Hey, everyone! So, here's chapter two. Finally, right? haha. Sorry about the little wait, I've had a lot going on this month. Anyway, I hope you guys like this chapter. I know you guys have been waiting to see Kendall's reaction to it, so here ya go! Enjoy it, especially you, Dana! :)

Disclaimer: Yeah...I still own nothing...

Warnings: Umm...Kendall says damn...

Kendall's POV

I whistled as I dug my keys out of my pocket. I was so glad to be home. Work had been long, and I had gone out to dinner with Jo afterwards. I was looking forward to relaxing. I stuck the apartment key into the lock, and unlocked the door, walking inside.

I closed the door, listening. It was really quiet and I knew James was home. The lights being on and his car being outside gave that away. Not to mention, Katie's car was outside too...So, where were they? And again, why was it so damn quiet?

My eyes widened. What if they were in James' room?! What if they were - they were- they - No. No way. There was no way they were in there, doing that. Right?

I hurried to James' room. I relaxed, seeing that the door was open and no one was in there. I peeked into the living room, and saw them curled up together on the couch. They were snuggled up under a blanket, sleeping, with Katie curled into him.

I stared at them, wondering what exactly had gone on while I wasn't home. Despite the two of them being oblivious to the others' feelings, I knew exactly how they both felt. And I had tried to hint at it and even went as far as saying the other had a crush, at the very least, on them, but they wouldn't hear it. Apparently, I was nuts.

I shook my head. Yet, here they were, snuggled up on the couch together. Which, James did not do. But he always made exceptions for Katie. Always. Things he said he'd never do, he always did for or with her. That alone showed how special she is to him. He did whatever he could to please her.

Maybe that's why I always seemed to push the subject about them having feelings for each other. They both knew each other like the back of their hand. Katie takes care of him all the time. She does that with all of us, but it wasn't the point. She tended to fawn over him. And sometimes James seemed to take more of an interest in her life than I did.

I didn't use to understand why. That was, until I put the pieces together. He wasn't acting like a protective big brother. He was jealous, though he'd never admit it. He didn't want her with anyone else. I just wasn't sure if he had realized that or not. Knowing him, he probably did chalk it up as to just being protective.

But he was exactly what I wanted for Katie. I'm sure that would shock most people. But he always made sure she was taken care of, no matter what. He did whatever to make her happy. And that's all I've ever wanted for my baby sister. To be happy.

Plus, I've known James my entire life. He's a good dude. And if he really did care for Katie, which I knew he did, then I'd be fine with them dating. I knew she'd be in good hands. She'd get everything she deserved to have and so much more. They both just needed to tell the other how they felt.

I walked over to them, and shook James.

He made a protesting noise, pulling Katie closer.


His eyes flew open and he looked up at me. "K - Kendall. This isn't - it's not -"

I gave him an amused look. "So, you're not cuddling on the couch with my baby sister?"

"I - uhh..."

I laughed. "Dude, it's fine. When are you finally going to admit that you like her?"

"Shhh!" he hissed. "She could hear you. And I'm still trying to work it out."

I shook my head. "Guess that's better than you still trying to deny it. And I told you, she likes you too."

"You're nuts."

"So I've been told. But I'm not wrong. I wouldn't tell you that if it wasn't true and if I wasn't sure."

"Let's talk in another room," he said, gently easing himself away from Katie.

She whined.

"Shhh..." He laid her down completely, covering her up.

She let out a sigh, snuggling into the couch.

We headed into the kitchen.

James leaned against the counter.

I looked at him expectantly. "Well?"

So...What did you guys think? I know it's a little short, and I'm sorry. I just felt that where I ended it was a really good spot. I really wanted it to be in James' POV when they talk, and it gives it a little bit of a cliffhanger. Anyway, drop a review and let me know what you guys think. Love you all! :)