Hey everyone, I am here with another story that need to add to my list of stories and this is a Young Justice and it was about my Oc x Artemis. It take place with a boy that had the was born on the cruise ship and he was rise by Wonder woman and the Amazons. He head into the world on his birthday. I don't own none of the Young Justice characters except for my Own character.

Name: Daniels (Danny) Waller

Hair: long and black.

Age: 15

Eye Color: Green

Race: African American

Hero name: Armaspike.

Powers: quills and armor

Independence Day and Fireworks

It was a Independence day, there was cruise ship heading towards Happy Harbor and there was a African American woman who was nine months pregnant. She is due at anything time and she was looking out the ocean water and she was holding her stomach. Her name is Rachael Walker and she related to Amanda Walker. She was enjoying the breezes of the night sky and she was smiling at the city.

"This city is beautiful and I think that the baby would love it here." Rachael thought as she rubbed her pregnant belly.

Then her water just broke and she hold her stomach because she started to feel the pain into her body but someone noticed that she hold her stomach. The captain had walked up to her and he noticed that something was wrong about her.

"Ma'am, are you alright?"

"I am but I think that my water just broke." said Rachael

The captain was helping her to the infirmary to see the doctor and she started screaming out in pain. There was a doctor that was going over the records of the people that was on board of the cruise ship. He was wearing a doctor coat and he had long white hair with blue eyes. He was working with the deadliest group that is known for their crimes. They are known as "The league of assassins" and they have been keeping a close idea of Amanda Waller but someone knew their location. Then the doctor came across Rachael's profile and he was reading through it.

"So, she use to work for the league of assassin. The master will be pleases to hear the news that she is on the ship."

Then the captain was walking in the infirmary with Rachael and he place on the bed. The doctor started to activate his tracer that his master had giving him if he found their fallen sister. The beacon started to blink bright to signal the league of assassin to come to his location and there was a man dress like a bat. It was none other than Batman himself. He was keeping an eye out for the league of assassin and he had the entire Justice league there to back him up. Superman was looking at the ship careful to check to see if there was any bombs that was on board.

Rachael was crying out in pain as she was getting ready to deliver her baby and the doctor was looking at the board while he was helping her. He knew that this was a big mistake to signal the league here to kill Rachael but he knew that he need to get the baby out of there before they arrive. Rachael was pushing really hard to get her new born baby out of her and she screamed at the top of her lung. Then she collapse for a moment but there was sound crying which woke her out of her sleep and she looked up to see that the doctor was hold her baby in his arms. He wrapped the baby up into the blanket and he walked over to her and he had a smile on his face.

"Congratulation, Ms. Rachael. It's a healthy baby boy."

"Thank you, doctor." Rachel said, she took her new born baby into her arms and she had tears in her eyes.

"Have you thought of a name."

"Daniel, Daniel Waller." Rachael said, she place her finger in her son's hand.

The body just smile as he grabbed her finger and he started to kick slightly because he was happy. The doctor was looking out the window and he saw some ninjas jumping on board of the ship and he just realize what he had done. He knew that he was going to rip Rachael away from her son and this was going to be hard for him to get Rachael off the ship as possible. The ninjas started to use the tracker to find the beacon and the doctor knew that he need to get the beacon out of the room. Then suddenly, there was a sound from outside and it was like an explosion. The doctor was looking out of the door and he saw that the Justice had arrive to save the day as always. He use the opportunity to get Rachael off the ship.

"Okay, the league of assassin are here to kill you."

"Why? How do they know that I am here." Rachael asked, she tried to get up but she was exhausted from giving birth.

The doctor started to help her up and he started to leave the room and he started to explained everything to her that he was the one that lead them here. Rachael was shocked at first but she saw something in his eyes telling that it was a mistake to lead them here. Batman noticed that Rachael was being lead to the life boat but then there was Bang and he knew that the league had paid him to kill Rachael. Superman started to charge at Bang just to keep him away from Rachael. The was heading towards the life boast but he was shot in the chest and Rachael looked at the shooter in front of her. She was shocked to see that it was none other than the Joker himself and Harley Quinn.

"Look, Harley. We got a live one." said Joker

"Hey, isn't that the woman that we were hired to kill her." said Harley

"That's right my dear. I think that shooting her and the baby would double the bonus for us." said Joker

He was getting ready to pull the trigger but Batman threw his battering to knock the gun out of the Joker's hand. Then batman attack the Joker and just leave Rachael and Harley. Harley just knew that she was going to kill her herself and she raise her mallet above her hand which she was getting ready to bring it down but Wonder woman flew in to save Rachael and her baby.

"Are you alright, sister." said Wonder woman

"Thank you." said Rachael

Wonder woman place her at the top of the ship and she flew back into the action with the others. She watch as the fight went on and she knew that this was going to be hard for her to make the tough decision and she knew that this was going to be hard for her. She place Daniel in the boat with the letter and his birth records and then she was heading towards the edge of the boat and she knew that this was the only way for her son to live without her. She needed to disappear for a really long time but she knew that this was only way for her and Danny to live.

"What are you doing?" said Superman

"I have to make the choice for me and my son." Rachael said, she lead back and she fell off the cruise which she was heading into the water.

Superman close his eyes and he accept the fact that she had died in the water. Bang and the rest of the league of assassin had disappear because they had lost the target. Both Wonder woman and Batman had capture both Harley and the Joker and they both started to take them both to Arkam. Wonder woman was about to leave but she heard the sound of crying and she walked over to one of the life boats which she found Danny crying his eyes out for his mom. Wonder woman picked him up and she hold him into her arms. She tried to calm him down and Danny started to feel a heart beep from Wonder woman and he started to calm down. He started to open his eyes to see the first person was wonder woman.

"Why hello there, little one." said Wonder Woman

Danny started to smile at her and he started to fall asleep which she knew that he was going to need someone to raise him. Then the thought across her mind and they all made to the station orbiting over the planet is known as the watch tower. The league was in the main and they all was sitting around trying to discuss about what were they going to do with Danny.

"I think that I should take the child to Smallville. That way my parents can raise him." said Superman

"I think that I should that him to Gotham where I can keep a close eye on him." said Barman

"No way, Batman. Jump city is the close to a quiet environment that it can get." said Flash

They all argue to get the control over the boy which Wonder woman looked at the boy to see that he was getting ready to cry because of the noise that everyone was making. She knew that he needed a mother to look after him and she knew that she was going to be the person to look after him. Hawkgirl was looking at her because she knew that something was about to happen. The boy started to kick slight because he was being held by Wonder woman.

"I think that I should take this boy to the island where I and my Amazons will protect him like he was my own flesh and blood." said Wonder Woman

Superman, Batman, and Flash stopped arguing for a moment and they were looking at Wonder woman to see that she was serious about take the boy to Paradise island to be raise by her and the Amazonians. Hawkgirl looked at Daniel and he was kicking slight because he was trying show that he was happy. Hawkgirl started to grabbed his feet which she smile at how adorable that Daniel looked. Daniel just giggle at the sight of Hawkgirl tickling his feet. She started to pick him up while Danny grabbed her mask to feel that it was made of feathers. Wonder woman started to grabbed the boy and she started walking towards the portal. It took them to Paradise island and Wonder woman was walking towards the palace to see her mother. The queen of the Amazons and she was the one that kept order on the island. Her name is queen Hippolyta and she was looking over her people of Themyscira. She saw her daughter was in the throne room and she noticed that Wonder woman was holding something in her arms. Wonder woman started to bow to her mother because she knew that this was going to be a surprise for her mother.

"Diana, what do I owe for this visit." said Hippolyta

"Mother, I have brought something that need our help." said Wonder woman

"What is it." said Hippolyta

Wonder woman shown her mother Daniel which he started to look at Hippolyta for a moment and he started to smile at her. Hippolyta took him into her arms and she just looked at how adorable that Danny which Wonder woman had gave her his birthday papers. She saw that Daniel had went to sleep in her arms and she knew that he was going to love it here.

"So, Daniel Waller is his name. We will welcome him as a servant when he reach of age, he will be sent back into the world of men." said Hippolyta

"As you wish, mother. But I believed that this boy have potential in him. Can we teach him the skills that he need to prepare himself because the world of men is a dangerous for a child." said Wonder woman

Hippolyta looked at Danny for a moment because she watch as he grabbed her necklace with his baby hands and he started playing with it. She knew that he was adorable and she held on to him and she knew that it would rude to let a potential child out without some protection. She looked at her daughter to see that she was serious about letting the boy stay and she knew that this was going to be hard for her people to understand because their had no men on it but they was going to let a baby boy to stay.

"By doing this, you are going to be the boy in more danger here because we exile all men here." said Hippolyta

"I know but he need this, mother." said Wonder woman

"And who will teach the boy?" said Hippolyta

"I will teach him everything that I know about survivable." said Wonder woman

Hippolyta knew that her daughter had becoming a quite responsible person and she handed Daniel back to her daughter and she knew that this was going to good for her. Wonder woman started to take the baby to her room which she started to place him in her old baby crib. She over him and she knew that Daniel slept peaceful and she lean in to kiss the baby on the forehead. She went to sleep and she knew that she has a lot of teaching to do.

=== Paradise Island July 4 ===

Danny was working with the weapons and today marks his fifteenth birthday. He had been much help being the servant for the Amazonians. Some of the Amazons taught him some skills to learn to service on his own while the rest he learn on his own with the animals on the island. He was training in the forest with a bear and he had landed on his back which the bear sat on him. He was tapping out because he had lose to his animal friend for a while now and he knew that he wouldn't go up against a bear.

"Man, I can't seem to beat you, my friend." said Daniel

The bear roar with victory and Danny looked to the sky for a moment. He started climbing the tree to see something because he heard something. When he reach to the top, he heard the sound of the gong which he knew that he was going to missed his birthday celebration. He was turning fifteen to day because he didn't know his true origin. He have lived on the island with Amazons for fifteen years. He started to jump down and he started running towards the city to meet up with his guardians. The bear just looked at him because the creature knew that it was going to be a while for Danny to challenge it again. Then the bear started to leave back into the forest find some food to eat while Danny had made into back into the city and he was fixing his clothes. The Amazonians started laughing at him because they all knew that he would train in the forest with the animals.

"Happy birthday, Danny."

"Thanks!" said Danny, he was running in the city.

He was heading towards the area where Diana was training new recruits to defend the island. Danny was using his skills to make sure that Diana didn't see him. He was looking around every corner to make sure that he wasn't noticed by anyone. But some of the Amazons knew that he was here and they all started to wish a happy birthday. He was making his way towards the weapon hut to clean the weapons but he saw the queen walking towards him. He knew that there was no way for him to avoid her so he had no choice but to kneel in front of her.

"Ah, Daniel, I didn't expect you to be done with weapon cleaning." said Hippolyta. "You are done with the weapon aren't you?"

"No, milady. I left to train in the forest with the animal." said Danny.

"I see, I have been working on something for you to have." said Hippolyta. "Here, I know that you will love because I saw how fund that you are attached to this weapon."

She handed Danny a gift which it spark a curious look on his face and he watched as the queen started to leave. Danny open his gift and when he was done opening his gift, he was shocked to see that it was a bo-staff. He love using it instead of using a sword. He was just in awe when he saw the staff but he didn't noticed that Diana was sanding behind him with her arms crossed.

"Ahem." said Diana

Danny started to turn around to see that she was here and he started to smile at her for a moment. He knew that he was in trouble, but Diana knew that today was special day for him. She place her hand on his shoulders and she had a smile on her face. She started to take him to the training circle which she started to pick out a fighter for him. All the Amazons was looking at him and they all started to giggle because they knew that he was going to learn the art of training. Danny was looking around to see that all the Amazons was looking at him because he was going to be facing off with out the great fighters on the island.

"Alright, ladies. Today is a special for Daniel because he will be leave the island to join the world of Men." said Diana

The girls was sad to see that Danny had to leave and they were going to miss him so much.

"But we aren't going to let him leave without a proper training goodbye." said Diana

They all started to lit because they were all going into the arena. Some of them started to draw their swords while the rest had their staff ready. Danny started to smile at all of them and he ready himself for a fight that he will never forget. Then all the amazons started to charge in all at once while Danny just prepare himself for a fight that he might have wanted. He use his new staff to block all of their attacks and he counterattack with his own skills that he have been practicing in the forest with the animals. It had took a hours for the match to be over and Danny was standing in the middle of all of tired Amazonians.

"Can we go again?" said Danny

Diana and the Amazonians started laughing which cause Danny to smile at them. Then Diana started to take him towards the invisible jet which Danny had all of his stuff that he was going to need because he wasn't going to be coming back to the island Hippolyta was looking at the jet and she had a smile on her face which Danny just waved to her. Hippolyta just wave back at him while the jet flew off to the city.

===Gotham July 4 12:00 E.S.T===

It was a beautiful day in the park. The sun was shining, kids were playing, and parents were barbecuing. Suddenly, an icy chill came over everyone. An ice ray shot across the park and covered a man in ice. Soon, everyone was screaming and running around as, one by one, people were getting frozen.

Mr. Freeze stepped onto a large rock and looked down at the family beneath him.

"Enjoying family time?" He asked. He then lowered his ray gun and froze them. "My family has other plans."

Mr. Freeze stepped down and raised his ray gun to shoot another group of people when something suddenly shot out and hit his gun, causing him to stumble and lose his aim.

"Batman." Mr. Freeze said as he started to turn around. "I was wondering when-" He raised his gun to find no one behind him. He looked around wildly as laughing filled the air. He looked up to see Robin come out of nowhere and jump on his head, causing him to fall onto the ground. As soon as Robin landed he shot out two batarangs at Mr. Freeze, breaking the glass on his helmet.

"Oh, Boy Wonder." Mr. Freeze said as he stood up. "The Bat sent you to drag me off to prison? Frankly I'm underwhelmed."

"Great, but, I'm kind of in a hurry here." Robin said.

"Kids, always in such a rush." Mr. Freeze said. "I prefer to preserve these moments, forever." He raised his gun at Robin.

"Not talking to you." Robin told Mr. Freeze.

Mr. Freeze widened his eyes and looked behind him as Batman jumped from a large rock and flew into him, his fist flying into his head.

===Star City July 4 09:01 P.S.T===

Meanwhile, on a bridge in Star City, Icicle Jr. jumped into the middle of all the traffic and created an ice wall. Cars, having no time to stop, smashed into it and flew over, hitting other cars as well. Icicle Jr. laughed maniacally.

He stopped, however, as arrows flew into him and his wall. And they were beeping. They exploded; demolishing the wall but unfortunately did no damage to. He looked to the top of the bridge to find Green Arrow and Speedy, already loading up more arrows.

"Finally." Icicle Jr. said. "I was wondering what a guy had to do to get a little attention around here!" His arms grew spikes and he shot them toward the two archers.

"Junior's doing this for attention?" Speedy asked Green Arrow as they shot another exploding arrow towards the spikes. But there were too many of them and they jumped from the top to one of the metal rods connecting to the ground.

"I'm telling you now," He continued. "This little distraction better not interfere." He said as they dodged more ice spikes and shot more arrows.

Icicle Jr. Put up an ice wall in front of him but it was short lived as another arrow shot into it and it exploded. He shot more spikes toward Speedy. Speedy flipped over the spikes, grabbing another arrow. He quickly put it in his bow and shot toward Freeze Boy. It hit him square in the jaw and he flew backwards, getting knocked unconscious.

Green Arrow knelt beside him and chuckled. "Kid had a glass jaw." He said.

"Hilarious." Speedy said, unamused. "Can we go? Today's the day."

===Pearl Harbor July 4 06:02 H.S.T===

Killer frost shot at Aquaman as he jumped down from the ice covered ship. She finally hit him and most of his body froze. He quickly broke it as Aqualad came up behind him.

"Don't tell me you're not excited." Aquaman said as they both ran closer to killer frost

"Right now, my king, I'm more focused at the matter at hand." Aqualad said.

Killer frost continued to shoot at them and they both easily dodged it. Aqualad reached behind his back and grabbed his water-bearers. Killer frost shot at him again, this time freezing the water coming out of his water-bearers. Aqualad used this to his advantage and hit her with the ice, knocking her unconscious.

"Well?" Aquaman asked him.

Aqualad turned to him. "Yes I'm excited. Today's the day."

===Central City July 4 11:03 C.S.T===

Flash and Kid Flash ran around Captain Cold in circles, disorientating him as he desperately tried to hit one of them with his ice gun.

"Stealing ice? Really?" Flash said. "Isn't that a bit cliché even for Captain Cold?"

"Come on!" Kid Flash said, exasperated. "I don't have time for this!" He lifted his goggles over his face and ran towards Captain Cold.

Captain Cold shot at him but it barely scraped against his shoulder and Kid Flash took his gun. Captain Cold started toward Kid Flash but Flash punched him, knocking him out.

"Calm down, Kid." Flash said.

"Oh, Pu-lease! You'll chat it up with the cops, with bystanders, with Cold even! No, no way! Today's the day!" Kid Flash said.

===Washington D.C July 4 14:00 E.S.T===

Robin, Batman, Green Arrow, Speedy, Aquaman, and Aqualad stood outside the Hall of Justice.

"Today's the day." Batman told Robin.

"Welcome to the Hall of Justice." Green Arrow said.

"Headquarters of the Justice League." Aquaman added.

"Aw man!" Kid Flash said as he and Flash ran up behind everyone. "I knew we would be the last one's here!"

"No we're not." Flash said as he saw the invisible jet was making its landing. "Looks like the princess have arrive with our other guest."

Danny was looking at the city from the ramp of the ship and he was in awe. Wonder Women place her hand on his shoulder and they both started to walked towards the other heroes. The gang walked towards the Hall of Justice, surrounded by fans taking pictures and yelling excitedly from behind the red velvet ropes.

"Is that Batman?"

"I see Flash! And Flash Jr!"

"I thought his name was Speedy?"

"No, Speedy is Green Arrow's sidekick!"

"Well that makes no sense..."

They turned their attention to Wonder Woman and Danny and they all started to take pictures of the both of them.

"Who is that with Wonder Woman?"

"I think that is Wonder Boy."

"Milady, what is a Wonder Boy?" Danny asked.

Wonder Woman laugh at the idea of naming him that name and he look at the four sidekicks. He was walking with them. Green Arrow leaned towards Speedy.

"Ready to see the Inner Sanctum?" He asked.

"Born that way." Speedy replied.

"I'm glad we're all here." Aqualad said.

"Have all four sidekicks ever been in the same place at the same time?" Kid Flash asked Robin.

"Don't call us sidekicks." Speedy growled. "Not after today."

"Sorry." Kid Flash apologized. "First time at the Hall...I'm a little overwhelmed."

"You're overwhelmed, Freeze was underwhelmed, why isn't anyone ever just whelmed?" Robin asked.

As they got closer to the Hall they noticed giant gold statues of the original Justice League over the entrance.

"Oh...maybe that's why..." Robin said as the sliding metal doors opened to reveal Red Tornado and Martian Manhunter.

"Robin, Speedy, Aqualad, Kid Flash" Martian Manhunter acknowledged them. "Welcome." He turned and started walking back inside, everyone else soon followed.

"You know have unlimited access to the gym, our-" Martian Manhunter continued as the doors closed behind them.

"And of course," He said as they walked into the next room, "the library."

The library was a huge room with book shelves lining the walls and two huge glass windows above them, showing more fans taking pictures of everyone.

Flash turned to them and opened his arms.

"Make yourselves at home and you too, Danny."

Danny watch as Aqualad, Kid Flash and Robin quickly jumped chairs while Speedy glared after them and Danny.

"hey, I am Kid Flash or KF for short." Kid Flash said.

"Danny, it's nice to finally meet one of my favorite heroes." Danny told him."

"Favorite heroes, huh? Where I am rank as your top heroes?" Kid Flash asked.

"Two." Danny answered.

"Sweet. Who's number one." Kid Flash said.

"Aqualad. Robin is number three and Speedy is number four." Danny said.

The Flash cleared his throat to get their attention which they all turned their heads to let Batman finish.

"Quick de-briefs to discuss the coincidence of four ice villains attacking on the same day." Batman said to the other members of the Justice League. He turned back to the young superheroes. "We shouldn't be long."

He turned as a small scanner came out and scanned him.

"Recognized, Batman, 0-2."

It scanned Aquaman.

"Aquaman, 0-6."

It scanned Flash.

"Flash, 0-4."

It scanned Green Arrow.

"Green Arrow, 0-8."

It scanned Wonder Woman

"Wonder Woman 0-3"

It scanned Martian Manhunter.

"Martian Manhunter, 0-7."

It scanned Red Tornado.

"Red Tornado, 1-6."

Metal doors that said "Justice League Members Only" slid open.

"That's it?" Speedy protested as they were about to enter the room. "You promised us a real look inside, not a glorified back-stage pass."

"It's a first step." Aquaman told him patiently. "You've been granted access few others get."

"Oh really?" Speedy gestured to the onlookers above. "Who cares which side of the glass we are on?"

"Roy," Green Arrow approached him. "You just need to be patient."

"What I need is respect." Speedy protested. He turned towards the other sidekicks sitting behind him. "They're treating us like kids, no, worse...likesidekicks. We deserve better than this."

They all looked at each other then back at him.

"You're kidding right?" Speedy asked them angrily. "You're playing there game? Why? Because you think they are playing fair? No! Today was supposed to bethe day. Step one in becoming full-fledged members of the League."

"Well, sure." Kid Flash spoke up. "But I thought step one was a tour of the HQ."

"Except the Hall isn't the real HQ!" Speedy told them, shocking everyone around him. "I bet they never told you, it's just a false front for tourists! And a pit-stop for catching zeta-beam teleporters to the real thing...an orbiting satellite...called the Watchtower."

"You live out in space, lady Diana." Danny whispered.

"Shhhh... I will explain everything but for now, just be silent." Diana ordered

Green Arrow turned around to see Batman cross his arms and glare at him. "I know, I know," He said. "But I thought maybe we can make an exception?"

Batman's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Or not." Green Arrow said.

Roy look at Danny for a moment.

"And what is a civilian doing here. He has no power or skills to be a hero." said Roy

"That isn't your call to make." said Diana.

"She's right. You are not helping your cause here, son." Aquaman said to Speedy. "Stand down or-"

"Or what?" Speedy interrupted. "You'll send me to my room? And I'm not your son! I'm not even his." He looked at Green Arrow. "I thought I was his partner...but not anymore." He took off his hat and threw it down at Green Arrow's feet.

Speedy walked back towards the entrance and glanced at the three sidekicks sitting in their chairs. "I guess they were right about you three. You're not ready." He said to them "I guess you do belong here." He finished acidly as he walked briskly out of the library.

Everyone looked after him sadly as one of the screens fired up behind them showing Superman.

"Superman to Justice League. There's been an explosion at project Cadmus. It's on fire." He told them.

"I've had my suspicions about Cadmus." Batman replied. "This may present the perfect opportunity to-" He was interrupted as another transmission came through.

"Zatara to Justice League! The Sorcerer Wotan is using the Amulet of Atten to block out the sun! Requesting full League response!"

Batman looked towards Superman. "Superman?"

"It's a small fire." Superman admitted. "Local authorities have it under control."

"Then Cadmus can wait." Batman decided and pressed a button. "All Leaguers rendezvous at Zatara's coordinates. Batman out."

Batman turned to see the four young superheroes walking up to him. "Stay put." He told them.

"What?" Robin protested. "Why?"

"This is a League mission." Aquaman explained.

"You're not trained." Flash added.

"Since when?" Kid Flash asked.

"I meant you're not trained to work as part of this team." Flash explained.

"There will be other missions. When you're ready." Aquaman said.

"But for now..." Batman added. "Stay put."

"Glad you didn't bring 'you-know-who.'" Green Arrow said to Martian Manhunter.

"Indeed." He agreed.

Wonder Woman was standing in front of Danny because she knew that she was going to leave him here with others. She looked at him because she wasn't going to leave him without giving him any order.

"You are to stay here with the others and I don't want you getting hurt." said Wonder Woman.

"Yes ma'am." said Danny.

The Justice League members walked through the metal doors and left the four kids alone

"When we're ready?" Kid Flash broke the silence. "How are we ever supposed to be ready when they treat us like...like sidekicks?"

"I know that I just got here but I feel that I am responsible for your friend leaving the team." Danny said as he hung his head low in shame.

"Don't blame yourself because none of this was your fault." said Kid Flash.

Danny looked at Aqualad for a moment.

"My mentor, my king," Aqualad spoke up. "I thought he trusted me."

"Trust? They don't even trust us with the basics! They have a secret HQ...in space!" Kid Flash exclaimed.

"What else aren't they telling us?" Aqualad asked.

"I've got a better question," Robin said. "Why didn't we leave with Speedy?"

They were all quiet at that.

Suddenly, a thought occurred to Aqualad. "What is Project Cadmus?"

"Don't know..." Robin smiled. "But I can find out."

Robin went over to the computer monitor and started typing. The other two followed him, curious.

"Access denied." The computer told them.

Robin just smiled wider. "Ha, wanna bet?" He started typing in multiple codes.

"How are you doing that?" Kid Flash asked.

"Same system as the Batcave." Robin told him simply.

"Access granted." The computer told them.

A file opened up on the screen.

Robin read quickly over it. "Alright, Project Cadmus. It's a genetics lab here in D.C. That's all there is." He turned to the people behind them. "But if Batman's suspicious, maybe we should investigate."

"Solve their case before they do." Aqualad said. "It would be poetic justice."

"Hey! They're all about justice." Robin joked.

Aqualad sighed. "But they said to stay put."

"For the blotting out the sun mission, not this!" Robin protested.

"What," Kid Flash interrupted. "Are going to Cadmus? Because if you're going, I'm going!"

They turned to Aqualad.

"Just like that?" Aqualad said. "We're a team on a mission?"

"We didn't come for a playdate." Robin told him.

Aqualad smiled. They all started to leave but Danny was just standing there. Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash was waiting on Danny and they were looking at him.

"Hey, are you coming or what." said Kid Flash.

"What?" said Danny

"You are part of this now and we need you more than anything." said Aqualad.

Danny nodded his head. He knew that he needed to change his appearance. He was going need to change his clothes and he went into his bag to pulledcout a black vest that Green Arrow had given him on his thirteenth birthday and he had black gloves. He was almost complete and he was going to need a mask his faces but he gotten a hawk mask from Hawkgirl.


Cadmus was on fire. Firefighters were quickly trying to put out the fire while trying to save the workers from inside.

Two workers stood by a window as they yelled down at the firefighters.


"Get us out!"

"Stay put!" One of the firefighters said into their megaphone. "We will get you out!"

The building exploded behind them and the force caused the workers to fall from the window.

Suddenly, Kid Flash came running at top speed up the side of the building and caught the workers before they could fall. He swiftly carried them up the roof and set them down but quickly started to lose traction and slide down and caught himself on the window below.

"It's what's-his-name!" One of the firefighters shouted. "Uh...Flash Boy!"

"Kid Flash!" Kid Flash exclaimed. "Why is that so hard?"

Robin and Aqualad ran up on the scene "So smooth." Robin said.

"Does he always have to run ahead?" Aqualad said. "We need a plan. Robin-" He turned to see Robin running ahead. He shot a grappling hook at the ladder and swung over to the window, helping Kid Flash up.

Then Aqualad ran to the fire fighters and said:" I need to borrow that" as he grabbed his water swords and pointed them to the water hose the water absorbed into his swords and he activated them and made a platform as he flew towards the two helpless men he looked at them and

"Step aboard now" Aqualad ordered

Then aqualad entered the building and saw Robin sat at the computer and Kid Flash stood nearby. Danny was standing there because he was trying to figure out something to meet up with the others. He was looking at the fire truck and he use the training skills from the animals to help him. The jump from the truck and flipped from light post and he use his staff to give him an extra boost. He landed in an open window next to Aqualad.

I appreciate the help." Aqualad said sarcastically as he walked in.

"You handled it." Robin said his eyes still on the computer. "Besides we're here to investigate. Poetic justice remember?"

Aqualad walked out of the room "Nothing yet but-" Robin was interrupted at the sound of an elevator closing.

They all quickly looked at each other and ran out of the room. Aqualad was staring at the, now closed, elevator.

"What was that?" Danny asked as he looked at Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad.

"There was something in the-" Aqualad started.

"Elevators should be locked down." Kid Flash said.

"This is wrong." Robin said pulling up a hologram computer screen from his wrist watch. "Thought so. This is a high-speed elevator. It doesn't belong in a two-story building."

"Neither does what I saw." Aqualad walked towards the elevator. He pushed the doors open to reveal a long and dark elevator shaft.

"And that's why they need an express elevator." Robin said, looking over Aqualad's shoulder.

Robin shot a grappling hook into the ceiling of the shaft and started to slide down.

The three of then left alone looked at each other and Aqualad grabbed the rope and slid down after him.

Robin's decent stopped as his rope ended. "I'm at the end of my rope." He said, slightly surprised at how deep it was. He quickly swung over to the side of the shaft and stood on one of the beams. He was soon joined by Aqualad, and Kid Flash.

Robin pulled up the hologram computer and worked on the defenses for the building. "Bypassing security..." He said as his face, going from red to green, popped up five times. "There." He said once the fifth one turned green. "Go!"

Aqualad pulled apart the doors and they entered a long hallway.

"Welcome to project Cadmus." Robin said.

The hallway seemed almost endless. It was dark, with barely any lights, and curved out doors were on every side. It didn't look like it belonged in the building from upstairs.

Kid Flash immediately ran up ahead.

"Wait!" Aqualad called.

Kid Flash suddenly lost his footing and fell right into the path of some kind of wooly mammoth-like creatures. He rolled out of the way just as one stepped where he had been previously laying.

Robin, Aqualad, and Danny caught up to him and stared as they saw the giant creatures walk down the opposite hallway. A white troll-like creature with red eyes and red horns looked at the four teens, his horns glowing.

"No, nothing odd going on here." Aqualad said sarcastically.

Danny and Robin laughed but Robin stopped laughing for a moment because he opened on of the doors to reveal a huge room which it was filled from floor to ceiling with pods holding blue insect like creatures.

"Okay, I'm officially whelmed." Robin said.

"This is pure madness because these are just innocent creatures." Danny said, walking closer to the pods.

"Hey, get your head out of the clouds." Robin told him

"This is how they hide this massive underground facility from the rest of the world." Kid Flash said, walking into the room.

"The real Cadmus isn't even on the grid. It generates its own power with these...things."

"Whatever they are, it must be what they bred for." Kid Flash added.

"Of course." Aqualad realized. "Even the name is clue; Cadmus created a new race by sowing dragon's teeth into the Earth."

Danny was nodding his head with agreement.

"And this Cadmus that you all mention had just created new life." Danny said.

"Let's find out why." Robin said, plugging his wristwatch into the computer and started hacking. "They called them Genomorphs."

He scrolled through each files to know more about the Genomorphs.

"Whoa, look at the stats on these things!' Super strength, telepathy, razor claws, these are living weapons!" He added

They're generating an army...but for who?" Kid Flash asked.

"I don't know but we cannot just let this Cadmus get away with this. These Genomorphs need to learn on their own pace." Danny said.

Kid Flash looked at him with a smile on his face. Robin noticed something else on his wristwatch.

"There something else." Robin said, he continued to scroll through. "Project Kr and Project A.P...but the files' totally cryptic, I can't-"

"Don't move!"

Gray creatures that resembled spider monkey ran into room, following by a man wearing a gold helmet and mask. Danny had his staff ready for a fight,

"Wait." The man said. "Robin? Aqualad? Kid Flash?"

He looked at Danny with a confuse look on his face.

"And Hawkboy"

Robin smirked and he looked at Danny for a moment and he looked at Kid flash.

"At least he got your name right." Robin joked.

"I know you." Aqualad said. "Guardian, a hero."

"I do my best." Guardian replied..

Danny was looking at the enemy because they're going to need a exit as soon as possible.

"I think that's my question, kids, I'm chief of security. You're trespassing." Guardian replied. "But we can call the Justice League, figure this out.

"You think the League's gonna approve on you breeding weapons?" Kid Flash asked.

"Weapons?" Guardian asked, confused. The Genomorph on his shoulder turned to him, his horns glowing red. "What are you...what have I..." He held his hand to his head. "Ugh...my head..." He suddenly looked up angrily and turned to the other creatures around him. "Take them down hard! No mercy!"

The creatures sprang into action and Robin hastily exploded a smoke bomb. He shot a grappling hook up to a beam and easily escaped. The others weren't so lucky. One went after Kid Flash, who he managed to dodge and through in a kick or two. Aqualad threw two off of him and was thrown to the wall by Guardian. Danny was using his staff to take out the Genomorph that was controlling them and he did swipe the leg which knocking the Genomorph out cold. Guardian went after Aqualad and the two dodged most of each other's punches. Aqualad finally grabbed hold of Guardian and electrocuted him. Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Danny ran out of the room as an alarm blared. They found Robin down the hall breaking into an elevator. The creatures were right behind them. Kid Flash ran up to him.

"Way to be a team player, Rob." He said, talking about how he had left them behind.

"Weren't you right behind me?" He asked innocently as the doors opened.

"Uh...now isn't the time to be arguing because we got now!' Danny inquired, he heard the creature from behind them.

They all ran into the elevator,

"We're headed down?" Aqualad asked, looking at the numbers.

"Dude," Kid Flash said. "Out is up."

Danny looked at Robin for a moment.

"Excuse me? Project Kr? It's down. On sub-level 52." Robin protested.

"This is out of control." Aqualad said. "Perhaps...perhaps we should contact the League."

"I agree with Aqualad, we should have contacted them the moment that we found Cadmus' breeding operations." Danny said.

It was quiet as the elevator dinged. The doors opened to a room that looked like it belonged in an Alien movie. Robin was the first to run out.

"We are already here." He said to Aqualad and Danny. He ran after Robin.

Aqualad and Danny looked before following the other two.

The four of them stopped, looking between two almost identical hallways.

"Which way?" Aqualad asked.

Danny was looking at the two hallways but he was confuse as well.

"Yeah, bizarre looking hallway one or bizarre looking hallway two?" Robin said.


Coming out of bizarre looking hallway one was a blue humanoid creature with yellow horns. They glowed red as he raised his hand and a piece of equipment floated up. The equipment shot towards the teens.

"Well, we can't choose hallway number one now!' Danny said. They quickly ran to bizarre looking hallway two.

The elevator doors opened and Guardian and his creatures ran out.

"They are headed for Project Kr!" The blue man said.

A woman in a lab coat walked out of a sliding metal door. Kid Flash ran around the corner. He saw the woman and tried to stop, but instead slid and knocked the woman over. He looked behind him at the closing door that said Project Kr. He quickly grabbed a black tube stacked near the door and lodged it in the opening.

"Hurry!" He called back to his three teammates, going inside.

Robin, Aqualad, and Danny quickly followed him in. Aqualad looked back at the people chasing them. And the door slid shut.

Robin was already at the computer. "I disabled the door. We're safe."

"We're trapped." Aqualad countered.

"Uh...guys?" Kid Flash said, standing by another computer. "I think you'll want to see this."

He pressed a button and a light came on in the pod in front of them. They all gasped.

"Wow." Robin said.

Inside was a teenage Superman.

"Is that who I think it is." Danny.

Kid Flash walked up to the pod holding the clone. "Big K little r," He read on the sign. "The atomic symbol for Krypton. A clone"

Aqualad turned to Robin. "Robin, hack."

"What?" He looked away from the pod. "Oh right, right." He plugged his watch into the computer and easily bypassed the system.

"Weapon designation 'Superboy,'" Robin read. "A clone force grown in...16 weeks? From DNA acquired from Superman."

"Stolen from Superman." Aqualad corrected.

"No way has the big guy known about this." Kid Flash said.

"Solar suit allows him to absorb yellow sun radiation 24/7." Robin continued reading.

"And these...creatures?" Aqualad asked, pointing to the small creatures sitting above Superboy.

"Genomorph G-gnomes. Telepathic. Force feeding him an education." Robin said.

"And we can guess what else." Kid Flash said. "They're making a slave out of...well...Superman's...son.".

"This is pure madness. This time Cadmus has gone too far. Stealing the genes of the great Superman with way out of line." Danny said.

"No signal." Robin said, looking at his watch.

"We're in too deep." Kid Flash said. "Literally."

Silence filled the group. All wondering what they were going to do now.

"This is wrong." Kid Flash stated

"We can't just leave him like this." Robin added.

Aqualad thought for a moment. "Set him free. Do it." He said, turning to Robin.

Robin quickly typed into the computer and the pod doors opened. No one noticed the horns and eyes glowing on the Genomorphs sitting above Superboy's head. Superboy clenched his fists and opened his eyes to look at the four teenagers. Then he leapt and pinned Aqualad down on the floor The three boys ran towards them as Superboy started punching him. They grabbed his arms and tried to hold him back.

"Whoa, hang on Supey." Kid Flash said.

"We're on your side!" Robin said, trying to get through to him.

"We're here to help you." Danny said. trying to hold him back.

Superboy punched Kid Flash and sent him flying through a glass tube, knocking him out. Danny pushed him back to get Robin to calm Superboy down.

"I don't want to do this..." Robin shot gas into Superboy's face.

Superboy stood up, coughing, but otherwise unhurt. Danny moved out of the way for Robin to shoot a Taser at him, but he just grabbed ahold of the wires and tugged, knocking Robin off of his feet and sending him towards him. When Robin landed in front of Superboy, he just put a foot on him to hold him down. Danny tried to use his staff to hurt Superboy but he knocked the staff out of Danny's hands. Then he grabbed Danny by the throat and he punched him in the face. Danny was sent flying through a glass tube which ripped up his clothes and he trying to get back up but the pain was sent through his entire body. Aqualad grabbed his water-bearers, shaping the water into a hammer.

"Enough!" He shouted as he slammed the hammer into Superboy. Aqualad started to help Robin up but Robin just slumped right back down. Superboy just calmly started walking back towards Aqualad.

Aqualad grabbed Superboy in a headlock and electrocuted him. Superboy growled and jumped straight up into the ceiling, trying to knock Aqualad off of him. He held on until Superboy jumped up a second time, this time successfully knocking Aqualad out.

Superboy walked toward the door on the far end and threw it open, showing two scientists, the Guardian, and the blue creature who had attacked the teenagers before. The head scientist walked forward and looked into the room and saw all heroes out cold.

The three heroes were locked in pods, but Danny wasn't among them while Superboy standing guard over them.

Time has run short. A voice whispered in their heads.You must awaken. You must awaken NOW!

The three of them woke up with a gasp. Superboy glaring at them.

"What?" Kid Flash asked him. "What do you want? What have you done with our friend?"


Danny woke up in a different room from the others and he was trying to figure out how to save them. He was trying to get up but something was holding him down and he had got his answer when he saw that he was strapped down on the table. He was struggling to get free but the straps was too strong for him to break free. Then he heard foot steps and he heard voices which he knew that he needed to escape from this. There was a woman in a white lab coat with long blonde hair and she was wearing glasses while there was a man in a black lab coat with short white hair.

"Greetings, Mr. Daniel. I am Dr. Kelly Robison and this is my twin brother..." Kelly greeted him.

"Jon Robison." Jon said.

"How did you know my name? What going on? Where am I? What happened to my friends?" Danny asked.

"All will be answered in due time, son. But for now, you are going to be part of our project." Jon told him.

"What project? What the hell are you talking about." Danny asked.

Both Kelly and Jon was chuckling and they both started to use the computer to show him what they meant by project. Danny looked at see there was a chemicals and some DNA blood of Porcupine and Armadillo. He was looking back at the twins because they were going to use that on him.

"You see, there was this project that would help us to control the earth's mightiest weapon. But we join Cadmus just to see our wishes come true but we couldn't because we were to steal genes from all the Justices League and make clone soldiers out all of the super genes." Jon told him.

"But we had something else in mind about using our ideas to strike a blow to Cadmus. We wanted to make 'Project A.P.' project Armadillo and Porcupine. We have been working on finding a perfect blood to withstand the process and we found that person and she was perfect. She was former head of our operation and we had follow her idea to the letter. Her name was Rachael Waller." Kelly explained.

"But what does that got to do with me?" Danny asked.

"Well, we took a sample of your blood. And we have found a perfect match." Kelly told him.

Jon grabbed a needle to use to combine the chemicals and the blood of both the Armadillo and Porcupine. The chemicals started to change into a different color and Jon was getting ready to use it on Danny. Danny was trying to break free from the bind but he was hold down by something and he looked over to see that Kelly was made of metal. She was holding him while her brother was getting ready to use the needle on him. Once Jon use the needle on Danny, the blood and chemical was insert into Danny's blood stream. Danny was starting to change from the affect of the chemicals and he was becoming a metahuman. His body started to turn into a hard shell where some quills was coming out of him.

"What's happening to me?" Danny asked.

"You are going into gene stages of the side affect of the chemicals." Kelly told him.

"AHHHHHHH!" Danny yelled.

He was feeling the pain of quills shooting out of him and he saw that the lab table had broken. He started to break free and he started to run. Kelly and Jon had a smile on their faces because they had created something for their future while everything was collapsing around them. They weren't plan on escaping from destruction of their lab and the ceiling had fell on them which killing them in the process. Danny was running down the hallway and he stopped for a moment. He place his hand on his face but his eyes widen when he saw his hand was showing quills.

"what have they done to me." Danny said, he slammed his hand into the glass. "I am a freak."

===Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Robin===

Superboy only glared at him.

"Stop staring, you're creeping me out!" Kid Flash shouted.

"Uh...KF?" Robin said. "How about not tick off the guy who can fry us with a look?"

"We only sought to help you." Aqualad said.

Kid Flash joined in. "Yeah, we free you and you turn on us. How's that for grat-?"

Aqualad interrupted him.

"Kid, please. Be quiet now. I believe our new friend is not in full control of his actions." Aqualad told him.

Unbeknownst to everyone in the room, Robin pulled out a small picklock.

"What..What if I..." Superboy cleared his throat. "What if I wasn't?"

"He can talk?" Kid Flash shouted.

Superboy looked sharply at Kid Flash.

"Yes...he can."

Aqualad changed the subject.

"The Genomorphs taught you, telepathically."

"They taught me much." Superboy explained. "I can read, write, and I know the names of things."

"But have you ever actually seen them?" Robin asked. "Have you ever actually seen the...sky? The sun?"

"Images are implanted in my mind..." Superboy said. "But...no. I've never actually seen them."

"Do you know what you are...who you are?" Aqualad asked him.

Superboy straightened slightly. "I am the Superboy. A clone made from the DNA of the Superman. Created to replace him should he parish...to destroy him if he turns from the Light."

"To be like Superman..." Aqualad said. "Is...a worthy aspiration. But like Superman you deserve a life of your own. Beyond your solar suit...beyond your pod...beyond Cadmus."

"I live because of Cadmus!" Superboy protested. "It is my home!"

We can show you the sun." Robin said.

"Uh..." Kid Flash interrupted. "I'm pretty sure it's after midnight...but we can show you the moon!"

"We can show you...introduce you to Superman." Aqualad added.

Superboy's eyes widened.

"No. They can't." The head scientist said as he, another scientist, and the Guardian entered the room. "They'll be...otherwise occupied." He turned to the scientist beside him. "Activate the cloning process." She nodded on went over to the machines.

"Pass!" Robin said. "Batcave's crowded enough."

The head scientist ignored him. "And get the clone back in its pod!" He told Guardian. Guardian went to grab Superboy.

"Hey how come he can call Supey an 'it?'" Kid Flash protested.

Guardian put a hand on Superboy's shoulder.

"Help us." Aqualad pleaded with him.

Superboy shook Guardian's hand off.

"Don't start thinking now!" The head scientist sent a Genomorph onto Superboy's shoulder, taking over his thoughts. "See," The head scientist continued. "Your not a real boy, you're a weapon. And you belong to me...well...to Cadmus...same thing! Now get back to your pod!"

Superboy turned and walked out of the room without a word.

The head scientist turned toward the woman scientist who was busy at work on the machines. He nodded at her and she pressed a button, allowing four needles to enter each of the pods, and entering the teenager's chest. They all groaned in pain as it electrocuted them and extracted part of their DNA, going into glass spheres underneath them.

"Where's double x?" The head scientist asked as the blue creature stepped out from the shadows. "Oh! Lurking as usual. Get the G-gnomes downloading their memories? And when you're sure the clones are viable...delete the source."


Danny have doubts about his powers and he knew that hid friends would not want him around. He started running down the halls of the base and he was looking for the others and get out of here. He came to a fork in road and he was deciding to pick which hallway to take in order to find his friends.

"Your friends are in the east wing. Go right and down the stairs but there are guards guarding the door that you seek."

Danny shook his head and he started to take right and he saw that there was door that leads to the stair case. He headed down and he saw that there was guards guarding the door. He knew that it was time to test out his power on them and he was trying to concentrate as quills started to pulled out of his body. He had lined up his targets and he release the quills which it hit it's mark.

"Yes, I am started to like this power." Danny said.

Danny jumped down and he saw that one of the guards had his staff and he grabbed it and place it on his back but the quills was forming a holster to hold the staff in place. He kicked the door down and he was trying to find which room that his friend was being held but he was started there was some G-morphs monsters head towards him. He started to charge at them with everything that he got.

"Get the hell out of my way." Danny said.

He started to feel the quilts to build into his hand he started to punch one of the G-morph. Danny just smiled for a moment because he was able to take them down now. He started to shoot them with his quills at them and he jump which he turned into a ball and he slammed into them.

===Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Robin ===

Superboy walked down the hallway, heading back for his pod.

Superboy, He heard Aqualad whisper. You live. That gives you the right to follow your own path. A weapon or a person. The choice is yours. But ask yourself: What would Superman do?

Superboy stopped walking.

Superboy ripped up the machine, stopping the cloning process. The four heroes sighed in relief.

"I told you to get back to your p-" The head scientist was cut off as he and the other scientists were thrown aside, knocking them out.

"Don't give me orders." Superboy growled.

"You here to help us or fry us?" Kid Flash asked.

Superboy looked at Kid Flash for a moment. "Well I don't seem to have heat vision to I guess helping is my only option."

"Ah...finally..." He said, rubbing his hands. "Lucky Batman isn't here. He'd have my head for taking so long."

"Seriously?" Kid Flash asked. "That's what you're worried about? The whole League will have our heads after tonight!"

Robin reached over and pressed a button on the controls. Opening everyone else's pods.

"You get Aqualad." Robin told Superboy. "I'll get Kid Mouth."

"Don't you give me orders either?" Superboy growled but he broke off Aqualad's cuffs as Robin worked on Kid Flash's.

Aqualad rubbed his hands. "Thank you."

Superboy nodded

The four teenagers quickly started to run out of the room.

"We need to find Danny and get out of here." Kid Flash said.

"You'll never get out of here!" The head scientist said as he started to get back up. "I'll have you back in pods before morning!"

Robin turned and looked back at him. "That guy is not whelmed, not whelmed at all." He shot four bombs toward the spheres holding their DNA.

"Seriously, what is it with you and this whelmed thing?" Kid Flash asked as the spheres exploded.

The head scientist watched as every piece of machinery in the room collapsed in the explosion. A G-gnome hopped onto his shoulder.

"Contact every Genomorph in Cadmus." He told it.

The four teenagers ran through the halls of Cadmus. They saw someone heading towards them but they were shocked to see that Danny was here and they all saw that he has power now. Danny tried to hide his face from them and he knew that they were going to have a hard time accepting him.

"Danny, we're leaving come on." Kid Flash told him.

"Please, leave me here to die," Danny said, as he look away. "I am freak. They experiment on me and it turn into a monster."

"We don't hate you." Kid Flash said, he place his hand on Danny's shoulder. "This is part of you now and this makes you a hero."

Danny took those words to heart and he knew that something was lit inside of him. Then they both started running after the others.

"We're still 42 levels below ground." Aqualad said. "But if we can make the elevator-"

He was cut off as huge Genomorphs blocked their path. They looked back the way they had come to find Genomorphs blocking that way, too. With more on their way.

Aqualad, Robin, Kid Flash, ran under the feet of the big ones as Superboy started fighting them. The walls shook as each one were slammed into the walls.

"Superboy!" Aqualad yelled back at him. "Our goal is to escape, not to bury ourselves here."

"You wanna escape?" Superboy screamed back. He grabbed the leg of one of the fallen Genomorphs and through it into two others, creating a pathway.

Aqualad pushed the doors to the elevator shaft open. Kid Flash and Robin quickly jumped into the shaft. The Genomorphs raced down the hallway towards them. Superboy grabbed Aqualad as t hey went up about five feet before Superboy lost his momentum.

"I'm...falling." He said, surprised, as the three of them started falling down the shaft.

As Aqualad grabbed ahold of one of the side railings. He was holding onto Superboy.

Superboy looked down. "Superman can fly. Why can't I fly?"

"Don't know." Kid Flash said. "But it looks like you can leap tall buildings in a single bound. Still cool."

Kid Flash and Robin helped the two of them stand on the railing.

"Thank you." Superboy told them softly.

The sound of an elevator coming down the shaft broke them all out of their silence.

"This will have to be our stop." Robin said.

Aqualad threw open the doors and the five of them made it out just as the elevator whizzed past them. Genomorphs started to come down the hallway in front of them and they all turned and dashed down the hallway to their left, Superboy and Kid Flash in the front.

Go left, brother. A voice whispered in Superboy's head.

"Go left!" Superboy shouted as the hallway drew close. "Left!" They all followed his directions.

Turn right. The voice whispered again.

"Right!" Superboy shouted. They all turned right to find a dead end.

"Oh great directions, Supey." Kid Flash groaned. "Are you trying to get us re-podded?"

Superboy looked down, ashamed. "No I-I don't understand."

"besides," Robin said as he came up to them. "This is perfect."

The five teens were climbing through the air ducts.

"At this rate we'll never get out!" Kid Flash complained.

"Shhh." Superboy hissed. "Listen."

Not far behind them they could hear the sounds of Genomorphs scurrying after them.

The head scientist, Guardian, and XX ran down the hall. The head scientist was looking at a small computer screen in front of him.

"Someone, Robin I wager, hacked our systems deactivating our internal security cameras. But he neglected the motion sensors. The Genomorphs are closing in!" The head scientist said.

The three stepped into a nearby bathroom.

"They're coming out in here." The head scientist continued. "We have them cornered!"

He looked up expectantly at the air vent above them. Genomorphs fell out.

"He hacked the motion sensors!"

Robin looked up from his holographic computer. "I hacked the motion sensors."

"Sweet." Kid Flash said.

"Still, plenty of room between us and out." Robin said.

"And I finally got room to move!" Kid Flash put on his goggles and raced up the stairs. He got up three flights of stairs before Genomorphs crowded his path. He just leaned forward and stormed into them, knocking them all out of his way. Aqualad, Robin, and Superboy ran behind him, trying to keep up.

"More behind us!" Robin shouted.

Superboy turned behind them. Just as the Genomorphs started up the stairs Superboy slammed his foot down and the stairs collapsed, taking the Genomorphs with them.

Kid Flash was the first out. As he came out of the stairway the alarms sounded and a metal door slid shut in front of him.

"Oh crap..." He ran head first into it.

The other four decided to take this time to run out of the stairway.

"They cut us off." Aqualad said.

"Thanks," Kid Flash said with heavy sarcasm. "My head hadn't noticed."

Superboy and Aqualad tried to pry open the door, but it wouldn't budge. Robin worked on his computer.

"I can't hack it fast enough." He said.

Robin quickly kicked in a door. "This way." He said as they all followed him. They exited into another hallway where they were surrounded by Genomorphs with Guardian in the front.

Aqualad pulled out his water-bearers and the water formed into two swords. Danny summon up a lot of quills around his body. The Genomorphs horns all glowed red and the five heroes fell down unconscious. XX walked forward.

Perhaps for the sake of all Genomorphs, our brother, Superboy, should make up his own mind. XX said telepathically.

Superboy woke up and looked at XX. It was you. He thought.

Yes. XX replied. It was I who started the fire and led your new friends down to Cadmus. Woke them when they were in danger...

And guided me. Superboy finished. Why?

Because you are our hope. XX said simply. The Genomorph hero. You will blaze a trail for all our brothers, showing us the way to freedom.

The G-gnome on Guardian's shoulder jumped off and Guardian shook his head. "What's going on?" He asked, dazed.

Aqualad awoke and watched as Superboy stood up.

What is your choice, brother? XX asked him.

"I...choose...freedom." Superboy said.

"...feels like fog...lifting." Guardian continued.

Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad all stood up. Aqualad turned to Guardian.

"Guardian?" He asked.

Guardian looked at them fiercely. "Go. I'll deal with Desmond."

"I think not."

The Genomorph crowd parted to reveal the head scientist. He held up a vial containing a light blue liquid.

"Project Blockbuster will give me the power to restore order to Cadmus." He threw back his head and downed the liquid in one gulp.

Desmond fell to the floor in pain. Everyone just stared dumbly, unsure as to what was going on. Desmond's muscles bulged and his lab coat ripped. He raised his head and roared as even his skin started to peel off. Finally, he stood up. His new skin was a dark gray, with bits and pieces of his old skin still hanging off of him. His eyes were all blood red as he glared down at the five heroes.

Guardian moved first. "Everyone back!" He yelled as he charged the monster. It threw him into the wall easily.

Superboy lunged at Desmond, but, in his new mutated form, he was just as strong as Superboy. Superboy would throw a punch, and Desmond would punch him right back. He hardly even flinched. Superboy was thrown across the room. He immediately stood right back up and jumped, planning on aiming a blow at his head, but Desmond was faster. He leapt up to meet Superboy, and plunged both of them through the roof. Danny was throwing his quills at the monster but it didn't fade the beast. The beast started to hit him with an uppercut but Danny was transformed into a ball (A/n: like Armadillo do when they are scare.) to caught himself before he hit the ground.

"Okay that's one way to bust through the ceiling." Robin said as he shot a grappling hook up to the hole in the ceiling.

"You think lab coat planned that?" Kid Flash asked as he and Robin soared through the hole.

Aqualad looked up at them. "I doubt he's planning anything anymore."

Aqualad jumped up and landed easily on the new floor. Danny was following behind him and he was using his quills to help him climb. Superboy and Desmond were still locked in battle. Either not noticing or not caring that the others had now joined them. Desmond hooked his enlarged arm under Superboy's legs and threw him into his friends, knocking them all to the floor. They all stood up in a line. The five heroes looked about ready for anything. Desmond growled at them, and then he moved towards them. Kid Flash ran and slid underneath Desmond's legs. Just as Desmond looked up, Aqualad and Superboy nailed him right in the jaw. Desmond started back, and tripped over Kid Flash who was still behind his legs.

"Learned that one in Kindergarden." He said proudly.

Robin leaped over Kid Flash's head and threw batarangs at Desmond while Danny leap over robin and he launched his quills. He blocked them and moved to stand up and he punched Danny in the face. He roared as he stood up and found Superboy in front of him. Desmond leaped at him and shoved him into one of the nearby pillars. He raised his arm back to throw a punch when water wrapped around his arm. Desmond looked back and Aqualad used this opportunity to kick him in his face. Aqualad jumped into the air and morphed the water into a morning star. As Aqualad aimed for Desmond's head, but Desmond grabbed Aqualad's arm and pulled him into the ground. Desmond threw Superboy into the wall, knocking him out. Danny leap on Diamond's back and he started punching at his kidneys. Then Desmond grabbed Danny by his vest and he thrown him to a wall. Kid Flash raced around toward Desmond, who easily grabbed him and swung him into Aqualad, who was just getting up. Desmond went after Aqualad, slamming into the pillar he was resting on and causing pieces of the roof to start falling which Robin saw it.

"Of course." He pulled up a holographic diagram of the room they were in. "KF! Get over here!"

Kid Flash quickly raced over while Robin showed him the holographic diagram and showed them what they needed to do.

"Got it?" Robin asked.

"Got it." Kid Flash said.

"Go!" Robin told him.

Desmond had picked up Superboy and was about to throw him into the ground when Kid Flash jumped up and punched Desmond. When he landed he looked at his hand to find that he had grabbed a chunk of Desmond's face.

"Got your nose." He said.

Desmond growled and pounded his way towards Kid Flash. Robin told Danny the same thing and he went after one of the pillars while both Aqualad and Superboy was looking at him with a confuse look on their face.

"Superboy! Aqualad!" They both looked up to see Robin's diagram of the room.

"This one, and that one!" Robin pointed out. Superboy and Aqualad set to work weakening them.

Desmond threw a punch toward Kid Flash who easily dodged it.

"Sorry, try again." Kid Flash teased as he passed. Robin drew a large chalk X on the ground. Kid Flash caught on running and slid to a stop on the puddle of water Aqualad had made. Desmond started for him as Superboy came out of no where and punched him square in the jaw. Desmond fell flat into the puddle of water. Aqualad sent electricity through the water and shocked Desmond.

"Move!" Robin shouted. The bombs he had put in the pillars ignited and the roof collapsed on top of them.

Superboy manage to pushed the heavy bolder out of the three heroes but they were looking around to see if they Danny was anywhere and they all saw that Danny popped out of the rumble in his ball form. All their clothes was torn and destroy and Aqualad was looking to see that they all have triumph this day. Danny was hold his right arm because he sprang it in his ball form.

"We did it." Aqualad said, amazed.

"I never thought that we would pull it off as a team." Danny said, he smiled at his friends.

"Was there ever any doubt?" Robin asked. He and Kid Flash high-fived each other before both grimacing at the movement.

A few yards away from them lay Desmond, still a monster, and unconscious.

"See?" Kid Flash said to Superboy. He gestured up. "The moon."

Superboy stared at amazement. Suddenly, a figure appeared over the horizon flying straight toward them. As it came closer, they realized it was Superman.

"And Superman." Kid Flash continued. "Do we keep our promises or what?"

Superboy said nothing as Superman was followed by the rest of the Justice League, none looking too happy at all. He stood just looking at Superman and he pulled up his ripped shirt to show the S logo on the front. Superman's eyes widened before looking down.

"Is that what I think it is?" Batman spoke up behind them.

"He doesn't like being called an 'it.'" Kid Flash whispered.

"I am Superman's clone." Superboy said angrily.

Batman narrowed his eyes. "Start talking."

They all started to explain on what had happened here and they even mention the part about Danny having superpowers. The Green Lantern and several other Justice League members escorted Desmond away. Superman stood away from the group of young heroes talking with Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman. Superboy just watched them and he saw that Martian Manhunter placed a reassuring hand on Superman's shoulder. He quickly shrugged it off and turned to glare at Superboy. Finally, Superman went over to talk to Superboy.

"We'll...we'll figure something out for you. The League - I mean...for now...I better go make sure that Blockbuster creature is squared away." Without another word Superman turned and flew away.

"Cadmus will be investigated." Batman said as he walked up with Flash and Aquaman. "All 52 levels. But let's make one thing clear -"

"You should have called." The Flash interrupted.

Batman glared at him before continuing. "End results aside, we are not happy. You hacked Justice League systems, disobeyed direct orders, and endangered lives. You will not be doing this again."

Wonder woman walked up to Danny and she was very shock and disappointed in him because she taught him how to follow order not to disobey them. Danny bow his head in shame because he knew that his action and his mutation wasn't something to make on his own but he knew that they needed help.

"And you will never on any mission at all. Do I make myself clear?" Wonder Woman told him.

"Yes, milady." Danny said, he looked at his new friend but he knew that he had to stand with them now. "Actually, no, milady and the name is Armaspike now."

"What?" Wonder woman asked.

He started walking back to his fellow heroes while Wonder Woman just look at him and she just smile because she had taught him well. Danny was standing next to his friends.

"I'm sorry," Aqualad spoke up. "But we will."

"Aquald, stand down." Aquaman said firmly.

"Apologizes my King," Aqualad continued. "But no."

Aquaman raised an eyebrow.

"We did good work here tonight." Aqualad said. "The work you trained us to do. Together. On our own we forged something powerful. Important."

Flash spoke first. "If this is about your treatment at the Hall...the three of you -"

"The five of us." Kid Flash interrupted. "And it's not."

"Batman we're ready to use what you taught us." Robin said. "Or why teach us at all?"

"Why let them tell us what to do?" Superboy spoke up. "It's simple: Get on board, or get out of the way."

The five heroes stood together, facing down their mentors. Batman narrowed his eyes and he knew that they have become quite a team. He decide that it was time for them to form a team of their own. He and the other Justice League member started to take them to Mount Justice where the Justice league was formed.

"This cave was the original secret sanctum of the Justice League." Batman explained. "We are calling it in service again since you five are determined to stick together and fight the good fight." He turned to look at the new team members. "You will do it on League terms."

The five teens were now out of their costumes and into their civilian clothes. Secret identities and all. Except Robin, who still had on sunglasses and Danny had a hood on his head.

Batman continued. "Red Tornado volunteered to live here and be your supervisor. Black Canary is in charge of training. I will deploy you on missions."

"Real missions?" Robin countered.

"Yes, but covert." Batman said.

"The League will still handle the obvious missions." Flash said, standing behind them. "There's a reason we have these big targets on our chests."

"Cadmus proves the bad guys are getting smarter." Aquaman said. "Batman needs a team that can operate on the sly."

"The six of you will be that team." Batman finished.

"Cool," Robin said, then stopped. "Wait...the six of us?"

Batman gestured behind him to Martian Manhunter walking in with a fairly pretty green skinned girl.

"This is the Martian Man hunter's niece, Miss. Martian." Batman explained.

"Hi." Miss Martian waved.

"I am liking this job already." Kid Flash whispered to Robin.

"And I'm Kid Flash." Kid Flash raced over to Miss Martian. "Oh and that's Robin and Aqualad. It's cool if you forget their names." He said nonchalantly.

Miss. Martian laughed. "I am honored to be included.

Robin looked back at Superboy. "Hey Superboy! Come meet Miss M!"

Superboy reluctantly came over. Miss. Martian looked at Superboy's black t-shirt with the red Superman logo and her shirt turned black with a red X on the front.

"I like your t-shirt." She told him shyly.

Superboy smiled as Robin hit in the arm with his elbow while Kid Flash speed next to Superboy and Danny was walking up to them and he shook Miss Martian's hand. Then they all started to looked at Aqualad for a moment and he saw that this was going to be a team.

"Today, is the day." Aqualad said.

Wow, this was the longest opening of the first chapter that I have ever done before and I am impressive with myself. I am hoping that this doesn't bore because you all have a long way to read. I am going to be working on the rest of the chapters on my next free time. If you have question or request, don't hesitate to shoot me an PM. I was just taking a break with Naruto fan fiction for a moment and I will have more chapters to add to my list of stories.

Please Review :)