait, I was into my The Unknown Twin Brother - my other fanfiction here - and that was only one I was updating.

I'm sorry for that, but that doesn't mean that I forgot about this.

I'll update once in awhile, I promise.

L.B 4 : Here we go!

_√_ LEVI _√_

It's been 2 weeks since the confrontation and Hange kept herself inside of her 'Experimentation's Room' or so she called, 'Hange's Amazing Basement', she didn't came out of her filthy room but even so, whenever I pass through the hall down her room, I would here some noises – a bunch of irritating ones at that. There's this constant yelping of Hange's together with sounds like falling objects. And it's been 2 fucking weeks that I endured this killing intent I hold. The shitty brats and the idiotic squad of my mine kept on bugging the hell out of me which makes my sanity slowly slip away.

They always ask;

"Levi-niisan! When do we get to see him?! I am so excited!"

'I don't know. Lairen said that it'll be soon.'

"Is he... as obsess as you are in cleaning or even took a liking to it?"

'I don't know.'

"Does he smile?"

Another, 'I don't know'.

"What does he look like?"

'I still don't know. Sooner, as Lairen said.'

"Does he have this fun-size height?"

'The hell's with the question? Fun-size?'

But the outstanding question I got was from Eren which really bugged me as well. "Does he know that he has a big brother and that you existed as it is?"

'I don't know.' - And that was the only answer I can come up with. It's the truth anyway. I don't really know.

I. Don't. Fucking. Know.

Now that I know that I have the existed little brother who lives and exist in another world, how about him? Does he even know that he has a brother? A big brother? And that I existed as it?

I didn't even ask Lairen about it either. I didn't, because of the lack of time due to this paperwork that keep on coming and piling up from the Military Police saying that we have to succeed in our upcoming expedition outside the walls and other shits which really doesn't concern us anymore, the King was having conflicts because of the supply of food being scarce and that we, the Survey Corps, adds to the burden because of funds – 'Then go kill yourselves, you're not even helping.'. They keep on saying that over and over again and they were blabbering that they were doing their jobs with their whole-heart (shut the fuck up) and why not do ours with the goal of actually aiming it and succeeding every expedition for the sake of humanity. Like they do theirs? With their coward assess inside the wall of Sina, I really do want to see their horrid faces in which they would deal the titans themselves when the time comes that we, the Survey Corps, would be done by their own acts as pussies.

Fuck them.

Then here I am, keeping myself in check every ticking second because I felt like I was about to explode. I want to at least retort back at them that we're also doing our jobs - No. We're doing what we wanted for the sake of humanity. We take it seriously. How about them? They keep their asses inside the walls protecting themselves and even if they justified their purpose on having themselves in the confines of the wall, it doesn't change the fact that they are just shielding themselves away inside. What a bunch of assholes and a bunch of idiotic scumbags.

With a sigh, I stood up from my wooden chair. "I have enough shits for today." I resigned myself to work then went out of my room and walk to where my feet would take me so I was not surprise when I found myself standing in front of 'Hange's Amazing Fucking Basement.'

Fuck her basement that smells horrible and a sight that's fucking disgusting. Like all shits are dumped there.

With another sigh, I gather up strengths to knock on the door because they say that, 'If you are seen in front of Hange's Room, then you are digging your own grave.' Like hell.

I knock a couple of times before a clicking sound made way to my ears. Then the door creaked open, ever so slightly revealing a one eye poking out.

"The fuck?" I muttered. As on cue, she widens the door enough for two horses to fit in at the same time.

Damn her room that much bigger than mine.

Due to her profession as a scientist, she has the legit right to acquire and have a big room all to herself.

"Oh! It's just you, Levi!" Hange greeted. She looks worn out. Hair sticking out everywhere, white shirt stained with oil and some other chemicals, pants that are a little bit dusty and her hands are... dirty.

Tch. Filthy.

"How's everything doing?" It's been 2 weeks alright. I didn't get to see her and Lairen but I know that they're working together on this but I don't know if they're even doing fine and the succession of it is coming soon. Really soon.

She smiled like a maniac that'll scare everyone away but not me, I'm used to it anyway and seeing it is normal. "Excited are we? Anyways, we're doing fine and guess what? The machine and the spell is about to be done in 3 days from now, Levi! You'll be able to see your little bro in no time! And we get to see if he's good as you are."

The last statement made me uneasy.

Him? Didn't I said that I don't want him in any harm but here I am getting help from Hange to bring the brat here then I'll be the one who'll be keeping him safe.

"Why do you want him to take part in our squad?" The question that is bugging me for quite some time now when she was so insisted upon on joining - Seijuro, is it? - in the Survey Corps because we need another soldier who is as strong as me or better than me.

She smiled at me sadly. "We don't have a... choice. We want a savior as well, aren't we? Waiting for a miracle to come and probably has the power to erase all this damn human-eating-giants. We can make risk here because we want to be saved."

"And the answer to that is my brother? A miracle he is? And what if your expectation wasn't met? Lairen said once in the story and our past, that he lives peacefully and not in harm in where he takes up his life, living to the fullest. He doesn't live here in this forsaken fucked-up world and not both knowing and seeing the titan added up to it and that'll be the proof that he has no fire-y desires to kill the titans because he doesn't know about them and even felt the wrath of them."

Hange's face became serious because, of course, we talk about serious shit here. "You're quite and almost right about that, but, you know that he should live here, right? He was just sent there to live his life, but when the time comes, he have to eventually come back here where the actual world where he has to be born in. So, please, Levi. We have to team up for this."

I thought about a minute or so but Hange kept herself standing inside her room and gave me time to think. My decision is needed. But I'm scared that if my decision is wrong, someone will have to pay for it. And the payment has always been death. This is the first time in my life that I'm actually scared – scared out of my wits, of what will be the result of my own reckless decision and action. But, I also want to be selfish, because in this world, humans are selfish. I, too, am still a human.

So the decision that'll be made can be torn apart to the outcome between death and life.

"We have to have a great soldier as you, Levi." Hange insisted between the silences.

"I know." This decision is my fault so I'll take the risk. "Do it. Just promise me, he'll be safe and be trained as to become as strong as me. Do it."

"I promise you that. Keep hold of it, and if ever I broke it, you can kill me." Hange replied smiling.

"Of course. Even though if you didn't said it, I'll seriously kill you without hesitations on the spot." My eyes narrowed indicating that I'm fucking serious.


It's been passed three days so I suppose they are already finished. Lairen told me to go meet them at Hange's Basement so we can begin.

I'm torn between the feelings of excitement, regret and longing.

This is it.

This is where their hard work will be paid off and the humanity's own safety and hope. We still can't live up to where we believe that we'll be saved by the Humanity's Last Hope and the Humanity's Strongest. Eren and I are mere pawn if I look at it closely and when my little brother is here, he'll be also a pawn. Because every soldier in the Survey Corps are pawns; to die and let them have their victory.

"Levi." Lairen was the one who opened the door, moving her body sideways as to I can go inside.

Once I step inside, I took notice the - machine? - built by Hange with the help of Lairen. It's a hole - a big hole that is - accompanied by a series of wires - not too many - at both sides clinging to the two polls placed both sides also.

"This is it?" I questioned. Lairen closed the door behind me.

"Yes. The spell will be the one who'll be doing the trick." Lairen answered while Hange keep on looking at the book - probably from Lairen's. "Promise me, Levi. He'll live here. Alive to the very end."

"I guarantee you that, Lairen. Trust me as much as I trust you on this." Determination laced my words as I replied to her.

"Let's begin." Hange went over to the machine as well as Lairen while I just took a step back and gave them space.

Lairen took hold of the book, the book Hange read a while ago, and opened it in front of the machine. Chanting words that are incoherent to my ears but somehow the words felt familiar.

Then it clicked.

The spell my father once used.

"Here we go." Hange step back as Lairen's body was being covered in light particles.

Just like my parents did.

I remember now.

~ END ~