Chapter 5

Lilo sighed as she walked toward Gantu's ship and 621's current residence, a ball of dread curled in her stomach. After getting to know how troubled 621 was, Lilo was reluctant to fight him. But, then again, this wasn't the same 621. This was his personality, Monster.

When she arrived at the ship, 621 was standing in front of the ship, sharpening his claws, waiting, with his gun holster at his side. He then looked up and spotted the Hawaiian girl.

"You...really came." 621 commented, obviously worried and upset.

"Of course. A deal is a deal." Lilo replied bravely, taking out the tranquilizer gun that Jumba gave her.

The green experiment stared at the gun, eyes swirling with different emotions.

"And you're really serious about this..." he mumbled.

Before Lilo could reply, 621 unbuckled his belt and holster and threw it to Lilo, who stared at the gun in confusion.

"Why are you giving me this?" she asked.

"Because you'll need it more than I will." the green experiment replied simply.

Monster then grinned as he cracked his knuckles. A purple aura surrounded him as he transformed into his mutant form, raising him off of the ground. When the tranformation was complete, the now mutated Monster fell to the ground with a loud thump, fangs beared in a menacing grin and claws unsheathed and nearly a foot long.

"You f!&$ing ready, little girl?" he snarled, his voice now distorted and very menacing.

Knees trembling, Lilo, with shaking hands, aimed the tranquilizer gun toward the mutated experiment and fired. However, Monster easily dodged, the grin growing wider.

"You can do better than that. Now it's MY turn!" he sneered.

Monster then started attacking her mercilessly, claws and fangs ready to tear her apart. And, for awhile, it worked. Lilo wasn't as fast as the mutated experiment so she couldn't dodge his attacks. The attacks ranged from a long slash with his claws to biting her. And, Lilo couldn't do anything but scream in pain. After what seemed like forever, Lilo collasped onto her knees, unable to move from the loss of blood. Monster loomed over her, a sadisitic grin on his face.

"Good night forever, little girl." he said, ready to give the final blow that would kill the Earth girl.

'NO!' Aren yelled in Monster's head.

Monster's grin turned into a snarl of annoyance.

"Shut the f! # up, Aren! This is my fight!" Monster hissed under his breath, turning away from the little girl.

'Well, I'm not standing for it! You're gonna kill Lilo!' Aren retorted.

"So? It'll be a small price to pay for revenge on the blue a#$hole and the purple b! $#%#." Monster sneered.

'But this is exactly what 621 didn't want to happen!" Aren protested,

"So? What does he know? He barely punished 625 for betraying us!" Monster snarled.

'He beat 625 black and blue! What else did you want?' Aren replied, remembering the damage that 621 caused to the golden experiment.

"I personally would have liked if he had died." Monster replied, a sick grin on his face,

'And I would have preferred if 621 hadn't hurt him that bad at all! Seriously! You're always talking about how you want revenge and I don't get a say in anything!' Aren yelled, obviously not happy.

"I've been around way longer than you have! You don't have any authority over me!" Monster growled.

'Oh yes I do! I'm part of 621 as well so I can hurt you just as much as 621 can!' Aren retorted.

Monster then yelled in agony as pain surged through his head, causing him to fall to the ground while clutching his head. Monster had forgotten how powerful Aren was behind his bubbly demeanor and optimistic personality. You see, Aren knew strong magic that could easily cause immense amounts of pain. And he could specific ally target the spell so that it would only effect Monster and no one else.

Lilo, who had heard Monster's side of the two personalities' argument, had recovered enough from her injuries, to lift the tranquilizer gun, which was heavy in her hands due to the loss of so much blood. She then pointed the barrel at the conflicted experiment and fired 3 darts into his exposed back. The girl then fell unconcious, unable to stay awake any longer.

Monster was snapped out of the pain from Aren's spell by the tranquilizer darts.

"God damn it..." he muttered as he and Aren switched places.

Aren blinked in surprise, his sky-blue eyes wide with confusion. He then ran his fingers through his wavy, silver Mohawk as he shrank down to his normal form.

"Why am I out?" he murmured, staring at his hands.

The happy personality was then made aware of the tranquilizer darts embedded in his back. Puffing out one of his cheeks, he reached behind him and, after a few minutes, managed to get the darts out of his back.

"Well, that's new. Note to self: tranquilizer darts make me come out." Aren commented to himself aloud.

He then turned around and saw Lilo's unconscious body. The gentle personality rushed over and kneeled beside her, checking her wounds. Thankfully, she wasn't in risk of dying. However, there might be some horrible consequences if Lilo didn't get her wounds bandaged within 24 hours. Aren felt a mix of anger, pity and sadness. He always knew that Monster was cruel, but not this cruel.

Aren picked up the passed out girl and started to carry her to the Pekali residance. Half-way through the walk, Aren felt Lilo shift in her sleep in his arms. He frowned a bit when he saw how far away the place was and Lilo was still bleeding. Aren sighed and sat down. With a wave of his right hand, he made a blanket appear in front of him. Aren gently lay Lilo down on the blanket, careful not to wake her. With a small snap, he used his magic to summon a gauze roll. Aren then began to tend to her wounds.

The more wounds he tended, the more the personality realized how bloody the path they were going on was. If this was only what Monster did to Lilo, the innocent who didn't do anything, then Aren was afraid to see what the violent personality would do to the others. Also, what was going to happen when 621 did get his revenge? What would he do then?

As Aren finished up wrapping the last of her wounds, the personality couldn't help but feel pity for this human girl, who only wanted to help 621. Aren sighed as he picked up Lilo once more, making sure to bring the blanket. This was going to be hard to explain to his brother and father without getting himself killed. As he walked, Aren thought about how Monster had influenced 621.

When he had first arrived, Monster would occasionally slip the violent thought into 621's head but, otherwise, was quiet. But now...the first personality was becoming a lot more...aggressive with what he wanted 621 to do. And Aren didn't like it. All the second personality wanted was to make ammends with Jumba and the others and maybe, just maybe, find a way to settle down. But Monster didn't want that. Monster wanted them to pay. Monster wanted them to hurt. But...621 didn't want either of those things.

Aren's arms began to throb a bit when he remembered 621's deep depression before Monster began to become more aggressive with these violent thoughts. He remembered only being able to hopelessly watched as the depressed experiment dug his claws into his skin and dragged down, the blood oozing out of the wounds. 621, though only in his most private thoughts, wanted for Stitch or someone to end his existence. At this point, the only thing that kept him going was Monster's hollow promise of revenge. And Aren despised those thoughts.

Aren hated seeing anyone upset. He hated seeing the ones he cared about in so much pain. And Aren was sick of all the pain that Monster was causing the Pekali family. And, most of all, to poor 621. So, quietly, he made a vow to explain everything to them once Lilo woke up and never to let Monster hurt them ever again. Even if it cost him his life.

When Aren arrived at the house, he was confused to see that the house was unnaturally quiet. He expected at least the sound of sleeping or at least arguing. But...nothing. Just the sound of his own breathing and the gentle yet creepy sounds of nature. Aren went up the steps and went inside.

"Hello?" he said, his high-pitched, child-like voice echoing through the seemingly empty house.

Aren walked through the house, the floorboards creaking eeriely under his weight. He was getting close to the kitchen when he felt something hit him hard in the back of the head. As Aren slowly drifted into unconscious, he saw the blurry shape of Nani holding a frying pan before passing out.

So, how was that for a 5th chapter? But anyway, I would like to thank Euphonemes for helping to write this chapter! Also, I may or may not have put a Tangled reference in the ending. But, as you can see, Aren doesn't want to fight while Monster is willing to do anything to get revenge. Now, the only thing? 621 has to decide who to trust: the first but bloodthirsty personality or the second but kinder personality? You'll just have to wait and see.