Every year, or rather, few hours or so, The Doctor, Dylan, and I returned to Abigail's cyrochamber with a new idea of something to do. My anger turned into an adrenaline that lasted a surprisingly long time, and I was up for anything for awhile, much to the obvious worry of both the Doctor and Dylan. But I didn't care for either of their worry anymore- only that everything stayed on track.

"Well, you know the drill- any Christmas Eve, we have them all." I reminded Abigail, and Kazran, who was now a poster-boy looking teenager.

"Might I make a request?" Abigail inquired softly, fidgeting by the TARDIS console.

"Sure," the Doctor responded curiously.

"This one."


"So, we'll see you next year?" I asked Kazran, knowing that we wouldn't.

"Listen, why don't we just leave it?" Kazran asked.

The Doctor didn't understand. "Sorry, leave what?"

"Oh, you know, this. Every Christmas Eve. It's getting a bit old."

"Old?" The Doctor asked, disappointed.

"Well, Christmas is for kids, isn't it? I've got some work with my dad now. I'm going to focus on that. Get that cloud belt under control." Kazran attempted to play nonchalant.

Even though I knew what was happening, I couldn't help but feel slightly offended. "Well, sorry."

"Not your fault. Times change."

"Not as much as I'd hoped," the Doctor looked to me for a second, before reaching out to give Kazran his broken screwdriver. "Kazran. I'll be needing a new one anyway, what the hell. Merry Christmas. And if you ever need us, just activate it. We'll hear you."

"I won't need you."

I had taken the time to internally make myself understand what he was going through, and that I would see him in just a few minutes again, but the Doctor looked heartbroken at those words. "What's happened? What are you not telling us? What about Abigail?"

Kazran already began walking away. "I know where to find her."


I stood a row over in the cave-basement by a random icebox, huddled with the Doctor and Dylan. Amy was being hologram-projected from the ship in order to act as The Ghost of Christmas Present to Kazran, who stopped by Abigail's icebox and explained what happened that last fateful night.

"This is what Nova and the Doctor did to me. Dylan never wanted to take out Abigail. Abigail was ill when she went into the ice, on the point of death. I suppose the rest in the ice helped her. But she's used up her time. All those Christmas Eves with me... I could release her any time I want, and she would live a single day. So tell me, Ghost of Christmas Present, how do I choose which day?"

"I'm sorry. I really am. I'm very, very sorry. But you know what? She's got more time left than I have. More than anyone on this ship," Amy retorted, as Rory widened the beam, and Kazran was projected onto the ship to see all the people he was going to let die.

"There's only one ghost left," I reminded the Doctor.

He nodded and walked to the TARDIS. "You both wait here, I'll get him really quick."

"Get who?" Dylan asked, after the Doctor left.

"Young Kazran. Did you not watch the episode?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I sort of watched them all at once after you told me, the night that you told me... so I don't remember it all that well." Dylan looked to the ground, embarrassed. "But I mean, I'm not that bad, I remember some parts perfectly."

"Really?" I giggled at the idea of Dylan immediately rushing to watch two seasons worth of episodes, and was about to continue when the Doctor returned, a few aisles over.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize," he apologized to Kazran.

I grabbed Dylan's hand as I maneuvered through the boxes row by row until I got to the row where the Doctor was on the other side, just behind Kazran. "We're sorry too."

Kazran turned, and against the boxes to face all of us. "All my life, I've been called heartless. My other life, my real life, the one you rewrote. Now look at me!"

"Better to have a broken heart than no heart at all," Dylan turned to me. I knew he was repeating an exact line from the show- one that the Doctor was supposed to say in order to prove to me that he did remember some parts- but I had a feeling that wasn't the only reason he said it.

"Oh, you try it." Kazran spat.

"I am," Dylan retorted.

Kazran stayed silent for a moment, looking around at us all as if he just now understood our relationship dynamics, before grunting again. "Why are you even here!"

"Because we're not finished with you yet. You've seen the past, the present, and now you need to see the future." The Doctor explained.

"Fine. Do it. Show me. I'll die cold, alone and afraid. Of course I will- we all do. What difference does showing me make? Do you know why I'm going to let those people die? It's not a plan. I don't get anything from it. It's just that I don't care," Kazran slowly approached the Doctor, until they were just centimeters away from each other. Kazran spat in his face defiantly, but the Doctor stood strong as he continued. "I'm not like you. I don't even want to be like you. I don't and never, ever will care."

"And I don't believe that."

"Then show me the future. Prove me wrong." Kazran challenged.

"I am showing it to you. I'm showing it to you right now," The Doctor turned to me, signaling me to do it.

"Come on out, Kazran," I called, loudly but also as gently as I could.

The older Kazran turned around slowly to face the much younger version of himself- eight years old and in pajamas, approaching hesitantly. "Dad?"

That one word sent older Kazran over the edge, filling him with rage and making him raise his hand, ready to slap the boy- until he realized he was standing by Abigail's box, and his memories of her brought him back.

Kazran broke down, his form almost appearing to shrink as he hunched over and folded into himself, crying and slowly stretching his arms out to hug his younger self. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. It's okay, don't be frightened..."

Dylan looked to me and saw that while my eyes were beginning to fill with tears, they were still anxious, so he didn't waste time. "We need to do this now."


"The controls, they won't respond!" Older Kazran fiddled with the machine, with no results.

"That's because you've changed too much," Dylan admitted quickly, ignoring the look I sent this way.

"Oh, of course! Stupid, stupid Doctor. The machine doesn't recognize you anymore." The Doctor kept pushing at buttons, trying to get the machine to work, but to no avail.

"But my father programmed it," Kazran tried.

"Yeah, to your old self, not your new one." I explained

"Then what do we do?" Kazran worried.

The Doctor mumbled on about how he didn't know, and Dylan only fumbled with himself for a little bit before spitting out- "Do you still have the Doctor's screwdriver?"

"Yes!" Kazran pulled the part of the screwdriver out of his pocket. "This, you can use this. I kept it, see?"

The Doctor walked away, frustrated. "What, half a screwdriver?" He spoke angrily, before turning back slowly, struck with an idea. "...With the other half up in the sky in a big old shark, right in the heart of the cloud layer. If we use your aerial to boost the signal, set up a resonation pattern between the two halves. Ooh, come on, that would work!" The Doctor rushed back to the machine, taking the screwdriver. "My screwdriver, coolest bit of kit on this planet. Coolest two bits. It could do it."

"Do what?" Kazran asked.

"We could send a signal up there." Dylan stated matter-of-factly, before seeing the look on my face and correcting himself, as though he wasn't sure. "Right?"

"Yes... we need to send something else."

"Send what?" young Kazran asked.

"Well..." The Doctor trailed.

Dylan looked at me, as if saying, if you don't do it, I will.

I took a deep breath. The Doctor was still skirting around the idea in an attempt to make it sound better, and Dylan was getting antsy and I was afraid of what he would say, so I did it. "We need her to sing. It's the only thing that we know that works for sure."


The Doctor hooked up his sonic screwdriver to some wires that went to a million different places in the TARDIS, and Abigail stood, holding the screwdriver like a microphone, singing of a silence going away, and no longer being lonely.

"Well?" older Kazran asked, simultaneously entranced by Abigail and worried for the passengers.

"The clouds are going to unlock now..." I said softly, staring up at the sky, partially because I didn't want to look at the Doctor or Dylan, and partially because I wanted to admire the view.

"What does that mean, unlock? What happens when a cloud unlocks?" older Kazran asked.

The Doctor smiled, grabbing the shoulders of younger Kazran. "Something that hasn't happened in this town for a very long time now."

As Abigail sang, "When you are here, music is all around. When you are near, music is all around. Open your eyes, don't make a sound," snow began to fall gently to the grown, and I forgot about how cold it was, smiling and laughing as the little flurries floated softly.

"Why are you laughing so much?" The Doctor asked, not being able to hide his own smile.

I didn't look down, just kept staring up at the beautiful weather as I explained. "I've lived in Nevada all my life and only visited my family in Puerto Rico. I've never seen snow before."

Despite whatever sadness and confusion in my heart, it only seemed to amplify what felt like the most glorious moment to experience snow for the first time- on Christmas day, a life-saving chorus in the air.


"Why are you so afraid to take risks?" Dylan asked me, once we were back in the TARDIS.

"What do you mean? I take risks. I got the orb, didn't I?" I countered.

"I'm not talking about over there. I'm talking about over here. We could have changed something, made a good difference. You have so much potential- the universe has so much potential," Dylan remarked, as he stood off by the railing of the console, not wanting to touch anything.

He seemed so out-of-place there, and I knew that it was because he was. "It doesn't work that way here. We're a disruption in the natural order of the universe-"

"No," Dylan crossed his arms, shaking his head.

"What? Yes we are-"

"No, you're not. You can't be." Dylan continued harshly.

"Why?" I asked, nearly shouting, not knowing how else I could possibly explain to Dylan why he shouldn't try to mess up anything. It was lucky that we were in a situation that was hard to edit this time around, anyway.

"Because you're from here. This where you're supposed to be. You're not a disruption," Dylan said this defeatedly, and I didn't know why.

I never really thought so much of the idea that I was supposed to be here. Even though I never had to, I always felt the need to return to Area 51 because it was such a huge part of my life- but it wasn't where I was meant to be anymore. I was angry at the truth that no matter how much I felt like I couldn't leave Area 51, I couldn't leave this universe either. This universe was a great part of who I was... no matter how much I wish it wasn't anymore.

"I'm not from here. I am a disruption... which is why I need to go back," Dylan explained this, almost as if he was asking me.

"Okay, but I'm going back with you. I mean, I kind of have to." Even if I didn't want to leave this universe for awhile, I still needed to go with Dylan in order to drop him off.

"Okay," Dylan moved closer to me, gently grabbing my waist to pull me closer to him, before putting my locket over his head.


"You know, that could almost be mistaken for a real person. The snowman isn't bad, either." Amy chided as she approached the Doctor, who was finishing a small snowman.

"Ah, yes, you two. About time. Why are you dressed like that?" The Doctor asked, noticing that Rory was dressed as a Roman, and Amy was dressed as a policewoman.

"Er, kind of lost our luggage. Kind of crash landed?" Rory tried.

The Doctor was no less confused. "Yeah, but why are you dressed like that at all?"

"Uh, so where's Nova?" Amy asked, changing the subject.

"In the TARDIS. With Dylan. Or maybe she's not, I don't know. I suspect she'll be leaving shortly either way." The Doctor stood by the TARDIS door with Amy, as Rory went inside.

"Are you okay?" Amy asked.

"Of course I'm okay. You?"

"Of course. It'll be their last day together, won't it?" Amy spoke sadly at the thought of Abigail and Kazran.

"Everything has got to end some time, otherwise nothing would ever get started," The Doctor figured quietly.

Rory stuck his head out of the TARDIS doors. "Doctor? Nova's gone, and there's no one else here."

The Doctor sighed. "Yeah, I figured."

Amy and Rory looked to each other, noticing something was off.

A/N: okay, so this one's also short but I'm uploading the next book in the series today

Also for those of you who think Nova never having seen snow is crazy- I grew up in Texas and only go to visit family in Mexico, so I didn't see snow until I was 13 because I took a trip just to see it. And my little cousins, and my uncles, who were in their 40s, had never seen snow before! but ANYWAY

The next book in this series will be called Supernova: Gravity. It's based off the Sara Barellies song also called Gravity, and possibly something else. It should be out today, and it's going to be way better than this one, if I'm being honest. In this book I had to spend a lot of time setting up Nova's character & relationship to the Doctor/River/Amy/Rory/Area 51 and Dylan, so in the next book things will move a whole lot faster (i hope).

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart to everyone who read this book. I know it's just a fan fiction but it was very fun writing it and it means a lot that people actually read it and enjoyed it. It took me two years to write because after the Time of Angels chapters, I had the rest of the book written out on my computer, which then crashed, so I lost it all and had to re-write it all. However, re-writing it gave me better ideas than before. I also went through a lot of personal things- first dates and theater roles and boyfriends and deaths in the family and graduating high school, but I wrote it all anyway.

As of today, june 15, 2017, I have edited most of this book except these last few chapters. This is also available on wattpad (where it is much more interactive/has a lot more readers) and archive of our own.

If you have any questions about something that happened in this book, ask it here and I will try to answer it spoiler-free in the next chapter where I'll just announce the second book is out!

Thank you so much!

(ps: if you have twitter, follow me at marvelatina because i'm pretty much always there)

(fun fact- when i won prom court and was standing on the stage with the other guy who won- i told him-, "do these people who voted for me know that i write doctor who fan fiction in my free time?" lol)