Infinite Stratos: Taming Kestrel

This is my first Infinite Stratos fanfiction, Ive been inspired by many other writers and have always loved writing. Im new to this Fanfic lark so at least give me some credit if you can. I will do all I can to make sure to improve these chapters piece by piece. My story is a bit like my favorite story I've been reading called 'Young Secrets' by coco6561, but dont worry my story is not a cheap copy, Note to coco6561, please keep it up! I love your story!... My story is also about a little boy but is heavily mature for his age, also has a very traumatic and horrific past about him that shows up to Ichika and his friends, and they become hell bound on healing the poor child's tortured mind and heart.

Also as a side note, I've made some changes to these chapters to help those whom have problems in reading a large amount of text, It should be easier for you readers to read, so anyway... please read away.

Please Note: ( ) - Means Characters thoughts

This story begins over the world famous IS Academy, Japan. Since its foundation, the IS academy - like many others around the world prides itself in being one of the top training centres for IS pilots. The IS is the world famous exo-skeleton that excels and out performs any other weapon on the planet. The main exception of its purpose is that it can only be piloted by women, - or so that was thought, when the world famous Ichika Orimura became the first male to ever pilot the IS. As a ressult Ichika attends the Japanesse all-girls school academy.

As a ressult of the IS the balance of power has shifted making the world a Matriarchal society. However, for those whom thought a world ruled by girls is better than a world ruled by boys is better, they were dead wrong! As a certain young boy from Israel is about to prove, however with a school filled with girls, the challenges are very clear, one of which is if any girls are Shotacons! The other if the female's mothering instincts occur and all the girls plan on keeping this new 10 year old boy as a pet or child! Any how, on with the story...

With Maya Yamada and Chifuyu Orimura -

"This is International Radio reporting from the Sinai Pennisula, today Israel's IS forces in co-operation with IDF have successfuly routed and pushed back Phantom Task terrorists at the Sinai Israeli boarder.." a radio broadcasts with an english male voice, Chifuyu Orimura sitting with cool and collected expression in an office chair, not making a single wisper but occasionaly blinking, while listening with intent at the radio broadcaster's annoucements. Maya Yamada sits across from Chifuyu in what appears to be a vistors type of chair, with a more concerned look on her face, a bead of sweat escapeing the right side of her temple, yet stilling listening with full intent at the broadcast.

"IS pilots along with IDF soldiers have discovered the mutilated corpses of over 700 men, women and children, taken prisoner, then fiendishly executed by their Phantom task captors... investigating officers at the nightmare scene, say that the massive, murderous, massacre occured in the early hours of yesterday morning between 1 and 2am. The details of the massacre remain either unknown or confidential as of this moment. What we have been told is that International leaders and Coalition forces have vowed one thing... any IS pilot or accomplis with connections, or responsible for this unspeakable act... will be vigorously tried for crimes against humanity, and swiftly punished. International radio news broadcasting, live.. from the middle east... Israel".

With a click of a remote the radio is immediatley shut off, Chifuyu crossing her legs, tossing the remote down onto her desk. She then places her hands into a praying position and then places them silently in front of her face. Just below her chin, she lets out a frustrated sigh

"Well Maya... This is most...distressing" - Chifuyu speaks with a hint of stress and - strangely - sadness, sure Chifuyu could be known as the Ice queen, a woman whom could hide her emotions very well, but even then... even an Ice queen must have standards.

"Isnt that horrible?, whom could do a thing like that?" - Maya softly speaks with an honest tone of sorrow and pity.

"Hmm, and I suppose you know what we have coming our way?" - Chifuyu continues slowly pushing her chair away from her office desk and standing up.

"Yes Orimura... I have it here" - Maya confirms with officalness looking down at a clipboard, whilst standing up herself.

"They didn't include it in the news, but i guess that might be a good thing"

"Can't argue with that, and according to reports our new student has some connections with the incident that has just been on the news,"

",And is no doubt a subject best settled under terms of absolute secrecy".

"You... don't think its best we inform the students of the academy about whom is joining?"

Chifuyu mimicks with her hand, telling Maya to follow her, and together both women walk towards Chifuyu's office door. Chifuyu pauses, turns round to look at Maya in the face before continueing.

"As for informing our students about whom is joining us, the answer is absolutely not. With whats happened on the radio, the last thing we want is for a scandal or panic to occur, and besides we've already agreed with the Israeli goverment to not let even the slightest bit of information leak out into the open, the chances of another incident befalling us since the silver gospal is to real, and above all absolutely dangerous. When our new student arrives, act normaly, besides the sight of so many beauties around may even make the poor brat forget about what he's experianced these last few hours".

Chifuyu practacly smiles at her last verse of phrase, and turns round, opens the door and together she a Maya leave the room and walk down a white, cool corridor.

- Scene change: 2 days later - IS Academy classroom -

The IS academy classroom, filled with happy gossip, female voices from multiple nations, with slangs and rough accents in Japanese being exchanged left to right and right to left, the centre of the classroom being Ichika Orimura surrounded by his friends, the all well known Brunette Japanese girl Lingyin, the Short blonde, pony tailed Charlotte, the long silver haired, eye patched Laura, the brunette pigtailed Huang and finally the long blonde, hair curled Cecilia.

All of which doing their party piece in attempting to gain the most attention from Ichika or trying to out perform one another, mainly to no avail due to Ichika being the good hearted, yet dense person he his. Lingyin eventually gaining the most attention by slamming her hands down on Ichika's desk and pointing aggressivaly at Laura.


Ichika holds his hands up in defence whilst attempting to contain his nerves, which is'nt going very well, what - with Lingyin, Houki and Cecilia's heavily annoyed looks.

Since Laura declared that Ichika was going to be her husband, her approaches on him was'nt held back or exaggerated, but unfortuneatly the other girls did'nt in the slightest feel amused, or supporting of the idea, except for Laura of course.

"What is so strange about a husband and wife sleep together in the same bedroom?" - Laura protests in confidence, with a hint of pride

"You keep quiet about this Bodewig!" - Cecilia shouts out with annoyance, her fists clenched together.

"Tell us Ichika, What were you two doing this morning!?" - Charlotte asks with a pleasant but very menaceing smile, twitching, obviously struggleing to keep her composure.

"I keep telling you nothing happended this morning!" - Ichika desperatley protests waving his hands in front of his face.

Many of the other female students either smile or ignore at the sight playing before, them, however not one of the girls in the room can blame the sight before them. Ichika showing his skills with an IS aswell as his honesty and kindess is obviously going to attract a lot of female attention. However most of the other girls belive deep down it is just sexual tension for not being around the male gender for a while, please remember that being in an academy when you are straight, is bound to get boreing after just seeing only your own gender day in and day out.

"I also have taken the opertunity to think of names for our future children my dearest wife" - Laura continues smiling proudly with her nose slightly up in the air. However the effect of Laura's happiness does nothing except fuel the fire for Ichika's possible approaching death.

"Child...Child, so you two have been considering children have you!?" - Lingyin menaceingly speaks out with a pleasant tone. Partially summoning her IS, so that only the left arm appears, the fist is clenched.

"NO! NO! NO!, I havent done anything! Char, you know me, I wouldn't do anything like that!" - Ichika desperately speaks out hopeing that his closest female friend may be able to aid in his current situation.

"Dont change the subject Ichika, start talking" - Charlotte hisses out, whilst summoning her own personal IS.

"Ichika! Tell me you have'nt been doing things like that with her!" - Cecilia practacly screams whilst partially summoning her own IS.

"LOOK IM TELLING YOU ALL, NOTHING HAPPEND!" - Ichika screams out in fear, some classmates looking nervous but keeping their distance at the sight before them, many students taking cover or leaving the room in fear at what could happen, however many students suddenly appear back in the classroom due to a certain classmate getting their attention.

"HEY everyone look at the newspaper!"

Ichika's life being saved by the newspaper club president. Laura, Cecilia, Charlotte, Lingyin and Houki snapping from their current 'Discussion' with Ichika and instead focusing on Kaoruko Mayuzumi, whom happens to slam at least a few dozen copies of the same newspaper down on a desk just behind Ichika's. Ichika practaclly letting out a huge sigh of relief at the tension leaving his pressance. "Look at the news!", Kaoruko continues pushing her glasses back to the bridge of her nose, her face looking partially excited yet shocked.

"Oh my gosh!" - Shouts out a long sleeved girl, her hands obscured by her long sleeved uniform. The said girl being Honne Nohotoke, her friends soon gathering round the papers with many other schoolgirls.

"People murdered by IS pilots!?" - Shouts a long green haired girl.

"Phantom task terrorists being responsible!?" - Another girl, with short orange hair exclaims.

"Israel? 700 confirmed dead!?" - Another brunette girl with glasses and pigtails stutters.

"What's all this?" - Asks Charlotte with curiosity, walking slowly over to Honne.

"At least 700 people have been slaughtered in Israel by IS pilots!". - Kaoruko informs the blonde french girl with a hint of authority and a touch of shaken voice. Charlotte mimicks with her hand and immediatley, Cecilia, Houki, Lingyin de-activate their partially summoned IS, and rush over to Charlotte and Honne. Ichika remains seated, far to releaved that the ordeal is over and not very interested in any old news paper.

"How did you get your hands on these!? I thought Orimura sensei forbade such newspapers on the academy grounds" - A girl with short dark blue hair asks with interest. Kaoruko merely smiling with pride, or smuggness ' what ever you want to call it ', taps the side of her nose with her index finger.

"Oh common, you know thats all confidential, if i was to tell you how I got my hands on newspapers like this it would'nt be a surprise now would it"

"Actually, I think Orimura sensei made it clear that this type of news was only forbade to certain classrooms because of age being a concern" - A girl with pink hair in a short pony tail speaks out.

( "What are they all talking about?" ) - Ichika thinks to himself, finally managing to stand up. Breathing a sigh of relief Ichika finally manages to walk over to the large horde of schoolgirls, each with a newspaper in hand, gossiping and whispering to each other. "Is everything alright?
Whats going on?"

"Ichika, look at this!" - Charlotte speaks out, Ichika wastes no time and takes a newspaper, what he sees sends terrible sense of dread down to his gut. The feeling is like eating something exceptionaly foul and now the food is repeating on the stomach.

"Th..This confirmed is it!?" - Cecilia stutters with a lot of shock and concern.

As the conversation becomes more and more intense the class bell brings the group from out of their moment, some students scrambling to their desks putting away their newspaper copies in their desks, others hiding their papers in schoolbags. Before taking her seat Houki shoots Ichika and dangerous look along the lines of 'Don't think this is over'. Ichika cringes at the image, but amazingly manages to maintain a cool and collected image.

To be looking out of character when class is about to start was the last thing Ichika wanted this morning, if he could salvage anyform of normality since the disasterous incident this morning, he would be hell bound on making that normality 100% possible. Besides, the last time Ichika spaced out due to personal problems, he earned himself a book in the back of the head from his big sister Chifuyu. Definately not in the mood for feeling pain, he looked towards the school black board, sat up strait, shook off any feeling of fear, and prepared himself for the day's lessons.

Maya Yamada walking into the classroom with a pleasant smile upon her face, coming to a stop behind a desk, Maya smiles brightly and greets her class of students. "Good morning everyone, I hope yesterday was pleasant, and today its back to routined buisness". Maya continues by placeing a large set of books down upon her desk, as she looks forward she gets a glance of a newspaper on non-other than Honne's desk. "Nohotoke, can you please put away your belongings" Maya pleasantly speaks out, with a sweat drop upon the side of her head.

Honne looks down with confusion before making a quick yelp, before scrambling to put away the paper, some students looking anxious, others snickering. Maya smiles and makes a slow nod once Honne hastily puts away the newspaper in a schoolbag. "Anyway... before starting today, I want to make 3 very clear announcements, firstly.." - Maya's expression shifting to a very evasive but very serious concerned look. "..Im sure you've all heard the news, and may have gotten your hands on a copy of this newspaper".

Maya holds up a paper exactaly the same as the one issued to all students in the classroom, some students immediately go cold, others get curious. However Maya defuses the feeling with a calm and pleasant face and tone "But, don't worry, no one is in trouble. In fact it was just decided that newspapers not related to this academy can now be permitted".

Many students let out a sigh of relief, Maya struggling not to titter before continueing "Secondly, im sure everyone is concerned about the news headlines, but... theres no cause for alarm. Please remember we are an academy that is highly protected and is securely in the care of the national goverment's armed forces. Also please remember that we have a trained force of IS pilots whom can work in co-operation with our self defence forces, I would only ask everyone that for the time being, does not go anywhere alone ever, and ask people not to stray to far from the academy grounds unless given expressed permission from Orimura sensei."

Students cast looks at one another, Ichika being one of them, making a glance to the right, but quickly looks away after looking to the left. Houki looking at Ichika with a bit of anger and irritation, Ichika smiling nervously before turning his head away slowly ( "Oh man, why did this have to happen? Is that anyway to treat a childhood friend!? Not listening to a friend's side of the story is hardly a fair trial I ask ya!" ) - Ichika thinks to himself.

"Thirdly We have a new student joining us today" Maya continues with joy, some students immediately smiling, Ichika looking curious. ( "Wow, a new student I wonder whos come out to play with us this time.. 'Wonder what type of person she is" ) Ichika thinks to himself. "Please I want everyone to welcome our new student and make him feel welcome" Maya continues motioning her arm towards the open classroom door. Students all looking towards the door, some students looking confused others looking with disbelief. ( "Did she just say, 'Make HIM feel welcome" ) Houki thinks to herself with a look of surprise on her face. "Yamada sensei! Did you just say HIM!?" - a girl with short black hair calls out with her arm raised.

"Now, Now, lets calm down everyone, heh-heh" Maya nervously laughs, some of the girls looking excited others begin to look anxious, Ichika on the other hand has a small but very calm smile on his face. Maybe today would bring some good fortune, being the only male at an all girls school could be very, very lonely sure he had plenty of female friends, but even then all males need the occasional man to man talk every once in a while.

"Please step this way" Maya speaks out looking towards the door, smiling, with an arm out. A few seconds go by, - Nothing, nobody appears through the door. "Please, its okay come this way" Maya speaks out warmly and softly. This time a small foot appears in the door way, some students stretch and strain to see whom it is trying to enter the doorway. Maya turns to look the stranger in the face, she smiles very sweetly and maintains a happy image, she nods slowly and like attracting a cat forward with her hands makes very silent, tiny claps "Come on, its alright".

Then a small person walks through the door, all students going silent as the grave at the sight before them. The person keeps his head down, the uniform he is wearing is very, very similar to the uniform Charlotte was wearing when she first entered the academy disguised as a boy. This small person looks down upon the ground, walking very quietly and slowly. Eventually coming to a stop in front of Maya, Maya looking down a smiling warmly. She leans forward and rubs the young boys shoulder, "Its alright, look... everyone is happy to see you" Maya speaks softly.

The young boy turns and lifts his head, he has ocean blue eyes, faint black eyebrows, topped with pitch black, long hair. 'hair style like Saki Vastral from Area 88'. The most standing out feature on this boy is a bright red scar, obviously still fresh running from under his right eye in straight line all the way to his right ear lobe.

"Go on, its alright introduce yourself" - Maya speaks kindly, rubbing the boys back. The young boy's eyes full of timid fear, his face pure white from anxiousness. He just closes his eyes and shakes his head slowly whilst looking down on the floor again. Maya smiles awkwardly but kindly, before clearing her throat..

"Ahem... This young boy is from Israel, he does'nt speak much Japanese, and has only just been discovered to able to pilot an IS. He is new here so everything is very alien to him, so if you all would, make him feel as comfortable as possible" Maya explains in a very friendly manner, she looks down at the young boy and towards the class whom many are whispering to each other and looking with amazement at the child in front of them. However before Maya can speak the young boy stutters out rough but very clear Japanese "H..Hello, My Name is Kestrel, I am 10 years old and I..Im very happy to be in Japan". The young boy looking up with a face of nerves after speaking out.

For a few tense minutes the entire classroom is silent, so silent, you could hear a pin drop. Then without warning clapping comes from a green haired girl sitting at the front of the class, soon enough the entire classroom joins the clapping, Ichika casting a very loving smile to the young boy whom catches it for a brief moment.

Young Kestrel glanceing away and looking down again at the floor. Some girls soon making loving squeals and tenderly loving waves at the youngster known as Kestrel. Kestrel however becomes tense and slowly takes baby steps backwards untill he bumps into the front of Maya. Maya puts a hand reasureingly on Kestrel's shoulder. Kestrel however does not look up, but his image shows that hes calming down. Maya then after 2 minutes of calling and clapping her hands, manages to quieten down the entire class, "All right, All right everyone! Please calm down!"

"Yamada sensei, can that kid realy pilot an IS!?"

"Yamada sensei, is that realy his name!?"

"Yamada sensei is he ours to keep!?"

Questions continue flying from nearly every girl in the classroom with the exception of Houki, remaining in utter shock at the little one standing timid in front of her. Ichika also remains quiet, but happily remains smiling. "All right ladies, calm down! Please remember that Kestrel is here to learn IS, and to find a new life here, he's not a pet, also Kestrel is his only known name, but that's all we know" Maya calls out.

"Hey is that your real name, Kestrel?" - Honne Calls out in jokeing tone, Kestrel merely looking at Honne with a confused look.

"Can you speak Japanese aswell as Israeli?" - A short red haired girl calls out

"Kestrel? That's gotta be a false name!" - A long black haired girl puts in.

"Can you understand me!?" - Shouts out a pony tailed, blue haired girl.

"That's an embarrassing name to be given!" - A brown pigtailed girl with glasses calls out.

("Kestrel...hmm, now why would someone have a name like that?") - Houki thinks to herself.

"All right you lot, Kestrel, is new here, don't start with questions so quickly. Remember all can be revealed after lessons" - Maya calls out with playful tone. With a smile and careful hand, Maya points to an empty seat at the back of the class, kneels down next to Kestrel's head level and carefully speaks out "Your seat is over there at the back of the class, just try to keep up with us as best you can alright?"

Kestrel turns his head, looks Maya in the eyes for a few moments, blinks, looks ahead of him and slowly walks forward. As Kestrel walks down to his desk he glances a look at Ichika, whom nods slighty and smiles. Kestrel slightly tilts his head before looking ahead of him again. Honne waves happily at Kestrel as he walks by walls of eyes and whispers.

"Hello Kestrel, Im Honne!.." Honne begins, Kestrel pays no attention causing Honne's greeting to slow down "". Kestrel makes it to his seat, and immediately begins looking at the blackboard with a neutral look of emotionlessness on his face. Only occassional blinking showing his living exsistance. Some of the schoolgirl's gazes not leaving him for a single moment.

Chapter 1 complete

Please Note: I do not own Infinite stratos, nor do I want to.

Comment: This is my first fanfic, so please go easy on me, I will always attempt to keep this fic updated at a very regular basis. Also I have just signed myself into so its taking me a while to learn what does what, so please bear with me.

So I hope you like the introduction chapter, Im already starting on the next chapter so don't give up on me. Wishing all you readers the best

Black Falcon 01.