Well I love Halloween and Olicity so yeah this baby was born. I might add more, if YOU all lovelies would leave a REVIEW! This will be a two or three shot. This is season 3ish, Sara is alive, and Ray never existed. Oh and Oliver has QC back. So yeah, what if Oliver walked in on Sara trying to help Felicity pick a costume for a Halloween party? Would it be just the thing to push him over the edge and finally let Felicity choose her own fate with him? NO BETA SO ALL MISTAKES ARE MINE! -Writer

DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN ANY CHARACTERS OR ARROW! Ray would never exist if I did and the show would have to be on HBO.

"Sara, this is a bad idea. I mean not that I don't appreciate you helping me pick out a costume but this…this is crazy!" Felicity shook her head, looking at the large range of costumes laid around the foundry. Her bright blue eyes skimmed over the French maid, nurse, cop, school girl, and only Google knows what costume was that was leather. All of this wasn't even half of the collection in front of her!

It was October 31, or the best night of Fall if not ever. A night for children and adults alike to dress up and have fun. While the children and parents walk around gathering free candy, the single people and couples without kids dressed in consumes to have a night of adult fun. And Felicity needed help on picking a costume. Normally she'd just go as whatever she dressed as for Comic Con but walking around and having to explain her consume to all the normal people got old fast.

It had nothing to do with the lingering looks she's been getting from Oliver lately, NOPE, or their relationship growing closer and closer to the point she bought him a bed. No, she was just tired of explaining who she was from Doctor Who. And who was she kidding, she needed the ego boost of wearing and rocking a tight sexy outfit for one night. A certain green leather wearing, salmon ladder distracting, brooding vigilante had nothing to do with her decision to call Sara who she knew had some, how you say revealing adult only costumes.

Plus, thanks to said vigilante she hadn't really had a social life in three years. So this party was one of the few times she had put her foot down and demanded time off.

"Oh, no. You asked me to bring some costumes that would wow everyone at that party and that's what these will do. You know I am a Halloween nut, anyway this is only a small piece of my collection. Now, grab one and shimmy into it. You don't have long." Sara called from her spot in the med bed, arms crossed, and determination in her eyes.

"Fine I'll go!" Felicity grabbed one of the garment bags, heading into the bathroom.

She didn't know which one she grabbed but was shocked to see it was the French maid outfit. 'How original…' she thought bitterly starting to strip of her nice, safe red dress that was work appropriate. Looking into the mirror she held the material of the costume against her body.

The dress was short, no doubt, but the skirt jutted out like a tutu. Laying the dress to the side she put on the black guarder belt, and fish net stockings, clipping them in place. She slipped on the dress next, zipping the tiny zipper at the side. She turned around, noticing the long white ribbons criss-crossing along the back. She slid on the small material they dare call a jacket that ended at her shoulder blades. Putting on the black pumps that were handing off the bag, she put on the little maid's hat. Looking into the mirror she pulled the hair tie from her slightly curled blonde hair, arranging and rearranging her hair and head piece until she was happy.

"Alright, missy get out here!" Sara called, annoyance clear at how long the other was taking.

"Fine! Ready?" Felicity stepped out of the bathroom, her cheeks flashed a faint pink. "Better?" She watched her friend make a spinning motion, meaning for Felicity to do the same.

Neither heard the door open or the footsteps coming down the stairs as Sara went over the dress.

"I don't think it's you. I mean you're looking stunning in it but it's not…you." Sara finally concluded, looking at the other costumes. "Here try this one." She hopped off the metal table, handing Felicity another garment bag, shooing her back into the bathroom.


"No, try it. You got sexy librarian every day just trust me!"

The bathroom door closed, leaving Felicity once again alone with skimpy clothes. Quickly taking off the French maid and arranging it back in the almost clear bag before zipping up. As she started examining the second outfit she heard light murmurs and assumed Sara was weeding out costumes.

*A few moments ago*

Oliver had had a long fucking day.

After he had returned to CEO of Queen Consolidated, work seemed to never end. Meetings with investors, the board, department heads, and so many meetings with accounting to sort out the mess Isa-bitch-sorry Isabel Rochev left of QC. And to be honest Oliver wasn't a business man.

He was the family screw up, with drinking, drugs, and women. Then he was the cast away, missing for five years. In those five years he had grown up, he was scarred and brutalized. He had been tortured, beaten, starved, trained to kill, and so much more. He had become something different. Ollie Queen was the city train wreck, a reckless kind of monster with no worry or fear in the world. But that kid died on the island, what had come back had been the Hood.

Though in those five years he became something else that something wasn't a business man. He despised those meetings, and people who he had returned to stop. Now he was one of them. What made all of this bearable was his babbling, bubbly partner-in-crime in both the figurative and literal meanings, Felicity Smoak.

He smiled at the thought of his genius assistant. Even on his worst days just the thought of her could make him smile. Over the last couple of months they had gotten closer and closer. Even he couldn't deny the energy surrounding them. Then there was the fern. "It thrives on the light," She had told him. And so did he, he thrived on the bright light in his life that was Felicity. With her pastel nails, colorful but modest dresses and those bright, full lips that he couldn't get out of his head to save his live. Even with her light in his memories, he needed to work out the extra tension from the day, so naturally he went to his 'secret lair' as Roy and said partner-in-crime had started calling the Foundry as a joke.

Entering the cool basement, he could hear Sara shouting, then Felicity's answer. What could they be doing here already? The sight he was met with did nothing to help the tension.

There was his light, his girl Wednesday, wrapped in black and white lace. He could feel his jaw drop a little from his spot on the stairs just out of view of the distracted ladies. His eyes roamed down past her face, to the lace bodice, the tucked waist, and the exposed legs that haunted his dreams. When he saw her spin toward the bathroom with the next bag the skirt rose and-he snapped his eyes away, feeling an uncomfortable tightness already growing in his pants.

He wasn't going to lie this special blonde IT girl had stared in nearly every single one of his dreams for the past near year maybe longer if he wanted to be honest with himself. Ever since she told him she believed in him he knew he was falling in love with her if not in love but he was a red blooded guy and Sara was right, she was rocking the sexy librarian daily.

Oliver must have made a noise or something because Sara whipped around soon after the bathroom door had closed.

"Ollie! You're just in time!" Sara hurried over, toward him. She had a cocky smile playing on her lips as she got closer. "Close your mouth you'll catch flies." She tsked him.

Oliver closed his mouth, cleared his throat and blinked, "What's uh…what's going on?" God, his voice still sounded scratchy.

"Oh you know Ollie! It's Halloween, and Felicity needed a last minute costume for this party she's going to tonight. So we took advantage of the empty foundry to try some on. Now you saw the maid, right? Of course you did from the look on your face, hot right? Damn smoking Smoak was rocking it. But it wasn't her right?"

He blinked again his mind had drifted, to many different thoughts he shouldn't be having of Felicity and what he wanted to do with her in that French maid outfit. "Uh, yeah she looked great. Is there um, there someone she wants to impress?"

Before Sara could answer, the bathroom door opened. "Geeze, Sara! A naughty school girl? Seriously?" Felicity stepped out, putting the maid dress on a table. She didn't see Oliver as she turned to put the first outfit away. She was wearing a pure white cropped button down that tied in a knot right below her breasts. The expanse of her toned stomach was exposed. She had a short plaid skirt that ended barely mid-thigh that lead down to white stockings in red heels that made her legs look like they went on for miles. The maid cap was replaced with a white head band with a bow on the side and red dots. Her hair was still down much to Oliver's dismay and utter joy.

"I mean Sara isn't that a bit-Oliver?!" Felicity's eyes widened behind her glasses as blue eyes met darkened blues. The three blondes looked at each other for a moment. Felicity's cheeks stained red in embarrassment and shock. Sara looked utterly pleased with herself. Oliver, poor Oliver looked like he was trying very hard not to stare at Felicity.

"Oh, yeah Ollie's here! Now let's see outfit number two!" Sara broke the spell, moving toward the shocked blonde. She held her arms as she checked the outfit. "I dunno, this one seems too you! Ollie, what do you think?" She moved, standing behind Felicity.

Oliver's eyes met Felicity's again, and she could swear they were much darker than normal and was-was he slightly flushed. She looked down at herself, then back at the normally in control vigilante seeing him scanning over her body. She bit her lip softly, and his eyes snapped to her lips. "You…" He cleared his throat, "You look great."

"But Ollie is it too her?" the assassin questioned.

"It's better than the maid." He muttered to himself, looking away.

"What was that Ollie?" Sara smirked. Oliver just shook his head, swallowing the lump in his throat. God, he needed to get out of there or who knows what he was going to do.

"Okay so maid is too not her, and school girl is too her…hmm" Sara moved toward the left over to the other costumes. "Perfect!" She shouted, picking up the last back, tossing it at Felicity.

This seemed to shock the dyed blonde out of her silent shock. "Sara! What are you doing? I mean I think this is good enough right? I mean yeah it's showy but it's a classic. I don't think I need to model any more fancy lingerie. School girl is fine." She glanced at Oliver seeing him stare off into space with a strange glassiness to his eyes he normally didn't have and…did his eyes get even darker?!

"Trust me this little number is perfect. Last one I promise, if you hate it you can keep the school girl. I can't wear it anymore anyway since you know scars." She started pushing Felicity into the bathroom. "After that, I'll grab one of my favorites and we can go! Maybe Oliver can join?!" Sara exclaimed excitedly.

"Sara-" Once again Felicity was cut off by the slamming bathroom door. She took a deep breath, feeling the heat course through her body. Had Oliver ever looked at her like that? His darkened eyes and slight flush suggested he was…attracted to her. More than that, it was like billboards saying he wanted her. HER! She ran her shaky hand over her face before she started stripping the school girl outfit.

Outside the bathroom Sara was milling around gathering what she needed for her outfit. "Come on Ollie! You should have some fun. It's been quiet for months and you've nearly caught all the criminals."

"I'm not going to a party where I wasn't invited by a person who was invited.

"Even with Felicity dressed like that? She'll have guys clinging to her. Might even go home with one." Sara smirked, her back turned toward the green leather wearing vigilante. She heard the extremely soft growl that came from him at the thought. "Now go home and pick something fun. Hell, you could put on a fedora and be a twenties mobster if you took off the jacket and just had the suspenders."

Oliver shook his head, not wanting to intrude but the thought of Felicity going home with some random Halloween hook-up twisted his stomach into knots.

Back in the bathroom Felicity was pressed against the door, listening as well as she could. She shook her head as their voices lowered again, going back to changing.

She pulled up the short black leather skirt that angled up so on one thigh it went a little past mid-thigh, and on the other it was just above mid thigh. Thanking her lucky stars she wore a strapless bra today she put on the leather corset that tied in the front. Tying the proper knots and tightening it to the point she was comfortable with that also was going to make it stay put through dancing. She strapped herself into the shiny black stilettos, smiling it had been a while since she'd worn such nice shoes.

Looking into the mirror, she had to admit Sara was right, it was perfect. The corset was a dark, one could say hood green. She'd just have to change her make up into something smokier and add the jewelry that Sara provided in the bag. It reminded her of the college version of her, before Cooper had come into her life. Taking a deep breath she finally stepped out of the bathroom.

Apparently Oliver had taken Sara's advice and taken off the suit jacket, speaking of the blonde assassin, she had changed into the cop outfit that consisted of a tight blue button down, that accented her chest, black leather pants, knee high boots, and handcuffs, "damn, Felicity."

"Sara…I love you as much as I hate you right now! This is perfect." Felicity did a quick turn, laughing. "Let me finish getting ready, and Oliver you better be ready as well because we need to get going!" Felicity yelled over her shoulder, heading back into the bathroom shutting the door.

When the door was closed again Oliver let out a breath. "Wow." He scrubbed his hand over his face.

"You heard her Ollie! Go get ready. Oh and you're so screwed if you keep this up. But you're welcome anyway." Sara called over his shoulder as she disappeared to finish getting ready herself.

"Yes…yes I am." Oliver mumbled softly, he was alone, staring at the wall and his pants already tight. How was he suppose to spend the whole night watching Felicity when she was in his color, leather and his color. A groan left his lips as he turned, going to find a damn fedora and enter into his own personal hell. This let him miss how the bathroom door closed all the way.

Felicity looked at herself in the mirror, her cheeks bright pink at what she heard. Tonight was going to fun for whole new reasons now. The game was on, how far could she push the great and feared Arrow before his control snapped?

So? Let me know what you think in a Review. I should have the next chapter up next week sometime. Who wants to go to a Halloween rave type party? Oh and if you wanna make a cover go for it. Send it to me and I'll consider making it this story's cover on fanfic with proper credit where credit is due. Until next time my lovely readers, stay strong and ship on! -Writer