American Royalty

(A/N: Back so soon with a new one LOL. Second story here woop woop LOL. This story is very different from my first one. But just as equally entertaining I hope. I've had this chapter written for a while and forgot to post it LOL. But I hope you like it. This is a very different Fitz and Olivia from my first story, R&R and lemme know what you think.)

"The Ugly Mug"

10:30 pm, twenty-six year old Fitzgerald Grant the Third was sitting at a dive bar called "The Ugly Mug". It was located just an hour away from the city of Albany in the state of New York. He was nursing his second glass of Jack and coke with a lot on his mind. He'd just finished his three-year contract with the U.S. Navy and now it was time for him to choose what he wanted to do next in life. He knew what his father wanted for him. Big Gerry wanted Fitz to go to law school. Preferably at an Ivy League school like Fitz did for undergrad. But anywhere on the east coast would be fine with Big Gerry, as long as he could keep an eye on his only son.

Growing up Fitz knew one day a lot would be expected of him. The political aspirations of his family knew no bounds. Fitz's bloodline on his paternal side had turned out governors, senators, mayors, congressman and even a couple of presidents. It wasn't like Fitz didn't want to go into politics; the thought of being a senator one day like his father did appeal to him very much. He had dreams of living on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. as the most powerful man in the free world, just like most little boys. But he wanted to do it on his own terms. His father wanted to control his life and his career path. By the time Fitz was a junior at Harvard doing his undergrad in Pre-Law, his father had picked out his courses, his professors, his work-study program and a trophy girlfriend by the name of Mellie Montgomery for him. He'd felt suffocated and he had enough. So he went behind his father's back and signed up for the Navy during the first half of his senior year at Harvard. And he left for training shortly after he graduated Harvard, with his bachelor's degree in political science.

His father was outraged that Fitz traded in law school at Harvard for the Navy. But Big Gerry, being who he was, found a way to spin Fitz's military service time into something positive. Big Gerry had always wanted Fitz to serve in the military. He knew that America loved a hero and saw how Fitz's Navy time could fit into his political career. Of course Big Gerry had planned for Fitz to finish law school first, then do three years in the Navy. So that by the time he came out, he would be married to Mellie. Fitz threw his plans off a bit, but they weren't unfixable. Fitz wanted nothing to do with Mellie or the lifestyle Big Gerry had planned for him. He didn't even know if he wanted to be a Republican or a Democrat. In the last presidential election he voted democrat. And though he didn't tell anyone, he felt a small since of satisfaction when he cast his ballot.

His father told him a few days before his contract ended, that he needed to pick a law school or he'd be on his own financially. Fitz contemplated just staying in the Navy and saying fuck Big Gerry, but he wanted to get his law degree just as much as Big Gerry wanted him too. He couldn't decide where to go. He couldn't go back to Harvard, his younger sister Katelyn was starting law school there, and it would be too embarrassing for him to be in a class with his baby sister. He couldn't go to Yale because Mellie lived in Connecticut now and he didn't even want to be in the same state as her. His top choices were Columbia, Dartmouth and Brown, until he realized that he didn't even consider schools that weren't Ivy League. He'd been thinking like Big Gerry again and needed to get away from that train of thought. So here he was at this dive bar just outside of Albany trying to decide his future.

An hour and three Jack and cokes later, he still hadn't decided anything. He was about to pay his bar tab and head back to his hotel, when the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen walked in the bar. Her curly black hair was cascading down her back, while her bangs were covering the front of her forehead. She had big round doe eyes, beautiful brown skin that glowed and very full lips. She was gorgeous, but he could also sense sadness in her. She sat at the bar about five stools down from him. She looked familiar, but he couldn't quite place her.

Olivia was pissed; she had been driving for almost ten straight hours. Her heart was broken and all she wanted to do was drown her sorrows in tons of alcohol.

She had been in a relationship with Edison Davis for almost four years. Sure they had their ups and downs, but which couples didn't? She loved him and she thought he loved her too, boy was she wrong.

She had been vacationing in Miami with one of her best friends Abby Whelan for about a month now. Her boyfriend Edison; was working at one of his parents law firms in New York City. He was busy almost all of the time and she understood that. He did graduate law school only two years ago, and even though it was his parents firm, they still made him work his way up. So when he couldn't spend the first half of the summer with her, she was very understanding.

They talked over their schedules and decided that she would come to New York City after the forth of July. They were going to spend seven days together from Sunday to Saturday. But she missed him so much that she decided to cancel her direct flight from Miami to New York and go another route. She flew from Miami to Richmond Virginia on that Saturday, rented a car, and drove for six and half hours, only to find him fucking some stupid slut in his apartment.

She was shocked and hurt. Once her shock wore off anger set in. She grabbed one of his golf clubs and broke almost every glass item in his place while yelling and cursing at him profusely. It looked like a war zone in there by the time she was through. All he could do was beg and plead with her not to break anymore of his things, while his whore put on her clothes and ran out of his apartment. She told Edison to go fuck himself and that their relationship was through. Then she got back on the road and was ready to drive the three and a half hours home to Albany, New York.

It wasn't until she was almost an hour away from home that her anger turned to sorrow. They had been together for most of her adult life and breaking up with him felt like the end of an era. Of course she still loved him despite what he did, she would always love him. But their relationship was over as far as she was concerned. That didn't stop the tears from flowing though. It wasn't until her vision grew blurry that she realized the tears were even falling. She had to pull over on the side of the road and get herself together.

Once she got her tears under control, she checked her GPS. She saw that she was only an hour away from home. But suddenly going home didn't feel like such a good idea. Her parents knew she was supposed to be spending the week with Edison. Her father loved him like the son he wished he had.

She couldn't stand to be questioned about why she was home instead of with Edison. She was physically and emotionally drained. She decided to get a hotel room for the night and cry herself to sleep. She went to the first hotel that came up on her GPS, which was the comfort inn, around 9:00 pm and let sleep take over. She woke up around eleven and decided to go to a bar to drown her sorrows in some alcohol.

She hadn't spoken to anyone else since she'd reach her home state of New York. Edison had been calling and texting her since she left him but she sent him straight to voicemail. She hailed a cab to the first bar she could find. She walked inside The Ugly Mug, sat at the bar and asked for a shot of tequila. She told the bartender to keep them coming. She wanted to drink until Edison and his whore were a distant memory.

The place was starting to fill up with the weekend crowd. It was a Saturday night and people were excited to be off from work in the morning. Fitz watched her as she called the bartender over to her and ordered a shot of something. He watched her knock it back before ordering a few more. He knew he was staring at her, but he couldn't help it. She was breathtakingly beautiful. He was trying to figure out a way to talk to her when she turned to him and said.

"You know it's impolite to stare." He laughed of course he'd been caught.

"I'm sorry, it's just I've never seen someone so tiny take shots so fast," he said smiling.

"Well if you'd had the kind of shit day I've had you'd be knocking them back like this too," she said ordering another. Fitz was intrigued.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked eager to know more about her. Olivia shrugged and he moved to the bar stool next to hers. "What are you drinking?" he asked as he signaled for the bartender. She knocked her next shot back and said.

"Tequila." He smiled.

"Strong stuff," he commented before asking the bartender to bring him four shots of tequila. She looked over at him as the shots were placed in front of him, and then she looked him in the eyes curiously. "I have to catch up," he said shrugging. He knocked back all four of them simultaneously, cleared his throat and looked over at her. "Another?" he asked and she nodded.

The bartender placed two more shots in front of them and Fitz held his up and motioned for her to hold hers up as well. She did and he clinked them together and they both knocked them back at the same time. He signaled for the bartender to keep them coming and then he turned to her and said.

"So, what kind of shit day could you have possibly have had?" he asks before their next round of shots are placed in front of them. She picked up her six shot and took it before answering.

"I caught my boyfriend of almost four years fucking someone else," she said bluntly. Fitz eyes bulged out at her using the F-word for some reason he couldn't picture her swearing. Then he thought to himself who the hell would cheat on this beautiful creature.

"Damn, that sucks," he said knowing all too well what it was like to be cheated on.

"No. What sucks, is ending a vacation in Miami early, flying to Richmond Virginia and driving for six and a half hours to surprise your lying, cheating, sack of shit boyfriend only to find him between some whores legs," she said before finishing off her seventh shot. "That's what sucks!" she almost yelled.

"Another Round quickly please!" Fitz yelled at the bartender, then Olivia started laughing. "What's so funny?" he asked smiling.

"I'm so fucking stupid," she said taking the next shot when it came. "The signs were there, but of course I ignored them like an idiot because I was so in love," she said sarcastically, shaking her head. His smiled dropped and he felt his heart break for this beautiful girl.

"You're not stupid, he's the stupid one obviously. If he can't see what a gorgeous, wonderful and beautiful girlfriend he had, then it's his lost," he said simply, shrugging his shoulders as he took his next shot. She turned and smiled at him.

"You don't even know me," she said smiling goofily. The alcohol was taking affect. He smiled at her.

"I may not know you personally, but I know who you are, Olivia Pope. Only child of Governor Eli Pope of the state of New York," he said smartly. She smirked.

"You've been waiting all night to say that haven't you?" she asked? He smiled. Of course he'd heard of her and seeing her up close he recognized her. Her family was in politics and so was his.

"No," he said shyly.

"Well I know who you are too," she said smiling and pointing at his chest "Fitzgerald Grant the Third, son of Senator Grant from California." He smiled. In politics everyone knew who everyone was. "Why are you here in New York anyway?" she asked.

"Just trying to decide my future, and please call me Fitz," he said casually.

"Sounds heavy, Fitz," she said taking her next shot. He shrugged but smiled hearing her call him by his name.

"You know if you don't slow down someone's going to have to carry you out of here," he said laughing.

"Would you carry me out of here?" she asked with a flirtaceous edge to her voice looking him in the eyes. Fitz smirked.

"If you wanted me too," he responded equally flirtaceous staring right back at her. She smiled but averted her eyes and said.

"So what kind of future does your daddy have planned out?" she asked changing the subject as she ordered a margarita.

"He wants me to follow in his footsteps, go to law school, get married to a girl of his choosing, become a senator and then maybe president," said Fitz sighing.

"Sounds like my dad, only he wants me to become a senator or governor's wife," she said rolling her eyes. "As if I could never become a senator or governor myself," she said sarcastically.

"I think you'd make a great senator or governor should you choose to be one," he said stopping the shots after the last two were placed before them. Neither of them touched the shot of tequila but he ordered another Jack and coke.

"Thank you," she responded kindly. "So what do you want to do?" she asked.

"I do want to go to law school and become a senator or governor one day. But I want to forge my own path," he responded thoughtfully as he took a sip of his Jack and coke.

"Sounds like a plan, so what's the problem?" she asked drinking some of her margarita.

"I need to choose a law school. My father wants me to go to an Ivy League, but he wouldn't mind me going to another law school. So long as it's on the east coast."

"I go to Georgetown," she offered. "I'm majoring in political science with a concentration in pre-law. I start my senior year there once summers over," she said.

"Georgetown huh?" he said giving it a thought.

"Yep, I love it." She said draining her margarita glass. "It's hours away from my father, and it's also a great school. I'll probably go to law school there as well." Fitz nodded.

"It's something to think about," he said ordering another Jack and coke.

"Wow your alcohol tolerance must be super high, we did like eight shots of tequila and I'm pretty sure you were drinking before I got here and now you're on Jack and coke number…" she asked fishing for the answer.

"I believe this would be number five," he said smiling. The alcohol was allowing him to loosen up. He'd never had anybody; besides his sister ask him what he wanted before. It felt good to say it. She shook her head in laughter.

"You're going to have one hell of a headache in the morning."

"Says you," he said smirking and motioning to her empty margarita glass. She smiled, her eyes glossy. She was staring at him and he could feel it. After a while he smiled and asked. "What, do I have something on my face?"

"No, you're really handsome," she said bluntly. He blushed.

"Thank you," he said unsure of what to say next, she made him nervous, but in a good way. Suddenly loud dance music started feeling the bar.

A DJ came on the mic and announced that it was time for the weekend dance party to begin. The lights in the place went dim except for at the bar. A few of the workers at the bar came and moved some empty tables away from the back of the bar near the DJ booth. Some people got up and danced until the dance floor was full and you could no longer see the DJ booth. The DJ spun and mixed and finally picked a song. Partition by Beyonce came on.

"Oh my gosh, I love this song!" screamed Olivia happily over the loud music. Fitz smiled at her. She got up from the bar and took her last shot. "I'm going to go dance," she announced and then she was off and on the dance floor.

Fitz watched her from his bar stool. She closed her eyes and let the music fill her as she swayed her hips from left to right along with the beat. A few guys came up to her and tried dance with her but she refused them all. Fitz paid the whole bar tab and finished off his Jack and coke. He took his last shot of tequila and went over to her on the dance floor. He came up behind her and placed his hands on her hips. He leaned down in her ear and whispered.

"Can I have this dance?" his voice was low and husky. But by him being so close to her she heard him loud and clear.

She smiled as she felt his large hands span her hips. She felt shudders go through her as she heard him whisper in her ear. She nodded her head and began to move her hips and ass against his pelvis to the beat. He moved with her and instantly felt his jeans tighten. She smiled to herself at the affect she had on him and grinded her hips into him slower and harder. He groaned a bit and whispered in her ear.

"I know you can feel what you're doing to me."

She turned around in his arms and put her arms around his neck as they continued to move to the beat. She placed one hand behind his head and brought his head down so that she could speak in his ear.

"Well what do you want to do about it?" she asked seductively.

He leaned back away from her and looked in her eyes. She bit her bottom lip and looked up at him hesitantly. He stared in her eyes, his blue eyes turning grey with lust. She licked her lips and he couldn't take it anymore. He crashed his lips to hers and ran his tongue across her lips. She opened her mouth and granted him access. She tasted like fruit and margaritas. Their tongues battled for dominance as they stood there on the dance floor devouring each other, letting the world past them by.

She tasted so sweet; he couldn't get enough of her. The alcohol in his system was giving him the courage he needed to pursue her. She moaned in his mouth and he grabbed her ass trying to bring her closer to his pelvis. She ran her fingers through his hair trying to pull his face and mouth closer to hers, as if that were possible. When air became an issue for the two of them they broke apart. She slowly opened her eyes and said.

"Your hotel or mine?" he smiled at her and grabbed her hand.

They walked out of the bar and hailed a cab to Fitz's hotel at the Marriott. In the cab they couldn't keep their hands off of each other. The cab driver had to break them apart several times to tell them that they had arrived at the hotel. Fitz thanked him and paid their cab fare, leaving the driver a generous tip. He got out of the cab and went to the other side. He opened the cab door for Olivia and grabbed her hand. She stepped out and followed him inside the hotel hand in hand. They got to the elevator and Fitz pushed the button for it to come. He kissed Olivia once more while they waited for it to come. The elevator dinged and the doors opened.

They stepped on the elevator together and Fitz pressed a number. Olivia didn't know what the number was; she was too busy trying to get him to kiss her. She stood in front of him on the top of her toes and grabbed the back of his head trying to bring him closer to her He laughed at her forwardness. She was so tiny and petite, standing at about 5'4" to his 6'2", yet she was very aggressive and assertive. He did kiss her and soon they found themselves locked in another passionate make-out session.

In the back of his mind, he knew that she was just using him as a rebound. She'd just caught her long-term boyfriend cheating on her. She was sad, confused and hurt. She needed someone to take her mind off of things and be a distraction. And he was more than happy to be that person.

The elevator dinged again signaling that they had arrived to his floor and they got off. They quickly walked to his room and he grabbed the key card to place it in the door. She was standing in front of him, halfway blocking some of his view to the door. She ran her hands up and inside his shirt and came into contact with his abs. He hissed at the contact.

"Hurry Fitz," she said softly as she tried to get his shirt off in the hallway. She pulled his shirt up halfway and placed light kisses on his chest. He fumbled with key and dropped it.

"Shit," he exclaimed. She rolled her eyes at him playfully and picked the key up off of the ground.

"Let me," she said, and then she turned around to place the card in the door. He stood behind her closely and grabbed her waist. He pulled her back to him, leaned down and placed wet kisses on the side of her neck. She giggled. "Fitz, stop or we won't make it inside the room." He giggles turned into a moan when he sucked on one particularly sensitive spot on her neck.

"I don't care. I want you right now," he said breathing into her ear. She wanted him too, more than she cared to admit.

She finally got the door open and they stumbled inside laughing. The door closed behind them and he turned her around to face him. He ran his thumb over her lips and looked at her face. Her eyes fluttered close. When she opened them, he was looking in her eyes with such intensity that she felt the heat rising in her body.

"You're so beautiful," he said honestly. She looked him in the eyes and saw nothing but sincerity in those gorgeous blue orbs of his.

She couldn't remember a time in their almost four year relationship, when Edison looked at her the way Fitz was looking at her now. She felt the need to touch him. She grabbed his hand that was on her face and pulled him closer to her.

"Kiss me," she said softly and he did, their tongues entwining in a now familiar dance. They moved around the room never breaking the kiss. She felt the back of her knees hit his king-sized bed. They broke away from their kiss and he stepped away from her.

"Take off your clothes," he said. His voice was low and husky.

She looked in his eyes and smirked as she began removing her clothes slowly, piece by piece until she was only wearing her lacy red bra and matching boy-shorts. He looked at her the entire time, unable to take his eyes off of her. He couldn't believe this incredibly gorgeous and sexy woman was undressing herself for him. He vowed right then and there to worship her body all night if she'd let him.

She loved the way he was looking at her like he wanted to devour her. Her body shivered at all the possibilities. Once she was down to her lingerie. He began taking off his clothes. He started with his short-sleeved button up shirt. He unbuttoned the top four buttons and pulled the shirt over his head. He watched as her eyes took in his bare chest.

He was ripped! His shoulders were broad, his muscles were defined; from his huge arms and biceps, to his perfectly sculpted six pack abs. He was the perfect specimen of a man. Edison worked out when they first started going out. But over the years he got lazy. His body wasn't horrible to look at, but he was nothing compared to Fitz.

"You have a really nice body," she said shyly. He smiled.

"You can thank the Navy for that," he said now standing in his boxers. He came closer to her and took her in his arms and she sent a silent prayer up to heaven thankful for the Navy.

He kissed her again and soon their tongues were doing a dance that was all too familiar. He backed them up until her knees hit the edge of the bed. He put his arm around her waist and lifted her up and placed her on the bed gently. He climbed on top of her and settled himself between her legs. She grabbed his face and brought his lips to hers. He held his weight up on his hands. He grinded his pelvis into hers and she broke away from his lips and moaned as she felt his erection come into contact with her core.

He kissed her cheek and the side of her face down to her neck. He licked, nipped and bit at the side of her neck gently and she moaned his name softly, relishing in the feelings of pleasure he was giving her. He cupped her left breast through her bra and squeezed it gently. He placed wet kisses on her mounds and then unclasped the bra from behind. She took it off and threw it in the room somewhere. He closed his mouth around one of her nipples while his hand and fingers played with the other. He licked and bit down on it.

She was panting and trying to pull his mouth closer to her breast. He repeated the same motion on the other while trying to fit as much of her breast in his mouth as he could.

He kissed his way down her stomach and slid her panties off. She was dripping wet and he smiled to himself. This was all for him. All he wanted to do now was make her feel pleasure like she never had before. He kissed her slit and her back arched off the bed. He ran his tongue up and down her slit a few times and then took her nub into his mouth.

"Fitttzzzzz…" she moaned.

Her hands went to his hair. He continued to suck on her clit and placed his hand on her flat stomach to steady her movements a bit. He moved his tongue down to her slit once again and plunged it inside of her. He took his hand off of her stomach and used his thumb to rub circles around her clit. Her back arched off the bed some more as his tongue went in and out of her core.

"Oh…Fitzzz…that….feels so…ohhh…," she said moaning and panting.

He rubbed her clit harder with his thumb as he continued to tongue her down and she couldn't take it anymore. Her back arched off the bed as high as it would go and she came hard screaming his name. He lapped up all of her juices that he could. He took off his boxers and then he kissed his way back up her body until he reached her mouth. He kissed her on the lips as she came down from her orgasm panting loudly. He leaned down and whispered in her ear.

"You taste delicious," he said, and then he looked her in her eyes. She could feel his erection on her thigh and it made her nervous.

"No, one's ever…I've never had that…" she said trailing off.

"Really?" he asked disbelievingly. She nodded. "Well I could eat you all day," he said seriously. He looked at her and she blushed. He smiled at her and thought she was adorable.

He kissed her deeply and plunged his tongue into her mouth. She could taste herself on him and it was turning her on more. She put her hand between their bodies and grabbed his erection. He tore his lips from hers and groaned. She stroked him a bit impressed with his size and width. He placed his head in her neck but not before whispering in her ear.

"Livvie if you don't stop that this show will be over before it's started." She giggled.

"Livvie?" she asked jokingly, stroking him still.

"You don't like it?" he said with his face in her neck. He licked the side of her throat and she moaned out.

"I love it…" He picked his head up from her neck and looked her in the eyes.

"Good," he said before kissing her again. "Are you sure you want to do this," he asked as he saw her grab a condom off of his nightstand. He held is weight up on his hands again and watched her rip the condom wrapper with her teeth, and then she grabbed his erection in her hand again and stroked it.

"Yep, I'm sure, unless you don't want too," she said shyly as if she didn't know what she was doing to him. He smirked and grabbed her hand with his and moved it off of his penis. Then he took the condom from her.

"I think he speaks for himself," He said motioning to his penis.

He smiled at her and she smiled back. He put the condom on and lined himself up with her opening. She spread her legs wider to accommodate his larger frame. He kissed her hard and entered her at the same time. He swallowed her loud moans with his kiss. Then tore his lips away from hers and groaned at the incredible feeling of their bodies being joined in this most intimate way. She was so tight and he was so filling. Both of them felt complete. He stretched her walls deliciously. And her walls gripped onto him for dear life. He started moving slowly but each time he did her walls would grip him so tight he didn't think he'd be able to move out of her.

"Livvie…you're so tight…" he groaned out.

"Mmmm… you're so big…" she moaned digging her nails into his back.

She wrapped her legs around his waist and he went in deeper. He moved a little faster and she started meeting his thrust.

"Harder!" she yelled and he complied. He moved faster and harder and she moved with him. "Ohhhh…shit…Fitttzzzz, it feels…so…Oh God!" she screamed arching her back off the bed as high as it would go.

"Fuck…Livvie," he groaned out. He was so deep and she was so wet he thought he would drown inside of her. She brought his lips to hers and kissed him hard taking his bottom lip between her teeth. Her walls clenched around him super tight and he felt her explode around him.

"Ohhhh...Shit…Fitttzzzz!" she screamed coming hard seeing stars behind her eyes. He followed shortly after moaning out her name. Once his movements stilled he pulled out of her. She instantly felt empty without him. They lay there next to each other panting and covered in sweat.

"Wow," she said trying to get her breathing back to normal. She couldn't think of anything else to describe what had to be the best sex of her life.

"You can say that again," he said panting as well. He'd never had an experience like that with another girl.

He got out the bed, took the used condom off and discarded it. She yarned exhausted from a combination of the alcohol and their activities. He smiled as he got back into bed and pulled her close, wrapping his arm around her. She laid her head on his chest and snuggled into him. Within minutes she was out like a light. He smiled down at her as her breathing became more even and closed his eyes as sleep over took him. He barely knew this girl but could picture himself going to sleep like this every night and waking up to her every morning. He never wanted this moment to end.

He was woken up the next morning by his cell phone alarm. He reached over on his nightstand and turned it off before opening his eyes. He felt for her on the other side of the bed and noticed that she was gone. He opened his eyes and sighed thinking maybe this was all a dream. He looked around his room and noticed that all of her clothing was gone. Maybe it was a dream, he thought. His phone vibrated again indicating that he had a email when he noticed a note scribbled on a napkin. The napkin was on his nightstand next to his cell. He sat up in bed, picked it up and read it.

"Had a great time last night, look me up if you're ever in D.C. Livvie," she kissed the napkin with her red lipstick leaving lip prints on it. He smiled and picked up his cell phone and immediately called his father. Big Gerry answered on the second ring. Fitz didn't even wait for him to say hello before he said.

"I know where I want to go for law school, I wanna go to Georgetown," he said smiling.