A/N: This is the ending, folks! Thanks for reading and for commenting. I love this universe and if I ever get the urge to write it again I will, but for now I'm going to think about other fics, potential AU's, and all that.

Hope you liked the story.

1 year later

"Dude, I'm pretty sure this guy's a genius," one short man with a soft face says to his much wider friend, waiting patiently in the lobby.

"You saw the same shit I did?" the taller, haggard looking older man responds to the younger kids' conversation.

"Yeah, like that," the meek-faced boy points at the woman staring daggers back at them. "She's got it. Must've come here for it special."

Patiently they wait because the sour-looking girl behind a counter in the front rooms glares them into submission. She's laced with art, likely done by the guy who everyone's heard about. Though she never says a word to them, both boys are convinced they're being cursed just by pointing at her and the older man shies away from saying anything. The explosion over that very tattoo on the girl's arm, the only bright thing on her, is what drew them there. It's what draws two or three people every day, like there's some mysterious caravan of wandering hippies and bikers looking to get work done. Sometimes it's local Pawnee kids, too.

The music in the parlor is stereotypical grunge that both boys had never really heard before, and when the back door opens they're hopefully shifting their focus that way. The figure that emerges - tall, chubby, bright, and unshaven with a smile clear across his face - makes all three look at each other in confusion. The girl behind the counter smiles, and it's so unusual that the three patrons are sure something horrible is about to happen to this clearly happy person. Instead of driving a knife into his chest and eating his heart in front of them, she leans up on her socked toes and kisses him on the lips. They share a brief look before she jerks a finger over her shoulder at the three of them.

"So, who's first?" the flannel clad giant announces. "C'mon, there's probably people driving to get here."

"Yeah, we can't have people wasting space," a third voice announces and another girl emerges from the back room. "Bodies waste space."

"We know how to get rid of space-wasting bodies," the sullen eyed girl behind the counter says with a smirk before glancing at the newcomer.

They look related - the shorter one with a longer nose but the same eyes and complexion, and the counter-clerk sharing a very similar smile with her - but no one can comment when the old man stands up and walks over to the person they've traveled all this way to see. He looks at him briefly before smiling and shaking his hand, like they've met before.

"Shit, Andy," the old man starts, "I didn't realize you'd gotten yourself an old lady."

"I'm not his old lady," she lets out with a grimace.

"That's April," Andy points over to the girl and slaps his hand on the leathered shoulder of the biker. "Babe, this is my old buddy Stan. He comes here, like, once a year. Where you been dude?"

"Y'know, around. Saw all the hubbub with your new style and thought it was pretty cool, and it's been a little over a year so," he shrugs and Andy chuckles. "What's wrong?"

"That's not my style! Say hello to my new artist," he gestures to April, who simply stares at Stan. "Plus, she is also - now - my incredibly hot wife."

Stan's teeth are yellow when he grins broadly and April looks like she's struggling to keep her grimace before it shifts into a smile. The two boys look at each other, confused at the whole of the events happening in front of their eyes. It's kind of strange, all sorts of unusual, and definitely not what they expected to see in the shop at this hour. Or at all, really. Why couldn't it just be some cool leatherhead? Instead it's... well, a menagerie of weirdos.

What a strange place.

"So, is the missus gonna do my design?" he says with a polite nod of his head, like a bow.

April chuckles. "How can a girl say no to that?" she walks over to the little table and Stan follows, Andy watching on before turning around to the two boys.

"Look guys, that's an old friend of mine... so whaddya say you come back tomorrow and I'll chop twenty bucks off your bill?" he asks kindly and with a quiet that speaks volumes about how many times he's done this very deal and gotten yelled at.

They look at each other in mild disappointment, but forty bucks is forty bucks. Turning back to him they nod with smiles. Andy returns to the little table, watching his wife - holy crap - work expert shapes and drawing purely off of Stan's descriptions. By the end, the little bit in the center looks more and more like a Biblical cherub complete with wings and a tiny man's body. It's kind of horrifying, but that's probably what makes April smile so much doing it.

That, and the fact that they really want to tell someone who isn't Natalie.

After she's done, April sidles up next to Andy and throws her arm around his lower back as Stan works on putting little notes down where he wants changes. She stares up at him and looks at her left hand still dangling. The metal looks weird in contrast with the rest of her skin, but only because the shining silver is incredibly mismatched with her skin and the black ink on the back of her hand she's recently had done. It's mesmerizing sometimes, watching April draw ideas on her body and then have him do a look over all of them, and before long she's doing new bits and filing in or covering over old art that's in need of a patch.

There's one spot she's saving, though. Just above her right breast where the flaps of the wings never reach and the hands aren't nearly wide enough to touch: just a little spot, where she has the outline of a name already written there and encircled by thorns that whip underneath into a neat underline. Walking over to Stan, after a brief talk with April, he sits down but gets so giddy he has to stand up. Pulling his old friend up, he quickly embraces him in a tight hug that's met by laughter telling just how often he does this. When Andy breaks away though, Stan's face evens out into a calm, wrinkled expression.

"What's up, man?" he asks, undeterred.

"We're not just married," he hops up and down on his feet, taking April's hand and putting theirs combined on her stomach.

There's a second where nothing's said. Maybe he doesn't get it, April wonders, but then the mood changes in a split second. Stan's eyes widen and he looks up at Andy, who nods vigorously. April gives a wayward smile, one that she doesn't bother to hide, and Stan reaches over and gives her a huge hug equal to his with Andy. She chuckles, not minding his stink because she really is incredibly happy, and he whoops and hollers like it's the greatest news he's ever heard.

"Holy... when?" he looks starstruck, his eyes still wide and his face pockmarked with joy. Now April understands why he's friends with Andy, who had much the same expression when she told him.

Andy was putting away dishes at his place when she found out. It was exciting but also terrifying because there wasn't anything in her life that she cared more about than watching over her family, and with Natalie still around - around but taking over their old apartment and turning it into her own - April didn't really know if she wanted it. She was young, very young, and it scared her then. What if Andy didn't want that? They idly talked about it, especially just before the makeshift wedding they had in Vegas after an incredibly fun night of strip clubs and gambling. Really, getting married was easy because it didn't really ask for much.

But a kid?

Then Andy's eyes. His face, his body language - everything - when she told him changed her mind. Not that she was anything other than on the fence about it. April realized a long time ago her instincts around Natalie were motherly, but she didn't ever dare think about getting to that point in her life. Then there was Andy, sweet Andy, who made her understand that this future could be a reality. He became a ball of physical energy at that point, unable to contain his excitement for a full month.

"In June," April says with a small grin. She squeezes Andy's hand on her stomach and he gently kneads her shirt before looking back at Stan, his same, awestruck look plastered on his face.

"It's gonna be the most awesome kid ever, and they're gonna have an awesome mom and the coolest aunt ever," Andy says all of it with a huge grin. "Dude, you missed our wedding-"

"Everyone missed it," April laughs.

"Right, but I think... what was her name? European? Endorphin...?"

"Equality," April corrects. "The stripper at our wedding's name was Equality."

Stan just chuckles and slaps Andy's arm again. "Sounds like I missed a helluva show, dude," he still has that wide smile perched on his face and April kind of likes him, too.

"But yeah, since you totally weren't there for the wedding we wanted you to be around after the kid's born just... y'know, just for a little bit. Stay just for a bit, maybe hang out with us for a few days too," Andy says, and April catches something in his voice. It's hope. Suddenly she realizes a lot of things about his and Stan's relationship.

"Nah man, I'll be around after but... I can't stay here for that long," Stan jokes and shakes his head. "So are we gonna get this done or what?"

Later that night, in bed, April sits with her head on her palm and looks at Andy expectantly.

"He's a great dude, but... people always leave," Andy sighs and gives her a smile. "Except you, babe."

With a smile, she nods at him. Andy leans over and kisses her, holding her cheek and smirking against her lips. April accepts his kiss and tucks herself into him after, happily sighing at the warmth and comfort his body gives over. She won't be leaving anytime soon, even if only to prove to him that she won't. Really though, there's a lot of selfish love there. After all, she still has to get that name done on her breast:
