Hello Everyone! I am FightforFiction… Yeah. I really hope you enjoy! If you like Divergent, head to my page and read my other story, A Dauntless Life With Caleb? Yeah I apologize in advance for any bad grammar, Beta-ing in progress!

Anyway please review, follow, and favorite. I really do enjoy writing and I really love feed back from you guys.

And thank you to my Beta LeighSix.

Thank you and enjoy! ~N

Fidelity: faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support.

Gale Hawthorne has not seen his girlfriend Katniss Everdeen for nearly three years. Actually two years, eleven months, twenty days; not that Gale is counting or anything.

Partly because he works in the army as a pilot and Katniss lives in England. Katniss Everdeen moved to England when she was twenty-two years of age, to pursue a creative writing career. She chose England because she simply stated: "I need a change of scenery. Tennessee just isn't enough inspiration." So Gale agreed and Katniss moved with in a month.

When Katniss left, Gale had nothing or no one to provide for, he felt pretty useless. So Gale Hawthorne enlisted in the Army, he did one year of Aviation and another two in a boot camp in Washington. Three months after Katniss settled down in England, Gale visited. He stayed with Katniss for a week before having to return home for his aviation training.

Gale moved around a lot for his career in the army, and not living in a house, but an army base for two years. He did not receive any piece of information from Katniss, only the occasional phone call or letter.

Gale Hawthorne stands at the loading zone at Gatwick airport. The black taxies line up waiting for the ocean of people to occupy them. He carries his duffel bag and drags his suitcase behind him as he walks towards a vacant taxi. Gale clicks a button on his phone and her address comes up, "287 High Road, Holloway." The taxi driver nods and starts the small car. Gale is surprising Katniss by showing up at her small house in London, he was told two weeks ago that he was to be stationed anywhere in the world and instantly the opportunity of being with Katniss came to mind.

Gale thinks of Katniss's reactions: flabbergasted, stunned, maybe even angry. He chuckles thinking of her facial expressions; Gale always loved how Katniss was so… pure.

He falls asleep merely from the jet lag and when he wakes he find him self in the street where Katniss lives. Gale got the address from Katniss's 'uncle,' Haymitch. Gale never really liked Haymitch, he drank and was very sadistic, but in ways Katniss and Haymitch were alike, they were both very stubborn, and they were proud.

The taxi driver pulls up to a brown brick home, with white windows sills and a fire-engine-red front door. Gale unloads his suitcase and duffel bag and makes his way through the front gate. Primroses line the concrete path up to the front door, a peppermint green tricycle sits still among the flowers. Gale quirks an eyebrow at the sight, Katniss and children don't mix. 'It must belong to the family that Katniss boards with,' Gale thinks to himself. Last time he visited her, Katniss was staying with a couple, the man was a bit cocky but they were fine. But now it looked like Katniss was staying with a family.

Gale sets his bag down and checks his world clock; it was 3:35 in the afternoon. And with a deep breath Gale rings the doorbell. He hears some scuffling inside and then the fire-engine-door opens, Gale looks around for a second and his eyes land on a small girl holding the door open, her striking blue eyes look up at him questioningly and her raven coloured hair is pulled back into a messy plait, she clutches a lilac purple blanket in her tanned arms and her clothes look crumpled from a recent nap. She's maybe two at the most.

"Hello," The little girl greets, "I'm Willow." Her voice is strong and clear, and it surprises Gale that there is a slight drawl. For a split moment Gale thinks that the little girl is the only one home, when a tall stocky man appears behind her.

"Sorry about that," He says, the man scoops up the little girl in his arms and sets her on his hip. "Now Willow, what do we say about answering the door?" He asks the little girl, Gale can't decipher if he is French or American because of his accent.

"Don't answer the door, because of stranger-danger," Willow answers with a slight pout.

"Good girl," The man says as he kisses her head. The only similarities between them are their eyes, the same shade of blue. But this man has shaggy blonde hair, light stubble on his jaw and pale skin. He turns toward Gale and greets, "Hello, what can I do for you?"

Gale stumbles for words for a moment and then replies, "I'm looking for Katniss, Katniss Everdeen?" The man looks at Gale blankly for a moment, and then recognition floods his features.

"Everdeen, aye?" The man smirks and extends the hand that isn't holding the toddler, "I'm Peeta Mellark, and you are?"

Gale shakes Peeta's hand firmly and responds, "I'm Gale, Gale Hawthorne." Peeta stops shaking Gale's hand for a millisecond, his eyes widen and he smiles, his white teeth almost blinding Gale.

"Well Gale Hawthorne, Katniss should be home any minute," Peeta says, "You want some tea or coffee while you wait?"

Gale smiles and shakes his head, "No, I'm just fine."

Peeta leads Gale through a small hallway. Pictures of Katniss and Prim line the walls, some of Katniss and her mother, and one of Katniss and her father before he died when she was eleven. Gale can feel a small smile on his lips as he sees a photo of Katniss and Gale on her graduation day, her black robes hangs of her shoulders and her cap is slightly off center. Gale is two years older that Katniss, he was in his second year of college when that photo was taken.

Peeta tells Gale to make himself at home; he sets down his bags and walks into a small living room. A brown leather couch faces a flat screen TV on the wall and a small white coffee table is set in the middle of a burgundy rug. Crayons are sprawled all over the coffee table and rug, pictures and paper are spread through out the room. Some are on the floor, on furniture and some are taped to the wall, next to an exquisite painting of a sunset. Gale admires the painting for a second; he is pulled out of his daze when he feels a tug at his pants. Gale looks down to find the small girl looking up at him.

"Do you like my drawings?" She asks, Gale smiles as she queries him. "They're not as good as my daddy's paintings, but my mum says they're good."

Gale looks back at the drawings; Willow has drawn large circles with lines through them and two dots. "Are they your family?" Gale asks playfully, now seeing that the oddly formed drawings are strangely shaped humans. Willow nods excitedly and Gale says, "Well I think they are great."

Willow smiles a toothy grin and resumes drawing. Gale sits himself down on the leather couch and looks around the room. More paintings line the walls, some of oceans, forests, cities, and deserts. Gale thinks they are incredible.

"Do you like the paintings?" Peeta asks when he enters the room; he carries a mug and sips on it gingerly.

Gale nods and answers, "Yeah, I do."

"Thank you," Peeta says, "They took me a while to complete, but they turned out good in the end."

Gale looks at Peeta in surprise and asks, "You painted these?" Peeta nods and sips on his coffee, a smile forming on his lips. "Damn man you're talented." Peeta smiles in thanks and Gale thinks for a moment, 'If Peeta painted these then he must be Willows father.'

"You must be Willows father then?" Gale questions Peeta.

"Yeah, my wife and I weren't really expecting her," He answers, "We thought we were a bit young, but I wouldn't trade Willow for the world. I'm twenty six, by the way."

Gale nods and says, "I'm twenty- six as well. Anyway what do you do for a living?"

Peeta wastes no time in answering Gale, "I'm an artist and I run a small pastry shop that is about a ten minute drive from here."

"Wow, that's interesting. Do you make a lot of money?" Gale asks surprised. Peeta nods his head and shrugs his shoulders.

"It's popular, the shop I mean. Apparently it's a 'trendy' place so we get some good business, which leads to good income. My art is going okay, I guess. A lot of older couples appreciate it more than younger people, but I can't complain. But there are paintings in the café, so there's some money there too." Peeta explains, taking a seat in an armchair adjacent to Gale. "So what do you do?"

"I'm, uh, I'm a pilot for the U.S army," Gale says, nodding his head slowly.

Peeta smiles. "That must be fun, my brother is in the army"

"Yeah, well, it is but the training is hard and I don't get to see my family very often," Gale answers truthfully.

"Aw, that'd suck, I don't know if I could handle being away from my family," Peeta says, then directs his eyes over to Willow who is concentrating hard on her drawing, "Especially this little munchkin right there." Willow giggles, as Peeta tickles her sides.

"So, Peeta," Gale says, "how do you know Katniss?"

His eyes light up as he replies, "Actually Katniss and I ar-"

Peeta is cut off by a large banging sound coming from the front door, followed by a woman hollering, "We're home!" A tall woman enters the living space, her black hair is cut into a pixie fringe and her brown eyes scan the room. Gale assumes that this must be Peeta's wife… she seems nice? "Bread boy, little muffin," she acknowledges, her eyes land on Gale and she asks, "Who is this hunky human being?"

Peeta answers quickly, "This is Gale, Gale Hawthorne." The woman's eyes widen and she nods.

"Well hello there Gale Hawthorne," She greets, "I am Johanna Mason, and you can call me Jo." She says in her thick British accent.

"Where's Katniss?" Peeta asks Johanna, she points down the hall towards the front door. Jo sits next to Willow on the ground when another girl joins us, she has flowing brown hair and sea green eyes, Gale recognizes her as Katniss's past roommate, the one with the cocky husband.

"Gale," Annie says, she sounds out of breath, "Long time, no see."

Gale nods and replies, "Yeah, I haven't seen you since Katniss was living with you and Finnick was it?"

Annie nods and looks towards the front door, "Yeah, it's been a long time." Gale is drawn out of the conversation when Willow grabs his hand and pulls him down to the coffee table, she hands him a blue crayon and they start to draw onto pieces of paper. Gale hears the front door open once more and Katniss enters with a young boy. He has bronze hair and sea green eyes; he runs to Annie and latches onto her leg. That must be Annie's son.

Peeta raises from his seat and walks towards Katniss, she hugs him tightly and says, "Hey."

"Hi," Peeta says back, "How was shopping?"

"Ugh, our little womb nugget is making me want to pee a lot," Katniss replies, Willow shoots from her spot next to Gale and bolts towards Katniss.

"Mummy!" She yells as she throws her arms around Katniss, "I missed you!"

Katniss picks Willow up and cuddles her, "I missed you too, my little cupcake." Katniss then kisses Peeta and says, "And I missed my darling husband."

Husband?! Gale watches Katniss kiss Peeta, his mind races. He only saw her three years ago and now she's married? With a kid?

"Katniss." Peeta says into his kiss with Katniss. She hums in response, "We have a visitor."

Katniss pulls away from Peeta and turns to Gale, only then does he see the small baby bump prodding out from Katniss's black shirt. Her eyes land on Gale and a mix of emotions cross Katniss's face, from utter surprise to complete puzzlement. "Gale!" Katniss says, she places her daughter on the floor and untangles herself from Peeta, "It's so good to see you!"

Gale rises from his spot on the ground and accepts Katniss's hug, "Katniss." Gale says breathlessly, he can feel the baby bump press against his abdomen. It's a lot for one man to take in. Going to surprise your girlfriend, arriving in a strange house where a strange man invites you in, finds out that she has a daughter and is married to the strange man, who is also the father of her daughter and her unborn child.

"Well, I have a lot to explain don't I?" Katniss jokes lightly.

"You sure do," Gale says.

This actually happened to my older sisters friend, she moved to Italy and when her boyfriend went to visit her two years later (thinking they were still together), she was married and preggers! So don't say this is unrealistic, because it actually has happened!

This is quite a short chapter, but I promise the story gets better and if you have any ideas private message me! I update one to two times a week, if you guys are wondering.

Again Please review, follow, and favorite! ~N