This will be a super fluffy story. Very cute, with a little bit of seriousness in it. So get ready for the cuteness everybody! And enjoy!

" Eeeeh~! "

Dawn squeed, trapping her son and his angel partner into a tight hug, spinning them a bit. Though no one was surprised by her reaction. Many were feeling the same. And the girls all wanted to DO the same.

" Oh I'm so happy for the both of you loves! I can't believe it! My sweet darling boy Dusk is finally getting married~! "

" M-mom-! "

Dusk chuckled, gently hugging his mother back, looking at Makenzi from around the white haired vampire woman's shoulder and smiling at her with blushy cheeks. Soon Dawn let them down, still blushing in pure glee and placing her hands on her cheeks. The pair chuckled at this and soon shook Lucas' hand as a congratulations.

It was a beautiful sunny day, and obviously Dusk and Makenzi had just told the Ramirez family of their engagement. And as expected, everyone was thrown into glee. Saying what a lovely couple they were, what a beautiful bride Makenzi would make, and from Fatima and Midnight, wondering what their children would look like. And they loved it. Dusk and Makenzi loved how happy everyone was, they themselves wondering... what their children would look like.

The couple had even told them that, thanks to some heavenly favors Makenzi had obtained over the years with the guardians and Flash, they planned to have the wedding in a week. A beautiful wedding outside in a garden... with Flash himself as the priest. It was truly going to be wonderful for them. And beautiful beyond words.

Dusk took Makenzi's hand as they listened to his mother, Midnight and Fatima talking about taking Makenzi out dress shopping, and to Lucas saying something about planning a reception. But neither minded this, as it made them all happy, and it in turn made the couple happy to hear. Especially since the family had lovely ideas as well.

Turning, Dusk felt his smile fade a bit as Fatch, Thatch and Moon crept away from the crowd, each one of them wearing... a not so pleased expression. And Dusk had feared this for some time now. He'd worried about how them three would take his marriage with Makenzi, as each of them had reasons to be worried.

Thatch and Moon were adopted, and probably feared that Dusk may not pay nearly as much attention to them anymore, and both have slight issues with being alone. And Fatch probably feared that Dusk would move out now that he was getting married. And Fatch relied heavily on Dusk... depended on him on many levels really. Hug was probably worried about if he left that... he'd be alone again. Those three were afraid of Dusk leaving and they'd be alone...

Well, yes, he'd have to move out at some point, but Thatch and Moon would be with him, as they WERE his adopted children. As for Fatch... he still had their family. And Dusk wouldn't move more than a few blocks away at most. He'd still visit and be there for him. Them three would be alright...

... But just for extra insurance...

Dusk gave Makenzi a soft peck on the cheek before following the three vampires, wondering if they went to Fatch's room, or maybe Thatch and Moons room. His best hunch was Thatch and Moons room really. That's where he could smell them anyway. Slowly he turned the corner to the two vampires room, finding all three of them sitting on Thatch's coffin, Fatch in the middle with his arms around the other two. Each one looked a bit uneasy or downcast. They really were worried.

Summoning a smile the prince slowly walked over to the three, kneeling down in front of them, easily capturing their attention. Thatch and Moon seemed worried, while Fatch was... actually a bit teary eyed. Poor boy must've been terrified really. Terrified of losing his brother in this sense...

Time to reassure them.

" Guys, I realize this is a lot to take in. "

Dusk said softly, smiling a bit warmer.

" And there will be changes. For example, yes, Makenzi and I will move into our own little place and be taking you, Thatch and Moon, with us. "

Thatch and Moon made a face at this, hugging Fatch closer.

" But I promise I will not love any of you any less. Thatch, Moon. Just because I'm marrying Makenzi doesn't mean I will forget you. It just means you now have a mother as well. A mother who will love you dearly and always make sure you know it. She's always telling me how much she thinks you two are amazing and adorable and that once we ARE married, she would do anything to make sure you two are loved. "

Thatch and Moon blushed at this and looked down, smiling and refusing to look Dusk in the eyes, Dusk realizing he'd broken through. The prince then turned to Fatch, finding the other teary eyed and refusing to look at him. Dusk bit his lip and gently took the princes hands, finally getting the younger to look at him.

" And Fatch, just because I'm moving out... doesn't mean I won't be there for you. I'll come visit, I won't live far away, and you can come talk to me any time you have to. You know that. I'll always be here for you when you need me. "

Fatch's became even more teary before he shut them tightly, soon throwing his arms around his older brother, much to everyone's shock. Dusk soon chuckled to his brothers behavior and hugged him back, running his hand through his hair gently. Thatch and Moon soon chuckled and joined the hug, Dusk more than happy to be there for each of them.

Dusk turned and looked at the doorway, smiling when he found Makenzi there leaning on the doorframe smirking at him. She'd obviously heard what had happened. He knew she was happy with what she saw. And it felt great knowing this wonderful woman felt in such a way.

Sorry I haven't posted a story in so long. I've been a bit tired lately... but! I think reading a little story from my dear friend SamWolf MAY have inspired me to write again. XP

Hope you all enjoyed the first chappie~! :D