Guess who is back? Sorry guys life got crazy there, and still is, I just wanted to let you know I'm still thinking about this story

Emily knew Aaron wasn't stupid. The man was a profiler for the FBI for crying out loud. She knew with what he heard and if he saw anything that he knew.

"Emily," He called trying to gain her attention again

"I-I have to go put Ethan down. Bye." With a quick turn on her heel to go back into the nursery. Aaron followed her to the nursery, he watched her with Ethan. Something about the way she was so careful with him brought joy to his heart.

"Emily, will you please talk to me." Aaron told her "I have a right to know" Emily sighed, dropping Allie's hand.

"You do. but later tonight, please?" Emily asked, running a hand through Allie's hair "Once they are asleep, Lena can watch them then."

"Okay, tonight. I'll tell Jessica," Emily tensed at the name pulling Ethan close to her chest "I'll meet you at the diner on 9th." Emily was also concerned about his cold expression, but just nodded "I'll get back to my son, now. Goodbye Emily." Emily just cringed and listen to him leave. She knew that tonight would be hard.

Once her children were asleep Emily asked Lean to watch over as she snuck to meet with Aaron. Upon arrival Emily found Aaron sitting at the bar in the diner. She walked slowly towards him, almost debating between running or not.

"Emily," Aaron turned around "please, take a seat." motioning the the empty seat besides him. Silently Emily sat next to him, for minutes they sat in silence, waiting for the other to say something, except when Aaron ordered a coffee.

"Emily" "Aaron" They spoke at the same time

"You, you can go first." Emily mumbled, not making eye contact with him.

"Are they mine, both of them?" Aaron asked, Emily just nodded, uncertain of what to say. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked slightly outraged. Emily shrugged her shoulders and looked down at her hands.

"I don't know. Everything we have done was always a one-night stand on the last night, in a country I don't even live in. We were always drunk, not worried about something like this happening. Yet, it happened, and you never asked for a child from me, let alone two." Emily ran her hand through her hair. "We don't even live in the same country,"Emily laughed "and while it was selfies of me, I refused to come back to America, and I couldn't ask you to move to London. It wouldn't be fair. I barely knew anything about you, how could I ask you to do that?" Emily expressed, Aaron swallowed some of his rage.

"I still deserved to know." Aaron grunted out. Emily sighed, risking a glance at him.

" I know. But what would we have done if you said yes? You have a job here, a life, a family. I couldn't ask you to leave that" Emily tried to reason

"We could have worked it out I deserve to know my children. I've been a great father to my son, I deserve to be a great father to all my children." he slammed his fist down attracting the attention of those around them

"Sir" The waitress warned. hotch apologized and waited for Emily to say something.

"I'm sorry, you're right." She said playing with the coffee in front of her

"What are their names?" Aaron finally asked

"Allie Rose Prentiss and Ethan Michael Prentiss"

"I've always liked the name Ethan." He told her

"How old are they?"

"Allie is 5, and Ethan is 6 month"

"She's 5? I've missed five years of my child's life. Do you know how those years shape a child's life." He told her, it made him crazy that he's missed 5 years of his daughter's life. At least he could be there for most of Ethan's life. But Allie's, he's missed so much and it hurt him so. deep inside Aaron hopes that he can convince Emily to stay so he can know his kids, so he can know Emily. as a set as he may be with her you can't deny the attraction he feels towards her. It Doesn't help that she has now mothered two of his children. Emily cleared her throat Breaking Aaron of this thoughts.

"Would you like to meet them?" Emily asked, knowing how hard this must be for him. Hotch looked up at her and smirked.

"I'd love to meet them." He smiled at for the first time since they ran into each that morning. Emily blushed and looked down into her coffee.

"You should smile more, Aaron." She told him, she couldn't help but love his smile, and the dimples it brought out. Hotch looked over at her smiling before taking a drink of his coffee.

"Can I see them tomorrow?" Hotch asked, Emily nodded

"How about around noon? That way Ethan can eat and have his morning nap, and Allie will of also have lunch."

"That sounds great Emily, thank you." he nodded to her dropping a few bills on the table "I can leave Jack with Jessica tomorrow."' Emily's body stiffened at the name "I'll see you tomorrow, Em." he leaned down and kiss the top of her head before leaving her sitting in the diner.

I know it isn't much, but I'm trying guys!