So as I said in Undivided Let's Stand I'm in a bit of a writer block for that story, and in trying to get out of it I came up with this story. Starting Here will be a short story so it won't be long until I get back to ULS.

For now you can read this story, based on the origins of my character Mary from my GLTAS fics. I don't think you have to read my other fics to get this story since this story is a prequel. Starting Here jumps POV's between her and Hal because the story also tells about how Hal got to finding her after she got her ring. Sometimes it will be more descriptive then detailed in some situations because I don't have dialog ideas for some events. Most events you'll recognize because they are inspired by films, and if you know me already you know I like to reference a lot of movies. Speaking of movies, I did take some origins from Hal's story according to the GL movie version with Ryan Reynolds, but I spiced it up a bit to make it sound more interesting.

No new characters to introduce, so I'm going to get straight to it and say that I'll be updating every Wednesday. Starting tomorrow I'll be posting. Until then, I'm KikaKatTIOI, peace out!