Chapter 12: Forgive and Forget

Charlie stares at the façade of Independence Hall. She should probably go in and talk to Miles. After all, she's come all this way. She should march into his office and warn her uncle that Monroe will be here soon and that he knows.

She should.

She can't.

Charlie closes her eyes, remembering the night she'd spent with Monroe. Flashes of gentle probing fingers and lingering kisses plague her brain. She remembers the passion and the intensity. She remembers the way her body had responded to his every whim. If those were her only memories of him, everything would be fine. She'd be hopeful and smiling.

She is not smiling and her hope has faded.

Yes, she remembers the hours of mind blowing, Earth shattering, life altering sex. Charlie shudders at the thought, and her core responds to the mental stimulation as well. The trouble is that she also remembers watching him collapse into the street over the body of his blood covered son. She remembers the rage and the pain and the hate – all directed at her.

Patriot spy or not, Connor was still Bass's child. They can both pretend that they can put it behind them. They can try to say that it's all in the past and move on, but how? Charlie killed HIS KID. Someday he's going to remember how he felt that day. The hate will return and with it, his need for revenge. Charlie can't be with him knowing that at any moment the other shoe could drop. No. There is no future for her with Monroe, and no reason to talk to Miles today.

Charlie lifts her chin stubbornly and turns her horse away from this place. She needs to get away from here. She needs to distance herself before she runs into him. Philadelphia fades into the horizon as Charlie leaves the city behind. She pretends the tears that stream down her face aren't for him, but of course they are.

Somehow she has managed to fall for the one man on Earth she can't possibly have a future with.

President Miles Matheson sits at his desk, reviewing a stack of reports. If anyone had told him in the beginning just how much paperwork was involved in this job, he'd have run the other way instead of going into politics. Too late now. That ship has sailed. With a heavy sigh, he flips to the next paper in the stack, but looks up at the sound of a knock on the door.

Strausser enters. "He's here."

Miles has been waiting for this day. He doesn't have to ask who Will is referring to. "Send him in." Miles says.

The last time Bass had been to Independence Hall, he'd been a mess – distraught, angry, vengeful, and on the verge of a complete mental breakdown. Miles isn't sure what he expects, but it's not the man who walks into his office today and casually sits in the visitor's chair. Monroe is clean and looks rested. He's not smiling, but he's not exactly frowning either.

"Bass." Miles says, unsure how to get this conversation started.

"So, you ordered a hit on my kid?" Monroe asks calmly, looking his oldest friend in the eye. "Didn't think that might be something you'd want to talk to me about? Sent me on a fucking wild goose chase looking for Connor's killer - knowing exactly who it was I was looking for and why she did it?"

"Shit. It's not like that."

"So, he wasn't a Patriot spy? You didn't order your niece to kill him like a dog in the street?" Bass's voice is calm, but his eyes are cold. "Or you're going to say you really wanted to tell me, but just couldn't? Charlie told me a lot, but I want to hear it from you."

Miles stands, "She told you – " Miles breaks off, his gut filled with dread. "You talked to her? Is she okay? What did you do to her, you son of a bitch? Where is she?"

"I don't know where she is, Miles. Haven't seen her in a few days."

"Did you hurt her?"

Bass remembers every detail of his night with Charlie. His memories come in flashes of long limbs and deep thrusts and amazing hours of pleasure between her perfect thighs. It is those memories that have kept him going ever since he'd found out her true identity. "No. She's fine. Just tell me about Connor."

Miles slumps back into his chair, watching his friend in silence. Something about the way Bass stares him in the eye Miles believe him. Charlie is okay. He exhales and then speaks carefully, "Yeah, Connor was a spy. That's true. Not just a spy though."

"She said he was an assassin with a hit list."

Miles narrows his eyes, "She told you a lot. Were you torturing her?" Something flashes across Bass's face – a glimmer of something – a memory. Miles feels the dread returning. "Bass, how did you get her to talk?"

Monroe leans back casually in his seat, "You really don't want to know."

Miles closes his eyes as realization hits home. He suddenly knows why Bass seems so relaxed and Bass is right – Miles doesn't want to know any more about that. "Yeah, she was telling you the truth. Connor was going to start knocking us off, one by one…"

Bass leans forward, "Us? You were on the list?" This news brings him to attention. Planning to kill nameless faces in the Republic is one thing. Planning to off the President is something else entirely.

"Yeah I was on his hit list. So were you." Miles speaks softly, hoping to cushion the blow. He's not completely successful.

Bass is stunned. "My kid was going to kill me?"

"Yeah, but actually there's more that you need to know…"

Hours later, Bass Monroe staggers into his home. He looks around blankly. The place has been closed up for months. It is dusty and stale. He feels numb after his talk with Miles. Numb and empty.

Nothing is as it seems. Nothing ever was.

Bass wonders when he will see Charlie again. Miles assures him that she'll be back, although he doesn't have a sure fire way to reach her. "She's a nomad, Bass. She just shows up."

Bass feels numb but somehow he knows that everything will be okay as soon as he can see her again.

A month passes, and then another. Bass officially resigns his job as Sheriff. Nobody is terribly surprised. His heart hasn't been in it since he returned.

The Patriot war is over. Baker returns home a hero. Neville is tried and executed for his work in the spy ring which Connor had been part of. Bass gets occasional messages from Miles, but none of them include the news he yearns for. Nobody has seen or heard from Charlie.

Bass sends letters to Duncan Page and Aaron Pittman, asking them both if they've seen her. He's received no response. He loses more hope with each passing day.

Where could she be?

When he gets the battered letter in the mail, it has been six months since the night they'd spent together in Ohio. Bass has sold his house and is packing his things when the messenger stops by.

"Good thing you caught me." Monroe tells him. "I'm leaving tomorrow."

"Where ya headed?"

"Not sure. Gotta find someone. Don't know how long it will take or if I'll even come back."

Everyone knows the story of Monroe and his kid by now. The messenger nods sadly, "Good luck buddy. Glad you were still here to get this."

Bass nods, staring at the vaguely familiar script. He misses the days of postmarks. There is a code scrawled in one corner. He points to it. "Where did this come from?" he asks.

The guy looks at the code and ponders for a moment. "New Vegas or thereabouts, I think. Not sure."

Bass shuts the door behind the messenger and sits down at his kitchen table. He's not sure what he expects, but it's not what he finds. Inside the first envelope is a smaller one that looks even more battered than the first. He sees it was addressed to Duncan Page, and he wonders what on Earth she might have received that she's sending to him.

Bass opens it carefully and smiles a little when he sees the heavy card inside. He doesn't think he's seen a real wedding invitation since well before the blackout. Flashes of memory assail him from long ago. Elegant white gowns, tuxedos, making toasts, dancing with bridesmaids, bachelor parties… He always had been a sucker for weddings…

Cynthia Norris and Aaron Pittman
cordially invite you to join them as they unite in marriage
September 19 – 4pm
Belltree Ohio

So Cynthia had invited Duncan to her wedding, and Duncan had forwarded the invitation to Bass. That can mean only one thing. Charlie will be at Aaron's wedding. Bass lets out a deep breath as relief surges through his body. He's going to see her again, but he has to hurry.

Bass has two days to get to Ohio.

Charlie feels like an idiot. She hates dressing up and surveys her reflection in the full length mirror. The dress is a simple pale blue that hangs almost to her ankles.

"You look beautiful." A familiar voice says behind her.

She turns with a weary smile, "Hey Scanlon, how was the trip?"

He shrugs, "Fine. You know Duncan. She hates to travel and isn't Pittman's biggest fan so there was a lot of bitching, but she adores Cynthia." He laughs, "Glad it's over and we're finally here. Where have you been lately?"

She's looking at the mirror again. "Everywhere. Nowhere. Trying to find a place to call home I guess. Never felt a need for roots before, but lately…"

"You love him, don't you?"

She's surprised by his change of topic, but Scanlon has known her a long time. He always has been able to read her emotions. "Who?" she asks, her expression unreadable.

"That guy Monroe. You know, he's been looking for you."

"I heard."

"Sent Duncan a letter, asking if she knew where you were."

Charlie stiffens. "Did she tell him anything?"

He shakes his head, "No, Duncan didn't say anything at all."

Bass gets to Belltree at 3:45 on the day of the wedding. No way is he going to make the ceremony, but the invitation had also mentioned a reception. He goes to the inn. The same girl from last time is sitting behind the desk. "Olivia." He says, flashing her a flirtatious smile.

She grins, but then seems to remember something. "You're here for her aren't you?" Olivia doesn't wait for an answer. "We're completely booked so I can't give you the adjoining room this time."

"But?" he senses there is something Olivia can help him with.

"You might be able to persuade me to give you the spare key to her room." The girl holds it out, but pulls it back when Bass reaches out. "Promise me something?"

"What?" He looks skeptical as she presses the key into his palm.

"If this thing doesn't work out with her, find me?"

Bass frowns at the girl and hands the key back to her. He'll find Charlie with or without a key to her room. "Olivia, the truth is that this thing has to work out. It has to work out because I'm pretty sure I love her."

Scanlon isn't usually into this romantic type of stuff, but has to admit Aaron and Cynthia's ceremony was really nice. Charlie had been standing next to him and he'd noticed the tears she'd shed as the couple said their vows.

Clearly watching these two swear their undying love for one another is causing her emotional distress. He hates seeing her like this. Charlie deserves happiness. Scanlon bites his lip thoughtfully. He's always made a point to stay out of the love lives of others. Now that he's broken his own rule, Scanlon wonders if he's done the right thing.

Bass looks around the reception, searching every face. She's not here. "Shit." He mutters, wondering if he should go back and wait for her at the inn. Just then he spots Aaron and the woman who is clearly his bride. He walks straight to them, "Hey Aaron."

"Oh goody." Aaron says with a sigh. "The Grim Reaper has come to our wedding."

Cynthia shoves an elbow into his side, "Be nice."

"Yeah," Bass agrees. "You should listen to your lady. After all, I'm not holding it against you that you tried to give me brain damage the day we met. You could at least be civil."

"Oh, well… sorry about that." Aaron says sheepishly, "It's just that I didn't realize she was inviting you." At Cynthia's blank stare, Aaron raises an eye brow. "What, you didn't invite him?"

Cynthia shakes her head, "I don't have any idea who he is."

"It was me. I invited him." Bass turns to see Duncan's man Scanlon, smiling sheepishly. "Come with me." He says, motioning to Monroe. "We need to talk."

"So talk." Bass says. He's irritated and has no clue what Scanlon is up to. "It was you who sent me the invitation, not Duncan?"

"Yeah. I knew even before you guys left New Vegas that Charlie really liked you. There was something there that had been missing. It was like you woke her up."

"That's why you told me she was coming here on her way to Philly?"

Scanlon nods, "Yeah. I want her to be happy. Seems like you have a chance of making her that way. "

"Well, thanks for that. We were able to… work through some of our problems."

"Yeah, I know. She came back to Duncan for a while after you two…. Well, anyway I overheard them talking about you and about the time you'd spent together. Charlie has it really bad for you, ya know?"

"I don't know anything except that I haven't seen her in six months and it's driving me crazy."

Scanlon nodded. "Good."

"Why is that good?"

"Because I think she's missed you like crazy too. Maybe this time you two can work things out?"

"Maybe." Bass frowns. "Where is she now?"

"My guess is she went back to her room. She was kind of emotional during the service."

"Okay." Bass turns to leave but stops and faces Scanlon again, "Hey. Why are you helping me?"

The younger guy smiles sadly, "I met Charlie a long time ago. We were both new to Duncan's organization. Charlie was young – sixteen maybe. I was just a couple years older. Duncan arranged for us to go on…a date, I guess, and –"

"You're the guy she… you were her first?" Bass hates the jealous sting that pulses through him, but he can't help it. He despises the thought of another man ever touching his Charlie.

"Yeah, and she was my first too." Scanlon chuckles nervously, "There should be a law against that, you know? Someone should always know what they're doing. The blind leading the blind never really works…" He trails off and then notices that Bass is pissed, "You can put away your angry face. It was just the once and it happened a really long time ago."

"Okay." Bass isn't sure what to say.

Scanlon has no such problem. He's a talker, "Listen, I thought I liked her, and I guess that I did, but I figured out pretty quickly that I didn't like her that way. Didn't matter. She definitely never had liked me other than as a friend. She just didn't want to be a virgin anymore. For her it was that simple."

"What happened?"

"Well, about five minutes after it was over, Charlie decided to get out of town. She never has been one to stick around for long and tends to deal with her problems by running from them."

Bass snorts, "That, I've noticed. So what about you? Did you go after her?"

He shook his head. "There was no reason to. We parted on good terms. Our hookup was a mistake from the beginning, and we both knew it. It was okay though - no hard feelings or anything. After all, we also both gained something from it."

"Like what?"

"Well, Charlie wasn't a virgin anymore, and she figured out that she needed a change of scenery."

"So she ran away?" Bass frowns.

"Well, yeah. It's what she does."

Bass sighs, deciding not to dwell on her habit of leaving, "You said you both gained something from the experience. What did you gain from it?"

"Affirmation that I'm not into girls – at all. Kind of figured as much beforehand, but wanted to be sure." He shrugs, "Charlie is a great person, and she deserves someone who makes her so happy that she doesn't want to run away from him."

"And you think that could be me?" Bass chuckles with a shake of his head, "Cause she is actually very good at leaving me. It might just be the thing she does best."

"All I'm saying is don't lose hope just yet."

Charlie is lying on her bed at the inn, still wearing the blue dress. Her cheeks are smeared with tears and her heart aches with regret.

She should have told Miles no when he'd asked her to kill Connor. Someone else could have done the dirty work. Maybe she and Bass could have met under normal circumstances. Maybe they would have been the ones getting married and smashing cake into each other's face. Maybe. Then again, maybe not. Maybe that stupid shit Connor would have killed his Dad if Charlie hadn't taken the shot when she did. She shudders. The thought of not having Bass in her life is difficult, but the thought of him dead sends chills down her spine.

Charlie screws her eyes shut tight, willing the whirling thoughts in her head to slow. She wants to get back on the road tomorrow, and she needs to rest.

She drifts off to sleep but wakes with a start when she hears a soft knock on the door. "Go away." She yells out.

The knock comes again.

She sits up and reaches for her knife, quietly edging toward the door. "Who is it?"

The only answer is another soft knock.

Charlie feels her spine tingling. Carefully she reaches for the knob and turns it. The knife falls from her fingers when she sees him. Monroe is here. Bass. Bass is here, leaning casually against the door jam like he doesn't have a care in the world. He looks so completely fuckable that Charlie has to struggle just to find words that aren't 'take me now'.

"You're here." Is all she manages.

He smirks but his eyes are hot, drinking her in like a man parched from thirst. "Yeah. I'm here. Been looking for you for a while."

"Yeah, I know." She whispers.

Bass is moving into the room toward her, and she can only take unsteady steps backwards as he approaches. He's wearing dark grey slacks and a white button down. Neither is quite as fancy as pre-blackout clothes would have been, but she knows they didn't come cheap. Her eyes are drawn to the tanned vee at his throat and she swallows hard, wanting nothing more than to bury her face in his neck and suck at the flesh exposed there.

"Why are you here?" she asks, breathless and unsteady.

"You said 'maybe someday'. This is someday."

She backs away, even though every cell of her being is telling her to jump into his arms. "I was wrong."

"Wrong to think we could have a someday?"

"Yeah." She looks away, unable to meet that searing gaze. "Because Connor…"

"Wasn't my kid." He finishes for her, watching as his words sink in.

"What?" She's staring in shock.

He nods, "I've been trying to find you so I could tell you…."I did have a son named Connor." Bass pauses, composing himself. "I never knew him. Never knew about him." His voice is rough, "He died when he was fourteen. Cholera."

"Oh god." Charlie's hand flies to her mouth, and her eyes go wide.

"The guy who introduced himself to Miles and said I was his Dad – the guy we knew as Connor: that guy was Alexander Nunez. He grew up in Mexico, but left home when he was young and started working for the Patriots as a messenger. Gradually they figured out that he was really good with weapons and they trained him as a killer."

Charlie shakes her head in shock, but for the first time since he'd arrived, she moves closer.

Bass continues, "The Patriots had a very specific goal. They wanted to kill Miles and all of his highest officers and closest allies. Figured that would pave the way for them to take over. When Alexander met Emma and heard her story, he told his superiors and they decided to use the information to get into Miles's inner circle. After she died, he headed to Philly with a story about being my kid. His mission had two parts. He was supposed to turn as many Republic leaders as he could, expanding the Patriot forces…"


"And then he was supposed to kill all of us that he couldn't turn. Tom Neville was the only guy he got through to. They'd given up on the rest of us. That's why he'd been told that it was time to start killing everyone on the list."

"Why didn't Miles just arrest him? Why did he ask me to…"

"He didn't know how many of his own men were corrupted, and he needed someone from the outside who none of them would know. You showed up at just the right time."

Charlie leans against him, laying her head on his shoulder. "But, he's wasn't your kid?" She needs to hear him say it one more time.

He sighs, wrapping his arms around her body, "Not my kid." He repeats.

She looks into his eyes and brings up a hand to softly wipe away a tear that has escaped, "Then maybe today is someday after all."

Bass's lips are on hers before she can say more. Six months of need and frustration explode between them. Charlie is ripping at his shirt and he is yanking the hem of her dress high as they make their way toward the bed. Bass is devouring her mouth with his own as his hands grasp roughly at her ass, pulling her closer.

She moans when he jerks her panties down and slides his fingers between legs, slipping through her dripping folds.

"Need you now." Charlie begs. "Now."

When the backs of her calves hit the edge of the bed, she falls back on it, watching eagerly as he unfastens his pants and sheds the shirt. Naked, Bass stands before her. He wraps a hand around his dick and slowly begins to stroke it, watching her.

"Get down here. Need you inside." Charlie reaches down, stroking her tender clit. He growls, falling onto the bed over her.

"Want to show you how much I've missed you…" He sucks lightly on her ear as she wraps her legs around him, pulling him closer. "Don't want to rush it."

Charlie arches against him, "I want you to rush it this time, Bass. Please? I feel so…empty."

"Well, I can't have you feeling empty." He mutters against her lips. He lifts one of her legs so that the ankle rests on his shoulder. He lines up and looks in her eyes. "We can go slow next time…"

Then all thoughts of next time fall away, as this time begins in earnest. He fills her forcefully and she welcomes him into her heat with a happy little sigh that melts his heart. Six months have passed, but their bodies remember.

This feels like coming home.

Much, much later they fall sweaty and tangled onto the bed. "Wow." Charlie says with a contented smile. "Just, wow."

Bass grins at her, his heart lighter than it's felt in a very long time. "So, you're happy?"

"So happy." She closes her eyes, and flings her arms above her head to stretch. Her eyes pop open when she hears the click of a steel latch and feels the cold hardness of a handcuff wrapped snugly around her wrist. A second click can be heard as Bass attaches the other side to the iron headboard.

"What's this?" she asks. "My body is too spent for any of your bondage games right now. Let me go."

"Nope." His eyes are crinkling happily. He is clearly very proud of himself.

"Bass? What's going on?"

"I'm tired." He yawns as if to underscore the truth in his words. "And I came prepared."

"I'm tired too, but why am I handcuffed to the bed?"

"I want to sleep and when I wake up I want to know you're going to still be here."

"You have got to be kidding me?" She mutters with a frown. "You're keeping me prisoner so you can take a nap?"

"Yep. Now go to sleep. I'll unlock you first thing in the morning."

Bass wakes slowly, a wide smile on his face as he remembers the night before. He reaches for Charlie and his smile fades. "Son of a bitch." He mutters, when he sees the handcuffs dangling from the headboard – no Charlie in sight.

Bass stands and starts yanking on his clothes. He is berating himself for being such an idiot. Of course she would find a way to escape. Of course she would run away from –

"Going somewhere?" Charlie asks from the open door. She's wearing the blue dress and in her hands she carries a bottle of fresh milk and a bag of apples.

Bass feels like his heart will explode at the sight of her. "You came back."

She cocks and eyebrow and smirks, "Well, of course I did. Nowhere else I want to be."

"But the handcuffs…"

She laughs, handing him an apple. "I've been surviving and scraping by for most of my life. You think this is the first time I had to get out of a tight spot?"

"So you've been in cuffs before?" He tries to sound casual, but it's not happening. Jealousy drips off every word.

"Not like that." She rolls her eyes at him, "I was captured by a rival bounty hunter once. I was long gone way before he noticed I was missing. Now, eat ."

"Why?" He looks at her curiously. Something is up.

"Because I went out of my way to find you breakfast and because you need your strength. You are, after all, an old man…and the things I want you to do to me later? Well, you need nourishment first." Charlie is smiling in that all teeth and dimple kind of way that drives him crazy.

He takes a big bite of fruit and pulls her close with a grin. "Give me some more apples, woman."

They eat in silence for a while, smiling into each other's eyes. "What's next?" she asks.

"I thought you had some lengthy sexual to do list for me to work through?" He teases her.

"I meant after that. What do we do next?" She tilts her head. She's serious.

"Well, I sold my house and quit my job. I'll go anywhere you want to go."

"You'll follow me?"

"To the end s of the Earth... I'll follow you forever, but Charlie?"

"Yeah, Bass."

"Don't leave me again. I'm too old for all this cross country bullshit." He sits the last apple core aside and nuzzles her neck.

"What about one more trip? You and me together?"

"Yeah?" Bass honestly can't remember ever being happier. "Where?"

"I've always wanted to go to Florida. Learn to surf. Maybe live on the beach." She runs fingertips slowly up his arm and along his shoulder. "Maybe have a couple kids and just live like normal people? No more running…."

Bass's pulse is hammering wildly, "You want all that with me?"

"Yeah, I think I do." She's kissing his throat softly. "How about you? What do you want?"

"Well, I do have some money saved. Not a lot, but – "

Charlie chuckles, "Money isn't an issue. Aaron has been making me save every damn bit that I didn't absolutely need for years. Forget money. What do you think about my idea? What do YOU want to do?"

"Haven't been to Florida since before the blackout, but I liked it there. I love to surf…"

"And?" She's pulling at the waistband of his pants, becoming impatient.

"And I have no idea if I'll be a good Dad or not, but I would love the chance to do it for real….and I definitely love the idea of…" He pulls her onto his lap, the blue dress now bunched loosely around her waist. "Making all those babies."

"I said a couple." She scolds him playfully.

"How about we play it by ear?" He takes her mouth and kisses her as she begins to rock against the hard ridge in his pants.

"We should probably start practicing now..." She suggests, lifting so he can unzip and ready himself for her.

"Practice does make perfect." He moans quietly as she sinks down and begins to move.

"But Bass," She asks, her lips at his ear, "What if this is already perfect?"

"Still can't hurt to practice."


A/N: Thanks to thegoodshipcharloe for the TopsyTurvy challenge, and to all the amazing and thoughtful folks who left a comment! Hearing what you think about stories is what keeps me writing more of them, after all. A super special thank you to Ice for reading through this last chapter for me and for general moral support. I'll be posting more chaps of Charlie's Journal in the next week and also will be starting on an AU that was inspired by Romeokijai… That one should make its debut next week. Thanks once more for all the comment love. You guys rock! Now, feel free to rock some more and comment on this chapter if you have a moment. -Lemon