❝I'm in love with my best friend.❞

I dreamt about Nico.
I was in a jar. There was only a small amount of light available inside. My eye caught the glint that came from a Stygian iron blade that was set aside. As I adjusted to the darkness, I noticed there was a small figure next to the sword. A boy in tattered jeans, a black shirt, and an old aviator jacket.

"Nico," I said, moving over to him. He couldn't hear me.

Nico's eyes were closed, his breaths were shallow. His skinny body was even thinner than the last time I saw him. I felt helpless since I couldn't reach out and help him. My image of Nico began to fade until only the color black remained...

"Abs," a deep male voice said. My shoulders were being shaken.

"Five more minutes," I mumbled, nuzzling my face into the pillow. Wait... This isn't my pillow. This has a heartbeat, and was warm.

Pillows definitely don't have heartbeats. They don't produce any heat either.

I opened my eyes to find Jason was smirking with an amused expression.

"We have to hurry," he said. "We over slept."

I closed my eyes again, wrapping my arms around Jason's firm torso.

"Stay and sleep with me," I mumbled into his chest, he smelled nice. Kind of like the fresh rain.

But that pleasant thought was destroyed when thoughts of Zeus came into my mind.

"That's a great and tempting offer, Abs, but it's late."

I sat up as Jason leaned against the headboard of his bed.

Before climbing out of bed, I sat in his lap, my legs both sides of him. His hands went around my waist, my arms going around his neck. We kissed for a while, until Leo walked in on us.

"Hey man, wakey-wakey eggs and bakey," Leo said banging on the door as he walked in. "You're-" Leo stopped once he saw us. He squeezed his eyes tightly.

Leo stumbled back into the hallway, "I'll... just leave now!" Leo squeaked, his voice cracking.

I laughed, but I felt bad for him.

I got off Jason. Jason tossed me his Camp Jupiter shirt to wear. I slipped it on, looking both ways before I left his room. I ran across to my cabin, changed, brushed my teeth, and went to mess hall for breakfast.

Let me just say, it was chaotic. It reminded me back when the gods would gather for the Winter Solstice. I think I almost caught everything that was mentioned. So Percy, Coach Hedge, and Frank are going to scout for salt water? I don't know, they said something like that. Turns out Percy and Annabeth snuck out last night and everyone besides Jason and I thought they were kidnapped.

Now, I'm stuck on ship with everyone who didn't go. I kind of just roamed around the ship for the entire day. I usually have something to do, but not today. I'm still shaken up from yesterday.

Right now I was talking to a metal dragon head, and I don't understand single word he's saying. That is how bored I am.

"Hey Festus," I greeted Happy the dragon.

He breathed fire, and made a creaking sound. I guess that's his way of saying hello.

"How's the view?" I asked. There was a chorus of more creaks and drilling. I was about to go in for lunch, until I hear shouting. I peered over the edge of the ship to see Frank and Percy yelling to get ready and take off. I pointed a hand at the sails and they opened.

Frank ran past me, and descended into the ship. Percy bent over exhausted, so did Coach.

"We have to..." Percy panted, taking breaths in between words. "... take off."

Leo was in mess hall with everyone else. He's eating.

I ran to the helm, flipping switches and buttons. I don't understand how Leo can control the entire ship with a Wii remote while I can only control it by the helm. Soon we were up in the air, everyone had gathered by the control so Leo and I could hear the story as I helped him navigate.

"Look, water girl," Leo said keeping his voice low, blushing. "I didn't mean to walk in on you guys." Leo's nose caught on fire.

"Uh..." I stared at the little flame. "Your nose."

He patted the fire out, looking a little embarrassed.

"Leo, it was an accident." I shrugged at him. "Besides, it's not like we were doing anything inappropriate."

I began to listen to Percy and Frank retell what happened. Keto and Phorcys. The siblings were planning on keeping them as pets.

There was a warm feeling in the air, a gentle summery breeze blowing into the room. I gripped onto the edges of the controls as a strong headache hit me. My head pounding made it was hard to concentrate on my friend's conversation.

Buttercup? I froze as I heard the words in my head.

Apollo? I answered back. I could sense him close by.

Yeah? I rolled my eyes. I swear, Apollo was dropped on his head as soon as his mother gave birth to him. But I do remember him telling me he could sing and dance at birth.

"Did it just suddenly get really hot up here? Or is it just me?" Leo asks everyone in the room. My friends exchange looks, but reply with yes's.

Are you on ship? I asked.

No, I'm on the moon with Artemis, he said, his voice laced with sarcasm. Yes, I'm on the ship!

Jeez, okay, I said. No need to get your briefs in a twist.

Excuse me, Apollo said. I wear boxers, not briefs.

I creep out of the room, Jason caught my eye. He gave me a "should I go with you ?" look.

I've noticed he likes follow me when I hang with Apollo. Jason might think Apollo will try to make a move on me, and then I'll be Apollo's girlfriend instead of his.

I shook my head, no one else seemed to notice I was leaving. I walked up to the deck as quickly as I could without making much noise. The second I got up there, I was tackled by the sun god.

"Hey buttercup," Apollo flashed me his blinding pearly white teeth. I pushed him off me. He makes an oof sound as his body makes a clang against the floor. I stand up, and then help him rise to his feet.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him, he's not suppose to be here. I mean... I understand last time, but not now... Zeus banned all mortal contact for a while.

"I came to see you," he replied. He might be a god, but he clearly isn't a smart god. I'm on a quest, and he comes to visit. It's not suppose to happen. Gods aren't suppose to interfere.

"And risk getting in trouble with Zeus again?"

"I guess so," he shrugged it off like it weren't a big deal. "We've always snuck off before. He gave us the same punishment every time."

"Yes, but we're older now," I sighed at him. "There are larger punishments, and I'm on a quest to help save the world."

He opened his mouth to speak, but I interrupted him. "We can't just go sneak off whenever we want anymore." Apollo frowned. The words sounded nice in my head, but when I said them, they sounded harsh. "Maybe when this is all over, we can go out for ice cream... just you and me."

If I live, I thought.

"You promise?" A hopeful look stayed in his eyes. It was a little childish, but I love Apollo.


I was just full of empty promises.

Thunder erupted from the clouds, Apollo sighed and threw his arms in the air.

"I'm going, Father!" He shouted up at the sky. "Hold your trousers!"

"Good bye buttercup." He kissed my forehead.

"Bye Apollo. Don't cause trouble for once."

I walk down below deck again, returning to where everyone is. They just started talking about Charleston. Jason started talking about Reyna, and I don't think he realized I was in the room.

After that, we settled on Piper, Annabeth, Hazel, and I on going on the adventure.

We were walking along, no one said anything.

I wanted to see Dad, I haven't seen since the war with Kronos. That was a year ago, and I want to go to the palace and visit. Triton's cool, except he takes advantage of being a son of Poseidon. I should be glad I don't have a mermaid half-sister.

Now that, would be awful.

"Wait," Hazel said pulling me back by the my arm. Off in the distance was a women dressed in one of those old fashioned dresses that poof out at the waist. She wore a pink puffy dress, an umbrella that you rarely see women carrying around that are only in movies. She glowed a pink aurora, gracefully walking.

"The ghost," Annabeth said.

That's no ghost.

No... it can't be. Is that really who I think it is?


She's like a mother to me.

I used to have tea parties with her and my stuff animals when I was seven. I would dress like a princess (even if I already am one). As I grew older, she helped me pick out my clothes which were the latest style. She gave me make up tips, and tips on boy language. Heck, she even taught me some French. But the last time I saw her she told me I would find the love of my life soon. I haven't seen her since then.

She told me to call her mother at a young age. The name kind of stuck with me. She treated me like her own daughter. It helped since I can barely remember my own Mom. I only remember words that my mom would tell me in Spanish.

"That's not a ghost," I said, continuing to walk. Piper walked by me also, Annabeth and Hazel telling us to be careful. We nearly got run over by a horse carriage.

Get out of the way, a horse sneered. Go away peasant, the other one hissed.

Most horses know who I am and treat me nicely, apparently these two imbeciles don't. "Excuse me?" I rose my eyebrows at the horses. "Do you know who I am?" The horses reared back spooked that I could understand them. Hazel had to drag me away before I attracted attention.

"Come on," she said, "let the horses be."

"They were being rude," I said.

Arguing with horses, I thought.

That's actually normal for me.

We stood in front of Aphrodite, except the glow radiating off her was blinding. Annabeth gasped at her, Aphrodite's facial features kept changing. Her hair kept changing from straight to wavy to curly, the colors ranging from black, blonde, ginger, and brown.

"Aphrodite," Annabeth said.
"Venus?" Hazel asked in amazement.
"Mother," I said, but I cursed at myself. Piper must think I'm crazy.
"Mom," Piper said, with no enthusiasm.

"Girls!" The goddess spread her arms like she wanted to hug us all. "I'm so glad you're here," Aphrodite said. "War is coming. Bloodshed is inevitable. So there's really only one thing to do."

Please don't say it. She's going to want to have tea, I just know it. I gave up on tea parties when I turned eight. I became interested with water sports like surfing.

"Uh... and that is?" Annabeth asked.

"Why, have tea and chat, obviously. Come with me!"

Hearing a goddess rant on about my love life wasn't fun. Especially when it's about my ex.

Aphrodite gushed to all of us. "Cute!" I was slumped down in my chair, a little annoyed. My cheeks felt as if they are on fire, I'm starting to regret about coming here in the first place. She sounded like one of Piper's siblings.

I said, "Hey, Aphro-"

Aphrodite clicked her tongue. "That's mother to you."

I ignored her. "How are you and Ares?"

Annabeth groaned as the words came pouring out of Aphrodite's mouth. After a few minutes, she started talking about Annabeth and Percy now. After that, Aphrodite changed the topic to the Mark of Athena. What is it? I don't know.

"Guys!" Hazel pointed up at the sky, two large eagles were soaring. A flying chariot was being pulled by pegasi. Aphrodite spread butter on a muffin, as if she had all the time in the world. The demigods would never hurt her.

"It looks like the Romans have arrived to cut you off. I'd get back to your ship in a hurry if I were you. Would you care for some tea cakes to go?"

Piper, Annabeth, and Hazel took off, while I stayed behind.

"Can you Dad I said hi?" I told her. "And that Jason and I want to talk with our dad's about... Uh... us dating."

"Alright, darling," she nodded. "I'll put in a word with your father. Stay safe." She took a bite into her muffin.

I took off sprinting to see the three girls stopped in between the docks by eagles. A tall scrawny figure dismounted from an eagle: Octavian. This guy just doesn't seem to get it.

When I got there, two of the roman demigods took a steps back. I'm sure they were scared from what I did to them. Funny.

"Surrender to Rome!" Octavian shrieked, his voice cracking on the end. The sound of his voice was irritating. He's like... 17-18? Shouldn't he be done with puberty like everyone else his age?

"Idiot," I muttered.

"Can't hear you!" he yelled. "Wax in our ears, standard procedure when battling evil sirens. Now, throw down your weapons and turn around slowly so I can bind your hands."

"Let me skewer him," Hazel muttered to us. "Please."

Coach Hedge wasn't in sight, I picked of a rock, and threw it above Octavian's head. He yelped and ducked, the rock was suppose to hit the side of the ship, hopefully it did.

"Are you insane?!" he yelled waving his sword in the air.

"You could say that," I smiled as I neared the edge of the dock. I need to find Percy.

"Where do you think you're going, coward?" Octavian growled.

I dove off, but Octavian had lunged forward and grabbed hold of my ankle, so I took him with me.

I wasn't sure if he could swim, so I floated near him for a couple of seconds before going off to find Percy.

If I hated him more, I would've let him drown.

After a couple minutes of searching, I found Percy speaking to dolphins.

O-M-D! A dolphin squeaked. Princess Abigail!

"What are you doing down here?"Percy asked. "I thought you went with Annabeth?"

But just as I was about to answer, a golden dagger pierced through the water and landed on the rocks below.

"Romans," I said. "They found us."

Percy sighed and went to retrieve Annabeth's dagger. "We better get back to our friends then."

We returned to the surface, floating just underneath the floorboards. We remained out of Octavian's sight.

Percy flicked his wrist, a large wave washing onto the Romans. I urged the water to lift us up.

Percy held out Annabeth's dagger. "You dropped something." Annabeth kissed and threw her arms around him.

"Guys," Hazel said. "We need to hurry."

Down in the water, Octavian shouted," "Get me out of here! I'll kill you!"

"That's a tempting offer," I shouted.

"What?" Octavian yelled, the guard he was holding on to was having trouble keeping both of them a float.

"Let's go, guys." Percy led us.

Hazel frowned at Percy and me. "Won't they drown?"

"They won't," Percy promised her. "I've got the water circulating around their feet. As soon as we're out of range, I'll spit them ashore."

Percy and I high-five each other. Sometimes we can act like siblings that get along. Other times, Percy and I fight. Like, physically. Before Hera took his memory, Percy liked to steal a few things of mine (candy from my stash, shark teeth from my collection, and horse crystal figurines from my other collection). I'd always jump onto his back, cling onto him and try to take back whatever he stole. He'd extend his arm so I couldn't reach. Next we'd always manage to reach water where I'll chase him underwater. Basically underwater hide and seek.

We climbed on board, I ran to the helm since Leo isn't here. Annabeth knows how, but not completely. Percy did all the ropes and sails with his will power. Annabeth told Piper to send an iris message to Jason. Annabeth also ordered Hazel to get Coach Hedge.

My hands flew across the controls, I started the engine. It sounded like a machine gun going off. In the distance, a giant blad eagle flew, but it wasn't like the roman birds. At the feet of the eagle, was Leo. He was holding on. Even from here, I could hear him screaming and cursing. Another figure flew behind Frank and Leo, I assumed it was Jason.

"Never seen Jason fly before," Percy grumbled as he stared at him. "He looks like a blonde Superman."

"Don't be such a Debby Downer, Perce," I rolled my eyes at him.

"Did you just call me purse?" He raises his eyebrows.

"This isn't the time!" Piper scolded us. "Look! They're in trouble!" The roman chariot we saw earlier was descending from a cloud, and was driving straight at them. Frank and Jason flew higher to avoid getting hurt. Arrows whizzed under Leo's feet. I could hear him shouting and cursing in Spanish. He used words even I wouldn't use. (And yes, I speak and understand Spanish. It's from my mortal side of the family.)

Frank and Jason were forced to fly over the Argo II and fly towards Fort Sumter. I've learned so much about the history of this place, it was fascinating.

"I'll get 'em!" yelled Coach hedge. Before any of us could say something, he fired at the chariot. A flaming spear rocketed toward the chariot. It exploded above the Pegasi's heads. I could hear their panicked conversation.

The explosion caused Frank's wings to get singed. He went spiraling out of control. The chariot then slammed into Jason, who looked pain and dazed. He lunged for Leo, and caught him. Jason managed to slow their fall as they went crashing towards Fort Sumter. They disappeared out of the sky.

I wanted to go jump off this ship, and ride a wave to him to make sure he's okay (and Leo, of course). Once we were ready, we sped off to Fort Sumter. When we got there, I spotted Leo. Roman demigods tried to chase him, but kept running into tourists who were running in circles. I would have laughed, and I sort of did. I mean, who wouldn't laugh seeing grown adults running from a bunch of ADHD, dyslexic, and lactose and tolerant teenagers.

Percy and I stood in the front, defending the ship.

"Percy," I breathed heavily. "What if we combined powers?" Maybe it would make us more powerful.

"Like, join as one?" He blasted two Romans with water.

"Yes," I nodded.

"Alright, sis," he says holding out one hand. With the other hand, he blasted another Roman. He wasn't even looking.

Show off.

We take each others hands. (In a totally non-romantic way, gross. That would be incest). The water swirled around us in a hurricane formation. The water lifted us to the top, were we saw everything. Percy and I mimicked the same hand motions. In one blast, twice the amount of force was pelted at the Romans. This slowed them down, and soon Jason joined us.

"Need a hand?" He smiled at me. Percy mumbled a yes, I think my theory about him not wanting me with Jason was correct.

Oh my gods, I'm starting to sound like Annabeth.

Jason's lightning with Percy and I's hurricane was a cool combination. It basically created a storm. I was surprised I didn't get electrocuted.

Blasts of water with lightning hit the demigods. It left them stunned temporarily, but it wasn't enough for them to die. Once everyone was on ship (Annabeth wasn't yet), Leo got ready for take off. Piper leaned over the railing, her hand outstretched. Annabeth jumped, for a second I was afraid she wouldn't make it. Piper and Annabeth tumbled on to the deck.

"Go!" Annabeth screamed. "Go, go, go!"

Trying to keep the water and winds up for the Argo II, wasn't fun. Especially when it's for three hours straight, it definitely drains your energy. Percy seemed better than Jason and me. Jason and I were leaning against each other for support. Jason stood up, I tried to keep him from falling. Instead of him just falling, we both fell over. We decided to stay sitting on the floor.

"Someone get me a bucket," I groaned.

Frank trying to curse was funny. He'd say golly gees, and gosh darns. I think that was a lot of profanity to him. But compared to Leo... let's just say he has a colorful vocabulary than Frank.

But eventually things started to turn purple. Everything is spinning too, and it's making me nauseous than before.

Percy interrupted Frank's cursing by doubling over and groaning. "Did the world just turn upside down?"

"And spinning," I commented. "Is everything suppose to be purple?"

"And yellow," Jason added.

Leo, helped me down to my cabin. I don't know who helps Jason and Percy. I fell face first on to my bed, but Leo only laughed. I don't have the energy to argue with him.

"Come on, Watergirl." Leo helped me flip myself over. He covered my body with a blanket and placed a bucket by my bed. He ruffled my hair. "Catch some sleep, you need it."

I saw my father, Zeus, Apollo, and Aphrodite. The four of them were seated in their thrones, not at human height, but in their godly height. They were dressed in their godly toga's. I had one, Zeus made it mandatory as I grew older. I have it back in Camp Half-Blood.

"Apollo," Zeus started. "You have defied me when I specifically ordered no contact with the mortals."

Apollo seemed confident when he was with me. No he only had an afraid expression. Apollo didn't respond.

"I forbid you to visit Abigail-"


"No buts," He said sternly as thunder sounded in the distance. Apollo nostrils flared as he glared at Zeus, and then stormed off to do what ever he does everyday.

"You were saying Aphrodite?" Zeus turns his attention to my dad and Aphrodite. There was a little tension in the air, where are the other gods? Athena should be here also.

"Abigail and Jason," She says, having perfect posture. "They want to speak with you and Poseidon." The look of shock and surprise that crossed my dad's face and Zeu's was unnerving. The tension accumulated.

"I will not allow my son date, a girl with... the likes of her." Zeus slammed a fist on his arm rest. Thunder and lightning echoed through the place.

Dad shook his head at his brother. "That's my daughter you're speaking about."

"Zeus," Aphrodite looked at him. "Poseidon." She looked at my dad. "Be reasonable," she said, using a little charm speak in her voice. Her tone was soothing, quiet, and calm. They relaxed a little, but not much.

"True love is such a magical feeling, it should be enjoyed by the youth of today," she sighed happily. "Would you want to take that experience away from them?"

I didn't get the chance to see what they had to say. I woke up, the ship was being rocked back and forth. I groaned, stumbling into the hall, and up to the deck. I get up there to see everyone fighting. A giant shrimp, or a cockroach? My necklace morphs into a sword. I still weak, but I barely had enough to fight and stand. Leo and Hazel were hanging upside down, by the tentacles of the beast.

A tentacle wrapped around my leg, I slash at it. It fell off, squirming on the floor.

I usually don't get sick easily, but the sight made me gag.

The ship suddenly lurched to the side, sending me tumbling backwards into Percy. We could have hit anything else, but no. We had to go tumbling down the stairs below deck. All I could hear were the grunts and groans coming from Percy or me. Two people falling down a flight of narrow stairs was very uncomfortable and painful.

Percy and I laid sprawled on the floor. I was barely conscious enough to move.

"Ugh," I move my arm that was stuck under Percy. Pain shot threw my body. I groaned. "Get your fat ass off me, Jackson."

Percy only groaned in response. "You're the one to speak, Carter."

I pushed Percy, he rolled over on his side. We didn't fit in the narrow hallway sideways. I could hear the commotion that was going on above. The ship lurching to the side again. Percy and I were flopping down the corridor like fishes. The wailing of the beast was heard above.

"Are you okay?" I asked Percy. We might be mean to each other at times, but we're siblings. It's what we do. We still have to care for each other.

"I'm good. Are you okay?" He had a small bruise on his chin.


Percy and I slowly take our time to try and stand. When we finally got to the deck, the beast was gone.

Hazel, Frank, and Leo were no were in sight. Only Annabeth, Piper, and Jason remained.

Jason walked over to me. "Are you okay?" he asked, his hands cradled my face.

I kissed his cheek. "I'm fine, Sparky."

"You scared me, Abs," Jason murmured. "I thought the monster ate you."

I chuckled, Jason wrapping an arm around my waist. "It'd be ironic if I was fish food."

"Where are the others?" Percy asked, wearing a disgusted expression.

"They... fell in," Piper said looking at the water.

I slipped out of Jason's grip and dragged Percy to the railing. "We'll be back in an hour or two."

"We?" Percy questioned me.

"Yes, we," I said as I casually shoved Percy over board. He let out a small yell before a loud comedically large splash of water was heard. Kind of like the ones in cartoons.

"We'll be back soon," I said before diving overboard.

When I got there, Percy floated criss-cross and grumpily frowned.

"Oh, get over it," I told him.

The two of us searched around, but with barely any light, it was hard.

"You could have at least warned me," he grumbled.

"And since when did you start to care about falling into water?"

Percy didn't respond. He loves the water as much as I do.

After a few minutes of searching, we found nothing except schools of fish who want to speak with us.

We began to search deeper. "About Jason..." Percy started. "How long have you been with him?"

I felt awkward talking to my brother about boys. Especially when it comes to my current boyfriend.

"Since February," I said. "Why?"

"Can't a bro know how long his sis has been dating a guy he doesn't know?"

"You don't trust Jason."

Percy laughed like I was joking. "I trust Jason."

"Really? Then look at me directly in the eyes and say you trust Jason."

He did exactly as told, only he looked away at the very last second.

"Liar liar pants on fire," I stick my tongue out at him.

"Am not."

"Are too."

We continued this for the next few minutes until Percy gave in.

"Fine," he crossed his arms. "Maybe I am a little sketchy about Jason."

"Ha! I told you!"

"Did not."

"Did too."


"Stop," I raised my hand. I could imagine Annabeth rolling her eyes and scolding us for our childish behavior.

I guess you could say Percy and I are those type of siblings that annoy each other but still tolerate each other. Basically Apollo and Artemis, except we aren't twins.

"Let's head back to the ship," Percy suggested. "It's dark. We'll scout some more in the morning."

"I'll beat you to the surface," I challenged.

"Not if I beat you first." Percy shot upwards like a torpedo. I chased after him, soon catching up to him.

We both broke the surface. I spotted Piper, Jason, and Annabeth leaning against the railing.

"I win," Percy beamed.
"No, I won."
"No, I won," Percy splashed me.
"No, I'm sure I won," I splash back.

Annabeth cupped her hands around her mouth. "For gods sakes, you both won!"

"I'll race you to the ship," Percy grinned.

"Enough with the races," Annabeth scolded us.

"C'mon wise girl," Percy whined. "You're no fun."

From where I swam, I could hear Jason laughing.

"Both of you," Piper started, "come aboard the ship."

I immediately had the urge to get to the ship as quickly as possible.

"Race you, bro," I smile at Percy. I could hear Annabeth groaning from here.

"You're on, sis."

Earlier this morning Frank, Hazel, Leo popped out of the water unharmed. Now we all sat in a circle eating brownies as they retold what happened with these fish guys.

"Incredible," Jason said. "These are really good brownies."

I agreed. "These are even better then the brownies in Olympus." Annabeth and Percy were the only ones who knew I lived there, since the others weren't there when I got to Camp Half-Blood. I need to get this recipe to whoever cooks the food for the gods. I'm sure they'll love the brownies. Especially Apollo.

"You've been to Olympus?" Leo asked with his mouth full.

"I grew up there," I answered him taking a bite into the brownie.

"Hey," Frank called to Jason. "Try them with Esther's peach preserves."

"That," Hazel scrunched up her nose. It was hard to believe she was thirteen or fourteen. "Is incredibly disgusting."

"Pass me the jar, man." Jason said.

I watched Percy as he continued to listen to every detail. "They didn't want to meet us? Or specifically me?" he frowned.

"Everyone wants to meet us," I stated.

"The crazy dolphins," Percy said.

"Fish," I listed.

"Horses," Percy continued.

"Crazed dolphins?" Frank piped in.

"They said something about undersea politics," Hazel said. "The merpeople are territorial. The good thing is they're taking care of that aquarium in Atlanta. And they'll help as we cross the Atlantic."

Percy nodded. "But they didn't want to meet me?"

"Come on, Seaweed brain!" Annabeth swatted his arm. "We have other problems to worry about."

"She's right," Hazel agreed. She mentioned something about Nico. Suddenly, the brownie didn't taste so good anymore. Everything went by so quickly, it was like a blur.

Leo said he had chores for everyone, so Jason and I were in charge of the lower deck. We swept everything, and did everything to clean the place until it was spotless.

We both stood on the glass floor hatch that showed the ocean below.

Jason wrapped his arms around me from behind. "How come I never knew that you grew up in Olympus?"

"I thought that it wouldn't interest you."

"Of course I'd want to know," he said. I never thought he would be interested in my life. I mean, I'm a simple person. There's nothing really special about me besides the fact I grew up and was raised by the Olympian gods. I'm a regular demigod.

I still don't know how I managed to have him as a boyfriend. When we first arrived at Camp Jupiter, I thought Jason would dump me for Reyna. Reyna is beautiful and powerful. And I'm... just me. She has all the qualities a guy would look for in a girl.

I got out of Jason's grip, continuing to sweep.

To be honest, I don't deserve Jason, I think Aphrodite is doing me a favor. After that, I set the broom aside and took a hammer. I began to fix the broken stall. How did the monster manage to break this?

Jason watched me, upset.

"Did I say something wrong?" he frowned.

"No," I said to him. "I just really want to get this over with," I lied to him.

I don't want to tell him what I truly think. That'll make me seem like a girl who wants attention. Even when he told me he wouldn't break up with me, that didn't completely reassure me. (I have self-confidence issues when it came to relationships.)


"Help me with this, will you? The quicker we finish, the more we can talk."

I planned on getting a goodnight sleep, but the plan wasn't working so far.

I tossed the sheets aside, swinging my legs over the side. I slipped on my purple slippers, and one of Jason's shirts he let me keep. I loved wearing it, it smelled like him. I poked my head out in the hallway, hoping Coach Hedge wouldn't be there. Cookies and milk could always make me fall asleep.

It was a trick my dad thought of when I was younger and cried for my mom. (Well, more like my stepmom since she was tired of hearing me cry.)

Dad would always figure out a way to cheer my up, even with fishes. If that didn't work, he'd get Hermes to cheer me up. I sometimes liked to see Hermes get dressed as a royal court-jester. It was the full package. The hat, the clothing, including the shoes.

I took advantage of that, but hey! Who wouldn't want to see someone dressed like that? Especially a god?

Let me just say, Hermes is definitely trouble maker. Always got me to do pranks until one of them really set off Dad. Hermes wasn't allowed to speak to me anymore until I was thirteen.

I stepped into mess hall, I reached for a goblet, and a ceramic plate. I thought of the cookies chefs' at the Palace would always bake.

A few cookies appeared on my plate. I thought of milk, milk then filled the goblet. I took a seat at the table. I wanted to say something to Apollo, but... we can't see each other.

Maybe I could write to him... After a very long time of looking for a paper and pencil/pen, I finally found one. I sat back on the table, taking a bite into the chocolate chip cookie. These tasted exactly like the one's at the palace.

I start to write:


I miss you. I told you, you shouldn't have came. That's the price you pay for disobeying. Hopefully, when this is all over, Zeus will say we can see each other.

Please stop acting like a complete idiotic child.

You better be on your best behavior. Try not to disobey Zeus anymore. Try not to get into any trouble, you've already caused enough trouble this year. Don't listen to anyone either, unless they're the gods. Be reasonable, and thoughtful of your actions.


I'm not expecting to receive anything from Apollo in return. I folded the letter, and then stuff it into an envelope, writing Apollo on top. I was done with my cookies and milk. I put the plate and goblet away.

I could have Blackjack take this for me. I quietly went up to the deck and I whistled. After a couple of minutes of waiting, a dark figure loomed in the night sky. That was hopefully Blackjack. The dark figure swooped downwards to the deck and landed.

Blackjack neighed, nuzzling my face. Yo ladyboss, Blackjack said.

"Hey Blackjack," I greet him, stroking his mane. " I need you to do me a favor."

Blackjack was so sweet, he didn't care who you were, he would be nice and nuzzle you.

What do I need to do? Blackjack held his head high, as if he was receiving a Medal of Honor.

"Take this to Apollo in Mount Olympus, New York." I held out the envelope, and he took it in his teeth.

Are you sure it's safe for me to go there?

"Tell them I sent you and try not to get any slobber on it too."

On it, Ladyboss. Blackjack shot to the sky in a black blur, he was pretty stealthy for a pegasus. I never had a chance to speak with him about what happened in Kansas... I'll guess that will have to wait.

The air was chilly as I leaned against the railing. We were so high up in the sky.

I didn't feel like going back to sleep yet, but I should be asleep. I could see my own breath in the air, yet I wore short shorts, slippers, and a short sleeve t-shirt.

I'm worried about Nico, what if we don't get to him in time? What if he's dead? So many thoughts, so many scenarios buzzed in my mind. It was hard to stay on one thought with all the other things on my mind. I didn't realized someone draping a blanket around me.

"What are you doing out here this late?" I turned to see Jason, with his bare chest showing.

He noticeably shivered. I expected him to have some common sense and at least wear a t-shirt.

I shared my blanket with him, both of us in the blankets warmth. He gave me grateful.

"I couldn't sleep," I said. I usually share my thoughts and problems with Apollo, not my boyfriend. I don't want to bother Jason anyway.

He wrapped an arm around my waist. He was looking straight, but nothing in particular.

"Why are you up here?" I asked him, some of my words slurring together as I speak. The cookies and milk are starting to kick in.

"There was a crash sound," He gazed into my eyes, the moon light giving his eyes a small twinkle. "I thought I'd check it out."

"That was Blackjack," I said. " He was just stopping by." Jason yawned, his eyes turning watery.

"How about if I stay with you for the rest of the night, hmm?" Jason hummed next to my ear.

"That's a great idea," I smiled, pecking his cheek. I went to walk to the door leading down to the cabins, but I couldn't. Jason didn't want to let go.

"Jason, if you don't let go we won't be able to go to back to my cabin."

"I know," he mumbled into my hair. "But I'm comfortable right here." He placed the blanket around me, and swooped me off my feet, carrying me bridal style.

"What are you doing?" I asked him as I wrapped an around his neck. I was surprised by how strong he was. For a fifteen year old, he's very strong. Maybe it's because he's Roman? Romans are hard to the core.

"Just carrying you," he smiled casually. When we arrived at my cabin, he set me down. We walked in quietly, not wanting to disturb or wake anyone. The small lamp in my room was on. Jason sat down on my bed with his legs crossed. The light in my room dimmed automatically. It's amazing how it goes down to my preference. And the room temperature was cozy too. I sat near my pillows, and Jason lied in between my legs. He hugged my torso, burying his face in my abdomen. I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Tell me a story," he mumbled.

"What kind of story?" I asked him. "Fiction or non-fiction?"

"A life story," he hummed, closing his eyes. "Something that happened to you when you were young." I thought of telling him of the prank I did on Zeus.

"Okay," I tell him. There are so many I have to tell, but I think Jason needs one of his father. Zeus never claimed him at Camp Half-Blood, which he should have.

"I was in Olympus, about eight years old. I spent most of my time there if I wasn't at the palace with my Dad..." Talking about my dad made me emotional, it's probably because I lived with him most of life, and now I can't see him. "Hermes dared me to go dump a bucket of goop on Zeus."

"Did you do it?" Jason interrupted me.

"Maybe if you let me tell the story you would know," I rolled my eyes. Jason turned quiet, indicating to go on. "But me, being the stupid 8 year old I was, I accepted his dare. I got everything set up, ready for the prank I was going to do." I continue to run my fingers through Jason's blonde hair. "Soon Zeus entered and the bucket of goop fell on him."

"Did he get mad?"

"Of course he got mad. Once he realized I was the one who did it, he burned off my hair to my ear's." I could still remember this memory perfectly.

"And then what happened?"

"Zeus was about to electrocute me, so I ran away," I said, " I ran down the stair's hiding behind the first person I saw."

"And who was that?"


Jason tensed a little. Maybe he thought I had a thing for him. "He defended me when my dad wasn't there. I would be dead if it wasn't for Apollo. After everything was cleared up and figured out, Hermes got in trouble instead."

"Is that why your friends with him?"

"Sort of," I shrugged. "Dad started taking me to Apollo instead of Hermes after that incident. That's where I started to learn archery and play musical instruments. Apollo started looking out for me, and take me places like the park."

I still remember that time I broke my leg.

"What instruments did he teach you to you play?"

"Guitar, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, and flute."

"Any others?"

"No," I shake my head. "I'm not that talented at playing musical instruments. The saxophone and clarinet are fairly similar, so it wasn't really hard."

Jason traced the bow and arrow on my arm.

"When the girls, and I saw Aphrodite the other day, I told her we wanted to talk with Zeus and Poseidon about us." Jason continued to trace the bow and arrow, he didn't seem to mind. He won't be happy at what I'm going to say next. "Zeus doesn't want us to be together."

Jason raised his head."What?"

"He doesn't want us to be together," I repeated.

"I know that, I meant why?"

"I don't know, he's always had some kind of hatred towards Poseidon's kids."

"We'll figure something out," he said, giving me a light kiss. "Even if he doesn't like it." Jason unwraps his arms around my torso, and lied down next to me. We face each other, our heads on the pillows.

"I was afraid to lose you," Jason said, frowning. "From Apollo. When I first saw him, I thought you were leading me on, and he was actually your boyfriend. That was until I saw you dragging him away by the ear," Jason chuckled.

"I wouldn't leave you for him," I said. "I've known him to long for that, and it would be a little awkward if we did date. He's too much of a brother to me." Jason relaxed at my words, this has probably been bothering him for a while now. Should I tell him about Reyna? I felt that I should admit my feelings and thoughts to him after what he did. I felt obliged to tell him.

"I thought you were going to leave me for Reyna," I confessed. "When we first got there, I thought you would dump my sorry ass and go with her."

Jason's face softened. "I told you I wouldn't leave you, Abs." I still had my doubts, and I'm sure he did too. He never said never, he just said he wouldn't.

"We should go to sleep, it's really late," I said. He looked a little upset that I didn't want to say anything else. I really shouldn't, I might say something I'd regret in the morning.

I turn to face the other way as Jason wraps an arm around me. This was starting to become a routine.

"Night, Sparky."

"Night, Abs."

I felt like posting this today since I probably won't have time next week ugh.

But i start high school in 3 days. I'm honestly really nervous and excited.

