Riley stared longingly at the cloud path the Mini Merry had disappeared over.

"Did you call that a Milky Road?" She asked turning towards Nami.

Nami grinned proudly beside her. "Yeah. They're just like the ones on Sky Island. The scientists on Weatheria taught me how to create them."

Riley leaned against the counter, turning her full attention towards Nami. "What else did the scientists teach you?"

Nami laughed. "I already told you most of it. Besides, you just want a distraction, don't you?"

Riley sighed, slipping off her long sleeve shirt and tying it around her waist in an attempt to avoid the scorching heat. "Punk Hazard just looks so interesting!" She whined, gesturing towards the flames dancing upon the sea.

"Don't worry, Riley my darling!" Sanji appeared, offering Nami and Riley a frozen dessert while giving her his most infatuated look, "When they return, I shall be your personal escort to the land that burns like the heat of our love!"

"Uh..." Riley didn't quite know what to say to that, even for Sanji that was a bit much.

"Sanji, where is my dessert?" Brook asked, looking over Sanji's shoulder to his empty hands.

"There isn't any for you! It's all for Nami and Riley!" Sanji snapped at him.

"But I'm melting," Chopper whined as he lay on the grass, a bundle of sweat and fur.

Kiri, spread out on his back besides Chopper echoed the sentiment with a pitiful meow of his own.

Sanji growled.

"They can have some," Nami waved the issue away before Sanji could shout at them anymore.

Brook and Franky cheered while Chopper and Kiri gave a half-hearted groan in approval.

Sanji narrowed his eyes at them before grumbling and heading back towards the kitchen.

"You know," Nami mused as she watched him go. "I think Sanji might actually kill Zoro when he finds out about you two."

"Did that stupid mosshead hurt you?" Sanji demanded appearing at her side once more, so quickly it made her jump.

Riley glared at Nami.

Nami grinned, mischief in her eyes.

"Don't worry, Sanji." Riley assured him with a forced smile. "Zoro wouldn't hurt me. Nami was just kidding."

Sanji frowned. He stared at Riley in a way that made it obvious he knew she wasn't telling him everything.

Her smile widened.

Sanji's frown grew.

"Sanji," Nami pouted at him. "Could you please get me something to drink? The heat is making me so very thirsty."

"Of course, Nami, my love!"

In an instant he was twirling back towards the kitchen.

"Nami!" Riley hissed, after making sure Sanji had disappeared past the door this time.

Nami shrugged. "They'll all find out, eventually."

"Sure." Riley agreed. "But I'd still rather be the one to choose when they find out."

Nami shook her head and stared at her pityingly. "Oh Riley, when has it ever worked that way on this ship?"

Riley opened her mouth to argue but quickly snapped it shut as realization dawned on her. "Oh no."

Nami laughed. "I give it until the end of the day."

Riley could only sigh in resignation. "If we're lucky," she mumbled, staring at the erupting island once more.

"Cook these." Zoro ordered Usopp before grabbing hold of one of the dragon's long ivory horns and dragging it behind him as he began to walk in the direction they came.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Usopp asked, racing after him before Zoro had even taken a few steps.

"To the Mini Merry." Zoro replied, looking at Usopp over his shoulder while he kept walking. "I'll be back. Probably even before Luffy."

"You're going back to the Mini Merry?" Usopp stared at him in disbelief. "But we've been walking for hours!"

Zoro opened his mouth, prepared to argue when Robin's voice interrupted him.

"The Bard and the others were upset that they couldn't come, which most likely means they'll want to take a tour themselves after we return. You'll be able to show her the dragon's head then."

Usopp's jaw dropped at the implication in Robin's words. "You wanted to take the head back to the Sunny?" He stared once more at the enormous head that Zoro had a hold of. "That thing wouldn't even fit."

Zoro's expression turned thoughtful as he turned back to study the dragon's head. Now that he thought about it, there really was no way it would fit on the Mini Merry. But if the skin was fireproof, maybe they could drag it behind them?

"Wait," Usopp lifted his hands up, as if he'd been reading Zoro's mind and had already found a fault in his plan.

Zoro dropped the horn and crossed his arms over his chest. "It's fireproof, isn't it?" He argued.

"You were going to give the head to Riley?" Usopp looked at him incredulously. "A head, Zoro?"

"It looks like Riley's Red Tail, doesn't it?" Zoro snapped at him.

Usopp frowned, taking in the severed dragon head hanging over Zoro's shoulder.

Zoro was certain he was recalling Riley's Dragon Slayer story and clearly picturing the Dragon next to him as the Dragon from her fable.

The moment he had seen the dragon, after the initial shock of a dragon even existing, he'd thought of the Red Tail.

He was positive Riley would want to see it.

Usopp sighed and patted Zoro's bare shoulder, the glint in his eyes making it obvious he was trying to hold back his laughter. "Zoro, my hopeless, idiotic friend, you don't give a girl a head. No matter the reason."

Zoro snarled at him. "Who are you calling an idiot?"

"The guy who wants to woo a girl by giving her a decapitated head!" Usopp gestured wildly to said head whose tongue was carelessly hanging past razor like teeth longer than Zoro and who's blank yellow eyes stared past them.

Zoro narrowed his eye at him. "Riley would like it." He defended himself.

Usopp snorted and gave him a pitying look, making Zoro bristle in annoyance. What made Usopp so sure of what Riley would and wouldn't like? He knew her better than anyone else on the ship. He knew Riley would love the damn head.

Robin's soft laughter reached their ears.

Zoro growled, stomping his way back to where the cut-up dragon meat was waiting to be cooked. They didn't want him showing the dragon's head to Riley? Fine. He'd wait until they got back to the ship and then bring her to it.

"Why don't I give you some pointers?" Usopp offered, following after him. "I was considered the most romantic man in all of the East Blue, after all. With my help, you can sweep Riley off her feet in no time, I guarantee it!"

"I think it's already too late for that." Robin commented, laughter still sparkling in her eyes as she looked at Zoro.

Zoro stared at her.

She smiled.

Zoro grunted before turning his attention to cooking the meat. That woman always knew everything.

"What's going on?" Usopp asked, eyes narrowed as he stared at them. "What do you mean it's too late?"

"Hey guys! You won't believe what happened!"

Zoro ignored Usopp and turned in the direction Luffy was returning from.

Zoro paused. Was that... It couldn't be... were those legs stuck to Luffy's back?

"What?" Usopp shouted.

"Take us with you!" Cried the giant girl who's long legs had no trouble keeping pace with Nami's desperate dash. "Please."

Nami tore her gaze away from the girl's large brown eyes and resolutely kept her eyes locked on Riley's red curls and Kiri's gray tail.

The giant girl stopped running, her friends at her side.

We'll come back once we're safe and we know what's going on. Nami silently promised herself, the children's pleas still ringing in her ears. We'll come back once we find the others and figure out where the Sunny is...

She clenched her jaw and focused instead on the sting of her nails as they bit into her palms. She stared at Riley's curls floating behind her as she ran and refused to acknowledge the words the masked men spoke. The threats they made if the children didn't move.

We'll be back.

"Promise you'll come back for us!"

Nami froze.

"Even if we've never been out of this lab, we know that there's nothing out there." The little girl cried, her voice heavy with heartbreak. "Please, promise you'll come back and take us home!"

The scars on Nami's arm, well-hidden beneath her tattoo began to pulse, echoing the rhythm of her frantic heart.

Would they really come back?

How many times had someone promised to help her when she was a child? How many times had they promised safety and freedom for the little girl and the home that was held captive? Only for them to save themselves and forget she even existed.

It had happened so often that Nami had simply given up on everyone.

Then Luffy came...

No matter how dangerous this place was, when Luffy found out about the kids he'd insist on coming back and helping them, she was positive of that.

Nami stared at Riley, who had stopped and was now staring at her, her lips moving as she said something and her eyes glassy as she stubbornly avoided the sight behind Nami.

This was something that each and every one of their crew members would do without hesitation. They would all come back...

If they could.

But what if they couldn't? What if everything happened too fast, like it always did, and they had to run before things got worse? What if it came down to saving themselves of saving these children?

Nami turned towards the giant girl, a pain shooting in her chest at the sight of her large, innocent, brown eyes overflowing with tears.

What if everything went well but by the time they came back whoever was keeping these children hurt them because they had wanted their freedom?

Her scars burned.

"Nami?" Riley's voice finally reached her.

"We have to go, we'll come back." Sanji assured at her side.

Would they? Was she absolutely sure they would?

No. She couldn't risk it. She wouldn't. She wouldn't let these kids suffer the way she had. She wouldn't make them empty promises and give them false hope.

She'd do what Luffy had done for her when so many others had failed.

"Let's help these kids!"

"Why are you here?" Smoker asked, eyes narrowed and tone accusing. "No one, not even pirates or government allies are allowed to be on this island, Law."

Willow kept her stance casual while she stood beside Law and barred the Navy from entering Caesar's laboratory. One hand was settled comfortably on the belt at her waist while her gaze remained locked on Smoker and the Captain at his side.

"That includes you, too. Doesn't it, White Chase?" Law smirked.

"We have reason to believe that a wanted pirate is on this island." The captain declared, her tone imperious and her manner certain.

"Oh?" Law asked, seemingly without a care in the world.

"Tashigi." Smoker barked.

The captain held up a black transponder snail and pressed play.

"Hello? My name is Monkey D Luffy! I'm going to become King of the Pirates!"

Willow couldn't stop her fingers from tightening on one of her belt's links.


Monkey D Luffy was on this island and if the Coo News was to be believed, his reunited crew must be here as well. Including her baby sister.

Still, they wouldn't be reckless enough to willingly make their way onto Punk Hazard, would they?

She wished she could say that Riley had more sense than to come onto a clearly unstable land, but knowing her sister...

And their Captain, this Monkey D Luffy that had the entire world on edge and that had the Coo News all fluttery... Based on everything she'd heard, The Straw Hats wandered into trouble so often, more than a few whispered that they knowingly went searching for it while the rest declared them cursed with such obviously terrible luck.

Willow focused back on Law and Smoker. They had to get rid of these Marines, immediately, so Willow could find Riley and get her out this place with its poisoned metal and echoed screams.

"Cut the crap." Smoker snapped. "Let us see inside the laboratory."

"It's my vacation home and I refuse." Law scowled. "What's wrong with me, a pirate, staying on an island your people abandoned? Willow and I are the only ones here and we enjoy our privacy."

Willow's eyes met Tashigi's, the Captain's heavy with disapproval.

Her lips tilted in a smirk. She knew that look, well.

"I'll tell you what, though." Law continued, voice steely. "If Straw Hat shows up, I'll chop his head off and send it to you. Now, if that's everything you have to say, go away."

The echoes of voices reached Willow's ears and she froze, turning her head slightly at the sound.

It wasn't just any voices, but the high-pitched shouts and cries of children and a thundering of footsteps growing louder by the second.

Willow took a step towards Law, who's expression made it obvious he was just as surprised, and displeased, by the incoming sounds as she was.

Willow reached a hand out to the door at Law's side, needing to know exactly what was coming their way. She saw them before her fingers touched the metal.

An orange-haired woman wearing a bikini and a bear-sized raccoon lead a group of giant children directly towards them.

Willow inhaled sharply at the sight of all the kids, not just giants after all, but of many different sizes. But, most important to Willow, they were children.

You people kidnapped him!

The Samurai's words echoed in her ears.

Willow locked eyes with Law as the woman and the raccoon burst through the door at their side, with a shout, a cheer, and enough noise to wake the dead.

We're talking about this. She promised him with narrowed eyes.

Law raised a brow, as if to say he was as surprised as she.

Willow didn't believe him for even a moment.

A familiar laugh drew her attention from him and back to the group. A laugh that seemed so much louder to her than the song about some tank and flowers. It was a laugh she hadn't heard in far, far too long.

She watched as a cyborg thing came towards them, a well-dressed man at his back holding the samurai's severed head, children on his knees, and a laughing red-head on his shoulder.

Willow couldn't move.

It really was her. She was here, on the same island as her.

The beginning of a smile lifted Willow's lips.

"Hey! And you're the beautiful Will!"

The comment drew Willow's gaze away from Riley who was checking on a large baby in a floating bassinet and to the grinning blond by the raccoon. Willow's smile fell, her expression returning to an emotionless mask as she was reminded exactly where they were.

"Will!" Riley shouted excitedly.

She could feel Law's stare on her. She knew the Marines were looking at her, too.

While she wanted desperately to go towards her little reckless sister... this wasn't the place.

"Do I know you?" She asked Riley instead, eyebrow rising as if in doubt.

Riley grinned without missing a beat. "I'm just a big fan," she laughed.

"Woah! This place is full of Marines!" The blond exclaimed, as if finally registering exactly where they had ended up. "Hurry up, go to the back, kids! There should be a backdoor!"

Riley waved at Willow before chasing after the members of her crew and leading the children away.

Law continued to stare at Willow. She avoided his eyes and instead turned back towards the Marines that were frozen as if in stunned confusion.

"You lied!" Smoker growled, "You weren't the only ones here!"

"Seems like we aren't. I'm also surprised." Law admitted, finally returning his attention to the Vice Admiral.

"Everybody! Let's catch the Straw Hats!" Tashigi ordered her men, grabbing the hilt of her sword as she grew ready to draw it.

Her men shouted in agreement.

Willow drew forth her scythe, Damia, and Law created his room.

"Those fools brought trouble," Law cursed as he walked down the steps and away from the door, Willow at his side.

"We can't let them leave the island now." Willow agreed.

Law raised the Marine's galleon with a lift of his fingers. "I'm sorry I lied about being the only ones here." He told them, almost sounding sincere in his apology. "But, Willow's right, now we can't let you leave."

Smoker, with the shouted encouragements of his men, withdrew his jitte.

Law withdrew Kikoku in response and Willow stood ready at his side.

"That was the samurai," Law murmured, glancing over his shoulder as the sounds of the Straw Hats and the children grew dimmer, "and the Straw Hats. I can't let them escape."

Willow tensed as Law created another room inside the laboratory.

She saw Smoker narrow his eyes as Law turned his back on them and focused on the withdrawing Straw Hats.

Willow stepped behind Law, making it clear that they would have to go through her if they wanted to attack him. Although, at this point, depending on Law's next words, Willow was just as likely to attack him, herself.


Willow's shoulders relaxed at the word. Good. That was easily repaired, although it did mean that she wouldn't be able to kill Law until it was fixed. She had kind of hoped he'd take their hearts, actually. It would have been much easier to put them back together if that were the case, and Law wouldn't have been at all needed at that point.

Law turned around with a smirk, using his blade to easily slice up the Marine's ship to make himself an art piece out of his remains.

"It's not very pretty is it," Willow noted absently studying the structure that reached the top of Law's room.

"I like it," Law shrugged, the smirk still tilting his lips in a way that made it obvious just how much he enjoyed the panic singing among the Marines.

"We'll report you to the Government," one of the Marines yelled out angrily. "You're breaking your agreement attacking us!"

Willow raised an eyebrow in disbelief. Didn't they have any sense of self-preservation? If they were already at Law's mercy, what made them think threatening him would work?

"Don't worry about me." Law assured, using Kikoku to scan them and bring forward each of their transponder snails. "You should be worrying about yourselves."

Willow made her way to the transponder snails, crouched beside them to run her fingers over their shells and take away every bit of their metal. She made herself three sturdy bracelets from their metal all while the Marines shouted in disbelief.

"I won't let you tell the headquarters or the Government about anything you've seen on this island." Law promised them.

"You stupid pirate," Smoker lifted his jitte at the ready, "don't push your luck."

With the shouted encouragement of his men, Smoker rushed Law in a haze of smoke.

Law parried and let his blade reach across to the Marines at the edge of his circle. He sliced them in half before any of them even registered Smoker's shouted warning.

Tashigi, infuriated by the harm she believed had fallen on her men, raced towards Law, her sword drawn and ready to do damage.

Willow intercepted her, using Damia's razor edge to easily block the strike.

"Listen to your Vice Admiral, Captain. Retreat." Willow told Tashigi calmly as the Captain bared her teeth in frustration, trying to free her sword.

Willow smirked and pushed her sword to the side. She took advantage of Tashigi's unprotected middle and twisted the scythe in her hands, using the bottom of the shaft to knock her backwards and into the snow.

Tashigi coughed and glared up at Willow, eyes bright with hate and fury.

"Stay down, Navy girl," Willow warned. She knew that look. There was so much strength in her, and yet not enough brain, or at least not enough to control the feelings she let easily control her. "You can't get past me, what hope do you have against my Captain? Stay down, and maybe you'll live through this."

The girl growled and rushed at Willow in a completely expected maneuver.

Willow dulled the edge of her blade and used the end to hook around Tashigi's neck and down to the ground. She tsked. "You're letting your emotions control you."

Tashigi rose from the snow, face red but not a drop of blood on her.

"Stay down." Willow ordered.

Willow turned her back on the Captain who wouldn't listen and was already getting back to her feet and walked towards Law.

She sensed Tashigi rushing at her back. Willow stepped to the side, letting Law slice the girl in two.

"I told you to stay down." Willow told her as she stepped over the pieces.

"I'll go after the Straw Hats," She called back to Law, heading towards the laboratory and shifting Damia back to links of silver and titanium.

"Of course, Will."

Willow paused at the nickname coming from Law.

She kept walking. After today, Willow's days of being a Heart Pirate were over, but there were a few things she still needed to do in Caesar's lab before she let her former Captain know.

"This is just too weird." Zoro mumbled as he stared at her. He shook his head, an almost pained expression on his face. "This isn't right."

Riley stared down at her arms wrapped around Kiri's furry body... well, Sanji's arms, really.

She completely agreed with Zoro, being in this body was too weird. It felt heavier somehow, her movements weren't as fluid, and she felt unbelievably clumsy despite the body's inherit gracefulness. Not to mention, Sanji's damn hair kept getting in her eyes! Riley blew her breath out in annoyance as it slipped to cover her right eye once more.

She was sorely tempted to chop off the blond lock.

She sighed, running her gloved hand over Kiri's head. "I'm sure this will be over soon."

"Hopefully, very soon." Zoro added, studying her with a frown.

"Sanji-Riley!" Usopp called out, distracting her from her current dilemma. He handed her her own headband with her grinning face drawn onto it. "Wear this so we don't get confused."

Riley studied the drawing. She grinned at Usopp. "I'm definitely keeping this after this is all over," she told him before sliding on the headband.

Usopp beamed in pride, before turning back to finish the rest of the headbands.

Zoro studied her. He shook his head. "It still doesn't seem right."

Riley rolled her eyes. "Just deal with it, it won't last long."

"But it's you, and you're him," Zoro's frown deepened. "It's really unsettling."

"I could give you a kiss to make you feel better!" Riley-Nami called out, slipping on her own headband.

Zoro turned slightly red and grumbled, making his way towards where Luffy and Brownbeard were talking.

"Ugh!" Nami-Sanji gagged in disgust. "Don't even put that horrible image in my head!"

Usopp and Luffy burst out laughing and she could swear Robin giggled.

Riley ignored them and sat cross-legged beside Zoro, Kiri breezing from her arms to go and play with the children for a while.

She listened as Brownbeard explained how Luffy and Zoro were part of what was considered "The Worst Generation" because of their ability to always be in the middle of chaos. She listened to the story of how Caesar Clown saved all the abandoned inmates, and how Law had come and given them all legs with the always kind Willow at his side.

Riley snorted at the comment. The always kind Willow? Poor Brownbeard obviously didn't know her sister at all.

"Hey, that reminds me," Chopper-Franky spoke up, turning towards Riley. "Why did your sister act as if she didn't know you?"

"Your sister? Will?" Zoro asked, turning towards Riley in surprise. "She's here? What is she doing here?"

"It would make sense." Robin spoke up. "I had heard Willow was now part of the Heart Pirates."

"She was standing next to Law when we saw her," Chopper in Franky's body added.

"I heard that, too!" Riley grinned at Robin. "It makes sense that she'd be here to watch out Law, then. She is really strong and incredibly overprotective." Riley shook her head. "It's why she acted like that. The Marines were there and since they don't know we're related..." she shrugged.

"That's so cool! I didn't know Will was here!" Luffy shouted excitedly. "I can't wait to meet her!"

"You're going to love her!" Sanji, in Nami's body promised. He sighed, "She's gorgeous."

"Really?" Brook asked, hands clenched together as he leaned towards Nami-Sanji in interest. "What does she look like?"

"It's been a while since you've seen her, hasn't it?" Zoro asked, ignoring Nami-Sanji and Brook as they began to gush over her sister.

"Wait! You c-can't possibly be Willow's brother!" Brownbeard added in shock.

Riley nodded at Zoro, deciding to ignore Brownbeard, too. "A very long while."

He smirked. "Then it's good she's here."

Riley smiled.

"Still," Riley-Nami murmured, "what are Law and her doing here?"

Riley glanced towards where Luffy was playing with Kiri and the children.

There were so many children.

Had Willow known?

Riley shook her head. Willow was many things, but there were two things that Riley knew her sister would protect with her life. One was Riley. The other, was children.

If Willow had even thought there were children being held captive in that lab...

Riley cleared her throat, "So you guys ate a dragon?" she asked Zoro.

Zoro nodded. "It looked like the Red Tail, too."

"Really?" Riley asked excitedly. "Was it big?"

"Bigger than the Sunny."

"He wanted to bring you back the head!" Usopp laughed, dropping down to sit on Zoro's other side.

Riley grinned at Zoro. "The head?"

"I thought you'd like to see it." He grumbled.

"It was at least ten times bigger than the Mini Merry!" Usopp chuckled. "How were you even planning on taking it to the Sunny?"

"I was going to drag it behind us," Zoro growled.

Usopp frowned. "Then you would have been bringing back a charred burned up mess."

"The skin was fireproof!" Zoro snapped at Usopp.

Usopp raised his hands in surrender, although his eyes still sparkled with laughter. "Sure it was."

"I would've liked to see the head." Riley declared.

"You would've?" Zoro and Usopp turned towards her in disbelief.

Usopp narrowed his eyes towards her. He looked back at Zoro suspiciously. "Wait. Are you two-"

"Zoro!" Riley-Nami shouted, cutting off Usopp's question.

Zoro paused and Riley saw the flint of confusion shift through his face as her body stalked towards him with narrowed eyes.

"You have to go with Sanji and Brook!" Riley-Nami ordered.

Zoro frowned. "I don't want to."

Riley-Nami's mouth thinned in annoyance. Suddenly her eyes lit and a smirk made her way onto her face, onto Riley's face.

"Nami." Riley warned, not liking that expression on her features.

"Oh, come on, Zoro," Riley-Nami asked, voice softer. She fluttered her lashes and smiled flirtatiously at him, "Won't you please do it? For me?"

Zoro drew back, a blush tinting his cheeks and conflict in his eyes as his gaze jumped from Sanji-Riley to Riley-Nami.

Riley sighed, rubbing her forehead in annoyance. "I'll give you 10 points if you go."

Zoro sighed in relief and raced after Nami-Sanji and Brook.

"That wasn't nice, Nami," Riley growled.

Nami shrugged. "As long as it worked."

"A little too well, didn't it?" Usopp asked, staring at Riley with a grin that made it obvious he now knew as well.

Riley cleared her throat and stood up, deciding this was the perfect time for her to go help out Franky-Chopper take a closer look at the children.

Law followed Straw Hat Luffy and Cyborg Franky into the deserted lab building. The Roboman cried the entire way, alternating between yelling at Straw Hat for the damage done to the raccoon's body he carried cradled in his arms and whimpering that he thought Law was scary and that they shouldn't be aligning themselves with him.

For a moment, Law almost felt worried that Straw Hat would be swayed from teaming up with him, but with a quick careless wave and a large grin, Straw Hat proved to be just as stubborn as always.

Luckily, some things never changed.

While it had been pure luck that Straw Hat had arrived at Punk Hazard, Law was clever enough to take advantage and knew, better than most, just how much havoc Straw Hat Luffy's mere presence would cause.

Straw Hat was exactly what Law needed for his plan to succeed.

They entered the remains of the abandoned lab where the Straw Hats and the children had made camp.

He wasn't at all surprised to see Willow surrounded by the remaining members of the crew or to see Kiri the Cat casually curled around her neck.

He'd known from the moment Black Leg Sanji had called her "Will" that she knew the Straw Hats. And that she knew them well.

"Willy!" Straw Hat shouted excitedly, racing towards the group.

"Will?" Roboman's face split into a large grin, hurrying after his Captain.

"Is it true you made most of Riley's knives? And that you drew the pictures in her notebooks? Could you make me a picture? Of a turtle?" Straw Hat rambled nonstop as he stood before the blond.

Black Leg laughed while Willow stared at Luffy in wide-eyed surprise. "Breathe, Luffy," Black Leg ordered.

Straw Hat's ever present grin widened. "Are you really Riley's sister?"

Law stared at Willow in surprise. Sister?

His gaze turned towards the Dagger Dancer, who was staring at Willow with gleaming eyes as she asked about something or another to do with gold. He compared the red haired girl to his Shipwright.

He supposed there were enough similarities to their features to make it a possibility, but the thought of Willow, being someone's sister...

Law had a hard-enough time remembering Willow was even human most of the time with how cold and expressionless she could easily be, and here she was, surrounded by Straw Hats and laughing.

The sight, and sound, was completely alien to him.

Now that he thought about it, he didn't think he'd ever heard her laugh before.

"Ah! What are you doing here?!" Long Nose Usopp shouted and pointed at Law.

"Oh yeah," Straw Hat replied casually. "We're forming an alliance with the Heart Pirates. So, about that turtle, I think it should be red with horns. No wait! I want a beetle, instead!"

For a moment, the room fell silent, except for Luffy describing the beetle he wanted from Willow.

Willow cast Law a doubtful look.

"What! What do you mean we're forming an alliance with the Heart Pirates!" Nose and Riley shouted in disbelief.

"I told you they wouldn't think it was a good idea, either!" Roboman pointed out.

"You just went out to get Chopper! How did you come back with such a crazy idea?" Nose demanded from Straw Hat, grabbing his coat and beginning to shake his Captain. "If we ally ourselves with this creep, I'll never be able to sleep in peace, again!"

Law frowned at the display, didn't any of these people respect their Captain?

"I don't think this is a smart idea, Luffy," Riley added, "It's too risky. We shouldn't do it. We should just go our own way at our own pace."

"It's too early to be thinking about the Four Emperors, anyway, Luffy!" Roboman added.

"Luffy, I'm going along with your decision but remember that alliances between pirates are often marked by betrayal." Nico Robin added, her voice calm and rational among the other's panicked statements, "Maybe it's even more dangerous for you since you're so trusting."

Straw Hat paused and turned towards Law, expression serious. "Are you going to betray me?"

"No," Law replied automatically. There wouldn't be anything gained from betraying Straw Hat. At least not yet. And especially not now when he realized how close his Shipwright was to them.

Straw Hat grinned at his crew.

"At least have a little doubt!" Nose snarled at him.

"Don't worry, Usopp," Willow assured, gaze locked with Law's. "I won't let the Heart Pirates betray my baby sister's crew."

Law inclined his head slightly, acknowledging the threat and making a mental note to make a contingency plan for Willow, as well, in case he did need to betray the Straw Hats.

Nose's shoulders slumped and he sighed. "Somehow that doesn't make me feel better," he mumbled.

"A pirate alliance sounds fun, doesn't it?" Straw Hat grinned widely. "Besides, this means we can hang out with Willy longer!"

Black Leg laughed, wrapping an arm around Willow's shoulder, causing the Cat to shift into a weird mist that decided to float his way. "I'm definitely in!"

The Cat swirled around Law before settling on the shoulder the wasn't holding up Kikoku.

Law frowned as gold eyes stared at him for a long while. The Cat blinked and vanished, making his way towards the bandaged raccoon and settling over his stomach.

He wasn't sure what to make of that.

"Besides," Straw Hat continued, drawing Law's attention once more, "Traffy's a good man, but even if he wasn't, I'm not worried! I have you guys, and you spent the last two years training!"

His crew erupted in blushes and grins and heaps of false modesty at their Captain's obvious praise.

Law stared in disbelief at how every member of Straw Hat's crew was suddenly instantly on board with the pirate alliance.

Until this moment, Law had firmly believed Straw Hat was the only impulsive one of his crew. After all, they majority of them needed to be level-headed in order to balance out Straw Hat's recklessness.

But now...

If it had been anyone else, Law would've sworn the Captain was playing his crew to get them to do exactly what he wanted. Coming from Straw Hat, though?

He doubted Straw Hat even knew how to lie.

It made the comment about Law being a good man itch at him. He wasn't sure he'd ever heard that comment made by someone that had actually lived long enough to see him become a man.

Most days he was certain, they wouldn't like what they'd see.

Law shook his head and turned towards Black Leg. "Did you want me to switch you back now?"

Black Leg instantly jumped to his feet and gathered together Riley, Roboman, and the raccoon. "It's definitely past time!"

They arrived in Caesar's lab to see only Monet there, diligently working on her notes, as always.

Good. It would be much easier to distract Monet long enough to have the little raccoon doctor search Caesar's lab then if the eccentric scientist himself was there.

Willow looked Law's way for the first time since they had left the Straw Hats.

The trip had been silent and uncomfortable with all the unspoken questions between them heavy in the air. Still, now wasn't the time to discuss that. They had other things to take care of first.

Law raised his brows and inclined his head towards Monet, giving her the lead in distracting the Harpy.

Willow smirked.

This would be fun.

She unwound her scarf from around her neck and unzipped the top of her coat as she made her way towards Monet, her walking becoming almost predatory as she approached.

"The Master isn't here." Monet announced, not looking up from her writing.

"Where did he go?" Law asked.

"I don't know." Monet replied with disinterest in her voice, "Being such a hideous person, he's probably watching the fight outside."

Willow leaned against the bar beside Monet. She was close enough that Monet's wing was almost touching her shoulder. Monet's pen paused.

"Law's decided we're leaving soon," Willow told her.


Willow nodded and reached out to lightly run her finger over one of the feathers closest to her. Monet tensed. "Law says we've seen everything there is to see here." She paused, her eyes catching Monet's behind her favored swirled lenses. "I'm not so sure."

Willow saw the slight flush that rose to Monet's cheeks. She slipped in closer. "Would you come with me?" She asked the Harpy in a hushed tone, letting her attraction to Monet shine in her eyes.

Willow saw Monet's fingers clench the quill in her hand reflexively and noticed the instinctive rise in her brow.

The lenses of her glasses stopped Willow from having a clear view of her eyes, but, while Willow could sense Monet's interest, she could also sense her hesitation.

"Law and I just wanted to say good-bye." Willow promised sincerely, her lips tilting in a smirk.

Monet licked her lips and turned her head to stare at Willow.

Willow stared right back, not bothering to look over at Law to see his reaction. He'd let her have the lead and she knew what she was doing, just like she knew that while she had Monet's attention, it was Law who truly appealed to the Harpy.

Monet turned towards her book, carefully set down her pen and her glasses. "I suppose," she got to her feet, her wing grazing Willow's arm, and smiled at Law, "I was bored anyway."

Willow smiled and made her way towards Law, locking her arm with his as she led him towards the door, Monet flying at their back.

Law's arm squeezed hers.

She tapped her fingers against his arm lightly.

Yes, she knew what she was doing.

She supposed she could understand his hesitance. After all, Law didn't know about the Sea Prism Stone cuffs she had hidden in their room. Or that it had been Law who they were originally intended for...

For a while, only their footsteps and the sound of Monet's wings were heard in the silent hallway that led to their room.

With a gasp, Law suddenly froze, his hand gripping his chest.

"Law?" Willow asked, slipping her arm from his and placing it on his shoulder instead.

"Who is it?" Law growled, his hand shaking as he clutched desperately at his jacket.

"What's wrong?" Monet's worried voice reminded Willow of her presence. "Oh no. You look like you're in pain."

"Who's there!" Law asked the darkness in front of them with a gasp.

Willow called forth her scythe and took a step in front of Law as measured steps echoed in the darkness.

A stoic man with dark shades and a piece of meat hanging from his cheek appeared. "It's me."

Willow narrowed her eyes at the response. Was she supposed to know him or something?

"Why are you here?" Law gasped, an odd tone in his voice.

She glanced over her shoulder at him briefly.

Monet giggled.

Willow's skin prickled at the sound.

She stepped closer to Law, keeping the man with the shades in her direct sight but angling herself so that Monet was at the corner of her eye.

"It's been years." The man announced, voice monotone. "You're all grown up, Law, and with such a dedicated girlfriend."

The man praised and dismissed her with his comment. Even with his shades on, Willow knew he was staring over her shoulder at Law.

"Did you really think he had no idea?" He asked. "We don't trust Caesar, either. That's why he was being careful and sent an undercover agent."

Monet's wings fluttered. "Monet is that agent." The man announced unnecessarily, in Willow's opinion. "You're a Warlord now, aren't you? You've done so well."

The compliment sounded hollow and Willow could hear the snarl in Law's voice when he demanded to know when the man, Vergo, had arrived.

Monet fluttered to Vergo's side as he revealed how he had just arrived from Dressrosa on some tanker carrying SAD.

Willow didn't care about their conversation enough to worry what SAD was or even what the relationship between Law and Vergo was, all she was worried about was trying to figure out a way to get Law's heart away from the man who was obviously squeezing it in his hands.

"In that case, I should just finish you!" Law shouted, withdrawing Kikoku and pushing Willow out of his way.

Willow grabbed Law's arm as he tried to rush towards Vergo. Law shook off her hand.

"Oh, I forgot to mention," Vergo declared before Law reached him.

Law crumbled to the ground, shouting in pain.

Willow crouched down beside him. "Idiot," she mumbled, resting her hand on his shoulder, not having any idea how to help him through the pain.

"You've got to say it properly," Vergo declared, his fist shifting to an Armament Black. "It's Sir to you."

Monet's claws dug into Willow's shoulders, drawing her backwards so suddenly she dropped her scythe. At the same time Vergo's fist came down directly on Law's head.

The first blow was quickly followed by another and then another...

Monet's grip tightened with each blow, and a giggle escaped every time Law coughed up blood.

Willow shifted one of her bracelets into a razor and swiped deeply at Monet's claw.

The Harpy hissed but loosened her grip enough that Willow was able to slip forward, grab her fallen scythe and block Vergo's incoming fist.

Or at least that was her intention, but she had miscalculated Vergo's strength.

The edge of her scythe scattered and Vergo's punch was merely deflected to the floor beside Law's body.

Vergo paused and looked at her.

Willow scowled, calling most of the metal on her body to reform and thicken the scythe in her hands while she willed her own Haki to reinforce its blade, causing the weapon to shift from its usual silver to a pure onyx.

"Stay away from Law," she told him.

Vergo's brow raised.

Monet giggled. "What a foolish girl."

Vergo lifted Law's heart.

Willow stiffened.

Vergo squeezed.

Law screamed.

Willow rushed towards Vergo.

Vergo blocked her attack with his forearm, Law's heart clear in her view.

In an instant, Willow was on the floor dazed, her jaw throbbing.

She hadn't even seen Vergo's fist. "Stay out of the way. Before you get hurt"

Willow growled and got to her feet.

Vergo tilted his head.

"Vergo," Law gasped from the ground. "The Navy soldiers of G-5 are here on the island now. Since you're their base commander, I think you're going to be in trouble if you run into them."

Willow hesitated as she looked at Law. As the comment, and the warning, registered.

Base commander...

"Don't try to give me your advice." Vergo told him. "You should know your place."

"Also," He revealed Law's heart. "Don't make me repeat myself," his grip tightened. "It's sir."

Willow charged.

A gust of snow caused her to pause.

A giggle sounded in her ear as feathered wings wrapped tightly around her. "Come now, Willow, weren't we going to spend some time together?"

Monet's icy breath slid over her skin and her freezing body pressed against hers.

Willow shivered.

"To say goodbye, didn't you say?" Monet whispered, her soothing voice making it hard for Willow to think. "Just to say goodbye..."

In a distant part of her brain, Willow heard Law scream echoed by the clang of her scythe against steel.