Pokémon: Facades

Chapter One: Prologue

Well, this was it. I was finally going to get my Pokémon and begin my journey.

Perhaps I should explain. My name is Rolf Kaiser. As far as appearance goes, I'm not very unique; I'm really thin, almost sickly so, I have short grey-ish hair, and I usually just wear a pair of tan slacks, a purple button up shirt, and some brown loafers.

I've been wanting to go on a Pokémon journey ever since I was little, and I thought I would be able to go when I turned ten, but lo and behold when I arrived in Pallet Town to get my Pokémon, they were all already taken, and since I live in Lavender Town, I don't often get the chance to go all the way to Pallet Town. So instead of just trying again the next year, I decided to get through high school first, and save up some extra money. Needless to say, I had tried as hard as I could to finish high school in as little time as possible and I had managed to graduate at seventeen years old.

And that brings us to today. I, and many others, had gathered in front of Professor Oak's lab on a warm summer morning to obtain our Pokémon. The professor had made a list of everyone that was to show up and had prepared more than just three Pokémon like usual. We had been told that we would be called in by threes to receive our Pokémon, but only the first three would get Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle.

And so we stood, and we waited, many of us having too much anticipation to stay still. As I observed the others, I realized how out of place I must look, for there were very few people my age, most were kids who didn't look a day over ten years old, but there were a few that were older, looking somewhere between fourteen and eighteen.

One person that stood out to me was a boy who looked to be around my age, what was peculiar about him though was his manner of dress. He was wearing a stark white business suit with a white top hat covering his stark white hair, and to complete the picture, he was currently gazing at a silver pocket watch. A lot of the other kids seemed to be staring at him too, I mean, it was hard not to, it wasn't everyday you saw someone dressed like him.

I continued to observe him, but quickly looked away when I heard the door of professor Oak's lab open. There he stood, the man himself; Professor Gary Oak. A couple of years ago, Samuel Oak had retired from his profession and Gary had taken up the mantle of Kanto's Pokémon Professor. We all stood in anticipation as we waited for him to call the first three names.

"Barney Bristol, Lenore Bateson, and Kristen Jameson, please come forward to receive your Pokémon!" He called out.

Immediately, three ten year olds bounded their way up to the door of the lab. Professor Oak ushered them in and closed the door behind them.

It looked like this would be a long day.

Roughly two hours and many trios of children later, my name was finally called. Along with me, the names Hershel Wile and Lucia Wile, whom I could only assume were siblings, were called. I walked up to the lab where Professor Oak was waiting and found that the guy I had been observing earlier was there as well, I assumed he must be Hershel Wile. There was a girl standing next to him, Lucia Wile no doubt. She looked nothing like Hershel though; she was just a tad shorter than he was, she had long black hair, and in terms of dress, she was totally different than him; while he was wearing a suit, she wore a simple pair of jeans, tennis shoes, and a white T-shirt.

I stood next to Hershel briefly before Professor Oak beckoned us into the lab. Lucia went first, then Hershel, and then finally me.

The inside of the lab was much different than I had imagined. I guess I thought it would be a bit less modern than it was simply because of the surrounding Pallet Town. There were machines of all different shapes, sizes, and colors with blinking lights on every available surface.

Professor Oak led us over to a small table with three Poke balls on top of it.

"Inside these three Poke balls are the Pokémon that will accompany you on your journey through the Kanto region and beyond." Professor Oak said with a gesture towards the Poke balls. "The three Pokémon that you will choose from are Exeggcute, Vulpix, and Krabby. Please decide amongst yourselves who wants which one, and try to decide without causing too much of a fuss."

Before I had time to do anything, Hershel walked up to the table and picked up the ball containing Krabby. Lucia made an annoyed sigh.

"I hope you don't mind my brother." She said. "He always has a sense of entitlement for some reason."

"Oh, uh, yeah, it's fine. I didn't want Krabby anyway." I responded.

"Well, all the same, why don't you choose next?" She offered with a smile.

"Oh, well, thanks." I said, mentally hitting myself for giving such a weak answer.

I approached the table and weighed my options carefully. On one hand there was Exeggcute; it had a grass/psychic typing, his best stats being defense and Sp. Attack. And on the other hand there was Vulpix; a plain fire typing, its best stats being Sp. defense and speed. Hmmm….

With my mind made up, I reached down and picked up Exeggcute's Poke ball. As soon as I did, Lucia walked over and picked up Vulpix's ball.

"Good. Now that you've all decided on a Pokémon, I'll give you five empty and Poke balls and I'd like to wish you good luck on your journeys." Professor Oak said as he handed us the aforementioned Poke balls.

"Wait." I said. "Don't kids usually get a Pokedex too?"

The professor gave me an annoyed look.

"There's no reason too, I already filled up my Pokedex when I went on a Pokémon journey." He explained.

"Oh. I see." Was all I could say.

"Now then, if you'd be so kind, I need to move on to the next group, so I'll need you to leave now."

The three of us nodded our heads in acknowledgment and made our way to the door and back outside. Once we had gone a fair distance from the lab, Hershel spoke up.

"Lucia and…other kid, I challenge both of you to a battle!"

"I'm sorry, dear brother, but I don't battle idiots." Lucia said nonchalantly.

Hershel growled angrily. "Fine. Kid! You battle me then!"

Judging from the look he was giving me, I didn't have much of a choice in the matter, and besides, I was itching to battle as well.

"You're on! Go, Exeggcute!" I said.

"Get em, Krabby!" Hershel yelled.

"All right, I guess I'll be the judge then." Lucia said. "This will be a one on one battle with no restrictions. Begin!"

"Just to give you a fighting chance, I'll let you go first." Hershel said with a smug grin.

Hershel was really starting to rub me the wrong way. "Exeggcute, use….what do you know, Exeggcute?" Exeggcute just gave me a deadpan look.

Lucia piped up. "Well, at this level, it would know Barrage, Uproar, and Hypnosis."

Hershel gave her a very betrayed look. "Sister, Why are you helping him!?"

"Mostly because you're his opponent, moron." She replied.

"Whatever, I can still beat you, kid! Make your move!" Hershel yelled at me.

"Okay then. Exeggcute, use Uproar!" I commanded.

As soon as the words left my mouth, Exeggcute began making the most ungodly cacophony I had ever heard. I covered my ears and could see that Hershel and Lucia were doing the same. Krabby seemed to be trying to cover his ears, but was having a hard time doing so with his pincers. After Exeggcute quieted down and it was safe to uncover our ears, I noticed Krabby wasn't looking so good.

"Krabby, use Vicegrip!" Hershel said.

Krabby was a lot faster than I would have given him credit for. He rushed over to Exeggcute, quicker than I would have thought possible on those little legs, and delivered a sharp scissor-like cut to one of the unfortunate little eggs. The egg that had sustained damage had rolled onto his side and was no longer moving. Could the eggs actually faint individually? That seemed to be the case here.

I was about to order my next attack, but was unable to as Exeggcute began its horrible screeching again. Right, Exeggcute would be locked into Uproar for a few turns. I tried to block out the sound once again, but the sound stopped just as soon as it had started. I looked at Exeggcute, wondering why he had stopped so abruptly, when I noticed that Krabby was no longer standing and had its eyes closed.

"Krabby is unable to battle! Exeggcute is the winner!" Lucia said loudly.

"What!? Impossible! You must have cheated in some way!" Hershel exclaimed.

"My GOSH, Hershel! Can't you ever just accept that you've lost fair and square?" Lucia said with irritation clear in her voice. "Just give him his prize money so we can all move on with our lives."

Hershel pulled some money out of his pocket and threw it in my face as he passed me on his way to Route 1.

"Ugh, I'm sorry about my brother's behavior...again. He's a bit of a poor sport." Lucia apologized.

"Hah, it's fine."

"If you say so." Lucia said. "Your name is Rolf, right?"

"Yeah, Rolf Kaiser." I answered.

"Well, as you may or may not remember, my name is Lucia Wile, and that idiot you just battled is my brother Hershel." She said. "I had thought that maybe the three of us could travel together, but I should have known that was impossible with my brother being the way he is. Anyways, I have to catch up with Hershel and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. See ya later!"

And with that, both siblings had left. If today was anything to go by, this adventure was going to be more eventful than I had anticipated.

A/N: Whew, it's been a while since I've written anything, but I felt like doing a Pokémon story. So here it is! Now, as you may have noticed in the summary (If I remembered to put it there) I will be accepting OCs for this story, but only for the gym leaders and Elite Four members.







Type Specialization:

Team: (Gym leaders number 1, 2, and 3 can have two or three Pokémon. 4, 5, and 6 can have four or five Pokémon. And 7 and 8 can six Pokémon)

Which City is your OCs gym in?: (All cities are fair game.)

Anything else I should know?:








Type Specialization: (You don't have to have one, but you can have one if you want one.)

Anything else I should know?:

Only send your OCs by PM, not through review. And title your message "Facades OC: (Your character's name here)"

Thanks for reading! And please remember to review!