I'm sad to see this story end. I'm really proud of the way this one came together. Thank you all so much for making this a success. I do think a writer improves over time just as in any profession. Nursing too, knowing it by the book is one thing, but it's experience guided by wisdom that makes a good nurse. You can't always go by the book so to speak because every patient is different.

I do hope you all enjoy the final chapter: 'Nothing Else Matters'

So close no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words, I don't just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Approximately two years into the future:

Beep, beep, beep, beep, my pager alarms. Still half asleep, I grope for it till I finally get my hands on it. After looking at the number, I grab my lab coat then run down the stairs to ED.

"What do you have for me?"

"MVA, the ambulance is just pulling up now," Caroline tells me.

Nodding, I hurry toward the ambulance bay to help the EMT's bring the patient into a trauma room. Immediate I put my stethoscope in my ears and place the bell on his chest to listen to his heart and lung sounds.

"What's the story?" I ask Jackson, who's one of the transporting EMT's.

"Someone ran a stop light and 'tee-boned' his car. We had to call the fire department to bring the 'jaws of life' to free him from the wreckage."

"Was he conscious at the scene?" I ask as I turn my pen light on to check his pupils for reactivity.

"Just barely, he was moaning initially but then lost consciousness," Jackson informs me.

"Amy get radiology and lab in here. I want a CBC, coags and a chemistry panel. We need radiology stat for a chest x ray. His left lung sounds are really diminished. He probably has a pneumo," I say aloud.

"We need to clear his spine too before we remove his C-collar. After his chest film is taken, I insert a triple lumen subclavian catheter to infuse blood and fluids before turning my attention to his chest x ray.

"Hand me a chest tube kit," I bark. Once I secure a sterile field and put the patient into position for chest tube placement, I take a needle and some lidocaine to anesthetize the area. I give it only seconds to work then insert another needle to aspirate some blood. Once I do that, I discard the needle and take hold of the scalpel to make incision. I then take the chest tube catheter and place it into the incision. Immediately blood runs into the drainage container. Taking some silk suture, I sew the chest tube into place before applying an occlusive dressing to the site.

"Amy, can you sink an NG so we can see if he has any blood in his belly? It looks distended and I don't hear much for bowel tones." After she does that, I watch as she puts some sterile saline into his gut and then aspirates some blood back. "We need to get him to CT. I need pictures of his head, neck and abdomen. Come on people, let's move," I tell them as we hurry to push his gurney to radiology for the cat scan.

By the time I finish the man's surgery, I'm dead on my feet. He's critically injured though so I need to stay at the hospital for a few hours. After taking time to talk to his family, I go to the doctor's lounge to put my feet up for a little while. Kicking off my boots, I put my feet up and close my eyes.

It takes no time at all till I'm awakened again. Quickly, I slip my boots back on and jog down the stairs, back to ED.

Bordering on the brink of exhaustion, I exhale sharply and ask, "What do you have for me now?"

"Some guy on an ATV didn't see a barbed wire fence. He's in trauma room five," Caroline tells me, handing me a chart.

After clearing him of any other injuries, I end up placing eighty seven sutures in the guy.

"I'm going to admit you to the hospital overnight for observation. You could have a concussion. You're lucky you weren't more severely injured," I tell him.

"Your family will be able to see you when you get into a room."

"Thank you, Dr. Salvatore," he tells me.

Nodding, I walk out of the door. Exhaling deeply, I take the time to check in on my surgical patient once more. After passing on report to Dr. Winchester, who's now on duty, I go back to the doctor's lounge to shower and change clothes. I trot down the stairs to leave the hospital from the ED entrance.

"I'm going home, Caroline. Tomorrow is a big day."

"I can imagine. Are you nervous?"

"A little bit if I'm being honest with myself," I tell her with a yawn. I turn my head when I hear someone walking towards us.

"I haven't talked to Elena for a few days. How is she enjoying her maternity leave?" Bonnie asks as she walks up to Caroline and me.

"She's doing great, Bonnie. Thanks for asking."

"I'm going home. Tell her I'll give her a call soon. Bye," she says, stepping out of the sliding doors.

Yawning deeply, I cover my mouth. "Listen Care, I've got to go home. I'm dead on my feet."

"Drive safely. Good luck tomorrow," she says, giving me a hug.

"Thanks sis. I'm leaving now, goodnight," I tell her as I step out of the sliding doors myself.

"Which courtroom do we go to?" I ask our lawyer, Jules, just as we all step inside the Spotsylvania County Court House.

"We won't be going into a courtroom. The hearing will be in Judge Clements chambers," she replies, motioning the direction for us to walk. Taking Jeremy's hand in mine, we walk down the hallway and into the correct room. Jules informs the secretary that we are here. After several minutes, she leads us into the Judge's chambers.

"Mr. Salvatore," she says offering me his hand to shake.

"Your Honor," I respond, shaking her hand.

"Have a seat everyone," she tells us, taking a seat herself.

Jules hands her our brief. "It is Mr. Salvatore's wish to adopt Jeremy Gilbert," she explains to the judge as she opens up our brief.

She takes a few moments to look over the paper work. By the time she finishes reading it, my clammy palms are fisting and butterflies are swirling in my gut. I breathe a sigh of relief when she finally closes the file and raises her eyes to mine.

"I'd like to hear what Mr. Salvatore has to say."

"Yes, Your Honor, it is my desire to make Jeremy my son legally although he already is mine emotionally and in my heart."

"Everything seems to be in order here. You have met all the requirements to move forward on this," she says, looking at our attorney.

"And these forms were signed of his free will and not under duress?"

"Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Salvatore very much desires to be Jeremy's legal father."

"I'd like to speak to Jeremy for a moment."

"Jeremy, the judge would like to talk to you. Can you go and say a few words to her?" I ask, nudging him forward with the palm of my hand. Jeremy looks at me, shaking his head no.

"It's okay little man. You can go talk to the lady. There's nothing to be afraid of."

"I promise you don't have anything to be afraid of Jeremy," the judge says smiling at him.

Jeremy crawls off of my lap and slowly, skittishly walks toward Judge Clements.

"Can you tell me who these people are?" she asks him.

"My mommy, my daddy and my brand new baby sister Kaia. And that man is my papa and the other one is my great grandpa," Jeremy says, pointing each of us out.

"And who's that guy again?" she asks Jeremy as he's pointing at me.

"That's my daddy."

"How would you feel if he wasn't going to be your daddy?" she asks him hypothetically.

"Mama," he squeals, his face scrunching up as tears begin to fall.

"It's okay Jeremy. Your daddy isn't going anywhere," she reassures him, before giving him a gentle prod back towards me. After I pull him back on my lap, the Judge continues.

"I know all I need to know. I am going to approve the name change to Jeremy Gilbert-Salvatore as requested." The judge then signs the paperwork and hands them back to Jules.

"You'll need to file those with the Clerk of Courts," she cautions her before turning to me, offering her hand once more.

"Congratulations Mr. Salvatore. You have a fine family here."

"Thank you Your Honor. You have no idea how happy I am right now," I say, shaking her hand so tightly that she takes a moment to shake it out once I let go. After we walk out of her chambers, I lift Jeremy into my arms and wrap my other arm around my wife's waist to pull her in for a kiss.

"Congratulations Damon," both dad and papa tell me, shaking my hand before pulling me in for a hug. When papa releases me, I pull Elena to me again.

"Thank you Jules," Elena says, wiping a tear from her eye. She sets Kaia's carrier on the floor to wipe her eyes.

"You're welcome. I wish all my cases had such a happy ending." Then she walks off to file our papers with the Clerk.

"Let's go home," I say as I press a kiss to my newly legal son's cheek.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you," we all sing. It's Jeremy's fifth birthday party and a celebration of him becoming a Salvatore. Elena steps over and places a big birthday cake in front of him, the five candles twinkling.

"Make a wish and blow them out," I encourage him. He puts his index finger on his lip for a second then takes a deep breath and blows out his candles.

"What did you wish for?" Elena asks as she places a blanket covered Kaia to her breast.

"I already got my wish. I got a daddy," he says with all the innocence of a child. I have to turn away for a moment when I feel my eyes welling with moisture. After wiping them off, I press a kiss to my son's head. My dad who is standing beside me wraps his arm around my shoulder, squeezing gently. When I look into his eyes, he's smiling knowingly.

"It's a good feeling isn't it?" he says to me.

"Yeah dad, it really is."

Turning my attention back to Jeremy, I ask him, "Do you want daddy to help you cut your cake?"

"Yes please," he squeals, clapping his hands.

Carefully, I put the knife in his hand, placing mine atop his, cutting into the cake. Once we cut several slices, I give him the spatula and help him plate it. Elena is scooping ice cream onto each plate then passes it out.

"It's yummy, Auntie Elena," Annabelle tells her, chocolate crumbs on her lips.

"Your uncle Damon actually baked it," she tells her.

"Here you go, papa," I tell him, handing him a plate.

"Thanks, Damon. I'm really proud of you young man. I knew she was the one for you that day we met her in the park. Remember?"

"Thank you, papa. I do remember." Suddenly I feel a tug on my shirt. I look down to see my eighteen month old nephew, Ben with his pacifier in his mouth. Lifting him into my arms, I look around for Caroline. Annabelle had been hoping for a brother or a sister for quite awhile. Matt and Caroline had been trying for a couple of years before the stick finally turned pink. Whereas Annabelle resembles Matt, Ben is the spitting image of a baby Caroline. Standing behind Annabelle, I don't think she realized that he walked off because she looks panicked till she sees him in my arms.

"Matt, why weren't you watching him?" she squeaks, her voice high with anxiety.

"I was watching him. I watched him walk over to Damon. You needn't have panicked," he tells her calmly.

"I'm sorry," she tells him, embarrassed.

"It's okay, Care. I'd have panicked too if I didn't see where Jeremy walked off to. It's part of being a parent I've learned."

"Proud of you little brother," she whispers, laying her head on my shoulder for a moment before taking Ben from my arms.

"Stefan, April, I'm so glad you could make it," I tell them when I see them walking up to the group of picnic tables that we've grouped together to accommodate our family.

Smiling, he shakes my hand. "We wouldn't miss it, Damon." Turning to Jeremy, he hands him a present, "Happy Birthday Jeremy. This is from me and your aunt April."

"Thank you," he squeals, his mouth wide with delight as he tears into the package.

"How are you doing, Stefan?" I ask pulling him aside, knowing he's been struggling recently since April confided in me.

"I'm much better, Damon. I joined a support group. It's been nearly four years and I still have moments where I want a hit so badly. Then I look at my wife and think of how I lost all of you for so long. It really gives me perspective you know?"

"I don't know the pull of addiction Stefan. But I have to tell you that I'm so proud of the man you've become. For quite awhile, I've felt more like the big brother. But I don't have to shoulder that responsibility anymore because you've really stepped up. I'm glad you're back in our lives, Stef," I tell him sincerely.


"You don't have to say anything. I just wanted you to know that I love you. We all love you. And Stefan, I trust you to be with dad now. I'm sorry it took me so long to get to this point but I had to be sure. I hope you can understand that?"

"I do, Damon," he says, pulling me to him for a brotherly hug.


"My son is calling Stefan," I say, patting him on the shoulder before walking over to where Jeremy is. "What is it Jer?"

"Can you help me climb that tree over there?"

"I don't know buddy. Your mom will have my neck if you fall."

"Please daddy?"

"Okay, but I'm climbing the tree with you." I take him into my arms and we walk over to the tree. After lifting him onto a branch, I climb up myself, keeping a grip on his overall straps so I have something to hang onto should he slip.

"What the *&*^#* are you two doing up there?" Elena demands, glaring at us with her hands on her hips .

"He wanted to climb the tree, mom."

"If he wanted to jump the Grand Canyon with a motorcycle would you let him?"

"Now Elena..."

"Don't you now Elena me. You two get down before one of you gets hurt," she barks. My beautiful wife could masquerade as a drill sergeant I swear.

"You heard her bud. Let's get down," I tell him, jumping down. Raising my arms, he jumps into them sending us both flying backwards. Luckily Stefan was close and kept us from crashing to the ground.

"Whoa," Stefan remarks, unable to stifle a laugh.

"Thanks Stefan," I utter, breaking out in uproarious laughter myself as I set Jeremy down before brushing the leaves off of my jeans.

We finally get home around six in the evening. Elena puts Kaia to bed while I take Jeremy upstairs to give him a bath. He's filthy, having played in the dirt and sand of the playground most of the afternoon. We're both exhausted by the time we get them both to sleep a couple of hours later. I collapse onto the bed beside her as she's watching a vampire show on TV.

"What's this?"

"The Vampire Diaries." She points to the dark haired guy with the swagger who's on the screen, "That guy is named Damon too. He's so handsome, not unlike you in that respect," she remarks, practically drooling and unable to take her eyes off the TV Damon.

"Oh please, I'm much better looking than that," I scoff.

"I don't know about that," she teases, running her index finger along my jaw teasingly.

"I bet he doesn't have the 'tools' to send you into the stratosphere like I do," I brag, raising my eyebrows seductively.

"How can I know that unless I take him out for a test drive?" she asks, her voice husky.

"Yeah, not happening," I tell her, pulling her into my arms and pressing a kiss to her temple. Using a little swagger of my own, I pull her underneath me. When I feel that she's got nothing underneath her nightie, I lick my lips and kiss my way down to the promised land.

"Hey little girl, you're supposed to be asleep," I tell my six week old daughter as I pick her up from her crib. After I give her the pacifier, I take her over to the changing table to give her a clean diaper. Once I have her changed, I take a seat in the rocking chair and cuddle her into my chest.

"Your mommy is still sleeping, sweet pea," I whisper as I rock back and fourth.

"Rock a bye baby..." I hum to her softly as her eyes begin to close.


"Shh," I whisper when I see Elena step into the nursery.

"I heard her fussing through the baby monitor. I didn't want to wake you."

She steps behind me, draping her arms around my neck from behind. "She's so beautiful. Her black hair and blue eyes are all you," she says, reaching around to finger her hair softly.

"She is sweetheart, she really is."

"I think she heard her mommy," I say softly when Kaia starts to squirm and spits out her pacifier before starting to chew on her fists.

Standing up, I give Elena a moment to sit down before handing Kaia to her. She pulls her nightgown over her shoulder and lifts my baby to her breast to feed her. I'm so in awe of my wife. Kneeling down beside her, I press a kiss to Elena's lips while my hand ever so softly caresses Kaia's downy head.

When she finishes feeding her, she rocks her a little longer till she's sound asleep. Carefully she stands up. After I press a kiss to my angel's head, Elena lays her back in her crib then covers her with a blanket.

Taking her hand in mine, we take a moment to peak in on Jeremy before we go to back to bed. Once we're back under the covers, I pull her into my arms, her head resting on my heart. Pressing a kiss to her crown, I smile and close my eyes then drift off to sleep, happier and more content than I've ever been...

The End


I'd like to thank each and everyone of you who took the time to review. You have no idea how much I appreciate that you did take that extra few moments to share your thoughts with me. Thank you so much Eva. This was born out of your brilliant mind so I thank you for giving me the inspiration and helping me bring these characters to life.

'Shatter Me' is about Elena and Damon trying to find a way to be together against the backdrop of solving a murder mystery. It still has a lot of story left to tell as does 'What If I Was Nothing' which is about Damon's struggle to fit in with his family after having been kidnapped and disappearing for a decade. Please give those a look too.

I will not be watching S7 of 'TVD'. I don't trust JP & CD not to ruin Damon. I suppose some of you probably don't care if he sleeps around so long as it's not with Bonnie but I do. I have no desire to watch that. Elena is in a state of suspended animation so Bonnie could live. If they put those two together, it would be such a betrayal. I just can't... From what I've heard, DB are supposed to be 'friend-zoned'. Just for the sake of fan service she threw Klaus and Caroline together for their little rendezvous in the trees. I don't trust her not to do the same for the two 'Bamon' fans out there...

'Vanagonne' just updated 'Not The Way It Was Supposed to Be'. She's such a talented writer. Give it look.

I'll keep writing DE as long as I have people that will read and review. I hope you all have a safe and lovely weekend. Don't forget that *reviews are love*...