The little amount of energy in Freed's body, vanished. He went limp in Laxus' arms and the world around him faded into black. For once the darkness was welcomed.

Laxus could feel his Freed finally rest in his arms, and relief washed over him. He tugged the smaller man closer to his chest and kissed the top of his head. Everything was going to be okay. Laxus and Freed were going to be just fine. The hell that they were forced to endure was over and all they had to do was go back home. Freed was going to wake up and it was all going to go back to normal.

Laxus let his head fall and it rested atop of Freed's. His body began to ache, and he could barely make out the screams behind him. They were voices that called out to him and Freed. Crying out in desperation to know if they were both okay. He could faintly make out two of the voice.

Evergreen and Bickslow.

"Laxus! Freed! Are you both okay?" Evergreen cried.

"Damn it the both of you! Say something!" Demanded Bickslow.

The Lightning Dragon Slayer could only smile brokenly as a thought formed in his mind.

"We're fine, you idiots. We just need some rest." He tried to say those words but his body was starting to shut down. He could start to feel the toll of Freed's attacks on him. His eyes were growing heavy and his hold on Freed tighten. Unconsciousness was starting to sink its teeth into Laxus' head and his couldn't help but let his world fade to white.

He fell back and Freed went down with him.

Bickslow panic and ran towards his old friends. Evergreen close behind.

"Laxus!" He called out one last time.

The moment he was within reach of the pair, he slid across the ground and was able to cushion Laxus' fall. However, the sudden weight on his legs made him bite his lower lip in pain. Evergreen was right by his side and taking Freed from Laxus' now limp hold.

She cradled his head against her breast and tears were threatening to fall. She shook her head of the emotions clouding her mind and she looked down at Laxus.

His body was in horrific condition. His clothing was in tatters and his skin was littered with gashes and bruises. There was a single cut on his cheek that was painting half of his face a dark crimson.

"Bicks, we need to take them both back to the guild." The woman with Medusa's eyes stated. She looked, lastly, down at Freed. She remembered the way he would scream in pain when he was resting in the guild's infirmary. Or when he wasn't screaming in pain and his face was contorted in agony. Those days that she stayed by his bed side will haunt her for the rest of her life.

Yet, that fear that she had first felt, when Laxus had fallen, disappeared and was replaced with relief and pure joy. She couldn't help but let a smile form on her pink lips and she just hug Freed all the more tighter. His face smoothed of any pain.

It took weeks for Freed, Anastasia, and Laxus to recover, both emotionally and physically.

Wendy had been able to pull Anastasia out of the gates off death, but she would be left with an ugly scar to accompanying the one on her shoulder.

Laxus was in the same situation as Ana. However, he would not have to worry about the scaring. It was just going to take some time for him to recover to his full strength. There were times where he would open his eyes and be greeted with his grandfather's smiling and worrying face, but those were moments that only lasted a few seconds and were few and far in between.

Freed was the worst of the trio. Even though his entire body had gone through so much. It was shocking to realize that he was able to come out of it with little to no serious injuries. His body was not the thing that needed healing, but his mind and soul. He was plagued with fear and guilt. Injuries that no good healer would be able to cure. He was the first to wake, and the first to run away from the guild.

Guilt was an emotion that was impossible for him to let go. He locked himself in his home and let the darkness of his room be his only friend. The guild was in a panic when they had realized he had vanished, but it was only a matter of time until they found clear evidence that he was in his house. The evidence being the runes surrounding the small building keeping even Levy – who had tried to decipher the runes – away from any entrance that house might have.

Inside the dark house was a broken man. Tears stained his face and guilt was an illness apparent in the way he believed that he should no longer be breathing in air.

He was in his room covered in a thick blanket when he felt something break through his runes. His eyes widen and panic made acid rise at the back of throat. He caved in on himself even further and wrapped the blanket tighter around his body. Violent trembles racked his being. Fear was making it almost impossible to breathe.

Freed began to take short sharp breaths. The idea that someone or something had managed to get so close to him was frightening. It wasn't the idea that he was going to get hurt or attacked, but it was the idea of him losing control again. He remembered what he had done to his sister and the others. That's why not once did he let himself look at Anastasia's body lying only a few beds away from him . He forced himself to think that she was gone. He let the idea of her death grow in his mind until he was able to believe his own twisted lie.

Freed thought that he did not deserve the idea of her being alive, because he was meant to live in pain for the rest of his life. It was his punishment for what he had done to her, Laxus, Ever, Bicks, and the rest of the guild. He didn't deserve to be happy.

"Freed…" A familiar voice called out to him.

It had been muffled a bit by the door and the distance it had to travel to reach Freed's ears. But, it was impossible to mistake who was right outside his house.

"Freed, please open the door. It's me." Anastasia.

Freed's only blood family was right outside his front door. The person that he had almost killed for the second time. He tightly shut his eyes. Trying to calm his racing heart.

There was a pounding at his door. The noise was loud but he was able to block it out.

If he didn't go to open the door then she would leave. Save herself of from the monster that her little brother had become.

Tears were burning at the back of his eyes. He tried to fight them only to have them split forth and wet his face.

"Go away Ana!" He begged her. Desperation was heavy in his voice.

There was a moment of silence where the pounding at the door stopped and then suddenly he heard his door softly unlock.

She had somehow been able to get through his runes and open his front door.

Freed heard her footsteps move around his living room. A few things were being move around and then he saw light flood through the small crack at the bottom of his bedroom door. He pressed harder against the wall. She called out his name softly and it brought back memories from when they were younger. Her voice the only thing that would have been able to sooth him from one of the more nasty encounters with their father. Even after years she still had that same calming effect on him. The tears escaping his eyes slowly began to dry and he was left tired on the floor. Questions floated around his mind, but he was in no condition to start finding answers for them.

As another wave of fatigue washed over him, he was barely able to register his bedroom slowly begin to open.

His mind snapped at attention, but he body refused to move and eyes were locked shut.

"Freed?" Anastasia called out.

The man in question pressed closer to the wall and whimpered in response. The sound caught the woman's attention and it was only a matter of time until she was at his side. Her strong arms encasing him in a reassuring embraced. She kissed the top of his head as she cradled him against her chest and whispered words of worry and love into his ear.

"We're family Freed, you don't have to hide from me. No matter what happens I will always be by your side." She said. Her own tears formed in her eyes and she could feel her sore stomach clench in pain. She paid no mind to the ache and only got comfortable on the floor with her brother. She heard small whimpers of protest and felt as his weak hands tried to push her away. The fear of hurting her still clear in the way he resisted her comfort. Ana was not going to have any of that. She didn't blame her brother for anything that had happen in the past couple of weeks. He had no control over himself and it was her fault that he had to go through that. She wasn't strong enough to keep the bindings on him and that was why he had lost control.

The siblings stayed in each other's arms for some time.

Freed had fallen asleep and Ana watched over him and made sure that he was okay. After an hour had past she was able to lift him up and take him to his bed. The amount of effort she had to put into carrying him did nothing good for her body. She was already in a sweat the moment she was up on her feet with her younger brother in her arms. Ana pushed on and just ignored her body's protest.

Freed slept for a few more hours and in that time Ana cleaned around the house and began to pull out some clean clothing for her brother. There was an objective that she was going to accomplish. She was going to get her brother out of his dark and isolated house to get him back to the guild. There were people there that missed him dearly, asking for her to try and get him to go outside. It wasn't just for their sake, but for Freed's too. Who knew what he could do alone with his thoughts.

Ana finished cooking up a small bowl of porridge and began to walk back to Freed's room. She opened the door and was greeted with a surprising sight.

Freed was sitting up in bed with his blankets pooled around his waist. There was still exhaustion etched into his face making him look far older than he actually was. "What are you doing here? It's not safe for you to be around me." He stated in an eerily calm voice. There was a bit of another emotion laced through his words but Ana couldn't figure out what it was. All that really caught her attention was the look on Freed's eyes. They were dead. They were just unseeing balls that were extinguished of any light. Rage boiled inside her and her grip on the bowl of porridge tightened.

Her nostrils flared and she was on the verge of screaming.

"That is utter bull shit! Freed, you are not some monster anymore! You have to understand that!" She stated. Her voice rose as she continued to speak. "You are not alone! There are people outside these four walls that want to see you!" Tears shined in her eyes and she took a step forward. A light of hope and determination lit up her features. "Don't become some weak shadow of yourself. You are a Justine. Most importantly you are a Fairy Tail wizard!"

Freed was stunned into silence, there was a flash of something that crossed his face. He fisted the blankets around him and turned his head in shame. Fresh tears fell from his eyes and then a sudden image appeared in his mind.

It was off the entire guild. All his family were standing in the hall with open arms and smiling faces. In front of the entire guild stood the mighty Thunder Legion. Evergreen smiled kindly towards him. Bickslow let his tongue roll out of his mouth, but it was hard to overlook that the corners of his mouth that were tugging upward. Then there was Laxus, a smile on his scarred face. His hand was out stretched towards him. "Come back home, Freed." Was all Laxus was able to say before the mental image began to fade away. There was a strange warmth that was left behind and Freed tried to cling to that feeling. He looked down at his left hand and noticed the green guild mark that would be forever imprinted on his skin.

A series of emotions crashed over him all at once. "I'm sorry Ana…", was all he was able to utter.

Anastasia gasped and the bowl in her hands fell to the floor with a clatter. She couldn't hold back her desire of holding her brother anymore, so she ran across the room and threw herself in his arms. Out of habit Freed wrapped his arms around his older sister and together they cried over their devastating lives. The lack of a childhood, the lack of a father and mother. They cried together to finally cleanse themselves of the pent up anger they held towards their upbringings. In a sick twisted way what they went through had been the only way for them to let go of the pain that they carried all their lives. They were robbed of a life that they both only heard in books. They of course resented anyone and everyone who had a hand in their young lives. Those negative emotions were the things that were holding them back from furthering their lives. If they didn't let them go, they were going to live in this constant cycle of 'what if'.

Both Justines didn't know how long they were there on the bed. They just knew that the moment they broke apart, some heavy weight was lifted off both their shoulders.

Ana smiled and wiped at her wet face. "Now I need you to wash up. I placed clean clothing in the bathroom for you. There are some people that really want to see you." She said in a soft voice.

Freed nodded and procced to walk towards the bathroom that was connected to his room. Then suddenly a thought struck him. "How were you able to break through my runes?" He turned around to look at the woman in question and she only offered a smile.

"The binding spell that I had put over you when I first got here was still in effect even though you were able to break through it. I was able to latch onto a small shard and with that I controlled your magic for only a fraction of a second. That was enough time for me to get through you runes and to your front door. However, the spell is no more." She offered the explanation as she got up and began to tie her hair back. Her dark blue eyes were shining with a bit of unjustified excitement. The look alone was enough to set Freed on edge and take a step back in hesitation.

"Now, Anastasia, you better not be plotting something." He warned.

He only earned a laugh in reply. She walked passed him and went out the bedroom door to find a rag to clean the spilt porridge. Freed was left alone and all he could do was make his way to the bathroom and do as his sister asked.

An hour past and they were found walking down the street with their arms linked together. The closer they made it to the guild, the more the ball or anxiety began to grow within him. What if the picture in his mind was just a lie? What if the entire guild resented him for what he did? What if he was kicked out and exiled? What would he do if he lost the most important people in his life?

Ana took note of Freed's inner turmoil and it broke her heart that Freed had such little faith in the love that Fairy Tail had for him. No matter what anyone did in that guild it would not change the way that they felt for the individual. Freed was not going to become an exception to the rule. He had to understand that Fairy Tail cared for him and the moment that he walks through those large double doors, he would be met with open arms. "Freed it's going to be okay. There is no need to worry about anything." Ana voiced. When she was able to grab her brother's attention she presented him with a smile. He returned the action, but it did nothing to hide the tension around the corners of his lips and in his shoulders.

When he went back to staring ahead of him he let his mind wonder so he failed to noticed as they finally reached the guild.

The only type of warning that he was granted was the sound of boisterous fighting and the doors of the guild being pushed opened. A chorus of "Mommys" floated to his ear and when he felt Ana let go of him he snapped back to attention.

Two small children ran out of the guild with large smiles on their faces. When they reached both Ana and Freed they threw themselves at Ana. They laughed in glee when she met them half way and wrapped her arms around their small bodies.

"You were gone all day mama! Daddy was starting get worried." The girl with dark blue hair exclaimed. She nuzzled her face under her mother's jaw and that earned her a small chuckle. The boy on the other hand simply buried his face in his mother's shoulder. Both children ignoring the Rune Mage right next to them.

Anastasia looked up at the stunned Captain and it dawned over her that it was the first time that Freed had ever seen her children. His niece and nephew.

In a soft voice she pulled back from her two babies and gave them both loving smiles.

"Darlings, I want you to meet someone very important." She whispered.

At the prospect of something new both their eyes lit up and they began to bounce on their small little feet.

Ana looked up at Freed while she said. "Luna, Alec, this is your Uncle Freed."

There was a moment of silence where the two children just stared at the man with a look of wonderment. It took a few long seconds for the them to comprehend what their mother had said and how that was going to change their family dynamic. However, when they were able to let the information sink in. Luna's lips slowly began to form into a large brilliant smile. Alec rose his eyebrows in surprise.

There was clear tension in the air that was making Freed's skin crawl. All he was able to say was "It's very nice to meet you."

Luna was the first to react, she giggled with glee and threw herself at her uncle. She wrapped her little arms around his hips and tiled her head back. "Welcome to the family, Uncle Freed! Mama talked a lot about you!" She still held that bright smile she had from the start and that was enough to melt anything dark within Freed. All the fear he had felt about going to the guild vanish. Luna just carried such a light of innocence that it shined over him.

He knelt down before her, forcing her to let go of him. When they were at eye level he smiled with her. He patted the top of her head and ruffled her dark blue hair. "Thank you very much my dear. I am so happy to finally meet you." He laughed lightly when she continued to smile, however, her eyes became crossed when she tried to concentrate on the hand messing up her hair. "You truly are your mother's daughter." He added shortly after.

Anastasia laughed while she stroked Alec's hair.

The little boy at this point had moved to hide behind his mother's skirt. He looked back at his uncle with a strange light in his eyes and when he noticed that his older sister had concluded the warm welcome into the family. Alec moved around his mother and with very respectable posture asked "My mother said that you use magic, can you teach me?"

Freed was taken back by the request and also by the resemblance in their appearances.

He didn't know what to say, so all he could truly respond with was "Only if your mother is alright with it. I may even teach how to wield a reaper."

Alec, right after hearing those words, threw himself at Freed. He wrapped his small arms around his neck and hugged his uncle tightly. "Oh thank you, Uncle Freed!" He proclaimed.

It was such a drastic change in emotions for the young child. One moment he was a shy little boy who was hiding behind his mother skirt and then the next he was jumping in, ultimately, a stranger's arms. However, once again, the sudden swing in moods wasn't enough to push Freed away. He simply laughed loudly and scooped up the bundle of excitement. He rest Alec on his waist and they soon began to walk to the guild with Luna running up to his side and taking his free hand.

Ana stayed behind a few steps and watch the scene unfold. Her heart grew warm and tears of joy and happiness began to threaten to wet her cheeks.

Her family was finally complete, now it was Freed's turn to reunite with his and then everything was going to be okay. All the things that they gone through were events that made them stronger. They made them closer. They made wiser. They made them fighters.

Another wave of emotion washed over Ana and it was pure pride. They made it out alive. Yes, a bit bruised and scared, but nothing that they couldn't overcome.

Moments later, all four Justines were in front of the great Fairy Tail. The doors that Freed had managed to rip off their hinges where fixed and became the last obstacle between Freed and his family for the past decade and more.

The fear that both Alec and Luna had been able to get rid of within Freed came back. Alec felt it in the way his uncle's hold on him tighten and how his eyes widen and shined with a dark light.

Something twisted up in Alec's little heart and he whispered. "Open the door, they miss you."

"Fairy Tail is waiting Uncle Freed, and I think that they waited long enough. Don't you?" Luna chimed in.

Freed looked between both children and a calm formed in his chest. The fear that he had felt only moments ago disappeared and he asked, "How did you both get to be so smart?"

Luna giggled at his side and Alec smiled. "Mommy is a very good teacher." The older sister explained.

At those words, Freed looked over his shoulder and caught his own older sister's eyes. She gave him a reassuring nod and a shining smile to go with it. "Well go on them!" She urged.

The Rune Mage took a deep breath and let go of Luna's hand to open the door. Not a sound was heard from the freshly oiled hinges. The guild was absent of its usually ruckus and Freed was scared that he had done something wrong. He looked inside the guild hall and it took a moment for his eyes to readjust to the artificial lighting.

When they did, he couldn't breathe. He looked out into the hall and saw all his fellow guild members' faces. Some were shocked, while others were grinning from ear to ear.

Ana moved around her brother and took both her children off his hands. She walked silently away from Freed and to her husband's side at the bar.

There was a single scream that broke the silence.

"Freed! You're back!" The sound of heels running on wooden floor assaulted Freed's ears and then there was brown hair in his face and the smell of rose perfume in his nose. Slim, yet strong arms wrapped around his neck in a tight embrace.

Without a moment of hesitation, Freed was returning the hug with all he had. "Oh my God, Evergreen!" He choked out. His eyes burned with tears and he pulled her in tighter.

That was the only thing that Fairy Tail needed for them to explode in relief and pure joy.

Wizard after wizard ran up to Freed and expressed they reliefs. Pulling him into hugs and some even crying the moment that they made contact.

Bickslow scooped up his Captain and pressed a large kiss on Freed's temple. He screamed in joy and just pressed his head against Freed's hair. The Rune Mage was alright with the actions of affection and he returned them back to both Ever and Bicks. He had missed his team terribly and wished to apologize in any way that he could.

As the excitement began to die down, Freed was surrounded by his friends with a smile that was beginning to hurt his face. But he couldn't care less about the pain. He was just glad that he was home. The place where he could put his soul to rest and find a solace and sanctuary.

He was given a few more hugs when Evergreen looked behind her and noticed the only person that had not come up and greeted Freed. She smiled fondly at the figure and began to push people back. They looked in her general direction and could hear both Levy and Lucy gasp in understanding.

Erza chuckled softly and Natsu looked around confused. He was about to demand a rematch when Gray wrapped a cold hand around his arm and pulled him back. His shaking head saying, "Not right now Flame Brain."

Freed smiled around at his friend when he noticed that a path was beginning to form in front of him. Confusion made his brows scrunch up and when he looked down at the makeshift path his breath caught in his throat and he froze on the spot.

At the end of path stood Laxus, the very person who Freed loved unconditionally. The man always on his mind and the one he wished to redeem himself to the most.

They eyes met and both were taken to another world where it was only the two of them. The guild melted away and they were together after a long time. Nothing matter around them at all.

Freed could feel his felt moving without his consent. He could feel the wind flying through his hair and the tears wetting his cheeks. The world blurred around him and it took only seconds for his God to meet him half way in the same state of hurry. One strong arm wrapped itself around his waist, pulling him against a strong chest, the other tangled in his hair and tilted his head. He wasn't even able to gather his thoughts when a pair of soft lips crashed against his own. He moved his arms up and they wrapped around Laxus neck.

They kissed one another as if they were each other's only way to gain life. They moved they mouths in a dance of passion and their tongues met half way in a promise. Freed melted into the kiss and only focused on the person in his arms. In the way that their bodies melded together perfectly. A piece of him that he had thought that he had lost after gaining control over the demon was given back to him and he was able to finally be at peace.

Laxus pulled Freed closer and held him tighter. His heart was pounding in his chest from how much he was over joyed. He was given a chance to be happy with Freed, after years of him being completely blind to the love that the other held for him and for the love that he felt too. It had to be Freed almost dying that forced him to realize.

That he couldn't live without him. Freed was his home.

The one person that would never turn his back on him. The one person that Laxus knew for a fact would stick with him even at his lowest. Freed accepted him for everything he was and everything he had a chance of becoming the future. Just like Laxus accepted Freed. They were going to be together for as long as time would allow them.

Laxus kissed Freed with everything that he had in his body. They were both broken in ways that the other wasn't so together they were going to put the pieces back to make them whole again.

They broke the kiss in dire need of air, but they didn't pull apart. They pressed their foreheads together and breathed in the other's breathes. Laxus saw Freed's wet face and he smiled down at his mate. He reached down and wiped away the tears.

He stole one more quick kiss, when he said, "Welcome home, Freed."
