Golden rays slipped and slid among emerald leaves, dancing with the foliage to the music of the wind. The mellow yellows seduced their partners to a gentle sway and swish, hearing the breeze play a passionate waltz while the fiery reds rejoiced in the ecstasy of the dance, luring their playmates into the frenzy of twists and twirls known to them as the tango.

Their dance was nothing less than love and joy in its purest form.

Eyes as green as the darkest of those leaves watched while a serene smile ghosted across pale pink lips.

A much needed moment of peace.

A piece of rare serenity.


And the moment was broken.

Riley snapped into a crouch, the comfortable weight of a knife leaving one hand while another lay in wait at the ready.

A gruff voice yelped.

Riley relaxed, sheathing her knife into the top leather band on her left thigh.

"Dammit, Riley-girl," the large man growled, wiping the blood from his cheek.

"I've warned you, Oso. You shouldn't surprise me," she shrugged, going to retrieve the thrown blade, feeling a soft breeze twine around her legs.

Oso stared at her for a moment before letting out a loud guffaw.

"That you have, Riley-girl."

Riley smiled as she cleaned the blade on the grass before sheathing it among its brothers and letting the little breeze travel up her arm to play with the long braid slung over her shoulder.

"So..." Riley asked as she looked back to Oso, eyebrows raised in question.

Oso's laughing brown eyes immediately sobered. "Jeanie-doll spotted a pirate ship heading towards the northern beach."

Riley sighed and let her fingers comb through the breeze. "Of course. Do you know their Jolly Roger?"

Oso nodded and followed Riley as she began to move towards the mentioned beach, her breeze drifting ahead. "It belongs to The Straw Hats."

"The Straw Hats?" Riley asked with a frown, not recognizing the name. "Any high bounties?"

"The Captain's head is worth 100 million. Plus a 79 and a 60 as part of the crew. Just Finley's type."

Riley reached the cliff's edge, overlooking the white sanded beach. She could see the ship sailing its way closer to them. Slowly riding the waves and following the wind towards their demise.

"What do you want us to do?" Oso asked, standing beside Riley.

Riley studied the big man beside her. He was at the very least two feet taller than her and nearly as burly. Yet, somehow, she was supposed to lead him. She'd never really been the leading type and still wasn't quite comfortable with the responsibility. But, then again, who else was there?

Riley turned back to the ship who was now close enough to drop anchor. "We'll grab them when they enter the town." Riley murmured. "Just the two of us. Have Jeanie keep an eye on the ship."

"Swellington." Luffy murmured. "That's a weird name for a town. I wonder if they have food."

"And booze. We ran dry yesterday." Zoro added as he followed Luffy towards the town that the sign on the beach had pointed towards.

"We just need to find out how long the log pose takes to reset and get supplies. That's it. We'll eat on the Merry." Nami stated sternly hurrying to Luffy's side.

"Of course Nami-swan!" Sanji said as he hurried after the orange haired navigator.

"Idiot-cook." Zoro murmured, watching the blonde man twirl after Nami.

"What did you say, you shitty moss head?" Sanji growled, a cigarette hanging from his lips as he suddenly appeared beside Zoro.

"I don't remember," Zoro replied in a bored tone, ignoring the cook and continuing his steady pace towards the town that appeared in the distance.

It looked quite unremarkable, even the wilderness engulfing this island looked like any other forest.

And that put Zoro on edge.

This was the Grand Line. Nothing here was normal. Zoro preferred it when the weirdness was evident on the outside, not hidden within.

He studied the town with a frown his hand drifting to the hilt of his katana. He could feel a heaviness in the air. Something wasn't right.

"Luffy. Nami." Zoro said. Stopping everyone a foot inside the quiet little town.

"I sense it too." Sanji murmured, his hands in his pockets, blue eyes searchinH for the threat.

"What?" Nami frowned looking around in bewilderment.

Zoro snapped the edge of his blade out and stared into the darkened alley on his upper left. He could feel someone there. Someone staring at them.


Zoro snapped his head to the right, too late to stop the forceful blow that knocked all four of them into the alley he had been staring at.

He heard the zing of blades and instantly pinned his assailant to the wall, gripping her wrists above her head while he immobilized her legs with his.

Zoro heard two thumps hit the ground and tightened his hold on her wrists, noting the fact that both hands were empty.

"Z-Z-Zoro?" he heard Nami stutter behind him.

Suddenly a fierce wind bolted from her chest, causing Zoro to take a step back in order to keep his balance. The girl immediately shifted her left leg in between both of his. Zoro tensed for the knee he was sure to receive, determined to not let go of his catch. Instead she rubbed her thigh against his right leg and he felt a small scratch.

His strength seemed to leave him at once. His muscles going lax without his consent.

A pair of passive green eyes stared at him as he fell face first onto the ground.

Nami stared wide-eyed as Zoro crumbled before her, unable to take her eyes off of what was revealed.

A girl. No older than Nami herself from the looks of her. With a dark red braid hanging over her shoulder and calm green eyes studying Nami. Pretty, but not remarkably so. No, what Nami couldn't seem to take her eyes off of was the black leather belt strung low on the girl's hips and the twin black bands strapped high on her left thigh.

Black leather adorned with knives.

A multitude of knives. Some of different shapes and sizes, but all looking wickedly sharp.

Nami's eyes grew in fear as she realized there were two gaps in the girl's belt.

She jumped to her feet, taking out her weather baton as she figured out what that meant.

The girl leaned against the wall running her hand down the outside of one of her bands.

"You can check your crew if you'd like. I didn't hurt them," she gestured towards the three guys laying on the ground around them.

"Then why attack?" Nami asked angrily, unwilling to take her eyes off of the girl. Her guys were tough. They wouldn't be taken down by a little knife. No way.

Her eyes strayed briefly towards them. She hoped.

"Pirates aren't exactly known for being the type to listen." The girl shrugged. "This way they don't have a choice."

Nami frowned but didn't say a word.

"They're paralyzed but not unconscious. It'll wear off in a day or so. But they can still hear me just fine." The girl said nonchalantly watching Nami's hands grip the baton. "If you don't drop your weapon, I'll do the same to you."

Nami inhaled sharply at the casual threat.

Green eyes met brown.

Nami swallowed thickly but dropped the baton. She had an unlikely chance of beating this girl on a one-on-one fight and she wasn't willing to risk it with her crewmates still on the ground.

She'd have to wait for the right opportunity to strike instead.

"I'm listening." Nami told the girl.

She smirked and shook her head. "No, you're plotting."

Nami stiffened but the girl just sighed. "That's fine I suppose. I'm Riley, by the way."

"Nami." Nami gave Riley a terse nod.

"Well Nami," Riley started with a bitter smile, "it seems you and your crew landed on the wrong island."

Nami frowned and looked down at her log pose, positive it was pointing to this island.

"I don't mean your log pose sent you astray. I mean your luck brought you to the wrong island." Riley explained. "You and your crew need to leave. Now."

"Why?" Nami couldn't help but ask.

Riley looked towards the street and touched the black tattoo on neck. "If you stay, you'll be caught." she murmured.

Riley turned back to them and gestured towards Luffy. "A 100 million bounty." she gestured to Zoro. "And a 60."

She met Nami's eyes. "The man who holds the leash for this island likes big bounties. If he finds out you're here, you will never be able to leave."

"What do you mean "holds the leash"?" Nami asked, afraid more of what lay in the town now then of the girl in front of her.

Riley opened her mouth but snapped it shut and winced as she turned to look at the street once more.

She gave Nami a sad smile. "It was nice meeting you. Kiri and Oso will help you back to your ship."

With that Riley hurried towards the street, seeming to flinch every few steps.

"Kiri and Oso?" Nami murmured confused.


Nami jumped at the gray cat sitting on top of Zoro's back.

When had that gotten there?

"Shoo." Nami waved at it.

The feline narrowed its gold eyes at her and Nami took a step back.

"Yeah. I wouldn't piss off Kiri if I were you." A laughing voice sounded from the shadows of the narrow alley.

Nami stared wide-eyed as a large man appeared.

"Oso?" Nami squeaked hopefully.

The large man grinned widely. "That'd be me. And I'm to take you down to your ship."

Nami nodded rapidly.

Oso walked towards Nami causing her to cower and prepare to run. But the big man simply stopped between Sanji and Luffy, flipping the face-down captain over. He gestured towards Nami. "Come here and take a look at your boys."

Nami stepped towards them reluctantly. She blinked in surprise at finding them both wide-eyed and staring at her.

"Now blink twice for the pretty girl to prove you're alright." Oso told them.

Both blinked twice and Nami breathed a sigh of relief.

Oso pointed to the small scratches on Luffy's ankle and Sanji's knee. "See. Riley-girl just nicked them. Nothing more."

Nami nodded and watched as Oso picked up the two small knives laying nearby with a white handkerchief. He winked at her. "She'll want them back."

Nami nodded again as he placed the wrapped knives in his pocket. Oso then turned towards Zoro.

Oso simply stared at him with a frown. Nami thought he was going to check on Zoro too but instead he just turned back to Sanji and Luffy and picked them up, throwing them across his shoulders as if they were toys. He began to walk towards the shadows of the alley.

"What about Zoro?" Nami asked, not willing to follow.

"Kiri's got the brute." Oso called out while still walking to the end of the alley. "You just pick up his swords on the way."

"Huh?" Nami queried in confusion. Did Oso expect the poor little cat to drag Zoro to the ship? She turned back towards the cat and nearly screamed.

Zoro was floating.

In thin air.

A foot off the ground.

"Hurry up, Kiri. Finley's bound to call me up soon, too."

The space below Zoro meowed before it began to float after Oso.

Nami bent down, expecting to see the cat, but all she saw was Zoro's wide eyes and nothing else.

Yet, they were still moving away.

They were moving away. From her.

Nami snapped out of it and, picking up her baton, quickly followed into the shadows after them.

Nami kept a hand on Zoro's back, afraid she'd get separated and lose her way. The darkness soon gave way to light however and Nami stared around in surprise at the forest around her. She looked the way they'd come from and realized that the alley led right into a thicket of trees, which explained why it had been so dark.

Nami turned back towards Oso and decided to find out what was really going on on this island.

She quickly caught up to the big man and gave him her prettiest smile. "Thank you so much for taking us back."

"Riley-girl's orders." he grinned back to her.

Nami frowned. "Who is she?"

Oso blinked at Nami. "She's Riley-girl."

Nami rolled her eyes. "I know her name. But who is she that she can give you orders?"

"Ah." Oso's eyes lightened in realization. He smiled softly as he stared forward. "She's our little savior."

"What does that mean?" Nami asked, getting frustrated.

Oso laughed. "Well she's the only ones ever tried to save us, is all."

"Save you from what?" Nami asked through gritted teeth.

"Finley." Oso answered simply.

"Who's Finley?" Nami asked, a vein throbbing in her head.

"The Leash Keeper." Oso replied in a murmur.

Nami felt like shaking the big man, he was so frustrating. Couldn't he just answer like a normal person?

Oso stopped suddenly with a jerk.

"Damn," he cursed, scratching his neck.

He gave a sudden jerk again and growled.

"Bastard's calling sooner than I thought." he murmured.

Oso jerked once more and dropped Sanji and Luffy before turning around. "Gotta go."

"What?" Nami asked in surprise.

"Finley's pulling." Oso explained with a grunt as he hurried towards the alley, jerking forward inexplicably at times.

Nami groaned as the big man vanished. What was she going to do now?

She sighed in defeat and turned towards Sanji and Luffy.

Only to stare at empty grass.

She frowned.

Wasn't this where he dropped them?

Nami looked around. How could she lose two paralyzed men?

Actually... where was Zoro?

She started to panic. How could she lose three?

Nami searched the surrounding area and then noticed something moving in the distance.

She frowned and squinted.

Was that...

Nami ran towards her missing trio as fast as she could.

That damn floaty thing had just picked up the other two and headed forward without waiting for her.

"Then there was this giant explosion as I, Usopp the Incredible, managed to aim the single lighter onto the last little thread of the fuse."

"Really?" Chopper asked, eyes wide and sparkling with admiration.

Usopp laughed loudly. "Of course! And that is how I managed to defeat the Great Army of The Northern Clans."

"You're so cool!" The little reindeer exclaimed.

"Doctor, I think you should come and see this," Robin called from the beach, her voice calm.

"Huh?" Chopper and Usopp replied.

"Are Luffy and the others back yet?" Chopper asked, racing towards the beach.

Usopp stopped dead in his tracks causing Chopper to run into his legs.

"Usopp," Chopper complained rubbing his blue nose. He walked around the sniper and stopped, his mouth agape in shock.

Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji were floating towards them.

Chopper screamed and hid behind Usopp.

Nami appeared behind them, out of breath. "Damn... cat..."

The three fighters floated past Usopp and Chopper and onto the ship where they all heard a resounding thump.


Chopper tilted his head with a frown. "Who's there?"

A gray cat appeared before them, and stared at Chopper.

Are you an idiot too? The cat asked Chopper.

"I'm not an idiot!" Chopper exclaimed, offended at the cat's rudeness.

I want cream. The feline said as it jumped onto the railing and lay down.

"Chopper? What's he saying?" Nami asked, finally having caught her breath.

"He said he wants cream." Chopper told them.

"Then he should get some." Robin replied calmly, heading towards the ship's kitchen.

Not an idiot. The cat said watching Robin go and get his cream.

"Of course she's not an idiot!" Chopper yelled.

"Chopper," Nami nudged the doctor. "You should go check on the guys. They were poisoned."

"What?!" Chopper shrieked before running towards the three. "By who? What happened?"

Chopper took out his stethoscope and medical tools and immediately noticed that all three were watching him.

Not poison, Orange Idiot. Paralytic drug. It's harmless.

"What do you mean paralytic drug?" Chopper asked the relaxed cat.

You said you weren't an idiot. The cat replied, swishing its long gray tail lazily.

"That's right. The girl with the knives said the guys were just paralyzed but that it would wear off in about a day." Nami told Chopper.

"G-girl with knives?" Usopp squeaked.

Robin returned from the kitchen with a bowl of cream and set it in front of the cat.

The cat meowed before licking up the cream.

Nami nodded and then gestured towards the three that were being examined by Chopper. "She did that to them."

"She took down all three?" Usopp asked in shock.

With help. My idiot is strong but she wouldn't have been able to do it without me. The cat added as it paused its drinking to elaborate.

"The cat says he helped?" Chopper asked Nami.

Nami stared at the cat. "I'm not sure. But I think he did. It's almost like this cat can turn into air."

My name is Kiri, Orange Idiot. The cat hissed at Nami causing her to jump.

"He says his name is Kiri." Chopper told the others.

"Did you eat a Devil Fruit, Kiri?" Robin asked him nicely.

I did, Not-Idiot, the taste was quite revolting.

Chopper told the others what Kiri said.

"So you were the one that knocked us into the alley? And then pushed Zoro?" Nami asked.

Of course, Orange Idiot.

"What did you call me, you fur ball?" Nami snarled at him.

Orange Idiot.

Nami reached forward to strangle Kiri but Chopper stepped in front of her.

"Are you certain the Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji will be alright?" Chopper asked him.

My Idiot isn't a liar, Antler Idiot. Kiri glared at Chopper.

Chopper sighed in relief. "Thanks, Kiri."

"So why did your idiot paralyze our crew?" Usopp asked angrily.

Kiri growled at Usopp threateningly. She's My Idiot. Not yours. To you she's Riley. Now apologize for calling her an idiot, Nosy Idiot.

Usopp gulped and lifted his hands in surrender. "I'm sorry."

"How come you get to call us idiots but we can't say it?" Nami mumbled angrily.

Kiri returned to his bowl and ignored Nami.

Nami glared at the cat. "So why did Riley paralyze our crew? She told me that we had to leave the island because some guy likes collecting big bounties but that's all she said."

Kiri seemed to sigh as he lay back down on the railing. I'll tell you because the cream was good. The Big Moron of this island ate one of those disgusting tasting fruits. One that allows him to chain humans like dogs. When he pulls they have to go. When he locks they have to stay. And he can always follow his chain to his human pet. My Idiot was warned away by the Singing Idiot but she was an idiot and decided to fight. Now she's the Big Moron's favorite pet but she doesn't belong to him so she scratches him by taking new toys away.

"Oh!" Nami replied, realization clear in her eyes.

"What is it, Nami?" Chopper asked her, only really understanding half of what Kiri had said.

Nami turned to him, a serious expression on her face. "It just all makes sense now. Riley said that 'the man who holds the leash' wanted us and that's why we had to leave which means we're the new toys Riley is taking away from the Big Moron. Oso also called the Big Moron 'The Leash Keeper' and when both of them left it did seem as if they were being dragged by a leash. So I think The Big Moron's Devil Fruit is literally putting an invisible leash around the people he wants."

"Oh." Chopper said sadly. That meant all the people on this island were basically slaves to the Big Moron. That sounded like a horrible way to live.

"Alright!" Usopp announced loudly. "Everyone, get ready to set sail. We have to get away from this scary island immediately."

"We still need the log pose to reset first." Nami argued.

"But you heard the cat!" Usopp replied, "This place is scary."

"I agree with Miss Navigator," Robin answered. "We can't go anywhere without the log pose being reset. However, I believe moving the ship to a less noticeable area would be wise."

Usopp sighed in defeat but admitted they were right.

Chopper looked towards Kiri to see if he perhaps knew of any good places to hide but the gray cat had already disappeared. Leaving behind nothing but an empty bowl.

"Well you should've said something when we were there!"

Zoro stared at her in shock. "I was paralyzed! And the big guy told you to get my swords!"

"It's not like I could've seen them anyway!" Nami defended herself. "It was dark!"

"You weren't even looking!" Zoro growled at her.

"Oi! Oi! You shitty moss head!" Sanji interrupted. "Don't you dare talk to Nami-swan like that."

Robin shook her head in amusement as The Cook and The Swordsman began another one of their brawls.

"Don't worry Zoro!" Luffy announced happily as he walked between the fighting pair. "We're going back anyway so you can get your swords when we get there."

Everyone stopped and looked at their Captain.

"Are you insane!?" Nami, Usopp, and Chopper yelled at him.

Luffy grinned. "Nope."

"When are we leaving?" Zoro asked, arms crossed over his chest.

"Eh." Luffy looked up at the sky in thought, then grinned. "Now seems good. The sooner we go, the sooner we can rescue Riley."

"Rescue... Riley..." everyone blinked as they processed their Captain's words.

"But she's the one that drugged you guys!"

"She sounds scary..."

"It's always a brilliant idea to rescue a beautiful woman!"

"Finally! A rematch!"

Robin stood, ignoring everyone's comments. Just like their Captain always did.

"We have to save her," Luffy answered everyone at once. "So she can join our crew."

Everyone stopped, stunned once more.

"What?!" They all seemed to exclaim.

Luffy shrugged. "She's strong and good. Plus she has a cool cat."

Everyone seemed to be taking turns arguing with Luffy but he wasn't even paying attention, instead he was distracted by the "cool cat" sitting on the railing.

Robin went inside to grab another bowl. She wasn't surprised to see the feline here. She'd felt an odd light breeze stir her hair more than once in the day they had awaited the other's revival.

"He says 'the cream was good.'" Robin heard Chopper tell the others as she walked out of the kitchen and towards the cat.

Robin set the bowl in front of the cat and translated his meow into a thanks.

Luffy sidled in close to Kiri.

Kiri just watched him passively as he licked up his cream.

Luffy reached out a finger to poke him but was suddenly knocked back by a great gust of wind.

"Awesome!" Luffy grinned, from the other side of The Merry.

"Kiri wants to know if you really intend on rescuing Riley." Chopper asked for Kiri.

"Of course." Luffy answered the cat with a straight face. "I want both of you to be part of the crew."

Kiri and Luffy stared at one another, neither saying a word and yet Robin felt as if a lot was being said.

Suddenly Kiri tilted his head.

"If you save My Idiot, I'll call you Captain." Chopper announced as Kiri's voice.

Luffy grinned. "Deal!"

Kiri looked towards the lowering sun then turned back to Luffy. "It's almost Story Time. I'll lead you into the village so you can talk to My Idiot and find the Shield's swords."

"The Shield?" Robin asked curiously. Kiri seemed to favor calling everyone an idiot and yet he was describing Zoro as something completely different.

Kiri blinked at Robin. "He protects."

Robin nodded. She suppose it made sense if she thought about it that way. She wondered what he thought the rest of them as?

"Alright." Nami sighed. "Luffy, Zoro and Robin will go get Zoro's swords and meet Riley while the rest of us stay here. Got it?"

Luffy grinned. "Got it."

"And Luffy," Nami warned in a growl, her face an inch away from his. "You are only going to meet Riley. Don't pick a fight with anyone yet, understood."

Luffy grinned. "Ok."

Robin smiled. It was doubtful their captain would do as the Navigator asked and they all knew it.

Luffy jumped up onto the railing beside Kiri, his eyes sparkling for an adventure. "Alright. Let's go!"

Zoro felt himself finally relax as he strapped his three swords on.

"Now where do we go?" Luffy asked the gray cat.

A gust knocked all three back as Kiri led them back towards the forest.

"Hey Kiri, what about Riley?" Luffy bent down to ask the cat.

Kiri meowed and kept walking forward.

"I believe he's still taking us to her." Robin answered, constantly looking around her surroundings.

They traveled along the edge of the forest before reaching the back of a building that showed the first signs of life.

At first he'd thought that since the sun was setting everyone must be home, probably getting ready for bed, but this little building was emanating with life. It sounded as if the entire town was packed in.

Kiri pushed them towards the side of the building.

Zoro gripped the hilt of his sword as he saw people streaming into the building. Did the cat expect them to just go in?

Luffy seemed to think so since he was casually walking forward, but another gust of wind stopped him beside a window.

Zoro and Robin crouched next to the window, careful not to be seen and looked in.

Zoro had been right. It seemed the whole town was crammed into what looked like a bar.

The girl in the alley, Riley, was sitting cross-legged on the bar, apparently the focus of everyone's attention. Little kids were sitting right in front of her while the adults of the town were sitting at the tables or leaning against the walls. One group in particular caught Zoro's attention.

A thin man with a hooked nose and wispy blonde hair was sitting right beside their window, with what looked like glass separating him from Riley in the front and a wall of muscle surrounding him on all other sides.

Zoro was pretty sure this was The Big Moron. He snapped out his sword and prepared to attack.

Another gust from that damn cat had all three of them sitting on the ground instead.

The cat somehow opened the window, releasing a torrent of sound on them before disappearing inside.

Zoro got up into a crouch, to see what was happening.

"Kiri!" Riley smiled in delight as the cat walked up to her and curled up comfortably on her lap.

"Everyone!" Riley's clear voice rang out, immediately silencing the crowd.

She smiled as her hand drifted over Kiri absently. "Today I'm going to tell you the story of The Dragon Slayer, Marsh."

"Ooh! A Dragon Slayer!" Luffy whispered excitedly, his grin bursting in delight as his eyes stayed glued to Riley.

"The pounding snow played the beat of a steady drum. Thump. Thump. Thump. Yet the freezing villagers seemed grateful for the frost, smiling larger than ever before. 'After all', a bundled up villager shouted to another, 'The Red Tail doesn't like the cold!'"

As Riley's story progressed Zoro was slowly swallowed by her words. Utterly entranced in the story's web she expertly weaved.

When the scrawny boy named Marsh went up against the dragon, Zoro tensed ready for the fight himself and when the little boy somehow managed to ensnare the dragon's wings, he felt like yelling in triumph.

And when Little Marsh limped his way into town and was hailed a hero, Zoro grinned.

"She's quite the storyteller." Robin's soft voice snapped him out of his trance.

He looked at the bar full of people and noted the soft looks on everyone's faces. Yes, she was quite the storyteller.

Zoro looked at the table beside them. All the guards were as absorbed in the story as everyone else, but the man sitting at the table was leaning forward with a different expression on his face. One that made Zoro tense and want to cut the man down to pieces.

"She is so cool." Luffy whispered beside Zoro.

Zoro looked at his captain to see him staring at the storyteller with sparkling wide eyes.

Zoro smirked and looked at Riley who was smiling softly at the kids who were all now talking excitedly.

She was going to be part of the crew. Luffy had already decided.

The Big Moron stood up clapping his hands loudly and giving Riley a weasely smile. The bar immediately quieted and Zoro could see people starting to leave hurriedly.

"Lovely story as always, my pet." The Big Moron told Riley.

Riley stiffened and Zoro saw her hand tighten on one of the blades on her belt.

The Big Moron noticed as well and tsked. "Now, now, don't be rude. You know you can't hurt me behind this." he tapped at the glass.

Riley's hand didn't move but her eyes widened in their direction when Luffy stood up.

Instantly Kiri appeared and, with the help of a gust, immobilized Luffy on the ground.

"I'm going to sleep." Riley told The Big Moron as she jumped off of her perch on the bar.

The Big Moron smirked at her. "Very well then." he turned towards the bar's exit and left with his muscle following close behind. "Your leashes will lock in five minutes!" he yelled behind him.

Everyone who remained immediately ran out as fast as possible heading in different directions, leaving behind only Riley and Oso who had his arm wrapped around a short buxom woman.

Riley turned to them and told them something causing them to nod and disappear into the back of the bar.

Then she turned towards them. She motioned towards the back and then disappeared.

Kiri rolled Luffy towards the back of the bar. Zoro and Robin followed, seeing Riley waiting there for them.

"What's wrong with Kitty?" Luffy asked, aggravated when Kiri let him go. "I wanted to beat The Big Moron up."

"The Big Moron?" Riley asked unsurely as she sat down by the wall and draped a blanket over her legs.

"The dumb looking guy who clapped," Zoro elaborated, leaning against the wall.

"That's Finley," Riley told them while Kiri got comfortable on her lap.

"And beating him up is the exact opposite of what I told you guys to do." Riley glared at Luffy. "Why are you still here?"

Luffy grinned and sat cross-legged in front of her. "Join my crew."

Zoro could see the shock in Riley's wide eyes as she stared at Luffy.

"He's serious." Zoro told Riley flatly.

"Of course I am," Luffy looked at Zoro disapprovingly.


"Huh?" Luffy asked with a frown at Riley.

"Why do you want me on your crew? You don't even know me." Riley asked, suspicion thick in her voice.

Zoro smirked. She was about to learn just how eccentric their captain was. He could almost feel sorry for her.

Luffy just stared at her. "You're strong and good."

Riley stared.

"Where are you from, Riley?" Robin asked suddenly. "We got the impression that you were from somewhere else."

"I'm from the West Blue." Riley answered in surprise.

"Are you a pirate?" Luffy asked excitedly, leaning forward.

Riley laughed and shook her head. "I've actually just been jumping from ship to ship. Got into the Grand Line by sneaking onto a Marine ship."

"A Marine ship?" Zoro asked doubtfully.

Riley scrunched her nose. "Yeah, they noticed me after we crossed into The Grand Line. We got away fast but I got a bounty. Then I visited my sister for a few weeks and suddenly I was branded a Revolutionary which gave my bounty an unjustified boost. But since Finley likes people with bounties..." Riley shrugged.

"If they warned you about Finley, why did you stay?" Robin asked.

Riley looked at Robin suspiciously. "I couldn't leave these people like this." she said slowly.

Luffy laughed loudly. "See! You're a good person! Besides, Kitty already said that if we free you that he'll join, so you have to come."

Riley frowned. "Kiri said he'd join?"

"Our doctor can speak with animals." Robin explained.

"Oh." Riley stared at Kiri. "You said you'd join them?"

Kiri turned into a breeze and appeared around Riley's shoulders, nudging her chin with his head.

Riley smiled softly and combed her fingers through his fur.

She looked at Luffy seriously, "It doesn't matter if you knock Finley out. I've tried. The leashes will only come off if he orders it off."

Luffy nodded.

"And the only way I'll join your crew is if you get the leashes off of everyone in this village, not just me." Riley stated finitely.

Luffy jumped to his feet and grinned. "Alright!"

"Show me where The Big Moron is!"

Riley laughed and shook her head. "I can't show you until sunrise."

"Why?" Luffy whined.

"I'm locked. So I can't show you anything." Riley told them.

Luffy frowned.

"The cat said something like that. So did The Big Moron when he left." Zoro stated before looking at Riley for an explanation.

Riley shrugged. "It's like it sounds. I'm locked into place. I can't move from here until sunrise. Finley doesn't like anyone moving around while he sleeps and since he wakes up at sunrise, that's when we get "unlocked" and are able to move around at will."

"So you can't move at all?" Luffy asked with a frown.

Riley shook her head.

Luffy dropped onto the floor and placed his hat on his face.

Zoro unstrapped his swords and sat down next to Riley, getting comfortable for the night ahead.

Robin sat down on Zoro's other side.

"What are you guys doing?" Riley asked, looking around in confusion.

"We're waiting until sunrise." Zoro told her, bowing his head on his chest and almost instantly falling asleep.

Zoro tensed when he felt something fall on his shoulder.

He cracked one eye open, only to see a sea of red. He opened both with a frown.

"Riley?" Zoro murmured, confused.

He heard her sigh and snuggle into his arm.

Zoro froze, unsure what to do with the bundle of warmth wrapped around his arm.

"Morning Riley-girl!" The back door slammed open, causing everyone to bolt to their feet.

"Oso," Riley yawned and stretched her hands above her head. "Good morning."

She looked around at Robin and Zoro, who were awake and getting ready.

Zoro nudged Luffy with his boot. "Get up. It's morning."

"Huh?" Luffy asked, getting to his feet slowly.

"What are they doing here?" Oso asked, glaring at Zoro.

"Riley and Kiri are going to join my crew!" Luffy told Oso with a grin.

Oso stared in surprise, too shocked to say anything.

"Let's go." Zoro told Riley, itching for a fight.

"Where are you going?" Oso asked, stepping in front of Riley defensively.

Riley walked around to stand beside Oso. "I've agreed to join them if they free this village from Finley."

Oso looked at Riley seriously. "You sure you're ready to join a pirate crew?"

Riley smiled and patted his arm. "I know what I'm doing."

Oso sighed.

Then he turned towards them and grinned. "Breakfast first."

"Food!" Luffy yelled and immediately charged into the bar.

Oso let out a guffaw and followed after Luffy, yelling for someone named Mina.

Riley smiled and twined her arm with Robin's, leading her inside.

Zoro followed.

Jeanie watched, hidden behind one of the houses as Riley led the three strangers through town.

They were part of the pirates docked on the cove hidden on the east side of the island.

Jeanie took off her bag and shuffled through the wanted posters to the three she was looking for.

She found the first one...

Jeanie found the one of the grinning boy. She studied the boy who was still eating as they walked.

-"Straw Hat" Monkey D. Luffy 100,000,000 beri

She looked at the straw hat on the boy's hat.

Jeanie pulled out the next one.

-"Devil Child" Nico Robin 79,000,000 beri

It was an old poster of a little girl with bright blue eyes. Jeanie couldn't tell if it was the same woman but the rumor was that she was a Straw Hat Pirate so it was most likely her.

Jeanie took out the last poster of the bloody man.

-"Pirate Hunter" Roronoa Zoro 60,000,000 beri

Jeanie studied the green haired man whose hand never seemed to leave the hilt of one of his three swords. The killer of Whisky Peak, they called him.

If Findley caught these three, they would be the highest bounties on a leash. Even Riley only had a 50,000,000 beri bounty. So why was Riley bringing such dangerous people to Finley's doorstep?

Jeanie felt Kiri's breeze flow through her dark hair before appearing a moment later on Riley's shoulder.

Jeanie smiled. She trusted Riley and she had never been given a reason not to.

Still, she watched them walk towards Finley's, she needed to keep an eye on Riley. Finley liked Riley but that didn't mean he wouldn't hurt her. And Jeanie didn't want Riley to get hurt.

Riley stopped at the edge of the village and turned to talk to the pirates.

Jeanie wasn't sure what they were talking about but the boy with the straw hat didn't seem to care and just walked right up to the gate that separated Finley's house from the rest of the village.

The boy just looked at the gate before suddenly slamming his fist against it.

"Luffy!" Riley yelled in shock while the other two didn't seem the least bit surprised when the gate crashed down.

Luffy just grinned at them before simply rushing forward into the wave of incoming guards, seeming to knock them all down at once.

The swordsman ran after him, slicing through everyone in his way while the woman just walked after them. Whenever someone approached her she would cross her arms and arms would seem to appear and get rid of her problem for her.

Riley stood staring at the three of them for a long time before she burst out laughing and ran head first into the chaos.

Jeanie headed towards them but was grabbed by her backpack and raised into the air.

"What are you doing, Jeanie-doll?" Oso asked as he swung her around so he could look her in the eye.

Jeanie snarled. "I have to protect Riley!"

Oso laughed loudly. "Me too!"

He set her down, grabbed her hand and they followed the body strewn ground towards the large house that sat at the end of the road.