Ahmose Inarus

Disclaimer: I do not own "Criminal Minds" or "Star Wars". Or "Avatar"…


This story is dedicated to two special individuals.

First, to the best reviewer I have ever seen, Livion, who has provided

me with so much encouragement and inspiration through reviews.

And also Thn Fanfiction, the true hero of this story.

I had so many ideas of what was to happen in this fic, I was overwhelmed and didn't know where to begin. She sat down with me and we spent HOURS going over every element and finally working up an outline. After months of frustrating, disorganized panic, I was finally able to sit down and actually start WRITING. Big thanks to Thn Fanfiction!

Without her, you lovely readers may have never seen Episode III.

And now, on with the final installment of the Trilogy!

Chapter One

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…





It has been nearly a year since

the Sith Lord DARTH LIVION

was redeemed, SPENCER REID

became a Jedi Knight, and AARON

HOTCHNER a Jedi Master. And as

DARTH NOCTURN warned with his last

words, a war has broken out between two

Sith Lords fighting for the right to become

the Dark Lord of the Sith; DARTH


While first erupting in the Outer Rim,

the war quickly spread far into the

heart of the Republic, affecting even

the capitol planet of Coruscant itself.

The Jedi Order is spread out over the

Galaxy trying to contain the violence,

but it has become increasingly obvious

that the only choice they have is to stop

the war at its source.

And so the Jedi High Council has charged

Aaron Hotchner's team of Jedi Shadows

with the task of bringing in the two Dark

Lords of the Sith, and the Sith Lord

Servants under each man, whatever the

cost, dead or alive. But they are all

oblivious to a plot forming to bring DARTH

LIVION back, by any means necessary…




A dark figure stood over seven people, who were on their knees before him, cowering. A red Lightsaber hummed angrily in his hand as he glared down at them. A metal brace on his knee gleamed in the light from his Lightsaber.

"Well?" He growled.

"It's just… Well… we had heard that you had… betrayed your Master." Gasped one of the cowering men, a Dark Jedi.

"I have. I no longer serve Darth Reaper."

"You… You have joined Darth Valha?!"

"I serve no one but myself. I don't need armies. I have the Force. They will both die by my hand."

"Do you wish us to serve you, My Lord?" Asked the Dark Jedi.

"I don't need you." The Sith Lord spat. "All I need is the information I seek. Now spill it, before I spill your entrails over the floor."

"Yes, Lord Livion." The Dark Jedi gasped, and handed Darth Livion a holorecord.

"Good. Now get out of here, before I decide to rip you all open anyway." Livion snarled, and the Dark Jedi before him turned and ran. The young Sith Lord smirked, then turned and sheathed his weapon, walking out of the warehouse and blending into the crowd. Many people made way for the dark figure. He approached the Star Port, and passed by the guards at the gate with a flick of his fingers.

He approached the ship and strode up the ramp. His boots rang out sharply on the metal floor of the corridor as he walked through it, finally emerging into the main Holochamber. The group of Jedi Knights looked up, and Darth Livion lowered his hood.

"Got it." Spencer Reid said with a grin, and tossed the holorecord to Aaron Hotchner, who caught it with a smile.

"Good work." Hotch said, and plugged the holorecord into the large console before him, glancing up as Reid and Penelope Garcia grinned at each other and bumped fists in a little victory celebration.

"They really just… handed it over to you?" Emily Prentiss asked, grinning. "What did you tell them?"

"That I have indeed betrayed Darth Reaper, and I am seeking to destroy all the other Sith Lords on my own, covertly, and become the new Dark Lord of the Sith." Reid shrugged.

"NICE." Morgan laughed.

"They were terrified." Reid said.

"Well, with the rumor spreading across the galaxy that Darth Livion is back and is targeting Jedi and Dark Jedi alike, they have reason to be scared." Rossi chuckled. "Everyone knows the power of Darth Livion, and now no one is protected by being on his side."

"I'm just amazed we managed to convince people that Darth Livion and Spencer Reid are two completely different individuals." JJ said.

"You did a good job with that." Hotch told her.

"The Council helped…" JJ said modestly.

"And the Supreme Chancellor of the Senate." Emily nodded.

"Your mother talked him into it." Morgan pointed out.

"It is SO weird to be… you know…" Emily trailed off.

"Get to know your family when you haven't seen them since you were two?" Morgan asked.


"She's proud of you." Hotch said with a smile. "Ambassador Prentiss is a strong woman who is trying to protect the Republic from these Sith Wars, and you're giving her new ways to do it."

"You look… creepy comfortable like that." Jordan Todd said, entering the room and looking at Reid, who was lounging in his chair with his long legs crossed in his Sith Lord uniform. Reid grinned at her.

"I'm hot in these tight pants, what can I say?" He mused with a shrug. Rossi choked on his drink and everyone stared at Reid in shock, and then they all burst out laughing.

"No comment." Hotch snorted, and the team broke into a second round of laughter as Reid grinned at the man.

"You are most DEFINITELY hot in those pants." Emily grinned. "I'm like, totally jealous."

"No kidding." Garcia laughed. "His legs go on for MILES in those."

"And I WISH my waist were as small as his." JJ snorted, leaning closer to the girls.

Jordan joined them a moment later and announced. "… It shows off his cute butt."

Reid's eyes widened at that, and he turned as red as his Sith's Lightsaber.

"Seriously?!" He squeaked.

"You make it too easy, Pretty Boy." Morgan chuckled. Reid huffed and crossed his arms, slouching back and pouting in his seat.

"Oh! I got it! I got it!" Garcia suddenly announced, and the team turned to where she was working with K3-V1N. Then, a hologram appeared before them.

"… Darth Reaper." Reid announced needlessly, scowling.

The hologram of the Sith Lord began to speak…

Darth Bosola… Darth Rashio has confirmed that Darth Valha's servant, Darth Alegro, did indeed perish at the hand of Darth Sassin… But Darth Rade was not apprehended. I am sending Darth Soltre to hunt him down, but word has reached me that Darth Cain is picking off our numbers, one by one… We know very little of this assassin, but I believe that Darth Cain is, in fact, a woman. Trust no one, and warn our Dark Jedi to be wary of any female that shows any interest in them… I have not received an update on your hunt for Darth Narcessa… I will again stress that I want her, dead or alive. I expect results, Bosola… and I will not wait much longer…

"… Well… we have names." Emily said grimly.

Reid sighed and leaned back, listing them out… "Darth Bosola… Darth Rashio… Darth Alegro… Darth Sassin… Darth Rade… Darth Soltre… Darth Cain… Darth Narcessa…"

"How many of these guys are there?!" Morgan growled.

"The Dark Jedi informed me," Reid answered, "That each Dark Lord of the Sith are operating with five Sith Lord servants."

"Well… We knew that the Reaper has Darth Rashio, Darth Sassin and Darth Trion. Now we know the names of the other two." Hotch said. "And that's something we didn't have before."

"Trion, Sassin, Rashio, Bosola and Soltre." Reid listed.

"And now we know the names of some of Valha's Sith Lords." Hotch continued.

"Narcessa and Cain." Reid nodded. "With Alegro now dead."

"He won't waste time finding someone to replace Alegro." Emily said, frowning in thought.

"And there are two others." Reid sighed. "Darth Rade and Darth Rax."

"The question is… where do we start?" Rossi sighed.

"With Alegro." Morgan said.

"He's dead." Emily frowned, confused.

"Alegro left the trail easiest to follow." Morgan pointed out. "He blew things up right and left. Elle killed him." The team looked upset at this announcement. "But where his trail ends, hers begins."

"Good point." Hotch nodded. "Garcia. Find out."

"Right away." She nodded. "Kevin." And the droid moved to assist her.

"I'm gonna go change." Reid announced, standing and heading to the room that he shared with Hotch. Hotch watched him go, eyes glued to his lover's long legs and tight—

"Why don't you go with him?" Rossi chuckled, grinning. Hotch shook himself and looked at the team, who were all grinning in knowing amusement. "Help him get out of those uh… pants…" Hotch flushed.

"He doesn't need my help." He said shortly.

"I dunno, Hotch… They ARE pretty tight… he might have trouble peeling them off…" Emily grinned.

"I've got it!" Everyone turned and looked at Garcia. "Elle killed Darth Alegro when he tried to blow up the orbiting shipyards of Sluis Van."

"Then that's where we're heading." Hotch said. "Jordan?"

"You got it." She said with a nod, then winked. "Go take care of your mate." And she turned and walked away, Hotch shooting a glare after her. But then, muttering, he turned and headed after Reid. The team broke into laughter.

Reid looked up when the door opened, and Jedi Master Aaron Hotchner stepped in. The man looked the young Knight up and down with a smirk. Reid had managed to rid himself of his clothing from the waist up.

"The team is of the opinion that you will need some help to get out of those pants." He said. Reid blinked, and then chuckled.

"Help would be welcome." He admitted, turning to face his lover. Hotch crossed the room and Reid happily curled his arms around the man's neck, accepting the kiss and purring as hands caressed his flanks. Then, the ship's engines were heard revving and the hyperdrive kicked into gear.

"Mmm…" Reid hummed, breaking the kiss. "Where are we going?"

"Sluis Van." Hotch murmured, nuzzling his lover's chestnut curls and inhaling his scent. "Elle killed Alegro when he tried to blow up the shipyards."

"I see." Reid sighed. "That's not far from here."

"Nope. We'll be there in about a day."

"Well then… let's enjoy our downtime…" Reid suggested, tugging his lover over to their bunk. Hotch followed with a grin, shedding his robes and then helped Reid peel off the tight pants before the pair fell into bed together, their limbs entwining in their passion.

"I should play Darth Livion more often…" Reid giggled as Hotch's fingers skimmed over his ribs and then gasped when the man lavished his nipples with the attentions of his mouth.

"Why?" Hotch asked after a moment.

"We have so much fun peeling the uniform off of me…" Reid snickered, and Hotch let out a soft huff of laughter, the warm breath ghosting over Reid's belly.

"I won't deny that…" Hotch admitted, sliding down between Reid's legs and peppering his inner thighs with kisses.

"Here." Reid mumbled, and Hotch looked up. Reid was offering him the lube. Hotch grinned and accepted it, nipping the creamy thighs and chuckling at Reid's little yip.

"Next time…" Hotch said with a grin. "I want to take you like this wearing your Sith Boots and gloves…" Reid blinked up at him.

"… And… nothing else?"

"And nothing else." Hotch confirmed, and Reid grinned and laughed.

"You're crazy… But okay."

"Hm… Good."

"Well… they didn't waste any time." Emily commented as she and JJ walked past the room in time to hear Reid wail "Oh yes, Aaron… harder… please Aaron… harder! Ohhh…"

"With the way you guys were encouraging them, are you surprised?" JJ laughed.

"No, I guess not." Emily grinned. "I just can't believe that it's been nearly a year and they still act like newlyweds."

"I think it's cute." JJ responded happily, then looked at her companion, who had stopped. "… Don't listen in on them!" She gasped.

"What?" Emily asked, shrugging. "If they didn't want to be heard, they wouldn't be so loud." And at that moment Reid's voice was heard again.

"Aaron… Oh… So close… Aaron… AARON! AAAH! Mmmnnn…"

"I don't think Spence can exactly control himself…" JJ observed.

"Hotch shouldn't enjoy making him lose control quite as much." Emily snickered, and they moved on away from the bedroom of the mated pair.




Darth Reaper stood in the dark hall, with the three men that made up Darth Trion in a line behind him. And before him, four life size holograms appeared. Three of them were dark figures, and one stood out in stark white.

"Darth Sassin." Greeted the Reaper, and Fallen Jedi Elle Greeneway lifted her head with a sinister smirk on her full lips. "Darth Bosola." The hooded man also raised his head, revealing his older face and graying hair. He looked almost kind and pleasant, until you got to his eyes… a red-rimmed yellow, they betrayed just what this otherwise ordinary looking man was capable of. "Darth Soltre." Another Fallen Jedi, this man looked to be about Elle's age, and he was equally as handsome as she was beautiful, but just like the others, his eyes betrayed the darkness within him. "Darth Rashio." The man in white simply smirked.

"Give me an update."

"The trail on Darth Narcessa has gone cold." Bosola began, and the Reaper glared at him. "She's vanished. None of my contacts have been able to assist. I even reached out to Rashio, Sassin and Soltre… We have nothing." The Reaper looked around, and the other three Sith Lords nodded to confirm this.

"We have another casualty, as well." Elle announced. "Master Gideon has killed Adrian Bale." The Reaper scowled at this. "And not only that, but Vogl is dead, too."


"He was establishing our hold on Bakura…" Elle explained. "… It was poison."

"… Darth Cain?" The Reaper asked.

"We believe so." Darth Soltre nodded.

"I see…" The Reaper said, slowly. "We are changing objectives."

"Oh?" Bosola asked, looking curious.

"Soltre… find Darth Cain. And bring her to me."

"Dead or alive?" Soltre asked.

"Alive would be preferred, though I will not be angry if you deliver her dead…"

"Understood, my Lord." Soltre nodded.

"Bosola… continue your hunt for Narcessa until I summon you."

"Yes, my Master."

"Sassin. Rashio." The two Sith looked at their Dark Lord. "I want Darth Livion back…"

"He won't turn again." Elle said, shaking her head. The Reaper shot her a look.

"I do not wish to turn him." The Reaper snarled, not appreciating her interruption. Then he turned and glanced back over his shoulder. "Tobias!"

The man was hunched over in fear and submission as he shuffled forwards. Tobias took a deep breath and then said, "Spencer Reid and Darth Livion have become just like Adam and Amanda were…" He said, his voice sounding sad. "They're two separate personalities inhabiting one mind… they are… not one consciousness... And as long as they dwell within the same being, they will always be at war with one another…"

"I want them separated." The Reaper announced. "But to do that, we need a separate body. I have contacted the Cloners of Kamino."

The Sith Lords looked stunned.

"Sassin… Rashio… capture the boy. Bring him to Kamino, ALIVE. They need the boy's genetic material. I need Livion intact."

"You're going to put… Livion into a clone?" Bosola asked, sounding amazed.

"Trion will." The Reaper said with a nod. "Livion will finally be free of Spencer Reid… and so will his power… They will finally, truly, belong to me…"

The Sith Lord servants glanced around at one another, not sure what to think of this…

"Sassin… Rashio… do NOT fail me… consequences would be… dire…"

And the communication was terminated…

Welcome back, Padawans! I'm sorry it has been so long... this story has had a lot of obstacles that I've never dealt with before. It's not even finished. As you may recall, I try not to post a story until it's finished, but I felt that too much time had passed since I posted the conclusion of Episode II. I'mn hoping that posting this will light a fire under my ass and I can finish it!

As always, the smut was edited and you can see the full version on adult-fanfiction . org. And before I get the PM's, no, I will NOT post on any other site just because it's more convenient for you, and no, I will NOT e-mail people the unedited chapters. You read it on aff . org or not at all. Sorry if this sounds bitchy, but I'm really sick and tired of getting these PM's... I get a couple a week. More when I post something with edited smut, and it's gotten old.

Anyway! I will ATTEMPT to update every 7-10 days, but it may stretch out a bit more so bare with me! I will also be trying to get "Alas, Babylon" up soon!

As always, please review! Nothing puts the writer and their muse in a better writing mood than reviews! Thank you so much, and again, WELCOME BACK!

~ Inarus