The instant Oliver had moved closer to her she could feel the heat radiating off of him. She shivered violently at the change in temperatures, but enjoyed it none the less. She was settling in (still slightly cold) when Oliver spoke again.
"Felicity. It's okay." She opened her eyes and looked at him.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I don't mind. You can put your cold feet on me." She slept easy and enjoyed the warm and cozy feeling that the bed left her with.

It was about five years later the next time Felicity thought about that night. She and Oliver had actually gotten together shortly after that and now here they were. It was their one-year anniversary and Oliver had surprised her with a trip to an old lake house he'd inherited. She couldn't be sure he'd done it on purpose, but they arrived to find the heater broken and he'd seemed more than happy to just stay put and let her snuggle up against him.
"I'm sorry the heaters broken." He'd whispered in her ear when they were snuggled into bed.
"Uh huh. Sure you are." He tried to look offended, but he couldn't help the smile crossing his face.
"Okay… so I'm not really sorry about it all, but I swear I didn't know the heater was broken when I planned our weekend." They both lapsed into silence.
"So… I have a surprise for you." Oliver met her eyes and she could easily see the confusion. "I only had this officially confirmed a couple days ago so I figured I'd save it for the trip because when better to tell you than when we are on a trip for our anniversary." Oliver touched her shoulder and she lapsed into silence.
"Just tell me what it is." She bit her lip before taking a deep breath and meeting Oliver's eyes.
"I'm pregnant." Oliver's jaw dropped.
"Really?" Felicity nodded.
"The OB-GYN confirmed everything a couple days ago. Come late August or early September next year we'll have a little one to add to our family." Oliver had a huge smile on; one that was only rivaled by the smile he had the day they got married. Then she noticed the tears in the corner of his eyes. She giggled.
"Oliver Queen- CEO and vigilante crying over a baby."
"Like you didn't cry when you found out!"
"Yeah… maybe just a little." Felicity fell silent again, before meeting Oliver's eyes. He could see the serious look in them so he readied his attention on her.
"So you're excited about this?" Felicity sounded nervous.
"Of course I am!
"Even if it messes with the vigilante stuff?"
"Especially if it messes with the vigilante stuff." Felicity snuggled in as close as she could.
"I love you Oliver."
"I love you too Felicity." He touched a hand to her stomach. "And I love you little one."
Felicity nearly started crying again.