Gohan High School Years

Author's Note: I've decided to change the pairing. Gohan x Angela will be the first pairing for a couple of chapters. They will break up and Gohan won't probably date again for a while.


Guest: I'm not the least offended. You were honest on what you said on my first chapter. You have a point on the Ki Belt but I thought everyone would get the meaning of it by the context. It basically makes your Ki "human level". Thanks for the constructive criticism though.

Chawo: It could be. One of the ones where Gohan doesn't end up with Videl.

dbzmast3r: Gohan will tell them at some point. But I can't spoil my own writing can't I? ;)

WinelXI: Thanks.

Chapter 2


Gohan's days of school are going great. His first week went pretty well. His grades are easy A's, he and Sharpener became friends due to the latter's respect for him. Who wouldn't respect someone that can do a 30 foot backward one-handed basketball shot? The only problem he has with is Videl. She can't stop glaring at him and how Gohan ignores her as if she does not exist. Hell, her friend Erasa told Gohan who she is and Gohan just waved it off like it was nothing. Currently, he is in deep thought about the upcoming Martial Arts class next period. It's a good thing Gohan had told most of the Z Fighters that if one of them were to be the teacher for Martial Arts, they won't give Gohan a lot of attention. Well, except Vegeta. He said it himself that he will give Gohan A LOT of attention. The reason is not because of his status. He has to make sure Videl doesn't find out who he really is.

"Gohan? You there?" nudged his friend Raz.

"Hm? Oh sorry there Raz. I was thinking of the Martial Arts that's in our next period."

"It's not like it will be a hard class for you Gohan. You are the son of Goku right?" came the reply of his other friend Kizo.

"Nah, that's not it. It's just that Videl girl is becoming more of a nuisance every day. Of all people, why me?" said Gohan as he groaned. Considering the fact that she followed me 3 times. I'll never forget that time when she followed me the third time.


School ended for the week and Gohan was going to Capsule Corp. to do his weekly spar with Vegeta . He pulled out a capsule for his motorcycle and threw it. Putting on his helmet, Gohan drove off so fast you can see his after-image from where he originated. After arriving in West City, Gohan parked 10 blocks away from Capsule Corp. so he won't look suspicious. While walking, Gohan felt a familiar ki signature behind him. "Really? She would go this far?" Gohan asked himself. 'I'll just have to lose her again.' With that, Gohan began to jog. Videl, knowing she can't keep up with Gohan, throws her capsule which contains a scooter. Gohan turns around and sees her with her scooter trying to look like she was just passing by in West City. Gohan's chances of escaping are very slim at the moment. Either he uses his full speed that dwarfs light speed or get caught by Videl. Deciding the latter, Gohan sighs and kept jogging until he is at Capsule Corp. In 20 minutes, he finally makes it to the entrance of Capsule Corp. Before he can knock in, he heard Videl putting away her capsule, marching towards him.

"Is there something you need from me or something for your dad?" asked Gohan with hints of sarcasm.

"No, but what you're doing seems unusual for a student that goes to Orange Star and is in West City." Said Videl

"I'm just returning the prototype jet to the workers if you remember." Gohan said. 'She really needs to mind her own damn business.'

Before Videl could respond, Vegeta opened the door since he felt Gohan's ki. "Kakabrat! I've been waiting for 10 minutes." He scowled.

"I was just about to come in but she came out of nowhere and began interrogating me like I'm some criminal." Gohan said, irritated that he came in a little late.

"How dare you! You just seem too suspicious because of how you act in school! You never even cared that I'm the daughter of Mr. Satan either."

Vegeta heard the words daughter and Satan and became amused. "You're actually related to that worthless excuse of a fighter? I pity you."

If Videl was not mad before, she is now utterly pissed. "LISTEN MISTER! MY FATHER DEFEATED CELL. THOSE TRICKSTERS ARE COWARDS LIKE CELL!"

Vegeta's amused grin turned into an icy glare. "You have 10 seconds to get the hell out of here before I send you into hell!" he growled while storming up to her. Gohan would have intervened but Videl was getting on his nerves as well so he let Vegeta handle her. Videl wasted no time and threw her capsule up that contained her helicopter and high-tailed back to her father's mansion. Gohan couldn't help but chuckle at her horrified face. Vegeta turned to Gohan. "Now that whelp has left, we can finally spar. You better have kept up training Kakabrat." With that, Gohan and Vegeta walked in the Gravity Room going all out. As usual, Gohan won once again and placed Vegeta in the mini-infirmary.

End Flashback

"Gohan… Gohan!" Raz shook Gohan's shoulder to snap him out of his thoughts.

"What happened?" Gohan asked, unaware that everyone is leaving the classroom except him.

"Class just ended. We have the Martial Arts class coming up soon." Raz said.

"Yeah. I also heard from some kids that we have a special guest that will teach us for the day. They said he competed 3 times in the World Martial Arts Tournament." Said Kizo.

"Wow, I thought they would have some shitty teacher that barely knows Martial Arts. A competitor from WMAT would help them get strong." Gohan said. Gohan then frowned when Kizo said the guest competed 3 times. No… I'm sure it's nearly impossible he is coming. Shaking it off as a coincidence, Gohan walked with his friends to the locker room. Gohan decided to wear a gi that resembles his father's. Orange gi top and pants with a navy blue undershirt. Raz just wore his basketball shirt and some gray sweatpants whereas Kizo wore a blue shirt and yellow baggy pants. Gohan had to lean right next to the guys so the girls won't try to grope him again. The teacher finally walked in and everyone remained silent. The teacher looked at Gohan and smiled.

"Gohan! Who knew I'd have you in my class? This will be easier to train everyone." A familiar naïve voice said.

Gohan paled. So it wasn't a coincidence. Rubbing the back of his head, Gohan sheepishly said "Hehe, I guess so Dad. Did Mom made you get a job or something?"

Everyone was shocked. This teacher was Gohan's father?

"Yeah, she does not like it when I just train every day. She suggested I should go train students how to fight well for the upcoming WMAT." Gohan's father, Goku said. Goku then remembered he had to teach a class.

"Hello class. My name is Son Goku or you can just call me Mr. Son. I am teaching you guys on how to fight in the Turtle Style. Before we can work on that, do you guys have any questions?" A certain pig-tailed crime fighter raised her hand up.

"Are you the Son Goku that won the 23rd WMAT?" Videl curiously asked.

"Yeah. It was a tough match but I pulled through in the end." Goku cheerfully answered.

"Were those tricks you used when you competed in the previous tournaments? There's no way you can you make light come out of your hands," She said as if her words were facts. Goku's Son grin dropped. That Satan guy has corrupted everyone into thinking we fake our techniques.

"How are they considered tricks? The announcer watching me fight can tell my ki blasts are real," Goku said. He never expected Hercule to get people to believe that he and his friends are frauds. Sighing, Goku held out his palm and formed an energy ball. Everyone except Gohan were amazed by how someone can just make light come out of their hands. Goku continued "This is called ki. We all have it in our bodies. Once it's brought out, it can be used for blasts, enchancing your strength, and even flying. Does that answer your question?" He finished with a smile.

Videl couldn't find her voice. She was utterly shocked at the understanding of energy. She mentally made a note to learn how to use ki after class. Meanwhile, another student was curious about the teacher and asked a question. "Did you ever use this ki when you're not competing Mr. Son?"

Goku then explained the beginning of his life when he met Bulma, Master Roshi, fought and defeated the Red Ribbon Army, competed in the tournaments, fought and stopped King Piccolo from taking over the world. Everyone sat down and paid full attention on his stories. The bell finally rang, signaling the end of the bell. "Wow, my bad everyone. I forgot I was supposed to teach. I'll see all of you tomorrow." With that, the students collected their things and left the building except Gohan and his father. Unbeknownst to them, Videl hid behind the door eavesdropping.

"Hey dad, are you coming here every day to train the students or are there going to be other teachers?" Gohan asked.

"Yeah, Vegeta, Krillin, and Tien are going to volunteer as well," Goku responded.

"Wow Vegeta? I feel bad for them haha." Gohan chuckled. Goku decided to depart via Instant Transmission. Turning around, Gohan called out "Come out. I know you're there."

Videl was a bit surprised that Gohan knew she was hiding but walked in. Gohan continued "Why are you eavesdropping my dad and I?" He frowned. "Why haven't you mentioned that your father was the previous champion of the World Martial Arts Tournament?" Videl demanded.

Gohan was beginning to get annoyed by Videl and her attitude. "That isn't your business to know about my family. Why does it matter to you?" he said.

Ignoring the second question, Videl swallowed her pride. "Well, if you aren't busy or anything, can you teach how to fight and those energy techniques?"

Gohan was a little surprised. After stalking me and getting into my family's business, she wants training? I can ask Krillin to help her out. Least I can do despite her nosiness. "I don't teach people. I have a lot of things to do right now. One of the teachers might help though tomorrow." Gohan picked up his things and walked out to the door. Before he could however, Videl said something that caught him off guard. "Thank you Gohan. Sorry for how I've acted earlier. I guess my dad's fame corrupted me a little bit." Gohan hid a smile. She sounds like a good friend without the attitude. Heading out the building, Gohan threw out his motorcycle and drove to the baseball field.

"Yo Gohan! Glad to see you made it on time," greeted Raz. He and Kizo were worried Gohan might not make it because of how late he was before the game started.

"My bad. Videl stalled me yet again. But she was less aggressive this time," Gohan explained. "When is the game going to start?" He changed the subject.

"It's starting in 10 seconds. Are you sure you can get re- Gohan ran to the stalls, used the clothes beam, and ran back as if he never left. –dy?" Not even comprehending the situation, Gohan and his friends just ran to the field. Gohan once again lead the game with a 5-0. When Gohan was packing his capsules, a group of fan girls surrounded him for his baseball skills.

"Gohan-kun! You're so awesome!"

"Have my babies!"

"Marry me!"

"No! Gohan-kun is mine!"

"How dare you you hussy!"

While they were getting rather violent, Gohan had managed to sneak away and flew off back home on time.

"Gohan! I saw the news today about you stopping another crime. What's worse is that you've blatantly insulted that fraud which I am proud of, but regardless, we will have reporters all over us!" Chi-Chi was once again scolding Gohan for being a hero.

"I just want to save people Mom. They were just asking me who I was and what I think of that oaf Satan," he responded. Chi-Chi sighed. 'He's just like his father. Always putting others over himself.' Chi-Chi decided to change the subject. "How was your day at school today son?" she asked with stars in her eyes. Gohan sweat dropped at his mom's antics.

"I've been doing well. Dad was the teacher for Martial Arts today. He told everyone about his time as a kid to the point where he married you," he answered.

"It was still the greatest day of my life!" her eyes shined brighter than before. Gohan coughed to get her out of her trance.

"I played baseball after school again Mom. I could have been home 10 minutes earlier but those fan girls were in my – "GIRLS?! I GOTTA CALL BULMA! BYE SWEETIE!" with that, Chi-Chi ran for the phone so she can do her daily gossip. Gohan decided to call it a night and go to sleep. His door however, creaked revealing Goten. He had dried tears in his face because he started having nightmares. He opened Gohan's bedsheet and scooted next to him and covered themselves, using Gohan as a pillow.